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SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 01, 2015 12:41PM

this has gone a little too far. it was a joke but i'm not even gonna go after someone over something that ended up not being true. sorry. new years resolutions, people! sorry man

To all the people saying I'm getting threatened to delete it, you ever think maybe I just feel bad because I know I was wrong and don't want to ruin someone's rep because I was mad over something petty?

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2016 06:29PM by Fuckwithmeyouknowigotit.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 01, 2015 12:42PM

(edited post cause I was a jerk)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2016 12:24AM by Fuckwithmeyouknowigotit.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Oh dear God ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:17PM

He is checking out her ass for sure.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: jail bait ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:19PM

Can you blame the guy?!

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: female enthusiast ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:30PM

I'd be more worried if he wasn't checking her out. Seems like a normal and healthy affirmation of his appreciation of the female form to me.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: W6uCT ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:41PM

So what'd you get in trouble for?

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Typical blame the victim ()
Date: December 01, 2015 02:54PM

Look at how she is dressed, she wants the attention.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 01, 2015 05:51PM

I'm not letting this one go

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 01, 2015 05:52PM

W6uCT Wrote:
> So what'd you get in trouble for?

Hi, mr caven!

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: d6EyW ()
Date: December 01, 2015 05:53PM

What are you in trouble for? What decision did he make that you think was unfair? Don't start this and leave us hanging... Slinging mud without any details

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 01, 2015 05:54PM

d6EyW Wrote:
> What are you in trouble for? What decision did he
> make that you think was unfair? Don't start this
> and leave us hanging... Slinging mud without any
> details

I've never even talked to you before. But you're still a principal at my school and you're a perv.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: YcJyb ()
Date: December 01, 2015 05:56PM

I'm not him

Just curious why someone would start this up and bring no details.

So you've never talked to him before but you know he's 'insecure and doesn't know what he's doing'? Doesn't make sense

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 01, 2015 05:57PM

d6EyW Wrote:
> What are you in trouble for? What decision did he
> make that you think was unfair? Don't start this
> and leave us hanging... Slinging mud without any
> details
And you almost got my friend suspended last year

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: bnmnu ()
Date: December 01, 2015 05:58PM

Lol - now you edit it

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 01, 2015 06:00PM

YcJyb Wrote:
> I'm not him
> Just curious why someone would start this up and
> bring no details.
> So you've never talked to him before but you know
> he's 'insecure and doesn't know what he's doing'?
> Doesn't make sense

You're obviously him...because why would you care so much? I don't need to talk to you to know you're a perv who got my friend in trouble last year. Talk to her, not me

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: une7C ()
Date: December 01, 2015 06:01PM

Just to be clear, I'm not Caven. I just find it dumb that people throw dirt around with no info to back it up

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 01, 2015 06:01PM

YcJyb Wrote:
> I'm not him
> Just curious why someone would start this up and
> bring no details.
> So you've never talked to him before but you know
> he's 'insecure and doesn't know what he's doing'?
> Doesn't make sense
And every time you reply, this thread just goes to the top of the list for more people to see, including parents and staff of SOCO

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: tbWWh ()
Date: December 01, 2015 06:03PM

It's a public forum... lots of people comment on lots of things. I don't care that much - just find these things a bit idiotic...

"hey, everyone - joe schmo is a dirtbag"

Ok, why?

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: CLcHU ()
Date: December 01, 2015 06:05PM

I'm also pretty sure a principal would not be asking on a public forum for you to give details... think logically my friend

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: xucnW ()
Date: December 01, 2015 06:06PM

I'm just a long time lurker...

you are the guy who believes EVERY troll post about snow forecasts/closings - lol

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: There's more! ()
Date: December 01, 2015 06:08PM

He is inches away from grabbing the boob of the girl on the right.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: who cares ()
Date: December 01, 2015 06:16PM

So the OP is a troll.....he's not even the principal of the school....

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: hhh555 ()
Date: December 01, 2015 10:35PM

he liked that asss

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: H3X34 ()
Date: December 02, 2015 06:02AM

I know for a fact that Ragone frequents FFU.

Hi Matt, Fred is doing a wonderful job!

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: €€ ()
Date: December 02, 2015 06:57AM

H3X34 Wrote:
> I know for a fact that Ragone frequents FFU.
> Hi Matt, Fred is doing a wonderful job!

There are a LOT of FCPS people on FFU. I would bet they allow certain people to do it on duty time to keep track of the gossip. They sometimes use it to put out their propaganda.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: gaydar ()
Date: December 02, 2015 01:52PM

He and his faggot School Resources Officer buddy are usually scoping out the younge boys.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: XcNET ()
Date: December 03, 2015 05:21PM

when i was schooled there was no co-ed gym not co-ed military either

if i remember: the girls gym coaches were often dykes - one i remember was and said little or nothing when queried by an impertinent brat (no, not me)

MALE coaches for female team? that's only good for fuck.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Therealisback ()
Date: December 03, 2015 09:54PM

gaydar Wrote:
> He and his faggot School Resources Officer buddy
> are usually scoping out the younge boys.

Officer champ or the old, fat, white guy is sro? Lol. so he wasn't really checking out her ass....he likes guys!

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Everything+more ()
Date: December 03, 2015 09:56PM

And it looks like op isn't the only one with a bone to pick with this guy hahahahaha

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Everything+more ()
Date: December 03, 2015 09:58PM

I love going to soco. It was worth the time trying to find the tweet. Geeked my whole night lol

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Everything+more ()
Date: December 03, 2015 10:00PM

Sus just means gay

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: student ()
Date: December 05, 2015 12:19PM

)))Officer champ or the old, fat, white guy is sro?


