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Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Private vs Public ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:05AM

With Fairfax having one of the best public school systems in the country, why do people send their children to private schools? Is it that much better than Fairfax's schools?

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: § ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:11AM

Because some people think their child will go to heaven faster if they are learning from a blessed institution that asks for $20k a year in tuition.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Tactical Masturbation ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:12AM

private schools for fgts

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: & ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:15AM

There aren't as many lawless negroes and hispanic gang bangers in private schools.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: bishop in my ireton ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:20AM

no, but your daughter meets up with them on the weekends and still gets the cold sores

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Thanks for your examples ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:27AM

Tactical Masturbation Wrote:
> private schools for fgts

bishop in my ireton Wrote:
> no, but your daughter meets up with them on the
> weekends and still gets the cold sores

I think here is your reason to send your kids to private school. Public schools produce this genius.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Tactical Masturbation ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:32AM

Thanks for your examples Wrote:
> Tactical Masturbation Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > private schools for fgts
> bishop in my ireton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > no, but your daughter meets up with them on the
> > weekends and still gets the cold sores
> I think here is your reason to send your kids to
> private school. Public schools produce this
> genius.

I went to Flint Hill.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Ha Ha you admit being ghey! ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:35AM

Tactical Masturbation Wrote:
> Thanks for your examples Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Tactical Masturbation Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > private schools for fgts
> >
> > bishop in my ireton Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > no, but your daughter meets up with them on
> the
> > > weekends and still gets the cold sores
> >
> > I think here is your reason to send your kids
> to
> > private school. Public schools produce this
> > genius.
> I went to Flint Hill.

So, according to you, you are a "fgt"

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Tactical Masturbation ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:43AM

Ha Ha you admit being ghey! Wrote:
> So, according to you, you are a "fgt"

Yes, I was molestered by a local clergymen at a young age. That in turned caused me to rebel against the church, and my parents who at the time I believed allowed this to happen. Which caused me to be sent to private school, to address my behavioral problems. To reinstill the fear of god in me. And to add much needed discipline and structure to my chaotic and morally bankrupt life. So here I am now just a stupid fgt at private school. Public is better because you are properly socialized. As the OP mentioned, Fairfax Schools are among the top fie in the nation. If thats not good enough...then what are you trying to say.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Ha Ha, you like dudes ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:46AM

Tactical Masturbation Wrote:
> If thats not good enough...then what are you trying to say.

that you're a fgt

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: lots of reasons ()
Date: August 25, 2009 11:30AM

Lots of reasons to send a kid to private school. A friend's kid wasn't failing at the local big public high school, but was headed into C and D grade category and falling off a cliff in terms of focus and work habits. The kid is really bright, however, and can do much better. the big public schools (all over the nation for the most part) typically don't deal well with this kind of kid - who was not causing any trouble - these kind of kids get lost in the shuffle. So off to private school this kid went - and it is making a real difference for this kid - and the kid is much happier inasmuch as there has been confidence gained through consistent work and monitoring. Is it worth the price? Not sure. It is really a decision that parents must make on a case by case basis, and the grass isn't always greener, so it pays to be careful. Not sure there is a generic right answer. And yes, lots of opportunities exist at all FCPS high schools, but for a few they find it hard to exploit those opportunities.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Date: August 25, 2009 11:35AM

People make the mistake of assuming that just because a school is private it is better than a public school. Unless you are sending your kid to Sidwell Friends, I would think most of the better FFX schools are as good as, or far superior to, most private schools.

Here are some facts about private schools.

- Most pay their teachers less than public schools.

- For the most part, private schools do not have to have the same level of qualifications for teachers as mandated for public schools.

- Private schools are not subject to the same testing standards as public schools.

- Because many of these schools are religion-based, the science curriculum often really sucks and in no way prepares a kid adequately for college.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 25, 2009 11:44AM

Where I grew up there was this really exclusive private school in the area; the starting salary for a teacher with a master's degree was 14k a year!

If you lived in DC where you are faced with shitty public schools, I could see sending your child to a private school, but in Fairfax, the public schools are fine and have plenty of opportunities for gifted students.

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Date: August 25, 2009 11:49AM

I would just like to point out on the science curriculum piece, I have a friend who attended private schools in the South. He said he was raised to believe that dinosaurs were Leviathan and Behemoth from the Bible and that he spent his first couple of years in college getting de-programmed from all the bullshit he was fed. He said it put him at a huge disadvantage when he entered college.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 25, 2009 12:07PM

It obviously depends on the private school and who is running it. I can say with certainty that Catholic schools in NoVa give you the same science classes you get in the public system here, evolution is taught, and you study fossils without some belief that they are at most 10,000 years old or something. I'm sure there are fundamentalist schools out there where things are different in that respect, but painting all "private" schools as anti-science nuts is inaccurate just as saying "all public schools produce dummies" from the other side is.

