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Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: 703-4-Life ()
Date: July 01, 2009 05:39PM

How much is the cover charge?


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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Oracle17 ()
Date: July 01, 2009 05:43PM


It matters on the night. Sometimes they will have a special guest and then the cover balloons up.

I think its $7 prior to 8pm.

Went there once... eh...
Not a big fan of stripclubs in the US (never been to vegas or florida).
North VA = Pasties and thongs, 20 dollar dances that last 40 seconds, 12 bucks for a rum and coke? (My beer was quite expensive too).

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Oracle17 ()
Date: July 01, 2009 05:43PM


It matters on the night. Sometimes they will have a special guest and then the cover balloons up.

I think its $7 prior to 8pm.
Call and ask.

Went there once... eh...
Not a big fan of stripclubs in the US (never been to vegas or florida).
North VA = Pasties and thongs, 20 dollar dances that last 40 seconds, 12 bucks for a rum and coke? (My beer was quite expensive too).

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: 703-4-Life ()
Date: July 01, 2009 06:05PM

Thanks.... I've never been to one before.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: July 01, 2009 06:12PM

703-4-Life Wrote:
> Thanks.... I've never been to one before.

Go to Atlantic City for anything decent close by. Also, try Bmore's Larry Flint's Hustler club or WVA if you are brave! If you are down w/ brown they have plenty of ghetto ass BYOB clubs in Maryland.

edit by Cary: Account password compromised, disabled by administrator.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Oracle17 ()
Date: July 01, 2009 06:14PM

You don't get the real experience of a strip club in either North VA or DC do to laws and regulations.

Strip clubs in Virginia are not full nude, not even topless.

Clubs in DC are fully nude but not dances.

Clubs in DC have more beautiful girls and no cover charge. Beers are usually $8-$9USD. Camelot or Good Guys are two suggestions, I have seen truly beautiful girls in each. I'd check those out... Camelot you can take the metro too.

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: July 01, 2009 06:19PM


edit by Cary: Account password compromised, disabled by administrator.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2010 01:01AM by inkahootz.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Melissa ()
Date: July 01, 2009 06:23PM

Oracle17 Wrote:
> Clubs in DC have more beautiful girls and no cover
> charge. Beers are usually $8-$9USD. Camelot or
> Good Guys are two suggestions, I have seen truly
> beautiful girls in each. I'd check those out...
> Camelot you can take the metro too.

I believe Camelot has a cover charge for men (I've never paid a cover charge) and a 2 drink minimum. Some of the strippers were pretty good and others were boring as hell. Haven't been out to the WV Strip strip on Route 9, but have heard mixed reviews.

Being vague is almost as fun as that other thing.

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: July 01, 2009 06:28PM


edit by Cary: Account password compromised, disabled by administrator.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2010 01:01AM by inkahootz.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: 703-4-Life ()
Date: July 01, 2009 06:31PM

so is Melissa one of those cool girls who is into strip clubs?

Camelot has some attractive dancers (on their website)

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: July 01, 2009 06:49PM

inkahootz Wrote:
> 703-4-Life Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thanks.... I've never been to one before.
> Go to Atlantic City for anything decent close by.
> Also, try Bmore's Larry Flint's Hustler club or
> WVA if you are brave! If you are down w/ brown
> they have plenty of ghetto ass BYOB clubs in
> Maryland.

I second the opinion on Bal'mur clubs...

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: July 01, 2009 06:59PM


edit by Cary: Account password compromised, disabled by administrator.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2010 01:00AM by inkahootz.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Oracle17 ()
Date: July 01, 2009 07:02PM

Strip club rankings (international) from my experience

#1 Mexico (cancun, for tourists, #1 cause I was able to communicate with all the girls and they were from all around the world)
#2 Panama
#3 Montreal
#4 Prague
#5 Germany (tourist trap but soo soo naughty)
#6 Brazil (Rio seems more into brothels than strip clubs)
#7 Jordan (not sure if I can even call it a strip club)

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Obama's Approval Rating with Military? 15%
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: July 01, 2009 07:12PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2015 10:02PM by WingNut.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: July 01, 2009 10:37PM

Hmmmm....so in addition to being a convicted drunk driver, a self-admitted bar brawler, a classic anger-management case, and a pedantic wanna-be fool, INK-tard reveals yet another "hobby"--knowing every strip bar on the East Coast.

Damn, you're a real paragon of class and virtue, asswipe.

So, does it hurt yur widdle strip club feelings when the dancer takes one look at your lame ass, looks away and says "Umm, no thanks there, big boy..you can keep that dollar"?

