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shirts that light up to music at tysons
Posted by: stonewall ()
Date: August 28, 2009 04:42PM

Do you guys know where the guy who sold light up t-shirts at tysons corner mall went? I wanna snag one

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Re: shirts that light up to music at tysons
Posted by: hustthings ()
Date: August 28, 2009 04:48PM

Little wayne im pretty sure bought him out.


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Re: shirts that light up to music at tysons
Posted by: hustthings ()
Date: August 28, 2009 04:50PM

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Re: shirts that light up to music at tysons
Posted by: tilly4lyfe ()
Date: August 28, 2009 05:00PM

i want

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Re: shirts that light up to music at tysons
Posted by: wtfno ()
Date: August 28, 2009 06:01PM

That kiosk is probably run by the same damn people that run the cigarette kiosk, the 400+ whatever thread count kiosk (That sign saying "Limited Time Only" has been up a couple of months), and that sea salt kiosk (which by the way.. there are two of these; one by Express and one by Love Sac). Must be some scheme going on.. I see those guys rotate between them.

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Re: shirts that light up to music at tysons
Posted by: wtfno ()
Date: August 28, 2009 06:09PM

Oh and there's also the fake hair piece kiosk a couple down and the cookie diet kiosk upstairs (LOL.. I laughed when I first saw that one.. you've got to be kidding me). There's also TWO of those eyebrow string kiosks now too.

Damn.. come to think of it, there's a lot of shitty kiosks in that mall.

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Re: shirts that light up to music at tysons
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: August 28, 2009 10:11PM

There's also the Personal Soundtrack T-shirt:


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Re: shirts that light up to music at tysons
Posted by: errr ()
Date: August 30, 2009 12:22PM

im pretty sure lil wayne was wearing one at nissan

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