NoVAns should be thankful the public schools are so good. If people want to spend money on private schools then who cares.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Date: August 25, 2009 01:01PM

pgens Wrote:
> It obviously depends on the private school and who
> is running it. I can say with certainty that
> Catholic schools in NoVa give you the same science
> classes you get in the public system here,
> evolution is taught, and you study fossils without
> some belief that they are at most 10,000 years old
> or something. I'm sure there are fundamentalist
> schools out there where things are different in
> that respect, but painting all "private" schools
> as anti-science nuts is inaccurate just as saying
> "all public schools produce dummies" from the
> other side is.
> NoVAns should be thankful the public schools are
> so good. If people want to spend money on private
> schools then who cares.

I didn't say all. I said "often" and "many."

Like I said, too many people think of Flint Hill or Sidwell Friends and think all private schools are like that. They aren't. Just like not all public schools are Oakton or Langley.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 25, 2009 01:24PM

What about the Potomac School? Is that any good?

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: August 25, 2009 02:22PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2012 12:49AM by Alias.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Date: August 25, 2009 02:28PM

Alias Wrote:
> Hey, Washington,
> This friend of mine sent her kids to public
> schools in the South......
> psssst, eesh,
> This is not a true story. I just made it up.

First, I didn't make up the story about my friend. Second, I went to a public school in the South and I did okay.

Since when is it the job of the school to keep your friend's daughter from getting knocked up or your friend's son from joining a gang? Isn't that your friend's responsibility? The school's responsibility is TO EDUCATE.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 25, 2009 02:34PM

I take it Alias became a grandmother when her daughter(s) hit 14.

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: August 25, 2009 04:02PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2012 12:48AM by Alias.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: LaborOmniaVincent ()
Date: August 25, 2009 04:12PM

eesh Wrote:
> What about the Potomac School? Is that any good?

Yes, if you don't mind shelling out twenty grand. John Kerry, Rory Kennedy, and the youngest daughter from the 'Cosby Show' went there.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: August 25, 2009 05:34PM

Private vs Public Wrote:
> With Fairfax having one of the best public school
> systems in the country, why do people send their
> children to private schools? Is it that much
> better than Fairfax's schools?

FCPS is a great system if your kid is Gifted and Talented, ED, LD, or retarded.

Parents send their children to private and parochial schools because they feel such institutions are more responsive to their values.

I have two nieces in the Langley High School District which is arguably the best in the county. They attend a private school in Maryland and both are receiving excellent educations. After graduation, they expect to attend competitve colleges. Had they attended public schools, they would be just faces in the crowd.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Virginia Run Gunner ()
Date: August 25, 2009 07:08PM

I have to send my kids to private school. I live in the Westfield High district.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: move em around ()
Date: August 26, 2009 06:03AM

GMU Hokie Wrote:
> Private vs Public Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > With Fairfax having one of the best public
> school
> > systems in the country, why do people send
> their
> > children to private schools? Is it that much
> > better than Fairfax's schools?
> FCPS is a great system if your kid is Gifted and
> Talented, ED, LD, or retarded.
> Parents send their children to private and
> parochial schools because they feel such
> institutions are more responsive to their values.
> I have two nieces in the Langley High School
> District which is arguably the best in the county.
> They attend a private school in Maryland and both
> are receiving excellent educations. After
> graduation, they expect to attend competitve
> colleges. Had they attended public schools, they
> would be just faces in the crowd.

FCPS is considered good and has some schools with high test scores because of the parents NOT the schools. Sure teachers can be great and some principals do/did good work -- Mel Riddle at Stuart. Now the question is with all the inflo of resources why didn't other schools perform like Stuart?

FCPS has site based management and is a true good ole boy network. It almost seems like the more reliable the parents the more likely FCPS is to put a lemon in administration. If kilmer was a private school or this was a small school district where would this clown have gone? Not moved to another site where parents aren't geographically connected.

Is it like when they move kids that got in trouble to another school? Only these are adults paid with public money.


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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: hazing allowed ()
Date: August 26, 2009 06:06AM

how many years and principals did it take to stop school sponsored hazing?


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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: August 26, 2009 10:00AM

Private schools produce better athletes and better students. Better students get into better colleges and get better jobs. It's a cumulative effect. Whereas the top 1 or 2% of a public school might get into a truly decent college the top 10 -20% of private school get into a truly decent college. Plus there aren't as many gangbangers and felons at private schools.

Private schools are Tier 1 and publis schools are Tier 2. Reality is sometimes harsh.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: the truth ()
Date: August 26, 2009 10:55AM

Fairfax County Schools are a joke. I live in the Lake Braddock high school district and send my kids to private school. It's all up to the parents and 85% of the parents of Lake Braddock students are losers. Ya they may have worked their way up to a nice neighborhood but generally they don't have the upstanding character that most private school parents have. I went to an open house at Lake Braddock and thought most of the parents looked like they were attending a WWF wrestling match. That must be why their kids look like they going to the beach when waiting for the bus. Recently a mom of a Lake Braddock student told me the male students and teachers are so distracted by the girls reveling clothes they can’t concentrate. So add a little gang pressure, drug dealing, cat calls and the daily locker fire and Fairfax County schools are a great place for your kid to hang out.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: linda lou ()
Date: August 31, 2009 07:59PM

"The Truth" is right on the money.

