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The South County Bitch
Posted by: Wendell ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:00PM

I refer, of course, to school board member Liz Bradsher. Here's a photo of her gently speaking to a kindergarden class last year.


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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Mummer ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:06PM

This is wrong Wendell, really, really wrong; Bradsher is much uglier and far nastier than this. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Bernie ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:14PM


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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Patt ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:16PM


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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Bodert ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:20PM

Who the hell is Liz Bradsher?

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Wella ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:23PM

She is of little interest to anyone who doesn't follow local school board politics. Some people here evidently do though...

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Freda ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:28PM

Going a little to far I think. Still, it's pretty funny, in some sort of sadistic sense.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Herbert ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:41PM

Not that funny...

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: cwa ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:52PM

A little too personal....

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Herman ()
Date: August 03, 2009 06:19PM

I know she's a public figure and all, but still...

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Jules ()
Date: August 03, 2009 08:33PM

Not sure what to make of all this hostility.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Lana ()
Date: August 03, 2009 09:05PM

I'm not sure if this kind of thing crosses the line or not, but from what I understand, Bradsher is rude and mean. So when all is said and done, it's just part of the price of fame, relatively speaking.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Vera ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:00AM

I wasn't really expecting that; it was actually pretty funny.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Pauline ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:02AM

Yeah, granted it was slightly amusing, but too much FCPS stuff on these boards for my taste.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: willi ()
Date: August 04, 2009 01:33AM

Will them stop talking to themrself? Do you have Dissociative Identity Disorder or something? you've contributed nothing but bullshit to FFXU, and probably nothing to society.

Stop being a waste of air and get a damn job that doesn't pay them to troll here from 9-5.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Illini ()
Date: August 04, 2009 02:37AM

Will them stop talking to themrself? Do you have Dissociative Identity Disorder or something you loser? you've contributed nothing but bullshit to FFXU, and probably nothing to society.

Stop being a waste of air and get a damn job that doesn't pay them to troll here from 9-5.Stupid loser.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Big Brother ()
Date: August 04, 2009 05:54AM

The South County Bitch started out lying and continues today. She told the people of Springfield that WSHS would be repaired and made safe for those students.


See her record of lying.

Liz Bradsher’s Website, Grip Card Contain Distortions and Outright Lies

1. Bradsher Fabricates Teacher Union Endorsements

On the front page of Bradsher’s website, she claims to have been endorsed by the National Education Association and the Virginia Education Association, neither of which endorse in school board races. Only the Fairfax Education Association endorses in local-level school board races. The NEA endorses federal-level candidates and the VEA endorses state-level candidates. [http://lizbradsher.org/default.asp]

2. Bradsher Claims to Serve as “Liason to the State PTA”

Bradsher claims to be “Northern Virginia Legislative Chair, Liaison to the State PTA”. She actually serves as the Northern Virginia District PTA Legislative Chair, which is in no way the liaison to the state PTA. Bradsher’s embellishment is directly contradicted in the state PTA bylaws. (“The district [emphasis added] shall act as liaison between the Virginia PTA/PTSA and local units, to coordinate policies and current programs of local units with those of the Virginia PTA/PTSA, and shall submit votes cast by local unit members in their respective districts for the Proposed Legislation Program to the Legislation Committee chairman for tabulation.”) [Virginia State PTA Bylaws, Art. XVII, §1 (e), http://lizbradsher.org/achievements.asp]

3. Bradsher Claims to be “Secretary” of the Fairfax County Council of PTAs

Bradsher also claims to be “secretary” of the FCCPTA, the Fairfax County organization of PTAs (the Northern Virginia District comprises of several city/county councils). That position does not exist and has never existed—FCCPTA has a recording secretary and a corresponding secretary, neither a position Liz has held. Liz served as secretary of the Fairfax District PTA, which was later renamed the Northern Virginia District PTA, as the “Fairfax District” comprised of Fairfax County, Fairfax City, Arlington, Alexandria, and Falls Church. [http://lizbradsher.org/achievements.asp]

Ask Liz Bradsher—can she effectively represent all of Springfield’s schools when she fabricates endorsements, embellishes accomplishments, and can’t even get the positions she claims to have held on her grip card?
Ouch! The candidate formerly known as the SCB has a lot of explaining to do.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: You'll Never Know ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:20AM

What you people don't know is that Liz Bradsher has allotted millions of dollars for repair for West Springfield. Do your research before you say anything, she got the money and all the credit went to other people. So, Kenton Ngo, you should probably get a life because as of right now you are going absolutely nowhere. Hope you're enjoying NOVA, and your sweet social life.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: BHT ()
Date: August 21, 2009 11:24AM

That guy Kenton Ngo is a dirty ignorant scumbag.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Luv Liz ()
Date: August 21, 2009 08:38PM

Enough voters like Liz to keep her in office. The rest can go shit in their hats.

It would be a total waste of her time to pander to people that will never, ever, ever approve of anything she does.

That's how politics works, dumbfucks!

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: Hate Liz ()
Date: August 21, 2009 09:57PM

You'll Never Know Wrote:
> What you people don't know is that Liz Bradsher
> has allotted millions of dollars for repair for
> West Springfield. Do your research before you say
> anything, she got the money and all the credit
> went to other people. So, Kenton Ngo, you should
> probably get a life because as of right now you
> are going absolutely nowhere. Hope you're enjoying
> NOVA, and your sweet social life.

All of the above is bull shit. The school is not safe for our students. She needs to come up with sixety million in order to make repairs that are needed now.

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Re: The South County Bitch
Posted by: TJ mom ()
Date: August 21, 2009 10:50PM

The bullshit is that TJHSST hasn't been renovated. Our kids might actually accomplish something of value in life.

The dimwits at WSHS do not need a nice building to vandalize.

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