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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
What's up with the police?
Posted by: new resident ()
Date: September 24, 2009 08:10PM

I was told about this site by a friend of mine. She told me i should post my story here because people need to hear about it. And honestly, I don't know whether i should even try to pursue this or not. I feel like I have no rights whatsoever anymore.

At 6am this morning i was woken to the sound of banging on my front door. It sounded like somebody was trying to break the thing down. I live in a 2 story home and i rent my room off of my landlord who has a room upstairs. There are two other females who rent rooms also in the house, plus the landlord's little brother (it's a big house). My landlord comes downstairs and opens the door and is immediately pulled outside with guns pointed on him by the fairfax county police. There were three male officers, one female officer and two FBI agents. My landlord was shoved up against the brick of the house and had to stand there in the "search" position with legs spread and hands on the wall. All of us that were still inside the house were brought out of our rooms under gunpoint and cuffed, then led outside to the front lawn. One door was kicked open and broken upstairs.
Once we were all outside the police proceeded to finish searching the house. At this point they still never told us why they were there or what was going on. We all had guns pointed at us, we were all confused, we were cuffed and on the front lawn for all of our neighbors and anyone passing by to see. Finally they finished searching and brought us all back inside the house. They uncuffed us and took our names, social security numbers and dates of birth. They then ran all of our information. Once that was done they told us they were looking for a man. They showed us his picture. Apparently this guy used to live at the house prior to my landlord purchasing it. Then one of the detectives handed us a business card and they just left. I mean, what the hell!?

The attitude they gave off the entire time was very arrogant. They basically made us feel like this is what they're going to do and we can deal with it. All of us are hardworking taxpayers in this county. I am a combat veteran and so is my landlord. The other two girls work in the medical field and the landlord's little brother is still in high school and planning on entering the marine corps. The poor kid was woken up by his door being kicked in and men with guns yelling at him. No warrant was shown at any point. i asked about one and they said they had one but never showed it. My landlord said he also asked and they said they did not have it with them. Is anyone even going to pay for the door they broke? Or should we just suck that up too?

They did admit that they had been casing our house for the past couple of days and never saw the man they were looking for. So why the dramatics then? Do you really need to come in with guns drawn and cuffing everyone? Not to mention parading us outside on the front lawn like a bunch of criminals.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: anonymous73 ()
Date: September 24, 2009 08:26PM

Do you live in Springfield or Annandale? The FBI and Fairfax County Police arrested 20 people today in connection with a large mortgage fraud scheme. Several properties in Springfield and Annandale were involved. Here's the press release: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/news-releases/2009/092409mortgagescheme.htm

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Junior ()
Date: September 24, 2009 08:28PM

Are you an illegal?

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: new resident ()
Date: September 24, 2009 08:34PM

I live in Springfield. Wow! I wish they would have told us about all of that. They just came in, did their thing and took off. We were only told they were looking for some guy. Thanks for the info

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Starchild ()
Date: September 24, 2009 08:44PM

Junior Wrote:
> Are you an illegal?

Yeahh...because illegals can type the English language sooooo well. Even the best translators wouldn't do that good. Dumbfuck.

Anyway, new resident, I'm sure there could be something that you could do being that it was an illegal search. You just need a good lawyer and some of the officers names. That's just my guess, I'm not 100% sure.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Perseus ()
Date: September 24, 2009 08:57PM

Don't feel too bad. It gives the Sticker Checkers (FCPD) something else to do besides sit at checkpoints in rush hour looking at car decals. Those idiots live a pretty pathetic life.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: police state ()
Date: September 24, 2009 09:21PM

Welcome to Fairfax County

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Rebecca ()
Date: September 24, 2009 09:40PM

At least they didn't shoot your dogs

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: wow ()
Date: September 24, 2009 09:53PM

I appreciate the post, it's a good thing to be aware of. It's also pretty scary. You should consult a lawyer, because it sounds like the police think we don't have the rights outlined under the fourth amendment anymore. You were unreasonably searched, and unreasonably seized, and they didn't even show you any warrant.