My oldest graduated from BI....best money ever spent...teachers DID NOT teach to SOL standards...he was with a great goup of kids and the discipline paid off. Got into a really good college...

Second kid goes to public school...severe LD keeps him out of private school.Kids act like thugs, parents look like they come out of a Motley Crue concert, kids ARE thugs there...and teachers are only concerned with SOL crap...because it is their ass if the kids don't score high enough....

FCPS touts to be the best...they are NOT....private is the best way to go.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: AReason ()
Date: August 31, 2009 08:32PM

I have two of my kids in private school in Fairfax. Why? We live in South Riding. The local middle school (Mercer) refuses to take in new students, even those who are in the zone. They would be shipped off to the Ashburn School, so I put them in private school in Chantilly as it is passed on the way to work. As soon as the market rebounds, I'll move into Fairfax, and put my kids in Rocky Run/ Chantilly.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: HUH???? ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:14AM

You're going to wait until prices go back up and then buy a house in Fairfax?

Great idea.

Stick with private school, you'll save money on moving and your kids will get a better education. Win-win

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:53AM

pgens Wrote:
> It obviously depends on the private school and who
> is running it. I can say with certainty that
> Catholic schools in NoVa give you the same science
> classes you get in the public system here,
> evolution is taught, and you study fossils without
> some belief that they are at most 10,000 years old
> or something. I'm sure there are fundamentalist
> schools out there where things are different in
> that respect, but painting all "private" schools
> as anti-science nuts is inaccurate just as saying
> "all public schools produce dummies" from the
> other side is.
> NoVAns should be thankful the public schools are
> so good. If people want to spend money on private
> schools then who cares.

I went to a catholic high school and nobody ever told me the earth was only 6,000 years old or whatever the protestant fundamentalists believe.

We dissected frogs, had chemistry and physics, and all the normal science courses.

My school beat FCPS schools in National Merit Scholars, in students accepted to MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, West Point, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, and so on.

We didn't do so well with VA Tech, but I guess that was because there is a quota for FCPS students accepted to VA tech, in spite of the rantings of the 10 pointer parents who were afraid that they moved from the backwater places with 10 point grading scales into a school district where their little backwater prodigies would be at a disadvantage.

Private schools are good for people who don't want to send their kids to institutionalized education facilities.

Most kids that are exposed to institutional learning grow up to have institutional mentalities. They get into partisanship or believe they deserve something from the government.

On the plus side, they do learn very early on to always obey authority and to never question the rules unless they want the principal to call their parents.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2009 05:17AM by Thurston Moore.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: bwahahaha ()
Date: September 01, 2009 08:39AM

Nothing screams institution more than a catholic school. You had chemistry AND physics? Wow. Impressive.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Areason ()
Date: September 01, 2009 10:26AM

HUH???? Wrote:
> You're going to wait until prices go back up and
> then buy a house in Fairfax?
> Great idea.
> Stick with private school, you'll save money on
> moving and your kids will get a better education.
> Win-win

I'm just waiting till the value hits like 750k so I make a bit of cash on the house. I bought it for 525k because the owner was desperate to leave. I'd be saving 10k a year if I move, so...

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: September 02, 2009 10:12AM

To bwahahaha -

Coming from the guy who didn't get in.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Travis ()
Date: September 02, 2009 11:32AM

I'd be far more fearful of my kid's safety at a private school. Sure, public school kids may smoke pot and get in fights, but private school kids are the ones who use cocaine and sodomize each other in the showers.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: September 02, 2009 08:54PM

There aren't any "Travis's" in private school, either. So that's nice.

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: linda lou ()
Date: September 02, 2009 10:54PM

Thurston Moore said it perfectly.

Had a kid in Catholic, have a kid in FCPS.
FCPS system is crap...and I try to de-institutionalize
him so he does not believe the govt should give him or
anyone else handouts.

I brainwash him with Limbaugh and Beck.
Hope this counter acts the lib crap he hears daily there

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: September 03, 2009 09:52AM

Half the people who watch Beck and listen to Limbaugh are on government handouts - they're too fat and too stupid. Sounds like a lot of public school kids...

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Re: Local Private Schools - Worth It?
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: September 03, 2009 12:23PM

linda lou Wrote:

> I brainwash him with Limbaugh and Beck.
> Hope this counter acts the lib crap he hears daily
> there

Wow, an admission from a "real parent" on how best to raise a child to think for themselves. Yeah, I know, getting the "facts" is so hard, isn't it?


I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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