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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: They're so cute when angry ()
Date: April 27, 2016 01:00AM

So many butt hurt redneck hicks (Fairfax hicks, suburban big dollar surrounded by lots of black people butt hurt redneck hicks that is) in here lmao just one less powder heathen in the street if we keep them glued to their computer screens. Cause here come the monkeys and the Google stock images and the nigger this' and nigger that's. This is how we know y'all 14 at best. You have no power. You have nothing. You have your computer screen. You know how I got you. Post something. Requote me. Post a picture of something. Respond to something I've said. Make any comment of any kind after I send this one through. Do it because I told you to do it. Because you are a tiny ball fuck boy who sucks on massive black cock. Because your bible told you to suck black cock. Make it your pledge. Respond. It's ok to confirm to the others you are a Fuckboy who loves black dick that the bible told you to suck. So long as you call your neighbor a nigger and a monkey and you post a few Google pics, it'll all be justifiable.

Do it. ;) I command you :)

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: c9bJT ()
Date: April 27, 2016 01:53AM

It's ok. When you roll out of bed at 11 tomorrow morning, you'll still be a dirty, worthless nigger.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 27, 2016 06:50AM

They're so cute when angry Wrote:
> So many butt hurt redneck hicks (Fairfax hicks,
> suburban big dollar surrounded by lots of black
> people butt hurt redneck hicks that is) in here
> lmao just one less powder heathen in the street if
> we keep them glued to their computer screens.
> Cause here come the monkeys and the Google stock
> images and the nigger this' and nigger that's.
> This is how we know y'all 14 at best. You have no
> power. You have nothing. You have your computer
> screen. You know how I got you. Post something.
> Requote me. Post a picture of something. Respond
> to something I've said. Make any comment of any
> kind after I send this one through. Do it because
> I told you to do it. Because you are a tiny ball
> fuck boy who sucks on massive black cock. Because
> your bible told you to suck black cock. Make it
> your pledge. Respond. It's ok to confirm to the
> others you are a Fuckboy who loves black dick that
> the bible told you to suck. So long as you call
> your neighbor a nigger and a monkey and you post a
> few Google pics, it'll all be justifiable.
> Do it. ;) I command you :)

You will always be a nigger.

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Fagman joe wants to put one of those in his mouth too
Posted by: Trump ()
Date: April 27, 2016 07:17AM

Fagman Joe wants to suck a nigger dick too. Just as his momma, sister, daughters, significant others, and the rest of them 87% of white women from the Rutgers University study

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: not colored ()
Date: April 27, 2016 07:20AM

c9bJT Wrote:
> It's ok. When you roll out of bed at 11 tomorrow
> morning, you'll still be a dirty, worthless
> nigger.

And guess what nigger...still true the next day too.

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White knight question
Posted by: Trump ()
Date: April 27, 2016 07:21AM

Whiteknight how do you feel about the fact that white women want nigger dick so badly?

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Meathanger ()
Date: April 27, 2016 08:21AM

And they still gonna want that black penis at 11 tomorrow morning and the day after that and the day after that. They gonna suck it, swallow the cun, them go back and kiss u white boys. How's that nigger cum taste?

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: He hates I have his job ()
Date: April 27, 2016 09:42AM

c9bJT Wrote:
> It's ok. When you roll out of bed at 11 tomorrow
> morning, you'll still be a dirty, worthless
> nigger.

Already at the cushy salary gig honky! Rolled out of bed and was more or less excited to see so many honky's so quick to bend at my command and admit to being black cock sucking fuckboys! Hahaha What simple minded fucks!

And WhiteKnight hahaha what a fantastic, sophisticated and incredibly articulated response! Learn that in Deliverance class you perkerwood piece of shit? Your Mother should've swallowed your Dad's semen instead of fucking around and letting him finish inside of her to wooopsie oopsie and create you. That poverty's a bitch isn't it? Too bad you'll never get the education you think you're entitled to regardless of living in one of the wealthiest counties in the country. Always be a Nigger? Who ever said I was one? You'll always be the saltine who lived in a County with nearly 25+ public schools and you still wound up this pathetic!

Hey White Knight! If you don't have one yet, I'm thrilled to know you'll be answering to a nigger within the next 30 years or so. You'll be all yes sah mas sah and everything it's going to be fantastic hearing you week in and month out complaining about your bullshit ass check and my folks will be up in our office complaining about how we keep having to foot the bill for your dirty ass welfare check.

Loser ass white people man, they're some of the worst piggie fuckboys on the planet!

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Classless ()
Date: April 27, 2016 09:49AM

I think you both are classless for your back and forth banter trying to out "IGNORANT" one another solves nothing, Don't feed the trolls. This individual will have their day in court, not the court of public opinion. good luck to both you crazed hating fools!

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whitey Knighty ()
Date: April 27, 2016 09:59AM

WhiteKnight, you get that from your mass genocidal lunatic bible twisting Heritage or by bastardising a DC Comic Book? Either way you don't have the chops to be a Knight. The only way you've ever served your Country is on all you can eat shrimp night at the Sizzler. Sits there a dishes out all the ignorant Fuckboy shit that hotdog eating obese type 2 diabetes ass crackers say but can't take the heat back? Had so many wonderful pics and info bites but when it comes down to you you're just a coward ass leftover this planet will shit out by 2050. Stay in Fairfax and you'll see what's going on. There will so many black people surrounding you'll I HOPE you keep these cute little posts for your resumes cause it's going to be fantastic declining you job after job after job. Lazy ass white people man, refusing to work for a living day in day out.

