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Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Video links? ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:08PM

I cant find any video footage of it. Perhaps some of you can?

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Dieded? ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:11PM


Did the driver dieded?

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: J3K9U ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:14PM

Did the driver dieded?

Heh. Like when Princess Di did.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FORE! FIRE! ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:14PM


Somebody call the fire department instead of taking pictures!!!!!


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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Question? ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:17PM


If I am finishing up my meal just as the hummer crashes into the restaurant and I take off running from the restaurant in fear of losing my life, is that considered a dine and dash?

Do I still have to pay for my meal?

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: VIDEO ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:22PM

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: VIDEO #2 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:24PM


Well this sucks if you are a waiter and you rely on day to day customer tips to pay your bills.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Douglas Funk ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:25PM

J3K9U Wrote:
> Did the driver dieded?
> Heh. Like when Princess Di did.

The same princess who came to my Springfield Mall?

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Dog Walker1 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:30PM

The story here: http://wjla.com/news/local/reports-car-strikes-tysons-corner-restaurant-catches-on-fire

TYSONS CORNER, Va. (ABC7) -- Two people were injured when a vehicle struck the Silver Diner restaurant in Tysons Corner Wednesday, according to Fairfax County Police.

You can click on the link to read more, but it doesn't have much more.

News Channel 8 just had a more complete story on this.

Keep in mind that first reports are often inaccurate.

NC8 reported that the driver was purposely and repeatedly crashing a Hummer into the door of the Tysons Silver Diner. At one stage, he pinned an elderly gentleman, who apparently is now hospitalized.

The whole building was shaking, causing alarm to customers and employees. One female customer fainted.

The driver eventually set fire to his vehicle and rammed the building again, spreading the fire to the building.

[Apparently, customers and employees were able to exit via a different door. At least that's my thought since the building only appeared to have a small portion burned and the reporter did not mention injuries to customers and employees, other than the elderly man.]

Driver eventually was out of the vehicle and taken into custody by police. Driver had burns to his face.


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Cassis on manners

Ignoring juvenile attacks and remarks on the internet for over two decades.

Arguing by deflection or name-calling is an admission that you don't have a rational argument.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Dog Walker1 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:42PM

NC8 just showed video of about 3 civilians pulling or helping injured driver out of vehicle on fire. They pulled him out just before the fire fully engulfed the Hummer.

I think the video, made by a witness, shows the driver, but NC8 inserted text box covering part of the video. Therefore, you can't see the driver.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Bubba ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:50PM

You have to wonder if it is terrorist related, of just got some bad sausage...

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Video link? ()
Date: May 04, 2016 02:59PM

Dog Walker1 Wrote:
> NC8 just showed video of about 3 civilians pulling
> or helping injured driver out of vehicle on fire.
> They pulled him out just before the fire fully
> engulfed the Hummer.
> I think the video, made by a witness, shows the
> driver, but NC8 inserted text box covering part of
> the video. Therefore, you can't see the driver.

Video link?

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: mjs ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:02PM

The owner of the restaurant was in dire straights... the cock roaches had taken over the building and the only way to get the building cleanup was to burn it down.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Jews gonna Jew ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:05PM

mjs Wrote:
> The owner of the restaurant was in dire
> straights... the cock roaches had taken over the
> building and the only way to get the building
> cleanup was to burn it down.

Jewish lightning.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Sephardic Jew ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:11PM

mjs Wrote:
> The owner of the restaurant was in dire
> straights... the cock roaches had taken over the
> building and the only way to get the building
> cleanup was to burn it down.


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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Dog Walker1 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:12PM

Video link? Wrote:

> Video link?

None on wjla website yet or news channel 8 website, but watch livestream from link here: http://wjla.com/newschannel-8

They showed video at about 3 and again about 3:05. They will probably show again on NC8 at 330 or so.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: ....... ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:13PM

False flag to make the Fire Dept look better?

Like 9/11?

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Hummer-stupid ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:14PM

Hummer - geez who drives those things. Apparently people that cannot drive. Of course no one has the brains to use an extinguisher early enough to prevent the whole thing going up. Hummer-stupid

That is going to be a big claim.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Hummer-stupid is ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:26PM

Hummer-stupid Wrote:
> Hummer - geez who drives those things. Apparently
> people that cannot drive. Of course no one has
> the brains to use an extinguisher early enough to
> prevent the whole thing going up. Hummer-stupid
> That is going to be a big claim.

You really are Hummer-stupid. Apparently the driver can drive as "the driver was purposely and repeatedly crashing a Hummer into the door of the Tysons Silver Diner."

"The driver eventually set fire to his vehicle and rammed the building again, spreading the fire to the building." At what point did you want someone using an extinguisher on the fire? As he lit it or as he rammed the Hummer into the building? I'm sure every had fled from the building at that point.

It pays to read.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: smug1111 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:28PM

I am glad they saved the driver...but if it was a Prius, I would have hoped they died a painful death.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Princess Di Rotting Corpse ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:39PM

Douglas Funk Wrote:
> J3K9U Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Did the driver dieded?
> >
> > Heh. Like when Princess Di did.
> The same princess who came to my Springfield Mall?

Princess Diana Springfield Mall.jpg

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: 6kXu9 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:54PM

Is it true he was just test driving the vehicle?