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Oracle17 ()
Date: July 01, 2009 10:41PM

fairfaxdude Wrote:
> Hmmmm....so in addition to being a convicted drunk
> driver, a self-admitted bar brawler, a classic
> anger-management case, and a pedantic wanna-be
> fool, INK-tard reveals yet another
> "hobby"--knowing every strip bar on the East
> Coast.
> Damn, you're a real paragon of class and virtue,
> asswipe.
> So, does it hurt yur widdle strip club feelings
> when the dancer takes one look at your lame ass,
> looks away and says "Umm, no thanks there, big
> boy..you can keep that dollar"?

Nice, thats some real bitterness here. I'm new, whats the backstory.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Lawman ()
Date: July 02, 2009 01:21PM

Oracle17 Wrote:
> fairfaxdude Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hmmmm....so in addition to being a convicted
> drunk
> > driver, a self-admitted bar brawler, a classic
> > anger-management case, and a pedantic wanna-be
> > fool, INK-tard reveals yet another
> > "hobby"--knowing every strip bar on the East
> > Coast.
> >
> > Damn, you're a real paragon of class and
> virtue,
> > asswipe.
> >
> > So, does it hurt yur widdle strip club feelings
> > when the dancer takes one look at your lame
> ass,
> > looks away and says "Umm, no thanks there, big
> > boy..you can keep that dollar"?
> Nice, thats some real bitterness here. I'm new,
> whats the backstory.

The older members(in terms of how long they've been on FFXU) generally hate each other.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: July 02, 2009 01:29PM

Oracle17 Wrote:

> Nice, thats some real bitterness here. I'm new,
> whats the backstory.

You read bitterness? Shucks, I was going for sarcasm, irony, and moral outrage--I'll try harder next time.

Lawman, I don't know anybody on here well enough or care enough to hate em.(Well, thats not true--I do know ONE person well on here, and they're pretty damn cool, actually.) INK-tard is merely my FFXU poster boy for stupid lameness, and I feel honor-bound to point it out for the rest of you.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2009 01:33PM by fairfaxdude.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: July 02, 2009 01:38PM

Lawman Wrote:
> The older members(in terms of how long they've
> been on FFXU) generally hate each other.

Most of the elder posters here get along just fine, I can't think of any that don't. Nearly all the rancor comes from some noob who shows up to start talking shit with someone whose been here for awhile. And usually they're obsessive about it, which means it spills across the whole board.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: INKYdiapers ()
Date: July 02, 2009 01:44PM

good one meep!!


fuckin trolls!!

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: July 02, 2009 02:20PM

Jenna Haze @ Fantasies this weekend... according to the radio.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: sleazycheese ()
Date: July 02, 2009 05:37PM

bdimag Wrote:
> Jenna Haze @ Fantasies this weekend... according
> to the radio.

Yep, going to see her tomorrow night. Love that girl

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: July 02, 2009 05:53PM


edit by Cary: Account password compromised, disabled by administrator.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 06:26AM by inkahootz.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Dirty Jersey ()
Date: July 02, 2009 06:10PM

For the Paper Moon in Ft Pierce FL they charged something like $35 if you were underage and that bought a tshirt with a bullseye that said 'do not serve, under 21' which you had to wear. Forget what it was for us, like $10 or so

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: July 02, 2009 06:17PM


edit by Cary: Account password compromised, disabled by administrator.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 01:21PM by inkahootz.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Qwest ()
Date: May 19, 2010 06:54PM

This place any good?

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Kelly Flynn ()
Date: May 19, 2010 10:50PM

My name is Kelly Flynn I work at paper moon in springfield. If your lucky you can have my number too, im always up for a good fuck. give me a call at 571 226 6134 to meet up

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Dear John ()
Date: May 20, 2010 01:24PM

Dear dear Kelly, I'm sure your a lovely woman but do you provide certification from the mount vernon free clinic regarding testing for? Whats that?
Did you ever work at Clancy's House of Beef? I went temporarily blind after going in that joint(joint, get it sport junkies) as a young lad.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: The Real Kelly Flynn aka Kell Kron ()
Date: May 24, 2010 03:02PM

this is the real kelly flynn.. i do not work at papermoon and i am not a stripper. whoever posted 'My name is Kelly Flynn I work at paper moon in springfield. If your lucky you can have my number too, im always up for a good fuck. give me a call at 571 226 6134 to meet up' is a jerk. if i ever see u ur going to be swimming with the fishes. if u have a problem with me come see me in person dont be immature and post my number on ffx underground.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: SeeSomeTids ()
Date: May 24, 2010 03:05PM

Anyone got any pictures of these whores who dance in there?

