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Corruption at Bryant high school under Larry Jones
Posted by: Alicenwonderland ()
Date: November 21, 2015 01:27PM

A disturbing place, not because of the kids but the staff, from the principle to the office secretary.

*A principal that does not value students or the staff. He would rather have lunch and gossip with Gloria Spriggs, Phelps and Marilyn Moore.

*The principal showed favoritism to an uneducated secretary that cannot spell or speak educated English, by firing the college educated office assistant that was efficient and timely and did not spend the day flirting with the security guard Mr. Harris.

*Ms. Bonilla walks through the school flirting with the security and leaving to buy lunches instead of learning her job responsibilities with school funds.

*The assistant principles are fake, rude and do not care about kids.

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Re: Corruption at Bryant high school under Larry Jones
Posted by: Carla ()
Date: November 21, 2015 01:47PM

They also allowed a student to do the floral decorations for a graduation and did not offer to pay her, knowing that she had a valid business.
The old principal would allow his favorites teachers. He had people spying for him, like M Bonilla, Mr. Ross, Marilyn Moore and T Phelps.

He caused the students to feel isolated and rejected by allowing his favorites to bully them and talk down to them.

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