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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: LIbsRunAndHide ()
Date: November 16, 2015 09:46AM

I'm waiting for a response from Governor McAuliffe and Congressman
Connolly. Can't wait to hear their bullshit.


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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Here'sTerry! ()
Date: November 16, 2015 09:52AM


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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Here'sTerry ()
Date: November 16, 2015 09:53AM


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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Here'sTerry ()
Date: November 16, 2015 09:54AM

For some reason the twitter pic won't post.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Conserves Run & Post ()
Date: November 16, 2015 09:57AM

LIbsRunAndHide Wrote:
> I'm waiting for a response from Governor McAuliffe
> and Congressman
> Connolly. Can't wait to hear their bullshit.

How's that basement working for you? Warm and comfortable while you're posting?

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Bush Failed Intell ()
Date: November 16, 2015 09:58AM

At least Obama takes these threats seriously and doesn't ignore them like Bush did on 9/11.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: LRAH ()
Date: November 16, 2015 10:00AM

Conserves Run & Post Wrote:
> LIbsRunAndHide Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm waiting for a response from Governor
> McAuliffe
> > and Congressman
> > Connolly. Can't wait to hear their bullshit.
> >
> How's that basement working for you? Warm and
> comfortable while you're posting?

I own the whole house including the basement. Home office works for me.
How about your bunk at the shelter?

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Settlement ()
Date: November 16, 2015 10:15AM

Settle the Syrian refugees in Annandale and Herndon with the illegals and see what happens.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: "Shelter me from the storm" ()
Date: November 16, 2015 10:22AM

LRAH Wrote:
> Conserves Run & Post Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LIbsRunAndHide Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I'm waiting for a response from Governor
> > McAuliffe
> > > and Congressman
> > > Connolly. Can't wait to hear their bullshit.
> > >
> >
> > How's that basement working for you? Warm and
> > comfortable while you're posting?
> I own the whole house including the basement. Home
> office works for me.
> How about your bunk at the shelter?

Bunks pretty comfortable. Maybe you should try one sometime.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: ,sadfnhcefbg ()
Date: November 16, 2015 10:46AM

"Shelter me from the storm" Wrote:

> > > How's that basement working for you? Warm and
> > > comfortable while you're posting?
> >
> > I own the whole house including the basement.
> Home
> > office works for me.
> > How about your bunk at the shelter?
> Bunks pretty comfortable. Maybe you should try one
> sometime.

Free internetz at the lamb center?

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Duck and Cover ()
Date: November 16, 2015 10:49AM

Basement is the safest place from ISIS.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Pmag gen 3 ()
Date: November 16, 2015 10:54AM

I have a few hundred round drums ready for these guys! My AR-15s are nice and oiled up!

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: reesD ()
Date: November 16, 2015 11:03AM

Settlement Wrote:
> Settle the Syrian refugees in Annandale and
> Herndon with the illegals and see what happens.

Connolly lives in Mantua and McAuliffe lives in McLean. Best places by far.
BTW, the McLean folks don't like guns so the Jihadi's will feel safer there.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: LRAH ()
Date: November 16, 2015 12:14PM

"Shelter me from the storm" Wrote:
> LRAH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Conserves Run & Post Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > LIbsRunAndHide Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > I'm waiting for a response from Governor
> > > McAuliffe
> > > > and Congressman
> > > > Connolly. Can't wait to hear their bullshit.
> > > >
> > >
> > > How's that basement working for you? Warm and
> > > comfortable while you're posting?
> >
> > I own the whole house including the basement.
> Home
> > office works for me.
> > How about your bunk at the shelter?
> Bunks pretty comfortable. Maybe you should try one
> sometime.

I slept in Army bunks for a few years. No thanks, my dues are paid. Too bad it's all you can afford.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Lauren Hill ()
Date: November 16, 2015 12:14PM

Looks like the attackers were Belgian and French. No fugees.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Nathan Fielder ()
Date: November 16, 2015 12:34PM

The plan : Build a secondary Whitehouse in S.E DC to confuse the terrorists. Pretend to have important people in the whitehouse, but in reality it will be a welfare office. Terrorists attack the secondary whitehouse taking out local undesirables and themselves. It's a win win.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Whitehouse Welfare Office ()
Date: November 16, 2015 12:56PM

Nathan Fielder Wrote:
> but in reality
> it will be a welfare office

The White House is already a welfare office.