Hey Fuckboy! Answer me when I refer to you as Fuckboy by the way. Whenever you hear the word Fuckboy, I want you to turn around so fast like your slut mother said it. Obviously a slut because she's done so well for herself producing a black cock sucking backwoods Fuckboy piggie like yourself. Anyway, Trump asked you a question. You need to answer the question. You need to respond in some way. Cal me a nigger and show me a terrible pic of something crazy racist. It'll get the approval of your piggie comrades and make black people with IPhone6s everywhere feel so superior to your sheep fucking ass! Don't just sit there and take this stuff the way white people have been since 1865 and beyond.

Come on boy. Man up and do something about your whiteness for once, can't suck ALL THE TIME like 87% of your slut women be out there doing.

Or does it?

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Classless, ()
Date: April 27, 2016 10:06AM

I assure you. This never had anything to do with the individual horribly represented by the utterly horrible thread created by these utterly horrible people. I promise, at the end of the day, feeding the trolls is exactly all that's going on here. Taste of their own medicine. They needed to hear how insane everything sounds on this thread. When the verdict comes through, Malcom will be free.

Classless? This page is classless. Just a little incredibly lower than me and anyone I know tasteless fun. The only victim here is the family when they Google his name. All this other stuff? Absolutely doesn't matter.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 27, 2016 05:57PM

I was welding in front of an existing shopping center . I had about 200 feet of welding cable out . Some nigger came by and he didn't see me but he saw my cables . The nigger was standing there and you could tell he was thinking how he could make off with them . He then spotted me and moved on .

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: U Need Some Real Facts ()
Date: April 27, 2016 07:53PM

Most crimes are committed by white MEN:

Including rape - 65% of those arrested are white.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: To white knight ()
Date: April 27, 2016 08:10PM

Whiteknight Wrote:
> I was welding in front of an existing shopping
> center . I had about 200 feet of welding cable out
> . Some nigger came by and he didn't see me but he
> saw my cables . The nigger was standing there and
> you could tell he was thinking how he could make
> off with them . He then spotted me and moved on .

Next time you see a nigger plotting to steal something punch him in his face

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 27, 2016 08:16PM

I have been a nigger hater way before computers . I hated niggers but it wasn't like now .,I remember 6 volt transitor radios . Things were different back then , everyone said nigger and couldn't stand them but niggers weren't as bold then and knew they were just lower than shit niggers . The deep hated was there but it felt different , niggers did horrible things but the threat and danger wasn't like it is today . Anyone relate to this .

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Trumpp ()
Date: April 27, 2016 08:28PM

Whiteknight Wrote:
> I have been a nigger hater way before computers .
> I hated niggers but it wasn't like now .,I
> remember 6 volt transitor radios . Things were
> different back then , everyone said nigger and
> couldn't stand them but niggers weren't as bold
> then and knew they were just lower than shit
> niggers . The deep hated was there but it felt
> different , niggers did horrible things but the
> threat and danger wasn't like it is today . Anyone
> relate to this .

How u feel about this white knight?

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 27, 2016 08:31PM

I used to work at a supermarket when I was in high school.

You wouldn't believe the shit I have seen. Niggers eating food in the store, drinking beer, touching kids, pissing on fruit. I could continue. I even remember seeing one nigger get angry at a cardboard cutout of some black football player for some beer or something. He punched it and hurt his hand on the wall behind it.

My favorites were on the first of the month seeing niggers get into fights in the store with each other. It was like certain women hated each other and as soon as they saw each other they started fighting and pulling weaves out of each others hair.

If you still don't think that sort of shit happens then go to youtube or worldstar and look up fights at Denny's or IHOP or the mall

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Trumpp ()
Date: April 27, 2016 08:31PM

Is that your daughter white knight?

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: growupallofyou ()
Date: April 27, 2016 08:35PM

Nothing but a bunch of keyboard gangsters on Fairfax Underground who love to hide behind their screen and talk shit because they're too afraid to show their true colors to the rest of the world. Why don't you spew your hateful garbage in public pussies? Grow up.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 27, 2016 08:37PM

growupallofyou Wrote:
> Nothing but a bunch of keyboard gangsters on
> Fairfax Underground who love to hide behind their
> screen and talk shit because they're too afraid to
> show their true colors to the rest of the world.
> Why don't you spew your hateful garbage in public
> pussies? Grow up.

Lived in Chicago my whole life, worked at UPS in a nig filled hub. The only reliable workers were white or mexican. Dindus almost never showed up on time. Took several days off. Would come in wearing Jordans instead of the required work boots. Get fired for stealing Black and Milds ALL THE TIME(we shipped a lot lf those, they bust open the box and take a bunch) I was never even slightly racist till I worked that job. Now I see nig behavior more and more.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: its just who they are ()
Date: April 27, 2016 09:45PM

Niggers gonna nig

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: No surprise there ()
Date: April 27, 2016 10:29PM

Whiteknight Wrote:
> I was welding in front of an existing shopping
> center . I had about 200 feet of welding cable out
> . Some nigger came by and he didn't see me but he
> saw my cables . The nigger was standing there and
> you could tell he was thinking how he could make
> off with them . He then spotted me and moved on .

I love how Fuckboy The Wonder Triscuit threw caution to the wind after reading all the comments and began telling folks his life story. That guy didn't want shit to do with your cables. Low income housing, trailer park losers and Cracker Jack Fuckboys are the only inferior species that work with welding cables. GED dependent albino piggies do dumb low pay shit like that, smart people have real jobs and don't want to waste anytime with powder Fuckboy cables. No one gives a remote fuck about what shifty ass places you've worked at. They hired those guys and held you to the exact same standard and said "this ignorant Fuckboy can get really worked over just like the others" and hired you but most likely paid you less because Lord knows the taxes we are forced to pay to cover for your food stamps like we give a stark raving fuck if you have TV dinners in your beer cooler or not.

