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Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: truth frees you ()
Date: May 25, 2017 10:56PM

cnn, nbc, wapo, nyt are all of course ignoring the shit out of this story...

however, even fox, breitbart, and drudge are starting to back off...

they are all owned by the same money and this story is too damaging for any of them to not be in on the cover up

Seth Rich was the hero kind of liberal from the past and he single handedly saved us from the EU hell that Hillary had planned for us...too bad he can't save us from the wars that Trump lied about not starting

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: trump national golf course ()
Date: May 25, 2017 11:19PM

truth frees you Wrote:
> cnn, nbc, wapo, nyt are all of course ignoring the
> shit out of this story...
> however, even fox, breitbart, and drudge are
> starting to back off...
> they are all owned by the same money and this
> story is too damaging for any of them to not be in
> on the cover up
> Seth Rich was the hero kind of liberal from the
> past and he single handedly saved us from the EU
> hell that Hillary had planned for us...too bad he
> can't save us from the wars that Trump lied about
> not starting

supposedly seth rich was piloting the F35 that shot down that Malaysian airliner, but the msm doesn't want you to know the REAL FACTS

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: Birth Certificate ()
Date: May 25, 2017 11:43PM

Seth Rich was born on a grassy knoll in Dallas.

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: Mike O'Meara Show Fan ()
Date: May 25, 2017 11:56PM


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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: sheeple.... ()
Date: May 26, 2017 07:56AM

brainwashed sheep thinking they are superior/funny because of their brainwashing would be annoying if they weren't such fools...

the look at a pyramid with the all seeing eye on it everytime someone pays them for a bj and tossed salad and they laugh when someone points out the nwo that put thm in their slave position

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: Pem3j ()
Date: May 26, 2017 08:01AM

I hear Seth invented a car engine that runs on water.

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: just saying ()
Date: May 26, 2017 08:03AM

cool, that will end global warming due to penis...although you and your mom sucking them dry is helping too

Pem3j Wrote:
> I hear Seth invented a car engine that runs on
> water.

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: snowflakes are all the same ()
Date: May 26, 2017 08:10AM

for all the snowflakes...complete your brainwashing


btw, i do believe in the nwo since it has symbols on every dollar bill...and i could kick the ass in science and math out of 99% of you brainwashed sheep...the standardized tests of your gods have already proved it...

fuck off you snowflake nazi-commie punks !

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: Base 12 numbers ()
Date: May 26, 2017 08:33AM

sheeple.... Wrote:
> brainwashed sheep thinking they are superior/funny
> because of their brainwashing would be annoying if
> they weren't such fools...
> the look at a pyramid with the all seeing eye on
> it everytime someone pays them for a bj and tossed
> salad and they laugh when someone points out the
> nwo that put thm in their slave position

I agree. This was all predicted by the Mayan calendar. But of course the mainstream media and academic elites still force us to use the Gregorian calendar. Makes me wonder what else they're trying to hide.

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 02, 2017 10:13PM

Putin just admitted to the hacking. He says it was the work of patriotic Russian hackers working independently.

That means Seth Rich is bullshit. Well of course we already knew the Russians were responsible but now Putin himself is taking credit for it to his people.

So are you idiots on here going to apologize for your fake news?

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: Faggymanderer ()
Date: June 02, 2017 10:25PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Putin just admitted to the hacking. He says it
> was the work of patriotic Russian hackers working
> independently.

No, he did not. You got it wrong, AGAIN.

He opined that was one possible scenario.

It's far more likely that a Bernie supporter with access to the Democrat emails sent them to Wikileaks.

Go find another internet to post your bullshit.

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Re: Seth Rich murder is exposing the liars even further than Trump did...
Posted by: Truer History ()
Date: June 02, 2017 10:27PM

Birth Certificate Wrote:
> Seth Rich was born on a grassy knoll in Dallas.

And grew up as a poor black child working the coal mines in Kentucky.

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