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: the real kelly flynn aka kell kron ()
Date: May 24, 2010 03:07PM

i sware whoever posted that..come see me in person. i will fuck you up!.. but u wont cause ur too scared and have to make up shit and put it on the internet cause u have NO LIFE.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: DollarDollarBillYall ()
Date: May 24, 2010 03:10PM

Show me your tits and I'll tell you my name.

Or give you a dollar

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: May 24, 2010 03:13PM

Do you work at 1320? It's nearby so I could see how someone might make that mistake.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: The Real Kelly Flynn aka Kell Kron ()
Date: May 24, 2010 10:30PM

Fuck no I am not showing you my beauiful bosoms and no I do not work at 1320. You guys are gypsys. How are you going to post someones number online and say that they are a prostitute? Real mature. Anyone who talks shit about anyone ONLINE is a frail body, a weak person. Your afraid to hate on them in person so you do it online or you spread rumors. Weaklings. You feel bad about your own life and you have self esteem issues so you have to try to mess with someone elses life. Jealousy is a weak trait. Your either jealous of me or ur mad that I wouldnt get with u. Whoever you are you have psychological issues for posting my number online and pretending u are me and saying I give blow jobs in bathrooms for 20 buck or 'private shows'.


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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Mr. Diamond Foxx ()
Date: May 26, 2010 02:30AM

To the real kelly flynn have you tried contacting the owner of this site if the number is really legitimate?

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: May 26, 2010 09:19AM

The Real Kelly Flynn aka Kell Kron wrote this gem "Your either jealous of me or ur mad that I wouldnt get with u."

Well I'm certainly not jealous of your grammar skills. You're a dumb cunt who can't form a grammatically correct sentence. Does that help you any with the proper use of "your" and "you're", stupid whore? I just couldn't resist adding the stupid whore part, it just flows off the tongue so well.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Making_stuff ()
Date: May 26, 2010 09:24AM

> gypsys

0/10 troll harder brogirl

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: 2*0*2 ()
Date: May 26, 2010 03:00PM

dirty slut, strippers are the lowest of all humans

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: May 26, 2010 03:11PM


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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: The Real Kelly Kelly Flyn Killa Kelly Kron ()
Date: May 29, 2010 12:52AM

1. I am not a whore

2. I am not a dirty cunt

3. i am not stupid or slutty

I am a classy woman who is highly intelligent. Do not post my number on the internet. I changed the number anyways.

4. This is not a college exam. I was commenting back in anger. I do not care how my grammer is. I do not spend time on this website. Someone actually called me and I commented back in anger.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: The Real Kelly ()
Date: May 29, 2010 12:54AM

I am not a stipper. I have a lot of haters for no reason and someone posted my number on this website saying I worked at papermoon. I changed my number,

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: The Real Kelly ()
Date: May 29, 2010 12:55AM

I am not a stripper. Someone posted my number online saying I was a stripper who worked at papermoon and hustled by forms of prostitution.I changed my number,

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: May 29, 2010 02:45AM

This thread just got more exciting.. Can we see what you look like Kelly?

So are you going to school while working at papermoon? Thats completely fine... Even if you don't go to school. Don't ever pay attention to people who question a beautiful womans intelligence. It's because they can only attack a beautiful womans intelligence since attacking their looks wouldn't get them any sort of attention. When attacking someone it is important to figure out their weakness and the most common weakness strippers have is that they question their own intelligence. All the name calling from working with either bad people or the common things that are said about strippers wear women down emotionally.

Truthfully people don't know the real reason why they hate strippers(I know why wives would) and what they do. Women who spread diseases I can understand, but a form of erotic dancing is nothing bad. Nudity is natural and we have the desire and passion for such form that a naked body of the opposite sex arouses us. I just don't think certain people know how to handle this arousal and their shyness along with immaturity of such "situations" misleads them to believe it's wrong. In a way they have not been able to mature themselves in such "situations" mentally because they have been kept away from such "situations" due to religion, parents, etc. that kept them away from developing as a mature man or person. What we don't know or have experienced doesn't mean it's wrong and it only means that we need to explore further into in order to understand it. This is why "if" you believe in god you will accept he gave you a brain for a reason. To observe, discover and understand on your own (God didn't give us one brain per 1 million people, but gave us each one to think with.) and not let someone else do a poor job at thinking and then tell you to follow him as if he can only think and no others can.