The white brains are so under developed still it's frightening.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: We Wanted to be Black so Badly ()
Date: April 27, 2016 11:31PM


We're White. And it fucking sucks. We wanted to be Black so badly, but God cursed us with nasty sour milk body odor, pink piglet skin, tiny shriveled penises and smaller sized brains than the black man, the original man God created on Earth. God made us with the left over, lesser quality black parts and made us all look alike so other people couldn't tell us apart. It made us all so angry and it was too much to go on having to be so pathetic day in day out. So we took action in our own hands. We went to public places and murdered as many scum sucking worthless white trash we could. We are happy to report that we put a pretty healthy dent into a still and otherwise hopeless situation. The good news is, we won't have to keep shooting white people for long because we'll be such a small percentage of the population by 2050 that it will be almost no work at all to make our inferior race obsolete!

Exciting results from our efforts and even more exciting days ahead! Death to all the little pink piggies! Yay!

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: nooner ()
Date: April 28, 2016 06:17AM

There's a reason so many people don't want to live near niggers. Even immigrants figure out pretty quickly how niggers behave.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Simple Nooner Brains ()
Date: April 28, 2016 07:57AM

Except you live in Fairfax Nooner hahaha such a small brain comment to make. You're surrounded and most likely are being taught by or work for all sorts of black people. The Nooner race is the immigrant race and will become the minority race soon. Then we can finally be rid of those smelly, inferior, good for only fucking their females to keep spreading half and mixed breeds until the white man is no more, chicken fucking pink piggies! Nooner sucks black cock at lunch time! That's why he's named himself Nooner, a typical frog eater name. Get the snails out of your ass you sweet little chicken fucker you!

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Crackers are filthy murderers ()
Date: April 28, 2016 08:11AM

This sperm stain gassed three little white children (thank God everyday it was three little white children) in honor of his Nazi history, the little girls probably had brown hair, bred from a 1st cousin or some other pasty cracker defect. Hitler loving Fuckboy. This is why you can't trust white people, even if you are innocent and just born into the family, they will gas there own without hesitation. Another justifiable example of why whites are so inferior and worthless. There was a time white people openly set there own on fire because they actually thought some of their folks were witches. MAN I WISH they would still burn there own at the stake so we could all applaud their Neanderthal caveman brains for finally doing something worth a damn in society instead of poisoning it, sucking it dry and gassing one another. Fucking worthless Animal Crackers man.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: nig check ()
Date: April 28, 2016 09:44AM

...and today you are still a worthless nigger.

Check again tomorrow.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Thank God ()
Date: April 28, 2016 01:38PM

nig check Wrote:
> ...and today you are still a worthless nigger.
> Check again tomorrow.

Damn pecked wood you just woke up? Busy day sheep fucking again? Simple worthless white trash man when will they stop breathing in all the Black Man's air already?!??!?

I'll be that nigger tomorrow alright. First human on the planet, original image of God. You woke up this morning still a Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit taking orders from your black boss/school teacher. When I check again tomorrow I'll be one notch higher on the food chain as your worthless, inferior, small brained, pasty white, sour milk smelling, 1st cousin fucking ass shrinks in population and your worthless race continues to further diminish.

You've got to be excited about your inevitable extinction as we are. You Honky Tonk Cracker Jack Fuckboy you.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Funny shit ()
Date: April 28, 2016 02:30PM

Thank God Wrote:
> nig check Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ...and today you are still a worthless nigger.
> >
> > Check again tomorrow.
> Damn pecked wood you just woke up? Busy day sheep
> fucking again? Simple worthless white trash man
> when will they stop breathing in all the Black
> Man's air already?!??!?
> I'll be that nigger tomorrow alright. First human
> on the planet, original image of God. You woke up
> this morning still a Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit
> taking orders from your black boss/school teacher.
> When I check again tomorrow I'll be one notch
> higher on the food chain as your worthless,
> inferior, small brained, pasty white, sour milk
> smelling, 1st cousin fucking ass shrinks in
> population and your worthless race continues to
> further diminish.
> You've got to be excited about your inevitable
> extinction as we are. You Honky Tonk Cracker Jack
> Fuckboy you.


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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: average IQ of 80 ()
Date: April 28, 2016 03:33PM

Niggers are the vile savages of a miscreant race.
America would be a relatively safe place but for niggers and their violence.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: For Average IQ of 80 ()
Date: April 28, 2016 04:56PM

The pea sized brains of white devils have so much trouble "reading real good". Since you struggle with scrolling through the thread and reading previous material, I'll post it again for you. It's long as black dick but try to manage stringing the sentences together and be sure to look at all the white faces for me. You entry level GED hogging Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit you.

We Wanted to be Black so Badly Wrote:
> Hi!
> We're White. And it fucking sucks. We wanted to
> be Black so badly, but God cursed us with nasty
> sour milk body odor, pink piglet skin, tiny
> shriveled penises and smaller sized brains than
> the black man, the original man God created on
> Earth. God made us with the left over, lesser
> quality black parts and made us all look alike so
> other people couldn't tell us apart. It made us
> all so angry and it was too much to go on having
> to be so pathetic day in day out. So we took
> action in our own hands. We went to public places
> and murdered as many scum sucking worthless white
> trash we could. We are happy to report that we
> put a pretty healthy dent into a still and
> otherwise hopeless situation. The good news is,
> we won't have to keep shooting white people for
> long because we'll be such a small percentage of
> the population by 2050 that it will be almost no
> work at all to make our inferior race obsolete!
> Exciting results from our efforts and even more
> exciting days ahead! Death to all the little pink
> piggies! Yay!

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Dindu Nuffin Crackers ()
Date: April 28, 2016 05:09PM

Here we go again with the puny pink piggies and there Dindu Nuffins.

