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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: BBQ lover from the old south ()
Date: March 14, 2016 08:29AM

Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!

I know Fairfax County is full of carpet baggers and yankees, but I'll take a shot.

What's your favorite Virginia food, when do you eat it and will you share recipe?

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: correction ()
Date: March 14, 2016 08:30AM

Nor do women!

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: dkVNy ()
Date: March 14, 2016 02:50PM

BBQ lover from the old south Wrote:
> What's your favorite Virginia food, when do you
> eat it and will you share recipe?

Virginia food? You mean like the drunken rib-eye at Sweetwater Tavern?

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Nova foods ()
Date: March 14, 2016 02:55PM

My favorite VA dishes are ceviche, Bun cha, and Solyanka.

BBQ is for rednecks and cousin fuckers

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: No mas helicopters ()
Date: March 14, 2016 03:00PM


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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: BBQ lover from the old south ()
Date: March 14, 2016 03:08PM

>My favorite VA dishes are ceviche, Bun cha, and Solyanka.

Latin American, Vietnamese and Russian dishes?

Sorry, not quite what I had in mind. My intent starting this topic was to elevate the level of discourse on FU, so I won't point out that your selection makes you sound like a carpetbagger. But if the shoe fits...

Is there anything you've found in Virginia that you like?

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: 6hLkM ()
Date: March 14, 2016 03:41PM

BBQ lover from the old south Wrote:
> Is there anything you've found in Virginia that you like?

What was left after we drove the rubes and rednecks out.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Nova foods ()
Date: March 14, 2016 03:47PM

6hLkM Wrote:
> BBQ lover from the old south Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Is there anything you've found in Virginia that
> you like?
> What was left after we drove the rubes and
> rednecks out.


There is a lot I like in Northern Virginia. The diverse food options, educated populace, low crime, good schools, and on and on.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: inedible slop ()
Date: March 14, 2016 03:55PM

dkVNy Wrote:
> BBQ lover from the old south Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What's your favorite Virginia food, when do you
> > eat it and will you share recipe?
> Virginia food? You mean like the drunken rib-eye
> at Sweetwater Tavern?

Calling that cut of meat they serve a rib-eye just ain't right.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Ying Ko ()
Date: March 14, 2016 04:42PM

Southern Kitchen New Market...Fine Southern cooking

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: eu6yL ()
Date: March 14, 2016 05:10PM

6hLkM Wrote: >> Is there anything you've found in Virginia that you like?
>What was left after we drove the rubes and rednecks out.

I don't think you know what a rube is. It's you!

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: wVN7M ()
Date: March 14, 2016 05:12PM

>There is a lot I like in Northern Virginia. The diverse food options, educated populace, low crime, good schools, and on and on.

You carpetbaggers just don't get the point. YOU'RE NOT VIRGINIANS. And neither is Northern Virginia.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: ivyleaguer ()
Date: March 14, 2016 07:21PM

Maybe you don't get that we really don't care whether you consider us real Virginians or not. If it wasn't for NoVa you'd be nothing more than Mississippi with a military base and people would look to Raleigh, Charlotte and Atlanta for jobs. You can thank a bunch of Yankees-the Rockefellers and their foundation for funding most of the restoration of colonial Williamsburg and your ivy league wannabe UVA has copied all the preppy new england sports-lacrosse, crew, squash, polo. It was Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal that essentially gave the south the opportunity to develop a middle class. Go back to sitting on your porch rotting your teeth sipping sweet tea and whistling dixie.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Popcorn Sutton ()
Date: March 14, 2016 11:26PM

ivyleaguer Wrote:
> Maybe you don't get that we really don't care
> whether you consider us real Virginians or not.
> If it wasn't for NoVa you'd be nothing more than
> Mississippi with a military base and people would
> look to Raleigh, Charlotte and Atlanta for jobs.
> You can thank a bunch of Yankees-the Rockefellers
> and their foundation for funding most of the
> restoration of colonial Williamsburg and your ivy
> league wannabe UVA has copied all the preppy new
> england sports-lacrosse, crew, squash, polo. It
> was Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal that essentially
> gave the south the opportunity to develop a middle
> class. Go back to sitting on your porch rotting
> your teeth sipping sweet tea and whistling dixie.

You're failing miserably.

Lacrosse is a Native American sport that many universities 'copied'. 'Non-Ivy' NYU and Manhatten College were the first teams to play intercollegiate.

Crew or rowing competitions go back to London in the 18th century.
Squash, invented at Harrow School, again in London.
Polo, invented by Ralph Lauren in London ... kidding! 6th century Persia.

Reconstruction Era was well before the New Deal and was run through the Lincoln and Johnson administrations. New Deal helped the entire country.

