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Yorktown HS teacher exposes himself to underage boys at Tysons gym!
Posted by: jabberwocky ()
Date: January 29, 2017 04:48PM


I used to go to Tyson's Sport and Health and I remember seeing this guy there all the time. He was ALWAYS swimming laps. I remember thinking it was odd that a guy who swam so often could be so overweight. Turns out he was there for other reasons.

The worst part is that the members there are so casual with nudity that it must have been a dream come true for a sicko like him. I am willing to bet he chose that gym specifically for the amount of naked people walking around.

Here is his rate my teacher page, lots of kids saying he is a loser:

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Re: Yorktown HS teacher exposes himself to underage boys at Tysons gym!
Posted by: Cuntryboy ()
Date: January 29, 2017 05:00PM

jabberwocky Wrote:
> https://www.arlnow.com/2017/01/27/breaking-yorktow
> n-high-teacher-charged-with-indecent-exposure/
> I used to go to Tyson's Sport and Health and I
> remember seeing this guy there all the time. He
> was ALWAYS swimming laps. I remember thinking it
> was odd that a guy who swam so often could be so
> overweight. Turns out he was there for other
> reasons.
> The worst part is that the members there are so
> casual with nudity that it must have been a dream
> come true for a sicko like him. I am willing to
> bet he chose that gym specifically for the amount
> of naked people walking around.
> Here is his rate my teacher page, lots of kids
> saying he is a loser:
> http://www.ratemyteachers.com/thomas-lenihan/53541
> 89-t

The responses to rate my teacher seem very positive. If these kids trumped this up I hope they pay.

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Re: Yorktown HS teacher exposes himself to underage boys at Tysons gym!
Posted by: uhhcm ()
Date: January 29, 2017 05:03PM

How can a person NOT expose themself in a fucking gym locker room?!

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Re: Yorktown HS teacher exposes himself to underage boys at Tysons gym!
Posted by: TTSSS ()
Date: January 29, 2017 05:10PM


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Re: Yorktown HS teacher exposes himself to underage boys at Tysons gym!
Posted by: Vostro ()
Date: February 11, 2017 10:59PM

Ive talked to the guy, because he does swim there a lot and he was actuallly a swimmer in college and still does it to stay in shape. This is nothing more than a couple of kids overreaccting.

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