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Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Newcomer101 ()
Date: April 07, 2016 05:03PM

Which one is better when compared with Demographics (More whites/Asians & less black/Hispanic preferred), crime & schools?

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: vLvdU ()
Date: April 07, 2016 05:05PM

Depends on the exact zip codes. But you can look it up yourself.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Newcomer101 ()
Date: April 07, 2016 05:07PM

vLvdU Wrote:
> Depends on the exact zip codes. But you can look
> it up yourself.

I'm looking for the Briar Woods high school district compared to the Robinson/Lake Braddock school district if that helps

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: My Opinion ()
Date: April 07, 2016 06:22PM

Areas that serve both the Brair Woods and Robinson/Lake Braddock districts should be fine. As both are generally high performing schools. So any area them should be good esp. In the case of Robinson and Briar Woods.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Loudoun Dad ()
Date: April 07, 2016 06:57PM

Eastern Loudoun is a much more desirable location, just be careful and don't buy in a neighborhood that is 90% Indian. Say no to Rock Ridge High School!

Briar Woods is a good school with poor administration - quite bad, actually, but that will change. The area is booming.

Robinson neighborhoods are older, more minorities, so if that is what you are trying to avoid, think Loudoun.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Helper... ()
Date: April 07, 2016 07:00PM

It's really hard to beat the Culmore area...that is a really, really nice place to live. The houses are pricey but, totally worth it.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: RipRoarrin ()
Date: April 07, 2016 07:06PM

Brambleton/Ashburn Va more Indians (curry not casino) than Whites/Azians.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: poor parenting ()
Date: April 07, 2016 07:07PM

Public school? Why do you hate your kids so much?

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: bn ()
Date: April 08, 2016 10:50AM

India is a part of Asia, no?

RipRoarrin Wrote:
> Brambleton/Ashburn Va more Indians (curry not
> casino) than Whites/Azians.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: diversified ()
Date: April 08, 2016 10:56AM

For the yellow fever: inside the beltway of Virginia (koreans/viets), rockville(chinese), or the opposite side of 495 in Maryland(filipinos). But if you want my suggestion, brown taco all the way.

Newcomer101 Wrote:
> Which one is better when compared with
> Demographics (More whites/Asians & less
> black/Hispanic preferred), crime & schools?

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: April 08, 2016 02:26PM

If you are hung up on the ethnic demographics of your neighbors, then head out to Loudoun or points west. No point in going beyond and considering quality of schools, quality of homes, quality of neighborhoods, commuting time, etc.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Cashburn ()
Date: April 08, 2016 04:23PM

Pay the tolls and go to Ashburn/Brambleton, it's worth it. Spics and Nogs hate tolls.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: tu-burke-ulosis ()
Date: April 08, 2016 04:40PM

Growing up in Fairfax/Burke/Springfield and working and living closer to Brambleton/Ashburn, I would say look for a nice place in Fairfax/Burke/Springfield based on the recommendations from other posts.

Drive around 28/Waxpool during rush hour and go to the Assburn/Brambleton area (go to dinner at Clyde's or something) and you will be introduced to a level of hell you have never seen before. In addition, Loudon county seems quick to develop these shitty McMansion neighborhoods, and slow to establish traffic lights, street lights, etc. so it makes the area seem barren and dreary. Another plus for the FFX area is you actually see trees that will absorb some of the wind gusts on shitty days. Driving around Assburn you see a sea of McMansions and nothing else.

I used to hate Burke because every other vehicle was a minivan, but that it pretty much the case with Assburn/Brambleton as well these days.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: tu-burke-ulosis ()
Date: April 08, 2016 04:41PM

Oh ya, to avoid 28/Waxpool you have the option of the green way toll road, that is also a ripoff. Rt. 7? Better off shooting yourself in the face.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Captian obvious ()
Date: April 09, 2016 08:29PM

There's always Langley and the great falls area.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: itsallabout work ()
Date: April 09, 2016 08:51PM

Indian engineers and Science and Math - coders, IT - computer science will move families into entire areas of Ashburn, and will not communicate outside their clicks, unless children are involved. But good for them a lot of them have bought their houses with cash! like Asians in the area.

Do you have a work at home job or flex schedule?

Things change in this area and Ashburn is not centrally located.

Northern Fairfax is better or West Springfield. Burke is good, but congested parking and townhouses are too close to single families. Its centrality and proximity to public transportation (VRE) is a big plus.

