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Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Dana Peterson ()
Date: September 01, 2009 01:23PM

A few days ago I heard Chris Core on the radio hawking replacement windows. I had forgotten about that guy.

Does anybody miss him? I usually doubted his sincerity when he'd raise an issue on his morning radio call-in show. His passion seemed fake to me.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: scottydfl422 ()
Date: September 01, 2009 01:26PM

I grew up listening to Chris in the afternoon on WMAL. I do miss him, although he does have a commentary every day on WTOP, called "Core Values"

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: September 01, 2009 01:30PM

He knew how to ask a question and take an answer with a semblance of class. I agreed with him on the immigration issue, but his show became a repetetive one-note bore.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Radiohead ()
Date: September 01, 2009 01:31PM

Pulling Chris Core off the air was just like pulling your finger out of a glass of water. Once it's gone you can't tell it was ever there. When one right-wing douchebag goes off the air a thousand others are ready to fill the empty space.

Dana Peterson Wrote:
> A few days ago I heard Chris Core on the radio
> hawking replacement windows. I had forgotten
> about that guy.
> Does anybody miss him? I usually doubted his
> sincerity when he'd raise an issue on his morning
> radio call-in show. His passion seemed fake to
> me.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Dana Peterson ()
Date: September 01, 2009 01:36PM

Radiohead Wrote:
> ... When
> one right-wing douchebag goes off the air a
> thousand others are ready to fill the empty
> space.

But that's an aspect of my point. Prior to the ascendency of right-wing talk radio, he was about as milquetoastian as one could get ... and he was employed by WMAL for a long time. I'm not sure he was a right-wing partisan, although he played one on the radio.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: September 01, 2009 02:00PM

Dana Peterson Wrote:
> Radiohead Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ... When
> > one right-wing douchebag goes off the air a
> > thousand others are ready to fill the empty
> > space.
> >
> But that's an aspect of my point. Prior to the
> ascendency of right-wing talk radio, he was about
> as milquetoastian as one could get ... and he was
> employed by WMAL for a long time. I'm not sure he
> was a right-wing partisan, although he played one
> on the radio.

Exactly, Randal Bloomquist, the same idiot station manager that bought us Michael Graham, forced Chris to become a right wing talker in order to build a solid conservative flagship station around Rush limbaugh. It failed miserably, and Randal went to Atlanta. Now, the station is in shambles, ratings have tanked, most sales people and managers have left, there is only one local daypart, and other national personalities like Mark Levin, Curtis Silwa, and Sean Hannity, have destroyed the stations credibility in this town. Good riddence to WMAL.

Also Chris Core has public affairs show on channel 50.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Shit in a Can ()
Date: September 01, 2009 02:05PM

I thought he talked too much and seemed to play devil's advocate on just about everything anyone said.

The absolute worst though is Sean Hannity. I'm conservative, but I cannot stand his TV or radio shows. He sounds dumb, incredibly full of himself ("your a true patriot"), and trying to top every comment made on his show. He also frequently resorts to bully tactics and cackles at people. A discussion does not have to be a confrontation every time.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Area Man ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:01PM

Obviously you don't listen to WTOP much. He's all over the air selling whatever crap someone will give him a dollar or two to shill!

How can we miss him if he doesn't fucking go away?

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:13PM

Shit in a Can Wrote:
> I thought he talked too much and seemed to play
> devil's advocate on just about everything anyone
> said.
> The absolute worst though is Sean Hannity. I'm
> conservative, but I cannot stand his TV or radio
> shows. He sounds dumb, incredibly full of himself
> ("your a true patriot"), and trying to top every
> comment made on his show. He also frequently
> resorts to bully tactics and cackles at people. A
> discussion does not have to be a confrontation
> every time.

You forgot, "the great American Pannel' that is chalk full of "great Americans" like ollie North and Dick Morris.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Date: September 01, 2009 03:14PM

I hear his shit on WTOP all of the time. His commentary is basically a thinly veiled excuse to run an ad. His stuff sucks.