You were taught as a child that taking your clothes off in front of people was a bad thing. You were taught by religion that such actions had consequences, but do you know the consequences of your own critical, judgmental thoughts towards other? If you were to preach against such actions alone you would question yourself because you would find yourself alone, but when you fight for a common purpose without a true purpose other than just because everyone else is doing it then you are lost, and need to find yourself.

Like I said... Absolutely nothing wrong with strippers or beautiful women showing their beautiful bodies. If it is because others are weak and cannot control their passion and cause women to dress up in such a strict way; Then it means we are doing something wrong as society, as humans. If a woman wants to dress up with not much clothing; I say it is completely fine. It's not slutty or any other immature downgrading names that are given by many. It's a body.....get over it.

When you care what people think you are not yourself anymore. You become someone you believe society will accept.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: The real Kelly Flynn ()
Date: May 30, 2010 02:12PM

Oh my god, thank you Firrat. that was so touching i might just sleep with you for no charge.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Piggy ()
Date: May 31, 2010 04:54PM

It used to be Dauphines years ago. The Pagan Motorcycle Club is the allged owner of the Paper Moon in Richmond. Who knows if the Club is branching/franchising out to NOVA. Anyway, why waste your hard earned money throwing it away at some stripper who is not even allowed to be naked in Virginia? Buying weed seems more economical and you at least get something in return!

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Emmanuel Rath ()
Date: June 09, 2010 12:20AM

I went into Paper Moon tonight to see what it's like. It's $12 cover charge. The place is very laid back and people are dressed neat-casual. The DJ plays really loud thumping music. There were about a half-dozen customers in the place, some sitting in the tables near the two stages, some at the bar. I sat about 25 feet away from the stage in the third row of the circular layout, probably closer to the bar. There was always a girl on each stage, "topless" but wearing pasties. All the dancers in the place were black, and I'm not into black women, so that wasn't all that exciting. They stretch and wiggle their asses. The DJ was saying that lap dances were available, as well as VIP dances in the back. I don't know what they cost. One guy was getting a lap dance near me, which consisted of a fully clothed woman gyrating in the general proximity of his lap. Two other customers in the place each had three or four girls hanging out at their table flirting and drinking with them (not dancing for him or anything) the whole time I was there. I don't know how much that costs (but my guess is at least a few hundred dollars for the company). The waitresses were all cute white 20-somethings. One came over to take my drink order, which was $8 for an 8 oz soft drink (what I expected) and I gave her a $2 tip. About 15 minutes later, three pretty girls wearing skimpy outfits descended and sat themselves at my table. They introduced themselves and asked if I would please buy them each a drink. That came to $45 (I made it $50 so the bartender could be tipped). After I said Yes, they explained that they were working as waitresses and so could not drink at the table, and as fast as they had magically appeared - they disappeared into the back, saying that if I needed to buy more drinks later just give them a holler and someone would be around. I don't know if any drinks ever actually materialized for them or if it's just a ruse to collect money -- someone who understands strip clubs can interpret this for me -- and I didn't see them again. After a little while I decided this scene was all really boring and left.

So the bottom line is: this is a form of entertainment for people who, assuming they like it, have a lot more money to blow than I do. My total cost was $72 for a half hour's experience, which consisted of drinking a dixie cup of soda, glancing at basketball on TV, and having three girls act friendly by asking for drinks for a total of about 90 seconds.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: robonscanner ()
Date: June 09, 2010 08:16AM

Just what I thought. Thanks for your detail honest description. That really helps the rest of us.. I've been at the one by Mikes American grill. That was in 1990 though. I think it was just about the same. I was 20 years younger and stupid. That was considered fun.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Emmanuel Rath ()
Date: June 09, 2010 10:38AM

Yes, that was the Springfield club on Tuesday evening.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Hungry ()
Date: June 09, 2010 10:46AM

Does Paper Moon have a weekday decent lunch menu? How are the prices?

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: June 09, 2010 12:12PM

Emmanuel Rath Wrote:
> other customers in the place each had three or
> four girls hanging out at their table flirting and
> drinking with them (not dancing for him or
> anything) the whole time I was there. I don't
> know how much that costs (but my guess is at least
> a few hundred dollars for the company).

They do that to keep the guys buying drinks, much like they did to you. The guys didn't pay an up-front fee for that (most likely).

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Emmanuel Rath ()
Date: June 09, 2010 02:16PM

Johnny Walker Wrote:
> They do that to keep the guys buying drinks, much
> like they did to you. The guys didn't pay an
> up-front fee for that (most likely).

