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Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Papa Bear ()
Date: September 01, 2009 02:41PM

EVery day after work I commute home on Elden Street. Almost every day but especially in rainy or dark conditions, I see "pedestrians of foreign origin" run across lanes of active traffic instead of crossing at the traffic lights.

I swear they are trying to get hit or injured so they can sue...

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: September 01, 2009 02:47PM

Papa Bear Wrote:
> EVery day after work I commute home on Elden
> Street. Almost every day but especially in rainy
> or dark conditions, I see "pedestrians of foreign
> origin" run across lanes of active traffic instead
> of crossing at the traffic lights.
> I swear they are trying to get hit or injured so
> they can sue...

Yeah... The longer I live in Arlington, the more I'm convinced that crosswalks are only for white people.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Septum Ring ()
Date: September 01, 2009 02:49PM

If you live in Arlington, why are you in a forum for Fairfax residents?

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Jam ()
Date: September 01, 2009 02:56PM

In Virginia it is LEGAL to hit pedestrians if they are not in a crosswalk. You have nothing to worry about.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Snapple ()
Date: September 01, 2009 02:59PM

Today in Reston some worker with a leafblower stepped right onto South Lakes in front of me. He was standing right in the shadow of a tree.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: N8TIVE NoVIRGINIAN ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:10PM

I especially like the mom's dragging a couple of small children with her who do this. There's also a bus stop there ... the other morning 3 people got off the bus and promptly started crossing right there ... only a couple of hundred feet from TWO different crosswalks. When the Town did all of the roadway revision there they should probably have put solid barriers up, not landscaping.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Turkey Sausage ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:18PM

They are not called "pedestrians of foreign origin" but "pedestrians of other places". You can use the anacronym "POOP" for short.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:20PM

Papa Bear Wrote:
> EVery day after work I commute home on Elden
> Street. Almost every day but especially in rainy
> or dark conditions, I see "pedestrians of foreign
> origin" run across lanes of active traffic instead
> of crossing at the traffic lights.

Think about it...if where you grew up the fastest thing coming down the 'street' in your village was a chicken or banged-up bicycle, you would have no fear of crossing in the middle of the street. So you move up here and you just do what you've always done.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:30PM

Septum Ring Wrote:
> If you live in Arlington, why are you in a forum
> for Fairfax residents?

Oh no, you got me, I should stop posting immediately. I'm sorry for the duplicity, Fairfax residents!

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:31PM


I commute on Elden as well.

Always see the same lady with her child in this cheap ass stroller crossing Elden and going towards the gas station on Alabama Drive.


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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: September 01, 2009 04:08PM

Go drive around MD GA Ave/Silverspring/Hyattsville or any other area that has a El Campero Pollo. and you will appreciate VA's situation much more. Up there its whole herds of people jaywalking.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: exfairfax ()
Date: September 01, 2009 04:31PM

It happens a lot in front of Giant and those apartment complexes. There's a couple of crosswalks just several yards away too.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Hal ()
Date: September 01, 2009 04:53PM

It's funny that this was posted today. When I got home from work yesterday, I told my wife how I came within inches of smearing some dumbass hispanic teenager all over Elden Street. I was right in front of the Giant.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: September 01, 2009 07:29PM

VEIK Wrote:
> I commute on Elden as well.
> Always see the same lady with her child in this
> cheap ass stroller crossing Elden and going
> towards the gas station on Alabama Drive.

My office is in Herndon, so I know which lady you're talking about. Going from Spring Street to Van Buren is like playing real life Frogger, only you're the car.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: September 01, 2009 11:49PM

Maybe V3ronica can explain this phenomenon to us.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: September 02, 2009 12:10AM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> Go drive around MD GA Ave/Silverspring/Hyattsville
> or any other area that has a El Campero Pollo.
> and you will appreciate VA's situation much more.
> Up there its whole herds of people jaywalking.

I was going to post the same thing! Georgia Ave and New Hampshire Ave are horrible for random pedestrians.

I've been at a traffic light, and could see 5 or 6 people walking down the right side of the street, towards the light, and then, just as the light turns green, they all dog leg into the road about 30 or 40 yards after the light and cross the street, creating a virtual traffic light.

I always lay on the horn, but that doesn't seem to faze them.