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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Date: September 01, 2009 03:17PM

Shit in a Can Wrote:
> I thought he talked too much and seemed to play
> devil's advocate on just about everything anyone
> said.
> The absolute worst though is Sean Hannity. I'm
> conservative, but I cannot stand his TV or radio
> shows. He sounds dumb, incredibly full of himself
> ("your a true patriot"), and trying to top every
> comment made on his show. He also frequently
> resorts to bully tactics and cackles at people. A
> discussion does not have to be a confrontation
> every time.

I don't like anyone who distorts the truth to try to make a point. It is intellectual laziness. People who do this frequently include:

Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Bill O'Reilly
Lou Dobbs
Michael Moore
Keith Olbermann
Rachel Maddow

If you can't make your point with the facts, who the fuck needs you?


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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: September 01, 2009 06:04PM

Didn't Chris Core bang Freda? I remember that used to be joked about on the D&M Show.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Swell Guy ()
Date: September 01, 2009 06:32PM

I do miss Chris. I met him twice in the metro bathrooms. Good gosh golly, the guy could suck a grapefruit through a garden hose. Truly talented sweetie.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Trumble 'N ()
Date: September 02, 2009 05:41AM

Eastsider Wrote:
> Didn't Chris Core bang Freda? I remember that
> used to be joked about on the D&M Show.

... apparently out of the loop here, but d'ya mean this Freda?

... or maybe "Frida"?

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Zombie Dr ()
Date: September 02, 2009 11:34AM

Shit in a Can Wrote:
> I thought he talked too much and seemed to play
> devil's advocate on just about everything anyone
> said.
> The absolute worst though is Sean Hannity. I'm
> conservative, but I cannot stand his TV or radio
> shows. He sounds dumb, incredibly full of himself
> ("your a true patriot"), and trying to top every
> comment made on his show. He also frequently
> resorts to bully tactics and cackles at people. A
> discussion does not have to be a confrontation
> every time.

I feel like this applies to Mark Levin more than anyone. Every time I scan past WMAL from 6-9 (or whenever exactly he's on) he is yelling and calling Democrats and moderate Republicans by some not-so-clever playground nickname. I swear he's going to have an on-air heart attack. It can't be pleasant going through life this angry.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Zombie Dr ()
Date: September 02, 2009 11:36AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:

> I don't like anyone who distorts the truth to try
> to make a point. It is intellectual laziness.
> People who do this frequently include:
> Sean Hannity
> Glenn Beck
> Bill O'Reilly
> Lou Dobbs
> Michael Moore
> Keith Olbermann
> Rachel Maddow
> If you can't make your point with the facts, who
> the fuck needs you?

I feel like Maddow is at least somewhat genuine compared to the others on the list, or at least she has the most pleasant delivery. But I can't watch it because it's so one-sided. But I do agree that Olbermann is basically just an O'Reilly of the other side of the aisle.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Ole ()
Date: September 02, 2009 11:42AM

I agree Maddow at least makes sense while opinionated. Rush is off the deep end shock jock now and worthless.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Date: September 02, 2009 11:43AM

Zombie Dr Wrote:

> I feel like Maddow is at least somewhat genuine
> compared to the others on the list, or at least
> she has the most pleasant delivery. But I can't
> watch it because it's so one-sided. But I do agree
> that Olbermann is basically just an O'Reilly of
> the other side of the aisle.

My problem with Maddow is that she is a cheerleader, almost as much as Olbermann. What I like about someone like Joe Scarborough and, to a much lesser degree, Chris Matthews, is that they occasionally go against the grain of their parties. (Yes, Matthews goes overboard the other way as well).

Maddow, though, appears to be incapable of analyzing an issue from both sides. I find that as irritating as watching Sean Hannity blow off the facts to try to sell an ill-conceived point.


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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Zombie Dr ()
Date: September 02, 2009 12:06PM

It's too bad that whipping people into a frenzy and being partisan sells much more than attempts at objectivity and critical thinking.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: September 02, 2009 12:08PM

You haven't watched her enough. Maddow has no problem critizing Obama when she disagrees with him, and has done so lots of times. She was quite critical of him for allowing Rick Warren to speak at the inauguration, has critized him for appearing to pull back from the public option, etc. I find Olberman entertaining but he is most definitely a left-wing version of the Fox hosts. Maddow is opinionated but smart and independent. She's no shill.