I doubt you're an 'Ivy Leaguer'. Either way, you just got schooled by an art school fine arts major that is well beyond 'Yankee' and 'Dixie' bullshit.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Brunswick county ()
Date: March 15, 2016 08:03AM

Brunswick Stew is native to Virginia, although some people argue about that. Never had the original kind with squirrel and rabbit meat but it's damn good with chicken, pork, and beef.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Miles and miles of nothing ()
Date: March 15, 2016 10:52AM

Popcorn Sutton Wrote:
> You're failing miserably.

Actually, pretty much on point. Everything that anyone would recognize as modern Northern Virginia was built by these "carpetbaggers" of yours. There wasn't an actual economy here or an actual culture until the Northerners came and brought these things to you.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Popcorn Sutton ()
Date: March 15, 2016 12:09PM

Miles and miles of nothing Wrote:
> Popcorn Sutton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You're failing miserably.
> Actually, pretty much on point. Everything that
> anyone would recognize as modern Northern Virginia
> was built by these "carpetbaggers" of yours.
> There wasn't an actual economy here or an actual
> culture until the Northerners came and brought
> these things to you.

Nope, still failing.

Again, I don't identify as 'Dixie', 'Southern', 'Yankee', or 'Carpetbagger'.
It's 20fucking16.
The majority of Americans don't have history or roots that are so absolute.

You're making a pointless and more importantly stupid statement.
The nation's capital was established before the Civil War. Even without the war, Northern Virginia would've been fine.
The 'Northerners' and Northern Virginians came from the same fucking countries in Europe. Nobody came from the North to 'culture' Jefferson, Washington, etc. They all were still following European traditions/culture.

So stop being so fucking stupid, 'Ivy Leaguer'

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: March 15, 2016 12:19PM

Nova foods Wrote:
> My favorite VA dishes are ceviche, Bun cha, and
> Solyanka.

So your insecurity complex extends to what you eat?

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Mary.N. (Bills Sister) ()
Date: March 15, 2016 12:35PM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Nova foods Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My favorite VA dishes are ceviche, Bun cha, and
> > Solyanka.
> So your insecurity complex extends to what you
> eat?

Bill, when are you coming home from the coal mine? My pussy needs a good fucking.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: March 15, 2016 12:49PM

Popcorn Sutton Wrote:
> Again, I don't identify as 'Dixie', 'Southern',
> 'Yankee', or 'Carpetbagger'.
> It's 20fucking16.
> The majority of Americans don't have history or
> roots that are so absolute.

I would argue the reverse. I think Americans today are more likely than a generation ago to identify themselves based on their roots. For some these roots are personal, like the guy who considers himself a New Yorker even though he hasn't lived in New York for 40 years. For others the roots are ancestral or ethnic.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: March 15, 2016 04:57PM


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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Miles and miles of nothing ()
Date: March 15, 2016 07:35PM

Popcorn Sutton Wrote:
> You're making a pointless and more importantly stupid statement.
> The nation's capital was established before the Civil War. Even
> without the war, Northern Virginia would've been fine.

What a douchebag. Here was the point...

"Everything that anyone would recognize as modern Northern Virginia
was built by these "carpetbaggers" of yours. There wasn't an actual
economy here or an actual culture until the Northerners came and
brought these things to you."

> So stop being so fucking stupid, 'Ivy Leaguer'

Open a book some day, bumpkin.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: jKPTh ()
Date: March 16, 2016 01:15AM

Ludwid says: Ham...

Well, of course. Virginia Ham. But how do you prepare it? What do you serve with it?

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: ludwigson ()
Date: March 16, 2016 01:54AM

lets restore some sanity here.

Everyone stay home tomorrow and fake teleworking.

Have a big neighborhood BBQ instead. Cook some Virginia ham and get in touch with authentic Southern culture.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: va homegrown ()
Date: March 16, 2016 07:05AM

Ludwig Wrote:
> Ham............

Corn's Hamsteak?

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Cook's Corner ()
Date: March 16, 2016 08:15AM

jKPTh Wrote:
> Well, of course. Virginia Ham. But how do you prepare it?
> What do you serve with it?

Get a Boar's Head SweetSlice ham. Using a sharp knife, score the skin side to a depth of a quarter inch in a 3/4-inch diamond pattern. Make your own, or slather it generously with Boar's Head ham glaze. Add half a cup of water to the pan. Tent the pan with aluminum foil and place in 325-degree oven for 15 minutes per pound. With 15 minutes left to go, remove the tent and raise oven temperature to 425 degrees.