It really depends on your employment.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: pYwwd ()
Date: April 10, 2016 11:23AM

tu-burke-ulosis Wrote:

> In addition, Loudon county seems quick to develop
> these shitty McMansion neighborhoods, and slow to
> establish traffic lights, street lights, etc.

Let me get this straight...you think Loudoun needs MORE traffic/street lights?

And if you don't like the McMansion neighborhoods, why in the fuck did you move to Brambleton/Ashburn? Are you stupid?

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: e6yDv ()
Date: April 11, 2016 11:35AM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> If you are hung up on the ethnic demographics of
> your neighbors, then head out to Loudoun or points
> west. No point in going beyond and considering
> quality of schools, quality of homes, quality of
> neighborhoods, commuting time, etc.

Not really. LCPS is very diverse - only about 10 years behind the FCPS minority curve. Below are last year's percentage of white kids at LCPS, PWCPS and FCPS:

Woodgrove 84
Loudoun Valley 81
Brentsville 73
Loudoun County 66
Stone Bridge 66
Briar Woods 62
Battlefield 61
Patriot 56
Heritage 56
Riverside 55
Tuscarora 55
Potomac Falls 53
Broad Run 52
Freedom 52
Dominion 49
John Champe 45
Osbourn Park 44
Rock Ridge 40
Forest Park 38
Woodbridge 33
Hylton 24
LEE 20
Stonewall Jackston 20
Park View 19
Gar-Field 13
Potomac 12
Freedom 7

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: fffffffffffffffdddddddddddddddd ()
Date: April 11, 2016 07:00PM

To put this short I'd sum up the diffrences between Loudoun and Fairfax as the following.


Alot of craft breweries and other cool things to do on the weekend.
Ashburn/Brambleton and Leesburg areup and coming places/will be very interesting to see how they turn out in 10 or so years.
Save for Sterling Park and some of the shitty apartments in Leesburg everywhere is ether upper middle class or still rural (out west)
Alot less of the shitty type of diversity(ex. you will find alot less illegals and towelheads in Loudoun County) There is alot of other cultures here but it's much more say Indians, Asians, and Europeans compared to people from Central America or the Middle East.
Republican's still control the majority of the counties offices such as the BoS, sheriff, school board etc. The Loudoun County BoS actually knows how to say no to unjustified increases in the budget.

HORRIBLE traffic during rushhour
Taxes are still surging past Fairfax county.
County politics are corrupt and dysfunctional. Same goes for the county government too.
Less amenities compared to Fairfax(no good shopping or anything like that)


Alot of amenties(Tysons Corner, Fair Oaks, Reston Towncenter etc)
Alot better devolped infasturucture compared to Loudoun and plenty of metro stops if thats your thing.
Lower tax rate then Loudoun(however with people like Kathy Smith and Dan Storock on tbe BoS who knows!)
FCPS is more estiblished and better recongized by colleges then Loudoun's counterpart.

Divserity-Fairfax welcomes the illegals and terrorists with open arms. Juist make sure the house you are buying in Fairfax doesn't have 100 spics living next door.
The Fairfax School Board is dirving taxes through the roof and Fairfax county schools are less modern and more croweded then Loudoun's schools. Plus FCPS often have classes in dilpdated traliers and have less up to date text books and school materials. Plus the flood of ESL students are weighing the whole school system down in certain places.

pYwwd Wrote:
> tu-burke-ulosis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > In addition, Loudon county seems quick to
> develop
> > these shitty McMansion neighborhoods, and slow
> to
> > establish traffic lights, street lights, etc.
> Let me get this straight...you think Loudoun needs
> MORE traffic/street lights?
> And if you don't like the McMansion neighborhoods,
> why in the fuck did you move to
> Brambleton/Ashburn? Are you stupid?

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: pPYMU ()
Date: April 12, 2016 10:36AM


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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Date: April 12, 2016 11:11AM

fffffffffffffffdddddddddddddddd Wrote:

> Loudoun:
> Pros:
> Alot of craft breweries and other cool things to
> do on the weekend.

Good one. There is literally nothing to do in Loudoun County. Eat and go to a movie is about it.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: bored everywhere ()
Date: April 12, 2016 01:37PM

I will be the first to admit-

Although I enjoy living in my quiet- upper class Fairfax neighborhood...

I kind of miss living on route 1. It was exciting, seeing the police come by to arrest some fool for doing something dumb outside (usually drunk in public or high or something). It was a live episode of "cops" every day.

The neighbors were a riot, simply hand them a beer and sit with them on the stoop and get fun stories of their past for HOURS. (they are always "just about to" go back to school or get a job- LOL!) I'd also get juicy gossip about the other neighbors (I kept it all to myself though!).

