Re: Paper Moon (Springfield)
Posted by:
Emmanuel Rath
Date: June 09, 2010 07:20PM
Lurker. Wrote:
> I can't see paying $75 at Papermoon for partially clothed
Umm, that was $50 for three fully clothed waitresses to sit at your table for about two minutes (long enough to ask you for the money), and then run away. It's not for "partially clothed" or dancing or anything. They just came over, said "Hi! Are you having a good time? Will you buy us a drink for $45?", I said "Sure!", they said, "Thanks!", took the money and left. That was all.
The remainder of the cost was $12 admission and $8 coke, plus a $2 tip, plus another $5 tip for the above 90-120 second visitation.
I don't know what the protocols are. Maybe this is their way of enforcing a minimum drink (one coke for me, three never-seen drinks for them) on top of the cover charge. The timeline is: [0:05] waitress comes and takes my order for a coke ($10) [0:10] coke appears [0:18] vampyre waitresses materialize at table and ask for $45 for drinks for themselves [0:20] give them $50 and they say thanks bye, and disappear [0:35] bored, leave.
I thought it was a little weird that they acted like they were going to sit with me, but then ran away the second that I agreed. That felt kind of cold and like I was being hustled. Maybe when they hit me up I was supposed to do something else -- like offer to spend a LOT more money. I noticed champagne in a fridge on the floor. (I didn't see, but maybe that's what those guys with the girls sitting there had done, and was what I was supposed to do. But I think those other girls were dancers, not waitresses, anyway.)
In these kind of places, do you normally "buy drinks" (I don't think there are any actual drinks involved - it's just some kind of courtesy) for the waitress(es) when she comes by? And what's reasonable for a tip? I thought $2 on $8 was normal, But maybe you are expected to tip a lot more? When the gaggle of three waitresses came by, I essentially tipped them $50 for nothing at all (other than the courtesy of stopping at my table to ask if I was having a good time). Maybe I was offending people? Or maybe you just are supposed to shell out $50 so often to be in the club. Or maybe that $50 was all that was expected and they would not have come back for more even if I had stayed for an hour.
For all I comprehend, maybe I was somehow being a real asshole, and am now being a jerk for my semi-plaintive report. I mean, it was a decent place inside, and everyone there (bouncer, ticket girl, waitresses) acted nice and friendly.
Someone asked about food - I didn't see any evidence of any food in the place, but that doesn't mean there isn't any.
> when a couple of miles down the road in DC you can see hotter and totally naked.
What's that experience like, and how much does THAT cost?
Someone needs to go on a field trip and report.