Sure, but that would be over $900/hour for the pleasure of having some girls sit with you (at the rate they dinged me for). Probably there is some mega-purchase you can make up front that's only like $300 or something for an hour, I was guessing.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: June 09, 2010 02:51PM

The last time I was at Good Guys with a bunch of people we were slow ordering our second round. The waitress finally said "It's a two drink minimum if you guys aren't buying you need to move along."

She looked surprised when we said "Anybody want a second round? No? Ok, let's roll." All 12 of us got up and walked out.

I can't see paying $75 at Papermoon for partially clothed when a couple of miles down the road in DC you can see hotter and totally naked. $75 would probably get two hot girls and a wild private show.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Emmanuel Rath ()
Date: June 09, 2010 07:20PM

Lurker. Wrote:
> I can't see paying $75 at Papermoon for partially clothed

Umm, that was $50 for three fully clothed waitresses to sit at your table for about two minutes (long enough to ask you for the money), and then run away. It's not for "partially clothed" or dancing or anything. They just came over, said "Hi! Are you having a good time? Will you buy us a drink for $45?", I said "Sure!", they said, "Thanks!", took the money and left. That was all.

The remainder of the cost was $12 admission and $8 coke, plus a $2 tip, plus another $5 tip for the above 90-120 second visitation.

I don't know what the protocols are. Maybe this is their way of enforcing a minimum drink (one coke for me, three never-seen drinks for them) on top of the cover charge. The timeline is: [0:05] waitress comes and takes my order for a coke ($10) [0:10] coke appears [0:18] vampyre waitresses materialize at table and ask for $45 for drinks for themselves [0:20] give them $50 and they say thanks bye, and disappear [0:35] bored, leave.

I thought it was a little weird that they acted like they were going to sit with me, but then ran away the second that I agreed. That felt kind of cold and like I was being hustled. Maybe when they hit me up I was supposed to do something else -- like offer to spend a LOT more money. I noticed champagne in a fridge on the floor. (I didn't see, but maybe that's what those guys with the girls sitting there had done, and was what I was supposed to do. But I think those other girls were dancers, not waitresses, anyway.)

In these kind of places, do you normally "buy drinks" (I don't think there are any actual drinks involved - it's just some kind of courtesy) for the waitress(es) when she comes by? And what's reasonable for a tip? I thought $2 on $8 was normal, But maybe you are expected to tip a lot more? When the gaggle of three waitresses came by, I essentially tipped them $50 for nothing at all (other than the courtesy of stopping at my table to ask if I was having a good time). Maybe I was offending people? Or maybe you just are supposed to shell out $50 so often to be in the club. Or maybe that $50 was all that was expected and they would not have come back for more even if I had stayed for an hour.

For all I comprehend, maybe I was somehow being a real asshole, and am now being a jerk for my semi-plaintive report. I mean, it was a decent place inside, and everyone there (bouncer, ticket girl, waitresses) acted nice and friendly.

Someone asked about food - I didn't see any evidence of any food in the place, but that doesn't mean there isn't any.

> when a couple of miles down the road in DC you can see hotter and totally naked.

What's that experience like, and how much does THAT cost?
Someone needs to go on a field trip and report.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Bdup ()
Date: June 30, 2010 05:54AM

i got nude pics of one of those whores email me to recieve bduponu247@gmail.com use paper moon for subject or i will probably delete accidentally

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: anus ()
Date: June 30, 2010 08:46AM

The place is a waste of time. It's too much money and you don't get much in return. 150 for a topless lap dance song with pasties. That last 10 mins. Avoid. You're better to just go find a private viewing place

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: erik the red ()
Date: July 01, 2010 02:37AM

What happens at Paper Moon when they have a name act dancing? big cover charge I assume but so crowded the waitresses too busy to be conning folks out of too much money?

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: The Real Kelly Flynn aka Kell Kron ()
Date: July 27, 2010 08:30PM

I will never ever ever prostitute my body.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: The Real Kelly Flynn aka Kell Kron ()
Date: July 27, 2010 08:32PM

Re: Paper Moon (Springfield) Posted by: The real Kelly Flynn ()
Date: May 30, 2010 02:12PM

Oh my god, thank you Firrat. that was so touching i might just sleep with you for no charge

....^ that was not me.. stop being immature.. if u have a problem with me find me.. lets deal with it face to face.. don't be scared and talk shit online.. i will never ever prostitute my body. i am not a slut. only guys who deserve my kell kron will experience it. if i dont want it. dont take advantage of me. alcohol is more deadly than ganja.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: July 28, 2010 02:34AM

The Real Kelly Flynn aka Kell Kron Wrote:
> Re: Paper Moon (Springfield) Posted by: The real
> Kelly Flynn ()
> Date: May 30, 2010 02:12PM
> Oh my god, thank you Firrat. that was so touching
> i might just sleep with you for no charge
> ....^ that was not me.. stop being immature..
> if u have a problem with me find me.. lets deal
> with it face to face.. don't be scared and talk
> shit online.. i will never ever prostitute my
> body. i am not a slut. only guys who deserve my
> kell kron will experience it. if i dont want it.
> dont take advantage of me. alcohol is more deadly
> than ganja.

