What's up Queerbait? Want to party? Must have 8.5 inches, Coke can girth and mushroom tip. I'm hongry...
Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> >There's only one genuine DAJAX and he's
> registered..
> FUCK OFF PERVERT! speaking bout your self....And
> Yes I'm Registered ..asshole with 300 some posts
> ..
> Cary Get this perveted fuck offa my user name..hes
> got 5 posts sneaked in on His dime..not mime ..and
> got my name registered....Thats NOT Supposed to
> happen Cary!!..And This Troll Gun Grabber adds
> Nothing to the site but Lies and Bullshit!
> Now as the real DAJAX..I know the ropes here..on
> FXU..Now Cary..!!... Cary..??...Cary...??
> Cary......?? ....CARY!!!!!! LOL
> The Real DAJAX ! just look at the post count of
> this copy cat ass.. you'll know he's full of shit
> DAJAX with My "Tablecloth Security Code" for
> now..till its copyed.. Tasty Home made chicken
> soup..No Salt Added..Salt is a Cheap Way ..that
> punk shitheads like the punk fake on my user name
> would use to make a flavorful broth..
> Now as the Real DAJAX..Ill let you in on how to
> make real chicken soup..you get a cheap
> chicken..take out all the innards..remove any
> paper wrap..slice the chicken up cut into the wing
> area, the thighs, cut the breast down the
> middle..rinse it all off..slap it into a pot add
> 1 1/2 quarts of water a big piece of onion, a
> carrot with skin on, a stalk of celery , a
> teaspoon of dry cheap thyme, a dozen black
> peppercorns.. Then bring it to a boil covered..and
> turn down to simmer..let it simmer 1 1/2 hours and
> the meats falling off the bone.. drain it thru a
> colander into another pot for the broth..let
> cool..Then when cool..skim the fat off the broth.
> a trip to the fridge will get more off as it gets
> hardened up on the surface..The chicken maet and
> veggies..toss all the veggies..pick all the good
> meat off the bones..toss the rest.. The meat makes
> chicken slaad or chicken to just eat or use ..what
> not..The broth you keep.
> To make chicken soup..put some broth in a pot..add
> carrots ..some onion..celery and frozen peas and
> bring to boil and simmer..then add the noodles and
> they take about 15 minutes..The best are the
> Kluski Polish ones..you can put a small bit of cut
> of potatos in..but don't overdo noodles or
> potatoes..they are starch and swell up.. the last
> 5 minutes of cooking add some chicken meat..cut
> up..cubed..shredded what ever..That's it..Baby!!
> You can put any veggies you want
> in..tomatoes..cream..corn..Jalapenos..Green
> Pepper..Green Beans..or just make it with a tiny
> bit of chicken ..a few noodles for a sick
> one..with some toast to go with it..
> The Real DAJAX
> Attachments: