GMU Hokie Wrote:
> Private vs Public Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > With Fairfax having one of the best public
> school
> > systems in the country, why do people send
> their
> > children to private schools? Is it that much
> > better than Fairfax's schools?
> FCPS is a great system if your kid is Gifted and
> Talented, ED, LD, or retarded.
> Parents send their children to private and
> parochial schools because they feel such
> institutions are more responsive to their values.
> I have two nieces in the Langley High School
> District which is arguably the best in the county.
> They attend a private school in Maryland and both
> are receiving excellent educations. After
> graduation, they expect to attend competitve
> colleges. Had they attended public schools, they
> would be just faces in the crowd.
FCPS is considered good and has some schools with high test scores because of the parents NOT the schools. Sure teachers can be great and some principals do/did good work -- Mel Riddle at Stuart. Now the question is with all the inflo of resources why didn't other schools perform like Stuart?
FCPS has site based management and is a true good ole boy network. It almost seems like the more reliable the parents the more likely FCPS is to put a lemon in administration. If kilmer was a private school or this was a small school district where would this clown have gone? Not moved to another site where parents aren't geographically connected.
Is it like when they move kids that got in trouble to another school? Only these are adults paid with public money.