I know it wasn't you....Still work at papermoon?

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: chinitaa ()
Date: July 29, 2010 02:57AM

paper moon , WHACKKK . go to F U E G O .

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: thisone ()
Date: July 29, 2010 10:15PM

If you want full nude with grinding go to Showcase in Beltsville. $40 lapdance for nude grinding, in vip room.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Clinker ()
Date: September 04, 2010 09:17PM

Stay away from this place! It had been a whole lotta years since I'd been in one of these places and I won't be going back to this place ever.I wish that I'd read Emmanuel Rath's review first and steered clear in the first place. My experience was a lot the same; but the agressive dancers hustling me for drinks all supposedly ordered very expensive champagne. I say supposedly because I never saw any drinks being served - all four disappeared as soon as they ordered. One did say she had to prep for next set and would be back but I didn't see her again. The others came back to try to get me to buy more drinks and lap dances, and gave me a whole lot of shit when I declined. They were really baiting me and taunting me about not spending up to their expectations. Everyone kept pushing the VIP room in the back.

Frankly, I didn't want a dance from any of them. All of them were skinny, skanky with cheap fake tits. I just wanted to get out of there and get some food elsewhere since what was on the buffet was inedible. (I should have figured that out when I saw an employee getting take-out sushi delivered.)

And then the bad stuff started. There were extra drinks (expensive ones) on the bill, and all anyone was interested in was getting me to pay up. Another big mistake (those started when I decided walk in that dump) - I should have called the cops then but was too embarassed - and how do you prove something like that? I was out of cash, so I used a credit card that I seldom use.

OK, stupid I know. Since paying off big credit card bills I pay cash except in an emergency, but the bill was suddenly serious triple digits and I figured just getting away from those whores was an emergency.

A couple of days later I started getting calls at home. The one I share with my wife. (My home # is listed under my name.) Hang-ups and hidden caller ids until a female (no name given, just "I'm sure you remember me" said that she met at the club and thought I was really hot and did I want to get together. I said no and hung up.

OK. I am far from hot and not dumb enough to believe a 20-something thinks so. I do dress well, drive a nice car and wear what looks like a nice watch. (As fake as their boobs, but better looking.)

I threatened to call the cops when she called again. The calls stopped and later that week found out that my credit card number had been stolen. I can't prove, nor do I want to even try that it was stolen at Paper Moon.

But the women are skanky and pushy, the prices are ridiculous, the food is bad and you get a lot of lip. Unless you are desperate, why go there?

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 05, 2010 12:11AM


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/16/2013 05:29PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: September 05, 2010 12:25AM

chuckhoffmann Wrote:
> They call them strip joints not because they
> provide a place for women to take their clothes
> off, but because their goal is to strip you of
> every penny they can. Paper Moon's just a little
> more obvious about it; "You're not feeding the
> machine? Get the fuck out."
> I have gone to strip clubs in the past and will
> probably do so again, and here's how I minimize
> being skinned.
> 1) Ask how much everything costs. If a girl sits
> at your table and wants you to buy her a drink,
> ask how much it costs before you do. A friend of
> mine got a $300 bill for one drink at a clip joint
> and it was only because he was fleet of foot that
> he got away without a beating.
> 2) Don't run a tab. Pay cash for everything as
> it's served to you. That way there will be no
> argument about the bill.
> 3) Bring only as much cash as you're willing to
> spend, because you'll probably spend it all. Bring
> one credit or debit card for an emergency (cabs
> take credit cards, now!)
> 4) If the bouncers or manager tell you they are
> going to call the police, let the police come. The
> worst that will happen to you is you might do a
> night in the drunk tank, which is absolutely no
> fun, but it beats getting in a fistfight.
> 5) Have fun, but remember that you are really just
> in a shark tank with good looking sharks, and
> don't get bitten!

Great advice chuck!

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: poon hound ()
Date: September 05, 2010 10:30AM

Clinker Wrote:

> All of them were skinny, skanky with cheap fake
> tits.