Serve it with a nice mustard sauce. Melt 2 tbsp of butter and whisk in one egg yolk. Add 3 tbsps of mayonnaise, then 1 tbsp each of spicy brown mustard, white vinegar, and sweet and sour salad dressing (e.g., Maple Grove Farms.) Mix well and chill for 30 minutes. Add more mustard to taste if needed.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Popcorn Sutton ()
Date: March 16, 2016 11:35AM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Popcorn Sutton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Again, I don't identify as 'Dixie', 'Southern',
> > 'Yankee', or 'Carpetbagger'.
> > It's 20fucking16.
> > The majority of Americans don't have history or
> > roots that are so absolute.
> >
> I would argue the reverse. I think Americans
> today are more likely than a generation ago to
> identify themselves based on their roots. For
> some these roots are personal, like the guy who
> considers himself a New Yorker even though he
> hasn't lived in New York for 40 years. For others
> the roots are ancestral or ethnic.

Actually you're not arguing the reverse. It's an absolute that the person is from New York and spent their formative years there. They're a New Yorker.

I'm stating that its been 250 years since the Confederates lost the Civil War. The same New Yorker very possibly could have had parents that were from Alabama and Georgia. People have been emigrating and migrating quite a bit in those 250 years. It's stupid to use the antiqued phases I mentioned that have no relevance to today.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Popcorn Sutton ()
Date: March 16, 2016 12:11PM

Miles and miles of nothing Wrote:
> Popcorn Sutton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You're making a pointless and more importantly
> stupid statement.
> > The nation's capital was established before the
> Civil War. Even
> > without the war, Northern Virginia would've been
> fine.
> What a douchebag. Here was the point...
> "Everything that anyone would recognize as
> modern Northern Virginia
> was built by these "carpetbaggers" of yours.
> There wasn't an actual
> economy here or an actual culture until the
> Northerners came and
> brought these things to you."
> > So stop being so fucking stupid, 'Ivy Leaguer'
> Open a book some day, bumpkin.

LOL! 'Bumpkin' is the best you could do? You're so lost and out of touch you can't even come up with modern pejorative.
Dude, my dad's family was still in Europe during the Civil War.

I open lots of books. I know for a fact that modern Northern Virginia was 'built' by DC being the capital of the entire nation. A nation that includes 14 states that weren't around at the time "carpetbaggers" was in fashion.

So fuck off with the pointless 'carpetbagger' bullshit.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: March 16, 2016 12:13PM

jKPTh Wrote:
> Ludwid says: Ham...
> Well, of course. Virginia Ham. But how do you
> prepare it? What do you serve with it?

Honey Baked Ham.

Make beans and ham with leftovers.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Loose screw alert ()
Date: March 16, 2016 12:47PM

Popcorn Sutton Wrote:
> I'm stating that its been 250 years since the Confederates
> lost the Civil War.

Now that's just golldarned stupid! Must have been "schooled" in some cotton field down south.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Miles and miles of nothing ()
Date: March 16, 2016 12:59PM

Popcorn Sutton Wrote:
> LOL! 'Bumpkin' is the best you could do? You're so
> lost and out of touch you can't even come up with
> modern pejorative.

The term "douchebag" appeared also and was entirely applicable. I'll just add "asshole" this time, as in fuck off, you ignorant asshole. Everything that defines fucking MODERN NoVa was brought and put here by the people that numbnuts yahoo dipshits like to call "carpetbaggers." Without these inflows of educated northerners, this place would still be just another patchwork of dusty hovels and inbred sleepy hollers.

> Dude, my dad's family was still in Europe during the Civil War.

When were they kicked out?

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: DWYtc ()
Date: March 17, 2016 06:25PM

Carpetbaggers are the scourge. The Socialist/Democrats royally screwed things up in the Northern states.

So the smart ones come to Virginia, a Conservative state. However, they want to bring the Democrat bullshit that ruined the Northern states to begin with.

In 2016, Virginia will not vote Democrat. We're not Communist like Bernie, and we're not shit-faced liars like Hillary.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: BBQ Man ()
Date: March 27, 2016 08:11PM

Nova foods Wrote:
> My favorite VA dishes are ceviche, Bun cha, and
> Solyanka.
> BBQ is for rednecks and cousin fuckers

Fuck you asshole

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: .... ()
Date: March 27, 2016 08:14PM

ivyleaguer Wrote:
> Maybe you don't get that we really don't care
> whether you consider us real Virginians or not.
> If it wasn't for NoVa you'd be nothing more than
> Mississippi with a military base and people would
> look to Raleigh, Charlotte and Atlanta for jobs.
> You can thank a bunch of Yankees-the Rockefellers
> and their foundation for funding most of the
> restoration of colonial Williamsburg and your ivy
> league wannabe UVA has copied all the preppy new
> england sports-lacrosse, crew, squash, polo. It
> was Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal that essentially
> gave the south the opportunity to develop a middle
> class. Go back to sitting on your porch rotting
> your teeth sipping sweet tea and whistling dixie.

