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Homo != pedo. I don't give a shit if a teacher goes home to a same-sex partner. If you're trying to imply that a homo is automatically a pedo, fuck you.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Date: November 16, 2015 10:03AM
How will Fairfax underground Wrote:
> I know most people are okay with it, but Fairfax
> underground is different. How will you fell if you
> had a 6 year old and the teacher as a homo ?
I really have no interest whatsoever in other people's sex lives - straight, gay, whatever. And having no interest, I don't want to hear about it. Why do we even have to know? If some straight guy liked sloppy tits and hairy muffs, do you think he could get away describing that in school/work/etc. So why do we need to hear about anyone's gay sexual preferences? Just keep it to yourself - NO ONE REALLY CARES.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
You're A Young Naive Twit
Date: November 16, 2015 11:34AM
Rockstar Wrote:
> Homo != pedo. I don't give a shit if a teacher
> goes home to a same-sex partner. If you're trying
> to imply that a homo is automatically a pedo, fuck
> you.
There is a very strong tie there which the media won't touch -- If they do, they are automatically fired for be "hateful"
BTW -- fuck YOU TOO.
Just ask any LEO who works in that department -- there IS a connection -- Twit.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Date: November 16, 2015 01:22PM
Anyone who thinks there's not a strong pedophile draw in the gay community would be shocked to read their own (i.e., gay community's) advertisements in gay mags. Don't try to deny it: there are "youth oriented" gatherings, outings, and attractions that have been part and parcel of the gay world since forever. And by "youth", I'm not talking about 18 yr olds...I'm talking about minors.
Trying to decouple the gay male population from interest in "youth" is like trying to deny a fascination among skinheads with Hitler: Sure, many are just plain old racists who hate black people; but where one is found, you'll find the other.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Medieval thinking
Date: November 16, 2015 01:53PM
There is no link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Forty years ago, 70% of American thought there was such a link. Today, it's less than 5%. Obviously, we have some of these behind the times neanderthals posting in this thread.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
White knuckles
Date: November 16, 2015 05:02PM
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.[2][4] The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters.[4][5] Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls.[4] In 1997, NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization.[6] As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco.[4]
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Fucking idiots
Date: November 16, 2015 05:31PM
How will Fairfax underground Wrote:
> I know most people are okay with it, but Fairfax
> underground is different.
6bHYy Wrote:
> How will Fairfax underground Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I know most people are okay with it, but
> Fairfax
> > underground is different. How will you fell if
> you
> > had a 6 year old and the teacher as a homo ?
> I really have no interest whatsoever in other
> people's sex lives - straight, gay, whatever. And
> having no interest, I don't want to hear about it.
> Why do we even have to know? If some straight
> guy liked sloppy tits and hairy muffs, do you
> think he could get away describing that in
> school/work/etc. So why do we need to hear about
> anyone's gay sexual preferences? Just keep it to
> yourself - NO ONE REALLY CARES.
But you probably wouldn't have a problem with a straight teacher talking about their spouse. But if a gay teacher did, you'd be mad
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Here We Go
Date: November 16, 2015 05:48PM
How will Fairfax underground Wrote:
> I know most people are okay with it, but Fairfax
> underground is different. How will you fell if you
> had a 6 year old and the teacher as a homo ?
I hope you're not a product of the FFX County school system; you can't write worth shit. But let me guess...you met your kid's teacher and he seems a little effeminate. You, of course, immediately jumped to the conclusion that he's a raging 'fag' pervert pedophile who will savagely rape your kid. You're a paranoid idiot, but that goes without saying.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Date: November 16, 2015 06:36PM
ContributeSomething Wrote:
> What's your definition of NAMBLA?
An organization that (overwhelmingly) won a free speech case with the help of the ACLU. Of course, that's not the story that all these witless FOX-tards were fed.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Date: November 16, 2015 07:22PM
6bHYy Wrote:
> How will Fairfax underground Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I know most people are okay with it, but
> Fairfax
> > underground is different. How will you fell if
> you
> > had a 6 year old and the teacher as a homo ?
> I really have no interest whatsoever in other
> people's sex lives - straight, gay, whatever. And
> having no interest, I don't want to hear about it.
> Why do we even have to know? If some straight
> guy liked sloppy tits and hairy muffs, do you
> think he could get away describing that in
> school/work/etc. So why do we need to hear about
> anyone's gay sexual preferences? Just keep it to
> yourself - NO ONE REALLY CARES.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Date: November 16, 2015 07:23PM
6bHYy Wrote:
> How will Fairfax underground Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I know most people are okay with it, but
> Fairfax
> > underground is different. How will you fell if
> you
> > had a 6 year old and the teacher as a homo ?
> I really have no interest whatsoever in other
> people's sex lives - straight, gay, whatever. And
> having no interest, I don't want to hear about it.
> Why do we even have to know? If some straight
> guy liked sloppy tits and hairy muffs, do you
> think he could get away describing that in
> school/work/etc. So why do we need to hear about
> anyone's gay sexual preferences? Just keep it to
> yourself - NO ONE REALLY CARES.
But what if teacher holds hands with his partner on a field trip and then they kiss good-bye?
uLjM4 Wrote:
> 6bHYy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How will Fairfax underground Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I know most people are okay with it, but
> > Fairfax
> > > underground is different. How will you fell
> if
> > you
> > > had a 6 year old and the teacher as a homo ?
> >
> >
> > I really have no interest whatsoever in other
> > people's sex lives - straight, gay, whatever.