Also, I was looking for a picture of the Virginia flag to post. It's not posted on the Virginia.gov homepage anywhere, isn't that a shame?

"Thus always to tyrants"

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: wow ()
Date: September 24, 2009 10:17PM

Also, congrats to the police for the big bust. Hopefully they got the criminal. But, our rights still need to be respected.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: September 24, 2009 10:30PM

Just be glad you didn't have any family pets in the house.

Apparently, it is standard procedure to shoot and kill dogs during raids. And if the raid turns out to be a mistake, well, the cops defend the practice. Because we should all respect their authority, they are doing it to protect us, the little serfs.

The function of conservatives is not to meet every liberal program or scheme with a denunciation or a destructive counterscheme, but rather to weigh its advantages and defects, supporting the first and challenging the second. A declaration of ideological warfare against liberalism is by its nature profoundly unconservative. It meets perceived radicalism with a counterradicalism of its own.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Officer Friendly ()
Date: September 24, 2009 10:47PM

Thurston Moore Wrote:
> And if the raid turns out
> to be a mistake, well, the cops defend the
> practice. Because we should all respect their
> authority, they are doing it to protect us, the
> little serfs.

Thank you for your servitude.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: September 24, 2009 11:41PM

Officer Friendly Wrote:
> Thurston Moore Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And if the raid turns out
> > to be a mistake, well, the cops defend the
> > practice. Because we should all respect their
> > authority, they are doing it to protect us, the
> > little serfs.
> Thank you for your servitude.

No problem, officer. Anything you say, officer. Glad I could help, officer. You guys are doing a heckuva job, officer!

The function of conservatives is not to meet every liberal program or scheme with a denunciation or a destructive counterscheme, but rather to weigh its advantages and defects, supporting the first and challenging the second. A declaration of ideological warfare against liberalism is by its nature profoundly unconservative. It meets perceived radicalism with a counterradicalism of its own.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Janz ()
Date: September 25, 2009 12:12AM

Consulting a lawyer is a good idea, since no search warrant was shown.

The reason there I guess is, they assumed that the people living in these homes which were raided, were illegal aliens who would be totally clueless about the laws here in America.

You also should contact the local television news outlets as well, concerning your unfortunate encounter. They may be able to shed some light on this.

Good luck. :)

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 25, 2009 01:02AM

Fuck the po-lice...

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: BobS ()
Date: September 25, 2009 01:28AM

Law enforcement people are generally not very intelligent and ignorant to boot. Any woman who finds those idiots attratctive I repudiate.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: secret police ()
Date: September 25, 2009 01:32AM

I wonder if the cops actually believe people respect them...

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: September 25, 2009 02:09AM

secret police Wrote:
> I wonder if the cops actually believe people
> respect them...

Yeah, they actually believe that.

Haven't you ever noticed the douchebag in the grocery store who is obviously a cop? Even though he's off duty and in street clothes, he has this swagger and pompous attitude, even though he's wearing a tap out wife beater and the goatee, and everyone looks at him like he's an asshole, he really believes that he is the shit, the man, the tough guy with the big guns.

But, there are also cops who aren't like that. Most of them are just regular people who for whatever reason decided to do that job.

But the assholes who think they're the biggest toughest shit, the "terminator" cops, those are the ones that destroy our rights, pull shit like midnight no-knock raids where it's SOP to shoot any dog they encounter, and otherwise trample on the rights of citizens.

So we should mock those assholes, and maybe the normal cops will no longer be the voiceless majority.

