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Why does no one care about gas stations with shampoo hookup???
Posted by: circus clown ()
Date: September 04, 2009 01:13PM

How come VEIK has 61 look-sees but NO posts on his question about gas stations with shampoo hookups?

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Re: Why does no one care about gas stations with shampoo hookup???
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: September 04, 2009 02:04PM

Because we all have driveways where we wash our cars.

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Re: Why does no one care about gas stations with shampoo hookup???
Posted by: NOVA Wash ()
Date: September 04, 2009 02:05PM

pgens Wrote:
> Because we all have driveways where we wash our
> cars.

You wash your own car? How plebian.

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Re: Why does no one care about gas stations with shampoo hookup???
Posted by: Dana Peterson ()
Date: September 04, 2009 02:09PM

NOVA Wash Wrote:

> You wash your own car? How plebian.

Well ... I don't wash my car, but it does disgust me when I need to shampoo the carpeting but can't find a shampoo station.

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Re: Why does no one care about gas stations with shampoo hookup???
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: September 04, 2009 02:35PM


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Re: Why does no one care about gas stations with shampoo hookup???
Date: September 04, 2009 05:27PM

stanley steemers
hes a cool cat

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Re: Why does no one care about gas stations with shampoo hookup???
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: September 05, 2009 05:06AM

NOVA Wash Wrote:
> pgens Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Because we all have driveways where we wash our
> > cars.
> You wash your own car? How plebian.

fyi your kia still looks like ass after the $30 wash

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Re: Why does no one care about gas stations with shampoo hookup???
Posted by: Kit ()
Date: September 05, 2009 08:29AM

I hire two mexicans to wash my cars. $5 for both.

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