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Anybody remember the old Burke Center Library?
Posted by: up in flames ()
Date: April 15, 2016 11:49AM

The Taco Bell now sits on it's resting site. I remember passing the place when I was younger going to McDonald's. I didn't like the place because I was really little and didn't like reading. I remember the place caught fire because of two kids who were involved. Thinking back I think it's hilarious. I'm sure they were forced to read, do book reports, homework, projects, and all this other stuff connected with that library. Then they probably had enough and burnt the place down. I remember looking at how burned it looked. Now I think it's hilarious. Then again I think destruction is funny in general.

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Re: Anybody remember the old Burke Center Library?
Posted by: vVDuP ()
Date: April 16, 2016 01:41PM


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Re: Anybody remember the old Burke Center Library?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: April 16, 2016 03:12PM

was this last year when you were in high school?

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Re: Anybody remember the old Burke Center Library?
Posted by: Nice Guy Eddie ()
Date: April 17, 2016 07:58AM

If I remember correctly that was back in the early to mid 90s. Back then the county had satellite libraries that were much smaller and with a limited selection. They eventually closed the rest of them in a budget move.

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Re: Anybody remember the old Burke Center Library?
Posted by: MLTxw ()
Date: April 17, 2016 08:08AM

why do any county libraries still exist? what do people do there that you can't do with an internet connection at your home?

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Re: Anybody remember the old Burke Center Library?
Posted by: Duh. ()
Date: April 17, 2016 10:26AM

MLTxw Wrote:
> why do any county libraries still exist? what do
> people do there that you can't do with an internet
> connection at your home?

Really? I know it's barely 10:30, but I'm betting this is the dumbest question I hear today.

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