FDR was a cousin fucker, by the way.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: BBQ lover from the olde south ()
Date: March 28, 2016 02:33PM

We might not have Old South BBQ, but we have carpetbaggers in abundance.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: AyyLmao ()
Date: March 29, 2016 06:05PM

If NoVA isn't Virginia, why the hell are you on *Fairfax* Underground?

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: 9D4mb ()
Date: March 29, 2016 07:55PM

>If NoVA isn't Virginia, why the hell are you on *Fairfax* Underground

Northern Virginia is taken occupied by federalist carpetbaggers.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: NippleChuck ()
Date: March 30, 2016 07:33AM

No chain fucker here.


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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: xcHkt ()
Date: April 02, 2016 08:45AM

9D4mb Wrote:
> Northern Virginia is taken occupied by federalist carpetbaggers.

Best thing that ever happened to the place. Went from being a dusty hillbilly backwater to being a leading national and international center of economic activity and progress.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Delicious ()
Date: April 02, 2016 10:44AM

Pierce's Pitt BBQ
Lightfoot Exit off of Interstate 64
Best BBQ east of the Mississippi River.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Seriously? ()
Date: April 02, 2016 10:48AM

Delicious Wrote:
> Pierce's Pitt BBQ
> Lightfoot Exit off of Interstate 64
> Williamsburg
> Best BBQ east of the Mississippi River.

So you've tried all the other places east of the Mississippi? How much do you weigh?

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: All Roads Leave Fairfax County ()
Date: April 02, 2016 11:13AM

I'm a Virginian and proud of the fact. Travelled the world and enjoyed the food of many countries and regions.
All I know about NoVa now is a lot of desperate people moved here to seek employment because they couldn't make it elsewhere.
There's plenty of fine Virginia cuisine if you know anything about the Tidewater area. But we wouldn't want the carpetbaggers fucking this up either.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: N7tDe ()
Date: April 02, 2016 11:42AM

Baked ham? Boiled peanuts? What a culinary conquest! Even shoofly pie was stolen from a bunch of northerners.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Derpers gonna derp ()
Date: April 02, 2016 09:14PM

DWYtc Wrote:
> Carpetbaggers are the scourge. The
> Socialist/Democrats royally screwed things up in
> the Northern states.
> So the smart ones come to Virginia, a Conservative
> state. However, they want to bring the Democrat
> bullshit that ruined the Northern states to begin
> with.
> In 2016, Virginia will not vote Democrat. We're
> not Communist like Bernie, and we're not
> shit-faced liars like Hillary.

And here's where your bloviating gets shot down with one chart.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: la de bump ()
Date: April 15, 2016 10:19AM


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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: KCkyM ()
Date: April 15, 2016 11:03PM

yankee carpetbaggers are the scourge of the earth

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Big Daddy Pierce ()
Date: April 15, 2016 11:12PM

Pierce's Pitt BBQ
Lightfoot Exit off of Interstate 64
Best BBQ east of the Mississippi River.

It's the very best. Beats the slop sold around here. Ralphs BBQ near Roanoke Rapids is great if you like Eastern NC BBQ

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Richard Christie ()
Date: April 15, 2016 11:58PM

On a whim, I decided to try Famous Dave's. What a waste of money. Why do they need to put jalepeno in everything? Baked beans were about the only thing that was OK, but a little sweet. I liked the sausage but the ribs and brisket sucked. No meat on the ribs at all and they leave the membrane on. The worst of it is their mac and cheese. It' elbow maccaroni in Velveta with fucking corn in it. Who puts corn in their mac and cheese.

Surprised that their places stay in business.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: ebHHd ()
Date: April 16, 2016 12:57PM


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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: No Dave's thanks... ()
Date: April 17, 2016 08:48AM

Richard Christie Wrote:
> On a whim, I decided to try Famous Dave's.

I guess everybody does. But really, you can do at least as well by buying tubs of pork, beef, or chicken at the grocery store and then augmenting with your own sauce ideas. Just as good and a lot cheaper.

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Re: Man Does Not Live by BBQ Alone!
Posted by: Nicdoot ()
Date: April 17, 2016 03:47PM

Richard Christie Wrote:
> On a whim, I decided to try Famous Dave's. What a
> waste of money. Why do they need to put jalepeno
> in everything? Baked beans were about the only
> thing that was OK, but a little sweet. I liked
> the sausage but the ribs and brisket sucked. No
> meat on the ribs at all and they leave the
> membrane on. The worst of it is their mac and
> cheese. It' elbow maccaroni in Velveta with
> fucking corn in it. Who puts corn in their mac
> and cheese.
> Surprised that their places stay in business.

Famous Daves is delicious, the brisket is what I always order. Nice atmosphere too. My only compliant is the side portions are too small. Their homemade chips are really good. I never tried the Mac and cheese because it says spicy and I don't like spicy.

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