Re: Fairfax County Police Heros
Posted by:
Dog Walker1
Date: August 23, 2016 11:47PM
TvvyE Wrote:
> Dog Walker1 Wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------
> > If you hate cops, next time you need help call
> a
> > crackhead!
> Arguing by deflection or name-calling is an
> admission that you don't have a rational argument.
Amusing, but a fail, a non sequitur.
No deflection or name-calling there.
The issue is some people's hatred of all (most, 95%, whatever) cops. It's not deflection to talk about hating cops when judging 1400 people from the actions of a few is pretty good evidence of hatred of a whole class of people.
Referring to crackheads is not name-calling as I don't call other posters crackheads. (If you want to call crackheads "rock cocaine addicts," be my guest.) Nor, do I disparage a class of people who are part of the argument.
If you disagree on the last paragraph, please tell me which poster I called a crackhead? Or which group of people who I referred to as crackheads, other than people who are actual crackheads.
Calling actual crackheads by the label "crackheads" is not argument by name-calling anymore than referring to actual drunk drivers by the label "drunk drivers" is argument by name-calling.
This is not argument by disparaging any posters here or any group of people. It simply accurately describes some people.
Crackheads, methheads, heroin-addicts, etc. exist. Indeed, some day you, I, or others on this thread may need to call the cops to deal with such people or other criminals. That's a key point.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Cassis on manners
Ignoring juvenile attacks and remarks on the internet for over two decades.
Arguing by deflection or name-calling is an admission that you don't have a rational argument.