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Log Splitting Service
Posted by: Rowsdower ()
Date: September 04, 2009 09:09PM

I have a pile of logs from some felled trees. Any recommendations on a company that will split and stack them?

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: axeman ()
Date: September 04, 2009 09:18PM

Do it yourself you lazy ass. It's not that hard to swing an axe.

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: September 04, 2009 10:39PM

I used to do that back in my younger days

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: September 04, 2009 11:26PM

Call 1-800-lorax.

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: The Lorax ()
Date: September 04, 2009 11:35PM




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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: WorkinWood ()
Date: September 05, 2009 12:18AM

It's a workout, but a wedge and sledge hammer should take care of most of it. Don't be afraid to whack it HARD. Use inertia and the weight of the sledge to do most of the work. And watch your legs. At my pace, it's maybe 5 to 10 logs an hour depending on the wood. You might split the handle of a wedge or two before you get the feel for it.

Or, just run down to 7 eleven and ask around to see if there are two guys that want to help you out. They have to at least be able to lift and aim the hammer. Provide the wedge, sledge, and some beer for when they are done. If they seem to be working at a decent pace, $10 to $15 an hour should be fair.

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: ffxstoner ()
Date: September 05, 2009 12:20AM

RAC - Rent A Chainsaw. Or you can buy or borrow one.

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: WorkinWood ()
Date: September 05, 2009 12:44AM

I don't know about a chainsaw for splitting the sections. For cutting up the tree into sections I'd use a chainsaw, but for splitting the sections? Hmmmm. If you don't go the wedge and sledge route, maybe rent a gas powered log splitter from McLean rentals. It's fun and you can have some buddies over while doing it. No one breaks a sweat.

Let me know if you go with the chainsaw, though. We can trade war stories afterwords.

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: Rinkley ()
Date: September 05, 2009 07:04AM

The Lorax Wrote:
> hey
> HEY!

wow. i though we might be hearing from you.

btw, didn't you play for the cardinals several years back?

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Date: September 05, 2009 07:44AM

WorkinWood Wrote:
> I don't know about a chainsaw for splitting the
> sections. For cutting up the tree into sections
> I'd use a chainsaw, but for splitting the
> sections? Hmmmm. If you don't go the wedge and
> sledge route, maybe rent a gas powered log
> splitter from McLean rentals. It's fun and you can
> have some buddies over while doing it. No one
> breaks a sweat.
> Let me know if you go with the chainsaw, though.
> We can trade war stories afterwords.

Agree. A chainsaw seems like a really bad idea for splitting logs.

Can't you just call around to some local rental places and rent a log splitter? It would be a hell of a lot faster than splitting logs manually.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2009 07:45AM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: Andy RehringREHRINGAM@COMCAST.NET ()
Date: September 16, 2010 10:45PM

I have a log splitting service in the Portland area.
Good HWH Hydraulic equipment.
Weekends only
Andy @503-407-9894

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: September 16, 2010 10:46PM

If I knew you and you were going to cough up some dough, I'd take my axe to them and help you out.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: bloody blisters ()
Date: September 16, 2010 10:49PM

oregon area code eh? whats goin on here? what are these?

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 17, 2010 07:08AM


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/16/2013 06:07PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Log Splitting Service
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 17, 2010 12:03PM

You aren't a man until you've split a black oak

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