I bet Mr. Misery would love this place

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: September 05, 2010 10:22PM

I want to thank all those who related their bad experience at Paper Moon. Saves me a trip.
I love Strip Places, but The Washington DC area can't get it right.
In NJ, there are plenty of smaller, unpretentous places , where there is no hustle, the lap dances are long , and the drinks are cheap. There are also the hustle places like around here, but easy enough to avoid.The best girls ,as far as looks and attitude are the Brazilians.
There are plenty of rub and tug massage places around , not to mention all the prositutes still advertising on BackPage. What could possibly be wrong with a bawdy strip club or two in the NOVA area?

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Re: s
Posted by: Rodeo ()
Date: September 11, 2010 10:51PM

heard some of the girls like to 'go out' after a long day's work. you have to know the code.

inkahootz Wrote:
> s

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Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: tc ()
Date: October 06, 2010 10:41PM

after reading all, no go decision was made by 10 of us, good guys was no fun either. the best ever was Dejavu Minneapolis

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: In All The Wrong Places ()
Date: October 06, 2010 11:11PM

tc Wrote:
> after reading all, no go decision was made by 10
> of us, good guys was no fun either. the best ever
> was Dejavu Minneapolis

If Good Guys was no fun, then you guys were not really out looking for fun.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Burned ()
Date: February 09, 2011 02:14PM

Wow, wish I'd read this before I went there a couple of weeks ago with four friends. The friend that suggested it is still apologizing. One stripper was insulting as hell when when we declined her high-pressure tactics for lap dances, and another kept trying to get our phone numbers to go with the champagne she conned one of my friends into buying. One was a two in dim light, the other was hotter but full of herself and bitchy as hell when the tips and drinks stopped coming. We ended our evening there in less than 45 minutes and that was only because it took a while to get served.

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Obama: Released Taliban Prisoners Could ‘Absolutely’ Pose Threat to U.S
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: February 09, 2011 02:24PM

If you don't treat a whore like a whore, you become the whore.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2015 12:17PM by WingNut.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: February 09, 2011 02:46PM

WingNut Wrote:
> If you don't treat a whore like a whore, you
> become the whore.

schmatte, schmatte, schmatte -- I can't give it away on 7th Avenue

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: watching you ()
Date: February 09, 2011 05:31PM

I like sit in the parking lot and take pictures of married guys (driving mini vans, volvo wagons ect) then follow them home and then send their wives the photos. It helps them in their divorce steeelment.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Kelly gave me head once ()
Date: February 09, 2011 05:45PM

Kelly, shut the fuck up before I skull fuck you with your dildo and assfuck you with a metal pipe. Two bit fucking junkie whore cum guzzling slut.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: watching you too ()
Date: February 09, 2011 09:54PM

I sit in the pearling lot and take pictures of the guy taking pictures of the married guys. Then I send the married guys the photos. It helps them identify him when they Notify his employer what his creepy hobby is.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: my oh my ()
Date: February 10, 2011 03:04AM

Seems Paper Moon has bought a bunch of ads spots on O'Meara's Duh Edge radio station

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: My Oh My 2 ()
Date: February 10, 2011 06:12AM

my oh my Wrote:
> Seems Paper Moon has bought a bunch of ads spots
> on O'Meara's Duh Edge radio station

Plus, the Paper Moon sends girls over to appear on the show with Kirk and Mike. Monday (Valentine's Day), they're going to invite one male listener into the studio for a langerie show by the girls from Paper Moon.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Franconia ()
Date: February 12, 2011 12:18PM

So the radio whores meet up with the stripper whores? I hope they disinfect the studio after the show.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: JohnBoy ()
Date: February 12, 2011 01:52PM

It might take more than disinfectant. I was halfway through a lap dance once when I noticed cold sores on the strippers butt. She keep offering to let me feel her up. Gag. Couldn't get otta there fast enuf.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: alex yardley ()
Date: February 12, 2011 02:18PM

kelly has given me head so many times and i know that she has no diseases. she had a purple looking tight pussy and a little tigght ass. a nice tatoo of a 'wildflower' on her back. she is a freak definitely she is down to swallow your load and your homies load sitting next to u

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Franconia2 ()
Date: February 12, 2011 05:44PM

Ignoring the pervs on this board takes some effort, but thank you to those posters who provided valuable advice to avoid this club.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: concerned123 ()
Date: February 13, 2011 04:07PM

alex yardley,

arent you a drug dealer?