The function of conservatives is not to meet every liberal program or scheme with a denunciation or a destructive counterscheme, but rather to weigh its advantages and defects, supporting the first and challenging the second. A declaration of ideological warfare against liberalism is by its nature profoundly unconservative. It meets perceived radicalism with a counterradicalism of its own.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: September 25, 2009 07:02AM

I'd consult with a lawyer.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: September 25, 2009 08:14AM

Dear "new resident",

Your situation does not sound good. Your rights were violated, your property was damaged, and your neighbors now think you are a drug dealer or a terrorist. How did this all happen? How did the good 'old US and A turn into this? The answer: The USA P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, and its provision for FBI usage of "national security letters". I cannot fathom any other excuse for what you went through, and if everything was legit the cops should have shown you a warrant. But under the PATRIOT Act the FBI can get secret warrants (national security letters) which they do not have to show anyone, not you nor a judge. There is no judicial review at all. Welcome to our brave new world. Welcome to Oceania. By the way, the police are not responsibe for your door. Get it fixed on your own dime. I'm NOT kidding.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: MudShark ()
Date: September 25, 2009 09:16AM

You know what the Patriot act is also responsible for? Were it not for the Patriot Act, the FBI would not have been able to track those Asshole Muslims in Colorado last week who desperately want to detonate bombs in our subways.

Most provisions in the act will expire this year and Muslim Obama certainly won't extend them. Let the bombings begin!

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Who knows ()
Date: September 25, 2009 09:48AM

Well first of all you said the landlord opened the door and later in the rant you said they busted down your door. Sounds like the typical complaining after the police take some shit bags off the street. Second, they didn’t need a search warrant, they had a felony arrest warrant with information that the WANTED person could possibly have been in the house. Don’t waste your money on a lawyer, you will lose.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: BagODonuts ()
Date: September 25, 2009 09:57AM

Who knows Wrote:
> Well first of all you said the landlord opened the
> door and later in the rant you said they busted
> down your door. Sounds like the typical
> complaining after the police take some shit bags
> off the street. Second, they didn’t need a search
> warrant, they had a felony arrest warrant with
> information that the WANTED person could possibly
> have been in the house. Don’t waste your money on
> a lawyer, you will lose.

You're an idiot. Learn to read.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: September 25, 2009 10:16AM

im surprised most of you are beliving the story so easily. i mean everyone here knows how most ppl on this site like to exagerate their police encounters. Im sure the events didnt go down precisly as was worded there may have been some misconduct by the police but there is no way were talking big brother here, i mean come on. and also, the dog shooting was some swat team from MD not ffx, and i really doubt our swat team can take another hit after culosi shooting, they are watching their step.

i agree w/ whoever posted earlier that there are good cops and asshole cops. i may not like every cop i encounter, but i at least respect them for the job they do, a neccesary evil as it were

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Who Knows ()
Date: September 25, 2009 10:43AM

LOL.....Im an Idiot? I need to learn to read, ok So that you dont have to scroll I will cut and paste the comments:

My landlord comes downstairs and opens the door and is immediately pulled outside with guns pointed on him by the fairfax county police.


My landlord said he also asked and they said they did not have it with them. Is anyone even going to pay for the door they broke? Or should we just suck that up too?

So did they break it or did he open it?

Sorry I have to spell it out for all you like you are 2 year olds! But im and idiot....HAHAHAHA

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: September 25, 2009 10:49AM

No. They won't pay for the door.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: conVince ()
Date: September 25, 2009 11:03AM

Oh good, we can finally get on with the police state. Maybe some of you photoshop guys can give us a demonstration of what our new flag will look like when we are renamed the United Empire of Amerika, with our sovereign overlord B. Hussein O. to ensure our peaceful and grand society.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: exfairfax ()
Date: September 25, 2009 11:39AM

"The poor kid was woken up by his door being kicked in and men with guns yelling at him. ....Is anyone even going to pay for the door they broke? Or should we just suck that up too?"

I'm reading bedroom door. Not front door.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: September 25, 2009 01:19PM

That's pretty fucking crazy.

If I was you I would not only be consulting a lawyer but the local news stations and press.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: BagODonuts ()
Date: September 25, 2009 01:44PM

Who Knows Wrote:
> LOL.....Im an Idiot? I need to learn to read, ok
> So that you dont have to scroll I will cut and
> paste the comments:
> My landlord comes downstairs and opens the door
> and is immediately pulled outside with guns
> pointed on him by the fairfax county police.
> Then,
> My landlord said he also asked and they said they
> did not have it with them. Is anyone even going to
> pay for the door they broke? Or should we just
> suck that up too?
> So did they break it or did he open it?
> Sorry I have to spell it out for all you like you
> are 2 year olds! But im and idiot....HAHAHAHA

Did you miss this part of the post: "One door was kicked open and broken upstairs."