This water cracker strangles a five year old pasty to death and then threw her in the trash where she belonged. Never had a chance to taste black dick or anything. Such a waste. Of course he claimed he Dindu Nuffin but I'm being forced to pay to feed and cloth the ritz butter top because "it was someone else who just looked like him" don't call them white trash for nothing. Garbage pale pasties I tell you it never ceases to amaze me how vile these monsters are. That's the nature of Crackerdumb though. It's a part of their genetic code to be such awful pieces of shit. Won't be safe till their all good and dead. Won't be much longer and they'll finally be wiped off the planet. The celebrations will be long and huge as black dick the white girls love quenching their thirsts with.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 28, 2016 06:39PM

Dindu Nuffin Crackers Wrote:
> Here we go again with the puny pink piggies and
> there Dindu Nuffins.
> This water cracker strangles a five year old pasty
> to death and then threw her in the trash where she
> belonged. Never had a chance to taste black dick
> or anything. Such a waste. Of course he claimed
> he Dindu Nuffin but I'm being forced to pay to
> feed and cloth the ritz butter top because "it was
> someone else who just looked like him" don't call
> them white trash for nothing. Garbage pale
> pasties I tell you it never ceases to amaze me how
> vile these monsters are. That's the nature of
> Crackerdumb though. It's a part of their genetic
> code to be such awful pieces of shit. Won't be
> safe till their all good and dead. Won't be much
> longer and they'll finally be wiped off the
> planet. The celebrations will be long and huge as
> black dick the white girls love quenching their
> thirsts with.

Self loathing is degenerate.
Step up your game.
Once you understand what's wrong with the black community you don't have to hate yourself because you will see the way out.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Hey WhiteKnight! ()
Date: April 28, 2016 06:50PM

The white devil is simple. It projects it's violence and idocencracies on all other races. It sees other white people murdering and raping all races everyday and loves to target the original man God created, the black man, the nigger, the word you use for hate which when heard from those weird looking super tiny pink lips make us laugh at them and revel in their smaller brain chemistry.

We love the simple cracker. The Fairfax cracker. We point the finger at the shopper's worker, the cable welder and we say, man why didn't hey attempt to amount for something better? Because their brains are shriveled like raisins, cockasians sit around when they're not murdering and raping eating those God knows what's in them hotdogs and masturbating to white women getting fucked by black people every single day. And you attempt to project it back? The devil is not only insecure but insanely delusional. That's why the mutant is such a savage. White Knight, you Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit you, send your daughters off to the black cock gallows where they belong. You're a Facebook Meme at best.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 28, 2016 06:52PM

Hey WhiteKnight! Wrote:
> The white devil is simple. It projects it's
> violence and idocencracies on all other races. It
> sees other white people murdering and raping all
> races everyday and loves to target the original
> man God created, the black man, the nigger, the
> word you use for hate which when heard from those
> weird looking super tiny pink lips make us laugh
> at them and revel in their smaller brain
> chemistry.
> We love the simple cracker. The Fairfax cracker.
> We point the finger at the shopper's worker, the
> cable welder and we say, man why didn't hey
> attempt to amount for something better? Because
> their brains are shriveled like raisins,
> cockasians sit around when they're not murdering
> and raping eating those God knows what's in them
> hotdogs and masturbating to white women getting
> fucked by black people every single day. And you
> attempt to project it back? The devil is not only
> insecure but insanely delusional. That's why the
> mutant is such a savage. White Knight, you
> Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit you, send your daughters
> off to the black cock gallows where they belong.
> You're a Facebook Meme at best.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: WhiteKnight Uber Fuck Boy ()
Date: April 28, 2016 07:30PM

I knew you'd come around Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit. You were my bitch the moment you opened your mouth and stank of cheese wiz and hotdogs and black penis. You sir, are nothing less than my internet bitch. Keep posting, keep replying, I win everything. Now type the word nigger. Post a picture with the word nigger in it. Your Black God commands you to. It doesn't hurt anybody but you Fuckboy. We love that you so admittedly give into the ways of black people. White Knight, do what I tell you to. Post something racist and silly. It's what lesser brain felled organisms have been doing for 400+ years. Be my little pink piggie lady for me. Say anything, I'm giving you an order. You can wait a few posts if you feel like it will no longer be exclusively a command for you my sweet pink pigmented Fuckboy - but it does and it will and it always has been. Weld something for $7 bucks you chicken fucker. White people man they are simply the dumbest aren't they? Never stop being crackers ever.

They're so cute when angry Wrote:
> So many butt hurt redneck hicks (Fairfax hicks,
> suburban big dollar surrounded by lots of black
> people butt hurt redneck hicks that is) in here
> lmao just one less powder heathen in the street if
> we keep them glued to their computer screens.
> Cause here come the monkeys and the Google stock
> images and the nigger this' and nigger that's.
> This is how we know y'all 14 at best. You have no
> power. You have nothing. You have your computer
> screen. You know how I got you. Post something.
> Requote me. Post a picture of something. Respond
> to something I've said. Make any comment of any
> kind after I send this one through. Do it because
> I told you to do it. Because you are a tiny ball
> fuck boy who sucks on massive black cock. Because
> your bible told you to suck black cock. Make it
> your pledge. Respond. It's ok to confirm to the
> others you are a Fuckboy who loves black dick that
> the bible told you to suck. So long as you call
> your neighbor a nigger and a monkey and you post a
> few Google pics, it'll all be justifiable.
> Do it. ;) I command you :)

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Those funny WhiteKniggers ()
Date: April 28, 2016 07:47PM

Not only a Triscuit graduate but a repeat 2nd and 3rd cousin rooster fucker.