Although the kids were loud outside, they generally got quiet after 9pm. One would occasionally show up to my patio door (first floor), I'd simply say hi, hand them a bottle of water or a flavor-ice (those popsicle frozen juice things) and they'd be on their way and not throw their ball at my car or window and break it. Respect!

Here in this neighborhood, the most drama I will see is someone putting their trash to the curb before nightfall.

I am glad I moved away though, I no longer have to fear for my car being missing when I come outside in the morning, and my insurance rates dropped.

I feel bad for those that live there- but at least they can put a roof over their and their kid's heads so I will not judge!

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: loudon living ()
Date: April 12, 2016 01:44PM

If you like locking yourself into your media room and occasionally driving to your favorite restaurant (usually in a strip mall) in your luxury car, by all means ... move to Loudon.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: bored everywhere ()
Date: April 12, 2016 01:45PM

> fffffffffffffffdddddddddddddddd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Loudoun:
> >
> > Pros:
> > Alot of craft breweries and other cool things
> to
> > do on the weekend.
> Good one. There is literally nothing to do in
> Loudoun County. Eat and go to a movie is about
> it.

That's why they call it CASHBURN. Because you need $$$$ to go out and do anything fun.

Sure, walks in the park or simply browsing at the stores is free- but you still spend the money on gas to get out of your maze of townhouses 6 streets back from the main road to get there. If you run out of milk, you have to drive 3 miles out of your neighborhood just to get to a 7-11.

This is why I chose a place within a 1.5 mile walk of 2 shopping centers with grocery stores. Sure I could have gotten a bigger, more modern place in Cashburn- but the extra cost of gas to drive everywhere would have ate up any extra money I saved- then again the same cashburn townhouse goes for the same 600k it does here in Unfairtax!!

Everyone chases a change of "consciousness" from time to time- which is why people drink and do drugs. Can't even afford to sit at home and smoke weed the price of that has gone up too since I'm not in the "hood" anymore! LOL.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: out on the boonies ()
Date: April 12, 2016 01:49PM

Loudon makes Fairfax look like downtown Manhattan in terms of things to do

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: bored everywhere ()
Date: April 12, 2016 02:00PM

I must be bored today LOL.

One more comparison- they say there is a "food desert" in the lower class neighborhoods (not too many stores, prices are higher for fresh veggies, etc).

Well- same thing in Loudoun, if you don't have a car to get to the wegmans/harris teeter/other upscale grocery store (where the prices are STILL high as they know it's a rich neighborhood and will gouge the customers for a profit)...you are JUST AS SHORT in getting food. Can't buy just a regular chicken, all their stuff is free-range grass-fed BS which costs way more per pound. Try to get a ham hock out or some collard greens out or even some goya products there LOL.

Also- No car (say yours broke down) and no regular 7-day-a week bus service past rush hour out there= no groceries- and possibly no job!. Plus it's not like they will put an Aldi's or Shopper's food in a place where the average house goes for over 1/2 million. They can't afford the land. Not even for a sheetz or wawa for cheaper gas, nope you pay Exxon that $2.29 when everyone else is paying $1.99 because we assume you are rich!

In the hood- you have a chinese carryout with a $4.95 lunch special (some chicken wings and mambo sauce with fried rice or fries or a sub and soda). If not, mcdonalds dollar menu it is. If not, rice and beans it is.

In Loudoun- best you can do is a grass fed free range beef hamburger for $10- and that's on the lunch menu, god help you if you come after 2pm to eat out! Try $15 MINIMUM a plate! For one of those artistic plates with literally 3 bites on them!

Well back to me being bored- wonder if the mail is here yet...

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Loudoun Rocks ()
Date: April 12, 2016 02:11PM

Previous posts vividly reminds me why I moved to Loudoun, Leesburg actually. It takes money and a car to live here, didn't know those 2 items were so hard to come by these days.

Plenty to do out here if you aren't waiting by the mailbox for your "paycheck" to arrive every week.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: blah blah blah blazay blah ()
Date: April 12, 2016 02:43PM

20-somethings who want to be close enough to Tyson's to go buy new outfit at the mall, go to some overpriced restaurant in Clarenden, pick up some molly at their boy's basement apartment in Arlington, hit the clubs in DC & get a DUI on the way home choose Fairfax.

40-somethings with regular middle management jobs, 2 incomes, 2 kids, more button down collared shirts than T-shirts and no remaining desire to do any of those things above ever again move to Brambleton hoping their kids won't end up junkies/like them by their junior year in HS.