The worst offenders, I'm sorry to say, are the black gangsta wannabees. Not all blacks, but those "tough guy" blacks. I get the impression it is a way to prove their manhood or something. They will walk right in front of a moving vehicle, and will even look at the driver with this expression of "what the fuck? can't you see I'm walking here???" They make me wish a princess from the suburbs driving the escalade daddy bought her would just happen to be rolling by while texting her BFF at the very same time. One less arrogant prick in the world.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Brandon ()
Date: September 02, 2009 12:49AM

The upside of hitting a thug would be getting to loot the bling before calling an amboolance. Hopefully the stuff isn't fake or tied to some murder or stickup.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Hate it! ()
Date: September 02, 2009 01:09AM

yeah, what is it with Hispanics running across the road? I won't drive through Langley Park Maryland anymore. It's too friggin' scary with the Hispanics darting right into traffic.

My best friend hit one last year, he ran right out in front of her. Lots of witnesses and everyone agreed that she had done nothing wrong. My gf was a total wreck and her car was pretty messed up too. He got medivaced to shock trama in Baltimore. He made it, thank God. He was an illegal, with no insurance. So her car insurance had to pay for everything, even though it wasn't her fault. The insurance company said something like "it's just easier to pay it".

All I can figure is that back in their little villages in Central America they don't have any traffic so they don't know how to deal with it. They need to learn! It's awful. They're getting hurt, and killed, and we're getting scared to death!

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: N.yorker ()
Date: September 02, 2009 01:40AM

Hahaha, I just returned from NYC and it's just scary there if ur a driver. It makes Va/Md look like a country club compared to the ped's, cyclist and the scooters that all share the road with the yellow cabbies. I have had a lady just walk into the road against traffic in China town in Manhattan and if I didn't stop they would've scooped her brains off the road. Weekends is the worst.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: September 02, 2009 02:08AM

N.yorker Wrote:
> Hahaha, I just returned from NYC and it's just
> scary there if ur a driver. It makes Va/Md look
> like a country club compared to the ped's, cyclist
> and the scooters that all share the road with the
> yellow cabbies.

I drive in NYC quite often and have never found the
pedestrian traffic to be a problem -- people use the
crosswalks at the proper time, and don't jaywalk.

Mostly I am mid-town, not Chinatown, maybe it tends
to be different down there.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: September 02, 2009 02:36AM

Brandon Wrote:
> The upside of hitting a thug would be getting to
> loot the bling before calling an amboolance.
> Hopefully the stuff isn't fake or tied to some
> murder or stickup.

Yeah, you can loot his $19.99 BlueDouche earpiece, and maybe a few gold chains.

Thugs are pretty much below trailer-trash.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Gullet Sandwich ()
Date: September 02, 2009 04:59AM

Turkey Sausage Wrote:
> They are not called "pedestrians of foreign
> origin" but "pedestrians of other places". You
> can use the anacronym "POOP" for short.

Actually, "POFO" isn't bad either.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Date: September 02, 2009 09:54AM

yea talkin bout the giant in elden i work around worldgate
i always stop/slow for people to leave/go to giant. these people speed up on me i dont get it

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: September 02, 2009 09:58AM

Giant on Elden street.

Few years ago they have put up a 5ft or so metal fence so that people would not cross the road there.

What do they do?

they walk AROUND the fence, IGNORE the crosswalk, and RUN ACROSS the fucking elden street.

I see it all the time.

fucking crosswalk is 50 ft away.

No, lets run across 5 lanes of traffic and see if we can make it.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Date: September 02, 2009 10:19AM

VEIK Wrote:
> Giant on Elden street.
> Few years ago they have put up a 5ft or so metal
> fence so that people would not cross the road
> there.
> What do they do?
> they walk AROUND the fence, IGNORE the crosswalk,
> and RUN ACROSS the fucking elden street.
> I see it all the time.
> fucking crosswalk is 50 ft away.
> No, lets run across 5 lanes of traffic and see if
> we can make it.

half the time they dont even run just a casual stroll across as incoming traffic approaches. they know ppl will stop

i saw a bum fighting 5 mexicans at the 7-11 on worldgate (across from taco bell/wendys)
he held his own lol

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: September 02, 2009 10:41AM

Half the time they know that they can fuck with, and you, as a driver cant do shit.

I mean, they KNOW that they wont be run over on purpose.

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: Ay yiyi ()
Date: September 02, 2009 12:23PM

> I especially like the mom's dragging a couple of
> small children with her who do this.

Once I was on Route 1 and right in the middle of 4 lanes, standing IN THE TURN LANE was a woman with 2 kids, one of which was in a stroller. Cars were lined up behind her waiting to turn, but she didn't even seem to notice. A few blocks further down and I saw a guy doing almost the same thing. No medians were involved with either incidents

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Re: Are they trying to get run over?
Posted by: f ()
Date: September 05, 2009 09:42AM

they are here for a better life

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