Re: Ted Kennedy To Be Buried Close to JFK
Posted by:
Date: August 27, 2009 11:10AM
Hobo Wrote:
> Ted's military service doesn't allow him to be
> buried in Arlington. He was not killed while
> active duty, retired, Injured while on active duty
> prior to 1949, or recieved the necessary
> commendations to be buried there.
> But, he was a Senator, which allows him to be
> buried there:
> e) Persons who have held any of the following
> positions, provided their last period of active
> duty (other than for training) as a member of the
> Armed Forces terminated honorably:
> (1) An elective office of the United States
> Government.
> (2) Office of the Chief Justice of the United
> States or of an Associate Justice of the Supreme
> Court of the United States.
> (3) An office listed in 5 U.S.C. 5312 or 5 U.S.C.
> 5313.
> (4) The Chief of a mission who was at any time
> during his tenure classified in class I under the
> provisions of 411 of the Act of 13 August 1946, 60
> Stat. 1002, as amended (22 U.S.C. 866, 1964 ed.).
Actually being a Senator does not get him in. Being in the military and then being a Senator does. Also being the relative of someone buried gets you in.
Keep in mind there is a wait to get buried at Arlington, so there will be some upset veterans and families if Kennedy is buried at Arlington immediately.