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: GrossedOut ()
Date: February 23, 2011 02:08PM

All skanks, all the time. Not even sexy, just gross and crazy expensive. Won't go back.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Stones ()
Date: February 23, 2011 11:03PM

Oracle17 Wrote:
> Strip club rankings (international) from my
> experience
> #1 Mexico (cancun, for tourists, #1 cause I was
> able to communicate with all the girls and they
> were from all around the world)
> #2 Panama
> #3 Montreal
> #4 Prague
> #5 Germany (tourist trap but soo soo naughty)
> #6 Brazil (Rio seems more into brothels than strip
> clubs)
> #7 Jordan (not sure if I can even call it a strip
> club)

Don't forget about Namibia, just south of town tutu tutu. I'm sure you've been there, you sexy traveler and all. So worldly you are! I think we are all very impressed so if that was your intention. It worked. You are my hero. Is that what you were after?

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Not that desperate ()
Date: March 26, 2011 08:10PM

Skinny and skanky sounds great compared to what I saw there last night. Whales,I'm telling you, whales. And inflated fake tits that looked like concrete on the rest of the "dancers".

And they all get bitchy really fast if you don't want lap dances. They lost my business for good.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Huge Hefner ()
Date: March 26, 2011 08:32PM

"Whales,I'm telling you, whales"
Say is the bouncer Queequeg still working the door at the Paper Moon these days?

Is there a nautical theme to the Paper Moon dancers? Does a lucky fellow from the audience get to harpoon one of the gals with their moby dick

stop me now

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Ronnie Mund ()
Date: March 26, 2011 08:51PM

Avoid this shit hole paper moon...the whores are pushy and irritating...I went there to fuckin relax, have a few drinks and check out some ass..Well,The fuckin whores try scamming you as soon as you enter. Do not waste your time with this clip joint.

Lets fuck some whores!!! topless..t.o.p.l.e.s.s..topless

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Huge Hefner ()
Date: March 26, 2011 09:40PM

Figures, Mike O'Meara endorses the place

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: turd ()
Date: March 26, 2011 09:54PM

my girlfriend loves this place,and i love it when she goes.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Bigfoot ()
Date: March 26, 2011 11:38PM

The place sucks..dont waste your time. don't believe me? check it out for yourself.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Moonster ()
Date: March 27, 2011 10:03AM

by the subject I thought Moon was the schoolboard guy.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Teh King ()
Date: March 27, 2011 01:24PM

Paper Moon sucks badly. If you want to kick back, drink your beer and have a conversation with a friend you can do it at Crystal City Restaurant. The food ain't half bad either.

I know I repeat myself but I can't stomach the thought of strip clubs in the US after visiting the go-go bars of Thailand, Cambodia and Singapore. The goal in those places is the same as here in the US: to strip you of as much cash as possible. But at least at those places the promise is delivered... or not. How far you go is entirely "up to you", as they are fond of saying. Plus your dollar goes much, much further and you are treated like a king, whether you look like a leper or a prince.

"The three enemies of the people are hegemony, monogamy, and monotony."-Terence McKenna

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Joper ()
Date: March 27, 2011 06:25PM

Paper Moon? Well, the whores that work there are crude stupid money grubbing, well, whores. As for management, they too are filthy crass money grubbing pigs.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: HoosWho ()
Date: March 29, 2011 08:32PM

Actually, I think Joper is understating what a dump that place is. I can see going there once if you don't know any better, but any one who goes there twice is either desperate or one of employee's pimps there to keep an eye on their income.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: HoosWhom ()
Date: March 29, 2011 08:37PM

Oh, turd, you poor guy. That's because your girl friend works there. Haven't you noticed she always carries singles? Or any thing else she may carry? Get checked.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Ex-Full Mooner ()
Date: March 31, 2011 03:14PM

Do they still have the ATM with the $20 service fee?? Ouch!!!

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Ronald ()
Date: March 31, 2011 08:59PM

That place sucks. take your money to another club. went last week and it was a fuckin clip joint from the moment i walked in..after a hard days work I had money, i just wanted to drink a few beers, relax and see some ass.

The women are east coast 3's and L.A. 0's..maybe i went on a bad day.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: anus ()
Date: March 31, 2011 10:18PM

Waste of time and money. If you get a lap dance and use your credit card they charge you something like a 50 dollar handling fee. The place is shit and so is the dancers

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: Robbed ()
Date: April 01, 2011 02:04PM

DO NOT use your credit card here. I did the one and only time I ever went to this hole, and within days the number was used all over Tysons Corners.

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Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by: careful ()
Date: April 03, 2011 05:00AM

Absolutely one of the biggest ripoff joints I have ever been to.

Full of alot of ugly girls and pretenders thinking they are [picking up chicks.

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