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> My problem with Maddow is that she is a
> cheerleader, almost as much as Olbermann. What I
> like about someone like Joe Scarborough and, to a
> much lesser degree, Chris Matthews, is that they
> occasionally go against the grain of their
> parties. (Yes, Matthews goes overboard the other
> way as well).
> Maddow, though, appears to be incapable of
> analyzing an issue from both sides. I find that as
> irritating as watching Sean Hannity blow off the
> facts to try to sell an ill-conceived point.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Zombie Dr ()
Date: September 02, 2009 12:24PM

So she criticizes Obama for not being enough of a Democrat?

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: September 02, 2009 12:31PM

Well she has the luxury of being able to have opinions without actually having to govern.

Zombie Dr Wrote:
> So she criticizes Obama for not being enough of a
> Democrat?

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: September 02, 2009 12:57PM

Dr. Maddow ripped Tom Ridge a new one last night. Dr. Maddow ripped Dick Armey so bad last month he was fired from his job the very next day. Then she appeared with him on Meet the Press. After a few minutes and a few pointed remarks by Dr. Maddow, Mr. Armey just stopped answering questions. He lost another business affiliation the very next day.

Dr. Maddow does what you call "research" and identifies BS when BS is uttered.
There is a lot of BS out there, and we can thank Rachel for sorting through it and calling people on it.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Zombie Dr ()
Date: September 02, 2009 01:00PM

She only researches and ids conservative BS. Same goes for Olberman.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: September 02, 2009 01:13PM

Zombie Dr Wrote:
> She only researches and ids conservative BS. Same
> goes for Olberman.

That is not true; it just appears that way because there is so much more Republican's BS then Democrat's BS. Ever heard of Death pannels, abortion on demand, killing grandma, Republicans, and our veterans? Those are just some of Republican BS from last week.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Zombie Dr ()
Date: September 02, 2009 02:51PM

There is plenty of Democrat BS to call lots of rhetoric to examine critically. For example: That angry town hall patrons are Republican plants, that people opposed to this reform are in the pocket of health care companies, this thing will pay for itself. Even still she could examine the budget deficits that have been generated under this administration (especially since that was one of the heaviest criticisms of the administration over the previous one), if there are any drawbacks to cash for clunkers (putting consumers more in debt, temporary stimulus of the auto industry as opposed to permanent, and deficit implications), and I could probably think of more.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Susan Mikula ()
Date: September 03, 2009 09:54AM

Rachel chows a mean box. Her tongue can hit my G Spot!

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: MattK ()
Date: September 04, 2009 02:39PM

Is anyone of these guys Chris Core?

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: September 04, 2009 03:33PM

Um, doesn't Fox news and talk radio pretty much take care of all that?

Zombie Dr Wrote:
> There is plenty of Democrat BS to call lots of
> rhetoric to examine critically. For example: That
> angry town hall patrons are Republican plants,
> that people opposed to this reform are in the
> pocket of health care companies, this thing will
> pay for itself. Even still she could examine the
> budget deficits that have been generated under
> this administration (especially since that was one
> of the heaviest criticisms of the administration
> over the previous one), if there are any drawbacks
> to cash for clunkers (putting consumers more in
> debt, temporary stimulus of the auto industry as
> opposed to permanent, and deficit implications),
> and I could probably think of more.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: linda lou ()
Date: September 04, 2009 09:32PM

Rachel M is an ass...she has not clue what she is talking about and just
wants ratings....she lies

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Zombie Dr ()
Date: September 05, 2009 12:54PM

The point is that if she was balanced and not just biased way to the left she could criticize her party on that stuff.

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Re: Does anyone miss Chris Core?
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: September 05, 2009 06:11PM

Chris Core was an arrogant nutjob who expressed as how he himself should be allowed to posess guns secretly, because he was IMPORTANT, but that ordinary people should not have them unless they were willing to have their names and addresses published so that the public would be "protected".

Good Fucking Riddance, Chris Core.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2009 04:36AM by Spacy.

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