Longest Yard, Fairfax Towne Center, Sunday May 29
Date: June 01, 2005 10:21PM
I went to see Longest Yard on Sunday (I think it was sunday), I was enjoying the movie, then about 45 minutes into the movie I heard some yelling from the center seats (I was on the side) and I thought it was just some adult yelling at some teenager, so I didn't think anything of it and just continued watching the movie. Then about 10 minutes later the movie turns off and the lights turn on and two men in uniforms come in and go to the spot where I heard the yelling, I just thought someone was getting thrown out. But then I noticed that it wasn't security or police, it was paramedics. It turned out that the noises I heard were because some man had a heart attack and fainted in the middle of the movie. It was a little creepy.
Where any of you in this or heard about this?