Fairfax's infrastructure is aging rapidly and you can only do so many facelifts on 60 year old buildings that fall in between the age of well-built housing and the age of well-engineered housing so it's only going to look & feel older and older, minus any actual charm you'd find in say Old Town Alexandria BUT the upside is there's always a knew class of kids graduating from Mason that can't afford to live in Rosslyn but aren't boring enough to live in Ashburn so your resell value will hold out no matter what.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: bored everywhere ()
Date: April 12, 2016 03:07PM

Loudoun Rocks Wrote:
> Previous posts vividly reminds me why I moved to
> Loudoun, Leesburg actually. It takes money and a
> car to live here, didn't know those 2 items were
> so hard to come by these days.
> Plenty to do out here if you aren't waiting by the
> mailbox for your "paycheck" to arrive every week.

I'd rather be debt free (no credit card debt or car loans here!) with an almost-paid off townhouse (down to last 40k!) and paid off 5 year old Toyota in Fairfax County having graduated from NOVA and MASON debt free as well working an easy no-stress 9-5 paying a nice close-to-6 figure salary living young and wild and free...

...than be a 1/2 million in mortgage debt just to say "I live in Leesburg", luxury car loan debt to say "I drive a BMW" with the maintenance and premium gas and insurance that gets one there just the same as any other car, student loan debt just to say "I got a degree in underwater basket weaving from Harvard" when the local college would educate you the same, and stuck working some middle management job to feed my 2 bratty ass kids and the wife eating bon bons on the couch spending up all your money on Home Shopping Network and demanding to be taken out to eat every week and won't cook just to say "I have a wife and kids" but hey it's your life and your choices on who you choose to impress- if you're already married with kids why does it mean so much to you how big of a house you have or what car you drive??? The Jones's don't care about you!

Just joshing you- but seriously... :)

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Broom Rider ()
Date: April 12, 2016 03:08PM

Newcomer101 Wrote:
> Which one is better when compared with
> Demographics (More whites/Asians & less
> black/Hispanic preferred), crime & schools?

No comparison Ashburn and Brambleton are far superior. They only problem is rush hour traffic in Ashburn can be a bitch.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Vinyl charm ()
Date: April 12, 2016 03:11PM

Any place in Fairfax has more charm than Loudoun


I'll take Arlington, Vienna, or Clifton over any place in Loudon.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: bored everywhere ()
Date: April 12, 2016 03:14PM

blah blah blah blazay blah Wrote:
> 20-somethings who want to be close enough to
> Tyson's to go buy new outfit at the mall, go to
> some overpriced restaurant in Clarenden, pick up
> some molly at their boy's basement apartment in
> Arlington, hit the clubs in DC & get a DUI on the
> way home choose Fairfax.
> 40-somethings with regular middle management jobs,
> 2 incomes, 2 kids, more button down collared
> shirts than T-shirts and no remaining desire to do
> any of those things above ever again move to
> Brambleton hoping their kids won't end up
> junkies/like them by their junior year in HS.
> Fairfax's infrastructure is aging rapidly and you
> can only do so many facelifts on 60 year old
> buildings that fall in between the age of
> well-built housing and the age of well-engineered
> housing so it's only going to look & feel older
> and older, minus any actual charm you'd find in
> say Old Town Alexandria BUT the upside is there's
> always a knew class of kids graduating from Mason
> that can't afford to live in Rosslyn but aren't
> boring enough to live in Ashburn so your resell
> value will hold out no matter what.

this is correct, I fall in the middle of these 2 age groups. ;)

Fairfax has gotten "too big for its britches" and its sanctuary city status is not helping. Prince William had the right idea...

I also know I will make a killing for this house when I sell it, already have my eyes on some land out in the country and talking with builders. Let me get rid of this house pronto before the whole market crashes and the baby boomers all have to sell their houses since their 401k's no longer have value but that is another thread....I know we in the DC metro area will have a little more time due to the government jobs, but even that time is borrowed...