The poster was obviously referencing a door separate from the front door which the landlord answered and opened that was not broken.

Again, learn to read oh brilliant one.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: September 25, 2009 01:51PM

Sounds like the cops really vusted some heads!

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Mad at wrong people ()
Date: September 25, 2009 03:40PM

You are mad at the wrong people. In this situation its the FBI who you should be mad at. They were the reason why the police knocked on your door at 6am. The Fairfax County Police Dept. doesnt bring the FBI along to serve their own warrants. The FBI does bring along whatever local jurisdiction they are in to help serve the FBI's warrants. Also Fairfax County serves their warrants whenever they want, at any time they want. The FBI only serves warrants as early as 6am (not sure why but its in their SOPs) unless you are Bin Laden. So if you are really pissed call the FBI if you want an answer.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: September 25, 2009 04:20PM

Mad at wrong people Wrote:
> So if you are really pissed call the FBI if you want an answer.

Yeah, call the FBI and tell them they suck! That, and you want your door fixed since they vusted it all up.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: razz ()
Date: September 25, 2009 05:40PM

Didn't anyone ever tell you lesbian and gay porn is illegal in Fairfax?

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: NoT!!!! ()
Date: September 25, 2009 05:43PM

I am throwing the bull shit flag on that this story!!!!

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: eric56797 ()
Date: September 25, 2009 08:11PM

the story could be entirely true and still the law enforcement officers acted legally.

assuming they had knowledge of (notice i said knowledge, not possession of) a federal or state arrest warrant the police are allowed to enter the any residence that they have reasonable suspicion to believe is the suspects primary residence


the police may enter any residence if they have reasonable suspicion to believe the suspect is currently inside

The police do not need to show any occupants the warrant. In addition you were not arrested, you were detained to officer safety and identification purposes. The legal intent behind your detention was to discover if you know the suspect or are related to the suspect.

Regarding the FBI (and almost all other federal law enforcement agencies) doing this at 6AM this is the current federal guideline. Generally federal warrants are served between 0600 am and 10 pm. It is legal to serve warrants outside of this time frame however the judge/magistrate must indicate show on the warrant that service outside the normal hours was requested and approved.

Also in regards to "breaking down the door". A federal law enforcement officer must knock and announce (saying POLICE) and state their purpose (saying WARRANT) and leave a "reasonable time" for the occupant to answer prior to breaking down the door. The main exception here is if the federal law enforcement officer is able to hear "sounds of flight" or "sounds indicating a weapon may be present". then a federal law enforcement may break down the door. There is such a thing as a no knock warrant. These must be specifically granted by a federal judge/magistrate and the law enforcement officer must provide probable cause to the judge that officer safety or evidence is in jeopardy by performing a knock and announce. These no knock warrants are typically only granted in narcotics cases.

So the original poster may be telling the complete truth, but what it comes down to is that their rights were not violated.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: September 25, 2009 11:57PM

Who Knows Wrote:
> LOL.....Im an Idiot? I need to learn to read, ok
> So that you dont have to scroll I will cut and
> paste the comments:
> My landlord comes downstairs and opens the door
> and is immediately pulled outside with guns
> pointed on him by the fairfax county police.
> Then,
> My landlord said he also asked and they said they
> did not have it with them. Is anyone even going to
> pay for the door they broke? Or should we just
> suck that up too?
> So did they break it or did he open it?
> Sorry I have to spell it out for all you like you
> are 2 year olds! But im and idiot....HAHAHAHA

You forgot....

"One door was kicked open and broken upstairs"

So, yeah, the landlord opened the door, and the cops kicked in a locked bedroom door.

Sorry, you FAIL. Especially after going back and re-reading the OP and selectively posting only the parts that support your misinformed position.