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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: what the camera doesn't show ()
Date: December 05, 2015 02:08PM

These candid photos never tell the entire story. This image doesn't show the entire story. The guy with the green tie isn't looking at the girls butt. He looking at her boy friend's crotch. He's standing right off frame and can't be seen in the image. Green tie is looking at him.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: so glad to know they're safe ()
Date: December 05, 2015 03:12PM

Thank God for thin insight. I was so afraid that girl was in danger.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: nTwLK ()
Date: December 05, 2015 07:47PM

>Who hires these guys?

All the SRO's are selected off of the NAMBLA membership list.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Tea ()
Date: December 05, 2015 08:17PM

student Wrote:
> )))Officer champ or the old, fat, white guy is
> sro?
> champ

So officer champ is a gay pedo/perv too? Is that why he left soco and now we have officer petrovich?

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Tea ()
Date: December 05, 2015 08:19PM

what the camera doesn't show Wrote:
> These candid photos never tell the entire story.
> This image doesn't show the entire story. The guy
> with the green tie isn't looking at the girls
> butt. He looking at her boy friend's crotch. He's
> standing right off frame and can't be seen in the
> image. Green tie is looking at him.

Where are you guys even getting this info haha? He always seemed like more of a typical weirdo/loser in high school but gay high-school predator never crossed my gaydar

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Tyler, the Creator ()
Date: December 05, 2015 08:36PM

Hey, while we're at it, why don't we just keep exposing and bring down all of SOCO. I know soco teachers lurk on here. Spill some tea. It's Saturday, I have nothing to do (I know you guys don't either), let's get it popping

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Tyler, the Creator ()
Date: December 05, 2015 11:40PM

So nobody wants to spill tea? Alright, cool :/

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: that blonde girl fine AF ()
Date: December 05, 2015 11:43PM

I would suck a fart out of her butt

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Realisback ()
Date: December 06, 2015 08:19AM

I know a teacher at soco mr Kim who taught math got kicked out. He said he resigned but really parents and students kept complaining so he kinda had to leave. It's a shame too because this was his first year teaching. But I guess he doesn't deserve it if he's just gonna leave that quick.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 06, 2015 01:34PM

that blonde girl fine AF Wrote:
> I would suck a fart out of her butt

You nasty! Stop quoting Charlamagne

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Therealisback ()
Date: December 06, 2015 04:19PM


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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: breakfast club 105.1 ()
Date: December 06, 2015 04:21PM

> that blonde girl fine AF Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I would suck a fart out of her butt
> You nasty! Stop quoting Charlamagne

You light skinned nigga Envy, you don't tell me what I can and can't do. I would smell her chair too

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Tyler, the Creator ()
Date: December 06, 2015 05:10PM

Therealisback Wrote:

You sound extra salty. You mad she wasn't texting you? Bahahah

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Therealisback ()
Date: December 06, 2015 08:32PM

All ya'll, stfu. Whoever was talking about officer champ and the staff being perverts, come back please. This thread has potential

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Date: December 07, 2015 07:32PM

Someone say something

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Santos ()
Date: January 22, 2016 03:43PM

Girls;you will never look this hot again in your life.Enjoy it b4 it goes away.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: Your weave ()
Date: January 22, 2016 04:04PM

He has googlie eyes. He was looking at dirt on floor the janitor missed.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: raped by champ ()
Date: January 28, 2016 11:25PM

i can confirm it. he didn't really rape me, but he was always following mme into bath room. he tried to touch me more than once and invited me to work out with him.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: confirming champ perv ()
Date: February 28, 2016 11:27PM

The guy that said he (SRO Champ) was always following boys into the bathroom is right on target. We used to laugh about it. Had to go in groups. Safety in numbers you know. Not really something to joke about though. I know at least two guys who said he touched them.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: 4xn7H ()
Date: February 29, 2016 04:44PM

>this has gone a little too far. it was a joke but i'm not even gonna go after someone over something that ended up not being true. sorry. new years resolutions, people! sorry man

I don't believe this for a minute. Someone is pressuring OP into retracting this. Regardless about this specific photo, the problem described in this thread is accurate.

Truth will be heard.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: amen amen amen amen ()
Date: February 29, 2016 05:03PM

Spot on. This is a case of a payoff or intimidation.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: focused on local discussion ()
Date: February 29, 2016 05:44PM

Let's get refocused on local issues.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: focused on local discussion ()
Date: February 29, 2016 05:49PM

focus people

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: soco boy ()
Date: March 04, 2016 03:44PM

I don't know who the perv cop is but he looked right over my shoulder while I was taking a whiz.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: The Einuis Society? ()
Date: March 04, 2016 03:51PM

The true test would be if Mr. Caven gave her a "shred when read" note about "secrets" and "making out and touching" (all in the key of G major in 3/4 time).

That's the Laurence Einuis method. He should teach it when he gets out of prison.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: soco gang member ()
Date: March 05, 2016 12:58PM

Is this champ guy still around? Is that his name or some guy of gringo title? Does anyone have a picture of this guy?

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: EKMjh ()
Date: March 05, 2016 04:50PM

I think he's off protecting children from internet predators. What a laugh. Who protects the children from the FCPD predators like PFC Thomas Champ??

Send Tom an expression of love: Thomas.Champ@fairfaxcounty.gov

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: jTnDV ()
Date: March 23, 2016 07:24PM

I emailed him. He didn't respond, but there has been a white van outside my house all day.

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: where does it STOP? ()
Date: March 23, 2016 08:19PM




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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: hvDTD ()
Date: March 25, 2016 12:41PM

list should be much larger

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Re: SOCO principal Mr Caven is a pervert (who hires these guys?)
Posted by: XGeKu ()
Date: March 28, 2016 02:12PM


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