Hey White Knight, when you get a chance, actually say something offensive instead of constantly posting shit that makes me smile and laugh at you. Not as a person, whites people can't be those, but as an Internet Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit. We love the saltines that resort to only the word nigger and pictures with the word nigger in them. It keeps us above the inferior Neanderthal and we laugh and laugh and laugh while we go to our posh salary jobs while they keep going to their fuck boy cracker welding shopping center gigs.

Fairfax man. It's a riot.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Honky's be like... ()
Date: April 28, 2016 08:04PM

So many black heroes, not enough dead pasty pink piggy oyster


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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: White people and their tattoos ()
Date: April 28, 2016 08:07PM

Crackers will permanently ink the most insane shit on their bodies. Like they'll ever get a salary job rocking any of the shit whitey tighty knightly posted or myself. Crackers are soooooooooooooo stupid and with malicious intent. They wake up Devils and go to sleep Devils and suck black dicks like Devils. It's a love hate thing, with the white women at least. For the Neanderthal white man, it's only hate. Can't wait to see your race peace out in the next 40 years or so.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Nogman Joe ()
Date: April 28, 2016 10:39PM

NM POSTER_055_TRAYVON_Stick a Fork in Him Hes Done_jpg.jpeg

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Wash rinse and repeat ()
Date: April 28, 2016 11:33PM

Big shout out to my comrades posting the exact same nigger pics from this thread from earlier and beyond! The fact that I commanded you ONLY if you're a chicken fucker nigger nugget and you went off and did it! My little minions of white Devils thank you for obeying your masters command my wonder Triscuit fuckboys you made your master so happy!!!! Love the replay value of simple piggies they love being like "oh yeah? You said stuff? Well.....NIGGER! And here's a pic you can see again and again if you scroll up a few moments because we have goldfish memories and huck yuck we forget our insults the way we do our responsibilities for society when we walk outside and speak or do anything! Huck yuck we love fucking our sheep, our chickens, our cousins and our white 'bretheren' which we quote because we know us and brother is a term for civilized folk of darker shades then our imbeiscile pigment." Huck yuck fuck our daughters while we sit on our banjos and play with out cocktail Winnie's! We white and Wez loves it!!!!!" Called PIGMent because a pig's meant to wash in shit which we love about you crackery crackers. You've proven my point ten fold. You will at a Google WHIP CRACK at your black masters. Now obey me. Be the pussy fart cum stain that I have thus forth raised you up to be. Say nigger, post pics that say nigger and by all means, if you got it in you, Google search some new stock photos because your repeats are worse then our chances of survival in 2050.

Cracker fuck boxes from Fairfux and beyond. "Ooooooh I'm white and was born in the richest county in the country.....and I hate niggers because they fuck the girls I like, take the jobs I want AND every time I cut a check, the black president makes me give him a cut without my consent. Like ... Like.....like I'm getting fucked by black people everyday! I hate it!!!!!"

You are monkey. You are being fucked by niggers everyday. You better wake up and learn to play basketball, freestyle rap or something.....cause you are disappearing as we speak.







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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Christian Crackers are the Worst ()
Date: April 28, 2016 11:44PM

The piggies that except Jesus Christ into their hearts, are the ones who fuck sheep most often. Facts are in the posts. This wafer chewing red wine vinegar slurping cujo cracker hooked up, against white gods rules, with a lady and fucks the pasty cum stain for a daughter? No nigger dick here? Just Jesus dick? Jesus was a nigger by the way to all you uninformed strictly go to a Renaisance fair ass crackers going to a church in Fairfax some fucking where dropping two dollars praying for black slaughter but guess what


We still here honky!!!!! Big my god all the fucked up shit you post we here still and ain't going no where. Be specially when your each shot on rinse and repeat!

Now be a darling for me. Give me something new

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: White Knight and pasties ()
Date: April 28, 2016 11:55PM

Would you be a good little piggy and post something within the next 36 hours? Let the thread know that you are my albino cotton candy? Say something or post something with the word nigger in it? Let the Internet know that I commanded you to do so? That anything with your name in it puts the stamp of approval for nuggets everywhere. Any comment whatsoever even just a quote with the same old Google stock photos says to the Internet "Hey! I am black cock sucking and loving it! I support black dick solely in the example of my family before me and after me only so long as black dick is all we see touch or taste"

Crackers. Take the pledge. Let's take screen shot photos of all the crackers about to commit to the loyalty. Post......ANYTHING. Be the nigger love I've trained you to be.

Comment :) cracker.


Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit

Say the words and prove to the world that you are my bitch and have done a great effort sucking my darling Dick your daughters are already in line for.

Hit the reply or the quote button. Come on - black folk command you to do so

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Christian Crackers are the worst ()
Date: April 29, 2016 04:18AM

Christian Crackers are the Worst Wrote:
> The piggies that except Jesus Christ into their
> hearts, are the ones who fuck sheep most often.
> Facts are in the posts. This wafer chewing red
> wine vinegar slurping cujo cracker hooked up,
> against white gods rules, with a lady and fucks
> the pasty cum stain for a daughter? No nigger
> dick here? Just Jesus dick? Jesus was a nigger
> by the way to all you uninformed strictly go to a
> Renaisance fair ass crackers going to a church in
> Fairfax some fucking where dropping two dollars
> praying for black slaughter but guess what
> HahahahahahahhahahahahahhagahahgahahaaggaaggahhahH
> ahahahahahagaggaa
> M
> We still here honky!!!!! Big my god all the fucked
> up shit you post we here still and ain't going no
> where. Be specially when your each shot on rinse
> and repeat!
> Now be a darling for me. Give me something new