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Rollin ()
Date: May 04, 2016 04:22PM

How can a diner cook afford a hummer? Hmmm

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: blowmeasshole ()
Date: May 04, 2016 04:44PM

Hummer-stupid is Wrote:
> Hummer-stupid Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hummer - geez who drives those things.
> Apparently
> > people that cannot drive. Of course no one has
> > the brains to use an extinguisher early enough
> to
> > prevent the whole thing going up.
> Hummer-stupid
> >
> > That is going to be a big claim.
> You really are Hummer-stupid. Apparently the
> driver can drive as "the driver was purposely and
> repeatedly crashing a Hummer into the door of the
> Tysons Silver Diner."
> "The driver eventually set fire to his vehicle and
> rammed the building again, spreading the fire to
> the building." At what point did you want someone
> using an extinguisher on the fire? As he lit it
> or as he rammed the Hummer into the building? I'm
> sure every had fled from the building at that
> point.
> It pays to read.

Guess we answered the question who drives a Hummer - the same type of dipshit that gets mad enough at a crappy diner to ram it and hurt an old person...

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: BillyBob1 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 04:49PM

Hummer's are not that expensive. They are a pain to own.


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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Dog Walker1 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 04:53PM

Four injured in total. The guy pinned by the car, the driver of the car, and two others injured in the chaos. Unclear the extent of the last two injuries and details of how they occurred, but apparently they (last two) will be OK.

This is per NC8 a few minutes ago.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Onions? ()
Date: May 04, 2016 04:54PM

Maybe they put onions on his burger and he told them not too.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: informing informer ()
Date: May 04, 2016 05:08PM

wtop says he was a cook there

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: No Onions! ()
Date: May 04, 2016 05:24PM

informing informer Wrote:
> wtop says he was a cook there

Oh, then maybe he was upset that somebody complained about onions on their burger.

He showed them! Set his Hummer on fire.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: No Damage? ()
Date: May 04, 2016 05:27PM

What do they make those Silver Diner doors out of? Titanium? He backup and rammed the building several times and didn't even dent it?

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Movie being filmed. ()
Date: May 04, 2016 05:56PM

It was all fake. They were filming a movie.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: vpkEC ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:10PM

mjs Wrote:
> The owner of the restaurant was in dire
> straights... the cock roaches had taken over the
> building and the only way to get the building
> cleanup was to burn it down.

recently remodeled to be the "new tasty 29 diner", the one "close to taj majal gov center" mind you

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: 3YDxG ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:11PM

Movie being filmed. Wrote:
> It was all fake. They were filming a movie.

if eesh faked that he get's an A in communications 101

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: mUKj9 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:22PM

* Maintenance costs are high.
* Depending on where you live, it might be difficult to find qualified mechanics.

likely both bullshit - except in fairfax it's easy to find rip-off businesses supported by the local courts do continue doing rip-offs

i worked on one once - also helped detail one when i did detail - and tires

the hood was easy to open and there was space in the engine compartment to work

(those are good things, not bad things - if your the one fixing. extra cost minimal. 18 wheeler oil filter (have dont that too): very large but on the whole expensive? no.)

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: PJe3P ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:23PM

* not enough AC vents

likely when the salesman said so, and asked if you wanted the "double AC package" you should have said YES

(anyhow, pull up the modular floor put in another duct - lazy !!!)

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: nEXnw ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:25PM

* resale value isn't high

really? i'm sure your getting one used for the same price as a honda civic in fairfax, idiot

the whole article sounds like he's trying to lower the price of the market so he can afford one !!

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: FV4GP ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:39PM

"The driver had been a cook working at the restaurant and was to come back to work after bereavement leave, Silver Diner spokeswoman Matilde Ott said"

? came back to see his girlfriend is in a new relationship

? came back to see he was fired for taking leave they said would be ok but they were lying to him

? was it his H2 or humvee ? good question

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: mFtw4 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:39PM

"damn - jiffy lube SAID they fixed it"

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: FHvPu ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:41PM

> "Our hearts go out to the families and friends of those injured," the statement said.

abulance chasers !!!

let's see the photos of any injury in the public without hesitation

and only one person was reported "effected" and they refused to say if it required medical attention



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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: J7Fmh ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:44PM


no motive for crime is known - except being fired which the management denies they did until after the accident


the only thing confirmed is insurance loss - and i'm sure the insurers aren't going to open their wallets easily

unless it's those "corrupt insurers" working with liberals around fx co

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: 3yGUx ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:46PM

all the people left throught the 2nd fire exit right ?

there wasn't a locked or probelmatic fire exit right ??

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: Zgfggtfghb ()
Date: May 04, 2016 09:58PM

Don't ever eat there they've been closed by the health department several times

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: 6eDb7 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 10:52PM

Zgfggtfghb Wrote:
> Don't ever eat there they've been closed by the
> health department several times



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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: igoggles ()
Date: May 04, 2016 11:28PM

nEXnw Wrote:
> * resale value isn't high
> really? i'm sure your getting one used for the
> same price as a honda civic in fairfax, idiot
> the whole article sounds like he's trying to lower
> the price of the market so he can afford one !!

You really need to change how you type; there are many replies in this exact format of trolling on this forum.

Congrats on googling hummers for sale, only an idiot would buy a used hummer over a brand new civic. How many hummers do you even see on the road??? Do you think these are actually selling, NO! The sale price is a joke, you could tell the salesman you can get a Pontiac Aztek for "x" amount and he will match it.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: cook is the latter ()
Date: May 05, 2016 02:25PM

the last Hummer H3 rolled off the line at Shreveport on May 24, 2010.[7]

The original maker of Hummer, AM General, lost their bid to build the HMMWV's replacement for the U.S. military in 2015.

You would have to be an avid off-road driver or a moron to own a Hummer - the cook is the latter.

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Re: Videos on social media of a Hummer on fire repeatedly crashing into the entrance Silver Diner in Tysons Corner 30 minutes ago?
Posted by: name of the driver? ()
Date: May 05, 2016 02:54PM

Anybody? Did he make bail?

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