> And
> > having no interest, I don't want to hear about
> it.
> > Why do we even have to know? If some straight
> > guy liked sloppy tits and hairy muffs, do you
> > think he could get away describing that in
> > school/work/etc. So why do we need to hear
> about
> > anyone's gay sexual preferences? Just keep it
> to
> > yourself - NO ONE REALLY CARES.
> But what if teacher holds hands with his partner
> on a field trip and then they kiss good-bye?
I have gay friends who hold jobs where they have to maintain a professional position. They are sensitive to public displays of affection.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Here's The Fact
Date: November 16, 2015 09:40PM
Faggots, queers and homos should not be around children. They're a danger, if not by their propensity to molest, then by the terrible example they give to young minds who might take it that being gay is a valid choice. That ultimately leads to their own death and shame to their families.
Let the fags stick to decorating, hair styling, and arranging flowers. Or sucking dick in an alley.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
JBW Is Gay
Date: November 16, 2015 09:44PM
Seems JBW reads a lot of gay publications to know what's in them. I'm more worried about him being in denial & trying to accuse other people. Fucker obviously has issues, regardless if he wears a beard as a straight guy, dude is reading gay mags. I have zero fucking interest about anything in a fishing or sewing magazine, so I can't tell you 1 thing about what's in them.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Gay teacher
Date: November 16, 2015 09:51PM
Here's The Fact Wrote:
> Faggots, queers and homos should not be around
> children. They're a danger, if not by their
> propensity to molest, then by the terrible example
> they give to young minds who might take it that
> being gay is a valid choice. That ultimately leads
> to their own death and shame to their families.
> Let the fags stick to decorating, hair styling,
> and arranging flowers. Or sucking dick in an
> alley.
With a limp-wristed pansy like you? You'd be back to your butt buddy crying that I hurt you and Tweet about it all night long. How about you just stay away from the kids altogether?
Get a haircut Wrote:
> All male teachers are bad news, only difference is
> which kids are they fooling with. Why else
> wouldn't they get a real job?
Don’t say that. The schools need more men teachers. Especially at the elementary school level. All those boys in an institution with just women. That’s not fair.
wow the homophobia here is pretty high. I couldnt care less if my kids teacher is gay or straight a healthy mentally stable professional teacher knows their sexuality gets checked at the door and conduct themselves as such.
I have seen countless "straight" teachers prey on the kids and get away with it both male and female. But thats okay because they are not "queer faggots"? Hate to break it to you but there are many homosexual men and women that look and act "straight" around you every day.
Sure there is a massive difference between the stereotypical gays and actual homosexuals but hey this is Ffx Underground I am not going to waste the time to type out logical and proven science facts.
Gay does not equal pedo. In my 42 years here I have seen time and again "straight" men and women prey on kids and get away with it especially when I was in junior then high school the shit was sick. I never once knew of a gay teacher preying on one of the students. Does it ever happen? Sure.
Pedophiles are right on the line of being psychotic its a straight up severe mental illness it does not matter if one is gay or straight.
What if this teacher was a smoking hot right out of college lesbian would you have a problem with that? OP's argument is stuck in the McCarthy era 1950's. It is now 2016 great strides have been made. Science has evolved. FCPS hiring process SHOULD filter out the obviously neurotic and mentally ill. I admit that the FCPS hiring process is far from perfect.
Ive seen a few cases of newly hired FCPS female teachers that just got out of college immediately start preying on the kids first day of the job.
Ive known of a couple gay teachers but from what I know they were just good teachers. From Walt Whitman to Mt.Vernon to Quander Road there were "straight" teachers/admins Fing the kids. They all got away with it too. A counselor got suspicious of a teacher one day and drove to her house only to find that this female teacher had another under age boy up in her bedroom. She did not get into any trouble.
The assistant principal of Walt Whitman many many years ago just could not keep his hands off the female students. When the kids would come into the school in the morning he would be there greeting the 7th and 8th grade girls with big hugs running his hands all over them. He did get caught though...18 years later. Lost his job but kept his pension and full benefits but hey its okay at least hes not some "faggot".
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Teaches at ES
Date: March 24, 2016 11:12AM
Do you not recognize that gay and lesBian teachers have taught in the school system for generations. The spinster school teacher.... She was into other women! Public education breeds lesbians! My female music ( strings) teacher was a homo and proud of it!
Ignorance is bliss!
> I know most people are okay with it, but Fairfax
> underground is different. How will you fell if you
> had a 6 year old and the teacher as a homo ?
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Brace Jenner
Date: March 24, 2016 11:14AM
Mr. Brace J was my swim coach. If not a total homo, he was Bi.
Ms. Hamlin, W I middle school... Went both ways!
> Mort Irwin was a gym teacher at Holmes
> Intermediate in the seventies. Big homo ran a
> sports camp during the summer.
Re: Homosexual teacher at the elementary school level
Posted by:
Date: March 24, 2016 11:15AM
jkasrhcerbgyj Wrote:
> I'm pro good teacher...anti-homo
> Let'em teach. If I get any word they are touching
> or indoctrinating my kid, they will wish they were
> dead.
How would you know if they were indoctrinating your kid? Best to just avoid it and keep them away.
hell I remember when a Mt.V gym teacher punched a friend of mine. Made the news dude got fired. Guy got off easy cause my friend that he punched was benching over 450 6 foot 2 near 300 pounds less than a year later.