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 29, 2016 06:17PM

Christian Crackers are the worst Wrote:
> Christian Crackers are the Worst Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The piggies that except Jesus Christ into their
> > hearts, are the ones who fuck sheep most often.
> > Facts are in the posts. This wafer chewing red
> > wine vinegar slurping cujo cracker hooked up,
> > against white gods rules, with a lady and fucks
> > the pasty cum stain for a daughter? No nigger
> > dick here? Just Jesus dick? Jesus was a
> nigger
> > by the way to all you uninformed strictly go to
> a
> > Renaisance fair ass crackers going to a church
> in
> > Fairfax some fucking where dropping two dollars
> > praying for black slaughter but guess what
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> HahahahahahahhahahahahahhagahahgahahaaggaaggahhahH
> > ahahahahahagaggaa
> > M
> >
> > We still here honky!!!!! Big my god all the
> fucked
> > up shit you post we here still and ain't going
> no
> > where. Be specially when your each shot on
> rinse
> > and repeat!
> >
> > Now be a darling for me. Give me something new

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknigh is this your daughter ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:04PM

Is this your daughter white knight

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:25PM

Whiteknigh is this your daughter Wrote:
> Is this your daughter white knight

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Looking for whiteknights daughte ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:27PM

Hey Whiteknight is this your daughter

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Where's whightknights daughter ()
Date: April 29, 2016 11:32PM

Is that her

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whites are such savages ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:06AM

This is how corrosive the cracker is. It chicken fucks, it births cave women and FOR NO REASON EXCEPT TO SEE WHAT IT FEELS LIKE murders a 9 year old pasty with its bare hands then proceeds to chop it up. Fucked up on that healthy diet of food stamp TV dinners, rock n roll and sheep semen no doubt. Daddy was most likely a low entry level welder of some kind. That or works in a grocery store or doesn't work at all. The whites are the laziest and most vile scum, they consistently keep fucking up everything. They may never stop. It will be so fantastic when 2050 rolls around and they hardly exist any more.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Get a laugh from this nigger^^^ ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:10AM

Whites are such savages Wrote:
> This is how corrosive the cracker is. It chicken
> fucks, it births cave women and FOR NO REASON
> old pasty with its bare hands then proceeds to
> chop it up. Fucked up on that healthy diet of
> food stamp TV dinners, rock n roll and sheep semen
> no doubt. Daddy was most likely a low entry level
> welder of some kind. That or works in a grocery
> store or doesn't work at all. The whites are the
> laziest and most vile scum, they consistently keep
> fucking up everything. They may never stop. It
> will be so fantastic when 2050 rolls around and
> they hardly exist any more.

Do you not realize how many black women kill black children all the time? They abort them and boil them in pans like a lobster lol.

Your nigger babble truly is humorous so keep it up. Must suck not to know who your father is homie! Bet he was a KANG though?

Amorites??????! ;) XD 8D

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Shhhhhh ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:31AM

Blacks make up 13% of the population but get 40% of the abortions thank god.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Is this her ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:56AM

Why is it that you don't want to claim your own daughter? I'll bet this is her

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: niggers again ()
Date: April 30, 2016 07:13AM

You should have seen these niggers in Safeway yesterday. Arguing and yelling at the manager, who was trying to be nice but to no avail. And the manager was a nigger, too, but she's a nice lady. It was pathetic to see these niggers ruin everyone's day, but that's what niggers do.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: berry 91 ()
Date: April 30, 2016 07:15AM

Has anyone ever seen a white person commit a crime on the Metro? It's ALWAYS niggers that assault, rob, misbehave, etc.... Never Whites, Asians, or Hispanics.............ALWAYS niggers!

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Ragnar ()
Date: April 30, 2016 07:36AM

Grey mice don't hate white or black mice. None of you deserve to represent our species. You are sub-human. You worth less than a rodent. You dishonor and disrespect yourselves.

All of you will burn in hell forever. Lucifer awaits. Inside yourselves, you know it is true.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2016 07:40AM by Ragnar.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Crackers and pink lips ()
Date: April 30, 2016 08:22AM

Fights on metros, aborting unwanted children

And enslaving your wife in chains her whole life, starving her, beating her, raping her and burning her with frying pans and hot irons. The silly nigger may cause a scene on the platform, but the Fuckboy Wonder Triscuit will do much much more behind the scene. That's why their such a grotesque sub species. They can't think outside their own boxes and are forced to succumb to the devil so easily, hence why the devil is in their name. Honky tonks always have something to say but can't ever handle the reality of how vile they really are. Looking in that mirror to brush that tooth every morning truly has got to make you squirm. I know just looking at one often makes me nauseous. They're so weird and gross looking. Dirty crackers bruh.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: some facts ()
Date: April 30, 2016 08:59AM

13% of the population. 70% of the crime. Everyone knows.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: dalia ()
Date: April 30, 2016 09:41AM


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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: proud SJW ()
Date: April 30, 2016 09:55AM

some facts Wrote:
> 13% of the population. 70% of the crime.
> Everyone knows.

They were slaves you racist cisgender mansplaining shithead!!!!

I'd let any of them stay at my house because I'm not a RACIST like you.

Nice facts racist maybe you should bring them to fox news

Stupid fucking anti feminist grow up and get with the current times, it's 2016 you shithead time to grow up

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: God hates niggers ()
Date: April 30, 2016 12:38PM

Fuck you, you stupid nigger!
You and your pathetic race have ruined this country.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:37PM

proud SJW Wrote:
> some facts Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 13% of the population. 70% of the crime.
> > Everyone knows.
> They were slaves you racist cisgender mansplaining
> shithead!!!!
> I'd let any of them stay at my house because I'm
> not a RACIST like you.
> Nice facts racist maybe you should bring them to
> fox news
> Stupid fucking anti feminist grow up and get with
> the current times, it's 2016 you shithead time to
> grow up

Lol,fuck off nigger

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:38PM

Ragnar Wrote:
> Grey mice don't hate white or black mice. None of
> you deserve to represent our species. You are
> sub-human. You worth less than a rodent. You
> dishonor and disrespect yourselves.
> All of you will burn in hell forever. Lucifer
> awaits. Inside yourselves, you know it is true.