The function of conservatives is not to meet every liberal program or scheme with a denunciation or a destructive counterscheme, but rather to weigh its advantages and defects, supporting the first and challenging the second. A declaration of ideological warfare against liberalism is by its nature profoundly unconservative. It meets perceived radicalism with a counterradicalism of its own.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Kenny_Powers ()
Date: September 26, 2009 04:00AM

new resident Wrote:
> I was told about this site by a friend of mine.
> She told me i should post my story here because
> people need to hear about it. And honestly, I
> don't know whether i should even try to pursue
> this or not. I feel like I have no rights
> whatsoever anymore.
> At 6am this morning i was woken to the sound of
> banging on my front door. It sounded like somebody
> was trying to break the thing down. Blah Blah Blah

honestly, its your fault. without a warrent to be in your house, and without probable cause, you should not have given them any information what so ever. you should have taken their badge numbers and immediately contacted a lawyer. But more likely this story was just from another FFCP hating troll on this site.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: You Dumb Asses ()
Date: September 26, 2009 09:29AM

Come on people. This is a totally bogus story. This kind of stuff does not happen in Fairfax Co. An entry without a warrant is a total waste of time, money and resources. If somebody is going to all the trouble to have the FBI involved they are going to make sure they have the bases covered! You FOOLS!!!

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Fuck the Police ()
Date: September 26, 2009 03:54PM

I believe the story. I've had a similar incident occur with the FFPD coming into my residence without a warrant. Unfortunately unless you have some money for a lawyer they can pretty much do as they please. Welcome to the Communist state of Virginia where all your state tax money is sent to Richmond and the police kick your door down on hunches with no court papers.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 27, 2009 05:19PM

Fuck the Police Wrote:
> I believe the story. I've had a similar incident
> occur with the FFPD coming into my residence
> without a warrant. Unfortunately unless you have
> some money for a lawyer they can pretty much do as
> they please. Welcome to the Communist state of
> Virginia where all your state tax money is sent to
> Richmond and the police kick your door down on
> hunches with no court papers.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: September 27, 2009 11:53PM

Thurston Moore Wrote:
> Just be glad you didn't have any family pets in
> the house.
> Apparently, it is standard procedure to shoot and
> kill dogs during raids. And if the raid turns out
> to be a mistake, well, the cops defend the
> practice. Because we should all respect their
> authority, they are doing it to protect us, the
> little serfs.

Aren't the Prince Georges County Cops just the GREATEST bunch of people in the whole wide world?

Bunch of dumbasses staked out a house, and even admitted to seeing the wife walk the dogs, and bring them into the home, moments before they busted in and shot them. I mean, wtf, you see them walk the dogs inside the house, and then you act surprised when you find them in there? Not to mention that even the coroner presented proof that they shot the dogs in their backs (Which goes hand-in-hand with the Mayor's recollection of events, NOT the Cops).

This no knock garbage is getting carried away as well. On the news recently they made some guy out to be "evil" because he shot and wounded four SWAT Officers in New Jersey, but what they also mentioned is that the Officers broke down his door and stormed his residence without knocking or announcing themselves. How the hell DO they expect the homeowner to respond?

The stupid fools even killed an 80 some year old lady in Atlanta, GA during a similar scenario when she shot at what she thought were home intruding criminals (Maybe they were anyway).

First and foremost, if the Officers know that a dog is inside, and they still feel there exists a need for "No-Knock" entry, they should send in the Pointman with a shotgun loaded with tazer rounds, and/or bean bags, and/or rubber slugs. OR, how about this novel idea (Wow), just arrest the suspect as he leaves the premises!!! Who would've thought?! As if some LEOs never learned a thing or two from Waco, bunch of numbskulls.

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: southcounty ()
Date: September 28, 2009 12:07AM

What happened Bob5, a cop steal your girlfriend?

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Re: What's up with the police?
Posted by: RCG239 ()
Date: September 28, 2009 02:16AM

sounds like a wild night.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2011 05:10PM by RCG239.

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