I won't be bored in the country, that's for sure! I have eaten at enough chain restaurants and shopped enough malls to satisfy me for the rest of my life. I am now ready to grow my own veggies and maybe even have a couple chickens around. Can't do that here in Fairfax. And for everything else, there's amazon prime and as long as I have internet and can catch a flight out if I want to go somewhere else but always come home to my little oasis in the countryside, I'm good. ;)

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Loudoun Rocks ()
Date: April 13, 2016 09:18AM

bored everywhere Wrote:
> Loudoun Rocks Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Previous posts vividly reminds me why I moved
> to
> > Loudoun, Leesburg actually. It takes money and
> a
> > car to live here, didn't know those 2 items
> were
> > so hard to come by these days.
> >
> > Plenty to do out here if you aren't waiting by
> the
> > mailbox for your "paycheck" to arrive every
> week.
> I'd rather be debt free (no credit card debt or
> car loans here!) with an almost-paid off townhouse
> (down to last 40k!) and paid off 5 year old Toyota
> in Fairfax County having graduated from NOVA and
> MASON debt free as well working an easy no-stress
> 9-5 paying a nice close-to-6 figure salary living
> young and wild and free...
> ...than be a 1/2 million in mortgage debt just to
> say "I live in Leesburg", luxury car loan debt to
> say "I drive a BMW" with the maintenance and
> premium gas and insurance that gets one there just
> the same as any other car, student loan debt just
> to say "I got a degree in underwater basket
> weaving from Harvard" when the local college would
> educate you the same, and stuck working some
> middle management job to feed my 2 bratty ass kids
> and the wife eating bon bons on the couch spending
> up all your money on Home Shopping Network and
> demanding to be taken out to eat every week and
> won't cook just to say "I have a wife and kids"
> but hey it's your life and your choices on who you
> choose to impress- if you're already married with
> kids why does it mean so much to you how big of a
> house you have or what car you drive??? The
> Jones's don't care about you!
> Just joshing you- but seriously... :)

I grew up in Vienna, went to Madison HS in the 70's-80's, went to Mason for graduate school.....that said, I'd rather rub shit in my hair than live in Vienna now.

While there are plenty of people that fit your "model" above, there are also plenty who moved out here years ago that have no problem affording the mortgage, car payment (or lack thereof in our case) and don't give a damn what our neighbors think. You sound like you have your shit together, probably be moving out here when you get that TH paid off :)

If you want to live in Arlington/DC...I get it. But to argue that Burke/Springfield has got it all going on and Brambleton/Ashburn doesn't, well, that's just dumb.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Reality Checker ()
Date: April 13, 2016 09:27AM

Loudoun Rocks Wrote:

> If you want to live in Arlington/DC...I get it.
> But to argue that Burke/Springfield has got it all
> going on and Brambleton/Ashburn doesn't, well,
> that's just dumb.

I'd say that is wishful thinking. Burke towards Lorton is nice, but the Springfield area has become a shit hole. Brambleton and Ashburn are now the affluent areas with nice new homes and townhouses.

No comparison between Springfield and Ashburn.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: nailed it. ()
Date: April 13, 2016 09:52AM

loudon living Wrote:
> If you like locking yourself into your media room
> and occasionally driving to your favorite
> restaurant (usually in a strip mall) in your
> luxury car, by all means ... move to Loudon.


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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Nice Guy Eddie ()
Date: April 13, 2016 01:11PM

Brambleton/Ashburn - More going on, more crowded
Fairfax/Burke - Kind of dull but nice and quiet
Springfield - Overcrowded shit hole

Briar Woods - 67% White; 16% Asian; 10% Black; and 7% Hispanic
Robinson - 60% White, 18% Asian, 13% Hispanic, 5% Black and 4% Other
Lake Braddock - 54.04% White, 19.24% Asian, 16.54% Hispanic, 5.93% Black 4.25% other

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: la de bump ()
Date: April 15, 2016 10:21AM


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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: GTjtk ()
Date: April 16, 2016 01:42PM


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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: lkjdfjhweiophgweioghawe;oigj ()
Date: April 16, 2016 03:31PM

Loudoun just plain sucks. It will age faster than Fairfax, and it will not age well. The areas around Leesburg (super-cheap cookie cutter neighborhoods) and South Riding will go to seed first, and eventually parts of Ashburn will follow.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Clifton rocks ()
Date: April 16, 2016 08:00PM

Best area to live in Fairfax.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Date: April 16, 2016 09:00PM

I don't know what your "family values" are, OP, but we left Fairfax County for Loudoun last year after 25 years and three kids at Langley -- because of some of the very liberal policy decisions the FFX School Committee made, many of them over the protests of parents.

We are now in Briar Woods and very, very happy. Love the neighborhood and we all feel more comfortable here. Excellent teachers, involved parents, its all good.

Best of luck.

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Re: Brambleton/Ashburn Va vs Fairfax/Burke/Springfield Va?
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 16, 2016 09:19PM

Cashburn Wrote:
> Pay the tolls and go to Ashburn/Brambleton, it's
> worth it. Spics and Nogs hate tolls.

lol you fuckers never stop with it.

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