Are black women the actual reason black men refuse to child their babies?

If you think about it, black women are the lowest of the low in terms of women. They're impossible to tolerate, they're loud, they're obnoxious, they are terrible mothers.

Would you want to stick around when you're with pic related and get her pregnant? I'm not letting black men off the hook at all; they stuck their dick in the gross thing for fucks sakes.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: black crime spree ()
Date: April 30, 2016 01:42PM

Another sob story from the Washington Post about the nigger who murdered another nigger at the metro station last month.
Of course, the Post downplays all the attacks and murders of whites when niggers attack them on the Metro.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight has a point ()
Date: April 30, 2016 02:02PM

Whiteknight Wrote:
> Ragnar Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Grey mice don't hate white or black mice. None
> of
> > you deserve to represent our species. You are
> > sub-human. You worth less than a rodent. You
> > dishonor and disrespect yourselves.
> >
> > All of you will burn in hell forever. Lucifer
> > awaits. Inside yourselves, you know it is true.
> Are black women the actual reason black men refuse
> to child their babies?
> If you think about it, black women are the lowest
> of the low in terms of women. They're impossible
> to tolerate, they're loud, they're obnoxious, they
> are terrible mothers.
> Would you want to stick around when you're with
> pic related and get her pregnant? I'm not letting
> black men off the hook at all; they stuck their
> dick in the gross thing for fucks sakes.

Are black women the problem? Why is it that these black men keep sticking their dicks in the mouth's of whiteknights daughter, mother, sister, and wife. If the black women don't those bitches sure know how to take care of that big black dick don't they

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: friedman ()
Date: April 30, 2016 02:38PM

Who are these niggers invading this site?
Go away, nigger. Go to your own nigger websites.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: friedman's nigger ()
Date: April 30, 2016 05:32PM

friedman Wrote:
> Who are these niggers invading this site?
> Go away, nigger. Go to your own nigger websites.

I'm the nigger that's feeding your wife and daughter this black cock that they love so much.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Niggermania ()
Date: April 30, 2016 05:35PM

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: For u niggermania ()
Date: April 30, 2016 05:53PM

That young man in that picture is how your grandkids gonna look. They gonna be niggers too.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: equal opportunity employer ()
Date: May 01, 2016 06:46AM

Does Metro hire any white drivers? Oh, I'm sure no white people have ever applied for the job, right? It's just one nigger after another. But of course, there is no discrimination based on race, I'm sure.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Equal opportunity ()
Date: May 01, 2016 08:31AM

equal opportunity employer Wrote:
> Does Metro hire any white drivers? Oh, I'm sure no
> white people have ever applied for the job, right?
> It's just one nigger after another. But of course,
> there is no discrimination based on race, I'm
> sure.

Probably a white woman doing the hiring. So when they run out of passengers she can climb in one of the back seats with the driver and get what she really wants

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: nigger wants white cock ()
Date: May 01, 2016 08:52AM

Equal opportunity Wrote:
> equal opportunity employer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Does Metro hire any white drivers? Oh, I'm sure
> no
> > white people have ever applied for the job,
> right?
> > It's just one nigger after another. But of
> course,
> > there is no discrimination based on race, I'm
> > sure.
> Probably a white woman doing the hiring. So when
> they run out of passengers she can climb in one of
> the back seats with the driver and get what she
> really wants
What you really want is to suck a big white cock you ugly nigger.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Hahahaha ()
Date: May 01, 2016 10:43AM

nigger wants white cock Wrote:
> Equal opportunity Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > equal opportunity employer Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Does Metro hire any white drivers? Oh, I'm
> sure
> > no
> > > white people have ever applied for the job,
> > right?
> > > It's just one nigger after another. But of
> > course,
> > > there is no discrimination based on race, I'm
> > > sure.
> >
> >
> > Probably a white woman doing the hiring. So
> when
> > they run out of passengers she can climb in one
> of
> > the back seats with the driver and get what she
> > really wants
> __________________________________________________
> ___
> What you really want is to suck a big white cock
> you ugly nigger.

You could have been have nigger too. I'm sure your momma loved black cock too just like your wife and daughter do. Are you going to hate you black grandkids?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: May 01, 2016 10:55AM

Equal opportunity Wrote:
> equal opportunity employer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Does Metro hire any white drivers? Oh, I'm sure
> no
> > white people have ever applied for the job,
> right?
> > It's just one nigger after another. But of
> course,
> > there is no discrimination based on race, I'm
> > sure.
> Probably a white woman doing the hiring. So when
> they run out of passengers she can climb in one of
> the back seats with the driver and get what she
> really wants

I've come to the realization that most blacks don't want equality, even though they say they do. Equality carries great responsibilities and requires that actions have consequences. I think that what blacks really want is special treatment, as a protected class, who can't be blamed for any of their bad decisions or behavior. More and more non blacks, like myself, no longer feel any guilt or sympathy towards blacks.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Sympathy ()
Date: May 01, 2016 11:36AM

I wish this young black man accused of rape here wouldn't have sympathized with this 77 year old white woman and let her sample that black cock she so badly wanted just like the rest of the 87% and he wouldn't be in this predicament. When her family found out she was eating black dick the old bitch cried rape. Classic.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Consent ()
Date: May 01, 2016 11:38AM

Whiteknight next time I service ur mother, sister, and daughter I'm gonna have to make them sign consent forms

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Barry Hussein ()
Date: May 01, 2016 01:31PM

Blacks cannot be held responsible for their actions any more than other savage animals.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Responsibility ()
Date: May 01, 2016 02:04PM

In this case you r right. This young man should not be held responsible. He was only giving this 77 year old woman what she wants. Just like your mom wanted, your sister, your wife and your daughter want that black cock

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Date: May 01, 2016 03:59PM

Responsibility Wrote:
> In this case you r right. This young man should
> not be held responsible. He was only giving this
> 77 year old woman what she wants. Just like your
> mom wanted, your sister, your wife and your
> daughter want that black cock

Another simple response from the savage chimps brain pan.

Around blacks, never relax.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Grammar ()
Date: May 01, 2016 04:27PM

Maryjanerottencrotch Wrote:
> Responsibility Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > In this case you r right. This young man
> should
> > not be held responsible. He was only giving
> this
> > 77 year old woman what she wants. Just like
> your
> > mom wanted, your sister, your wife and your
> > daughter want that black cock
> Another simple response from the savage chimps
> brain pan.
> Around blacks, never relax.

Somebody needs to educate this guy on how to write a sentence

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: nigger trying to act white ()
Date: May 01, 2016 08:07PM

Shut up, nigger.
You want to be white so bad, well, sorry to say, you are and always will be a worthless nigger.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Act white ()
Date: May 01, 2016 10:00PM

How do whites act? Tell your wife I'm going to have to limit the amount of dick she can get. Since your daughter wants it too now I don't have as much time. They all want this nugget dick. Keep talking shit and I'll put babies in bothe of them. Then your step child and grandchild will be siblings. You'll be the laughing stock of the trailer park

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: ghetto nigger ()
Date: May 02, 2016 03:24PM

My wife and 99% of other normal white women want no part of you filthy niggers. Even nigger women are sick of your shit. That's why they want to meet and date white guys.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: For u Whiteknight ()
Date: May 02, 2016 10:01PM

If the doctors, professors, and students at the prestigious Rutgers University concluded 87% of all white women, even with your prestigious trailer park educational background wouldn't you say that is normal. Or are you saying 13% is normal and 87% would be abnormal?
And whether you want believe it or not your wife is looking for some black dick every chance she gets genius

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: nasty apes ()
Date: May 03, 2016 06:19AM

Yeah, right nigger. Keep dreaming. Your wife wants white dick because you cant satisfy her.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: White knights wife ()
Date: May 03, 2016 11:57AM

If you want her to be happy let your wife enjoy the nigger dick. That is what she really wants. Sit back in watch. Maybe jerk off while some nigger fucks the shot out of her

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: May 03, 2016 05:56PM

White knights wife Wrote:
> If you want her to be happy let your wife enjoy
> the nigger dick. That is what she really wants.
> Sit back in watch. Maybe jerk off while some
> nigger fucks the shot out of her

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Interesting ()
Date: May 03, 2016 06:55PM

Whiteknight instead of watermelons just imagine your wife's hair in that niggers hands while she strokes his dick with her hands and mouth. Because that's what she really wants

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Question Whiteknight ()
Date: May 04, 2016 01:13PM

How do you feel about that man posting the picture of your wife above? Looks like she has skills.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: more nigger news ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:56PM

I love the "police hunting coons" pic.
How about the nigger yesterday who stole the bus and killed a pedestrian?
God, these niggers are worthless.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: An educated black woman ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:30PM

What does race have to do it? If he did it that's a horrible thing the "man" did. Are you just limited in your vocabulary that you can't speak and describe people without using derogatory words. Let's see a post about those white people that molest kids!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Sorry little one ()
Date: May 04, 2016 07:47PM

more nigger news Wrote:
> I love the "police hunting coons" pic.
> How about the nigger yesterday who stole the bus
> and killed a pedestrian?
> God, these niggers are worthless.

Your wife was sad
Now she has to find some new dark meat

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Whiteknight ()
Date: June 03, 2016 11:10PM

Sorry little one Wrote:
> more nigger news Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I love the "police hunting coons" pic.
> > How about the nigger yesterday who stole the
> bus
> > and killed a pedestrian?
> > God, these niggers are worthless.
> Your wife was sad
> Now she has to find some new dark meat

I hate to bring up this old thread/

But niggers ruin everything

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Unite ()
Date: June 16, 2016 03:20PM

Did they ruin ur wife too?

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Ryan ()
Date: June 23, 2016 08:41AM

Come see me you racist fucks

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: DEA ()
Date: June 23, 2016 07:25PM

Ha ha, silly niggers.
pest strip.jpg

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: jody 3 ()
Date: June 23, 2016 08:48PM

Niggers are the worst. I hope they fry that filthy nigger.

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Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: Dr. STATS ()
Date: June 24, 2016 06:13AM

Mentally retarded people cannot be held accountable for crimes. Most blacks' IQs fall below 80, putting them in the defective category and therefore immune to prosecution.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: black crime is off the charts ()
Date: June 24, 2016 06:33AM

glad they caught the two niggers who killed five at the Pittsburgh barbeque. The white tv anchor was fired for saying she knows the suspects will be black.....and of course she was right!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Nigger rapes 77 year old
Posted by: nog ventilator ()
Date: June 24, 2016 08:17AM

Dr. STATS Wrote:
> Mentally retarded people cannot be held
> accountable for crimes. Most blacks' IQs fall
> below 80, putting them in the defective category
> and therefore immune to prosecution.

Liberals know this better than anyone. That's why they give these poor retarded niggers all the set asides and special accommodations - because they can't earn anything on their own. Affirmative Action - because all niggers are special needs.

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