Numbers as of Oct 2015 per Factcheck.org:

- The median household income was down 3 percent as of 2014, and the official poverty rate was 1.6 percentage points higher.
- The rate of home ownership has dropped to the lowest point in nearly half a century.
- The federal debt owed to the public has more than doubled — up 107 percent.
- Census report showed that the number of people living in poverty went up in 2014 to nearly 46.7 million — which is 6.8 million more than in 2008. The official poverty rate — meaning the percentage of the population living below the official poverty line — was 14.8 percent last year, which is 1.6 percentage points higher than in 2008.
- As of June, the most recent month on record, more than 45.5 million Americans were still receiving the food aid, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program...42 percent higher than it was when Obama took office in 2009.
- The debt owed to the public has more than doubled. It is now nearly $13.1 trillion, an increase of 107 percent since Obama first took office. And the debt also has grown dramatically even when measured as a percentage of the growing economy, from 52 percent of gross domestic product at the end of fiscal year 2009 to just under 74 percent last year. Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, currently stands at close to $18.2 trillion, up nearly 71 percent under Obama.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: No Bush? ()
Date: November 16, 2015 03:00PM

LRAH Wrote:
> "Shelter me from the storm" Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LRAH Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Conserves Run & Post Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > LIbsRunAndHide Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > > I'm waiting for a response from Governor
> > > > McAuliffe
> > > > > and Congressman
> > > > > Connolly. Can't wait to hear their
> bullshit.
> >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > How's that basement working for you? Warm
> and
> > > > comfortable while you're posting?
> > >
> > > I own the whole house including the basement.
> > Home
> > > office works for me.
> > > How about your bunk at the shelter?
> >
> >
> > Bunks pretty comfortable. Maybe you should try
> one
> > sometime.
> I slept in Army bunks for a few years. No thanks,
> my dues are paid. Too bad it's all you can afford.

Army barracks for a few years? Sorry to hear that. Spent most of mine in the bush. If you're gonna play then play.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: ISIS jobs for you ()
Date: November 16, 2015 03:52PM

ISIS has competitive salaries for qualified IT professionals. In Syria, they pay $107,000 for network administrators.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: heymack ()
Date: November 16, 2015 04:02PM

Bush Failed Intell Wrote:
> At least Obama takes these threats seriously and
> doesn't ignore them like Bush did on 9/11.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: truth hurts ()
Date: November 16, 2015 04:49PM

heymack Wrote:
> Bush Failed Intell Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > At least Obama takes these threats seriously
> and
> > doesn't ignore them like Bush did on 9/11.


Bush apparently was not pleased by the CIA’s intrusion on his vacation nor with the report’s lack of specific targets and dates. He glared at the CIA briefer and snapped, “All right, you’ve covered your ass."

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: 44TL6 ()
Date: November 16, 2015 05:13PM

Bush, left his ranch early and returned to the Oval, as he went into the plane, he said "Got to go, National Security Issues."

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Rocky Raccoon ()
Date: November 16, 2015 05:24PM

Here'sTerry Wrote:
> For some reason the twitter pic won't post.

Yeah, the reason is you're stupid.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Duck and Cover ()
Date: November 16, 2015 05:28PM

I'm much more worried about getting hit by "friendly fire" if ISIS attacks DC....

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Date: November 16, 2015 05:37PM

It could easily happen here, and I'm not sure why people aren't taking it seriously enough. This is exactly how 9/11 happened

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Preparation H ()
Date: November 16, 2015 06:00PM

Fuckwithmeyouknowigotit Wrote:
> It could easily happen here, and I'm not sure why
> people aren't taking it seriously enough. This is
> exactly how 9/11 happened

Stocking up the basement? Got Command Central up and running? Do you have a loaded weapon hidden in the toilet paper? Are titanium bars attached to your basement doors? If you ain't got any of the above, then you ain't taking this shit seriously. Get your priorities strait or you ain't got it, kid.
One last item...go jerk-off in a test tube and freeze it. The world (or what's left it) might need your DNA for future generations.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Come get some, ragheads ()
Date: November 16, 2015 06:04PM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Hi Pajama Boy ()
Date: November 16, 2015 06:07PM

Preparation H Wrote:
> Fuckwithmeyouknowigotit Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It could easily happen here, and I'm not sure
> why
> > people aren't taking it seriously enough. This
> is
> > exactly how 9/11 happened
> Stocking up the basement? Got Command Central up
> and running? Do you have a loaded weapon hidden in
> the toilet paper? Are titanium bars attached to
> your basement doors? If you ain't got any of the
> above, then you ain't taking this shit seriously.
> Get your priorities strait or you ain't got it,
> kid.
> One last item...go jerk-off in a test tube and
> freeze it. The world (or what's left it) might
> need your DNA for future generations.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: High Pajama Boy? ()
Date: November 16, 2015 06:38PM

Ouch, that hurt. But I do on occasion wear pajamas and get high.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Its A NEW WORLD ! BEWARE! ()
Date: November 16, 2015 09:43PM

Sez The $$ Talking Heads.. The RETREADS .. FORMER This ..FORMER That.. TERRORIST EXPERTS... But they are not telling us the Real NEW WORLD problem Right Here In The USA!

And Here It IS!

These Terrorists have for many years used bombs and other chicken methods to kill people, look at all the buses bombed , all the things blown up in the Middle East like in Israel , or Irag. And here at home the Boston Bombers, the chicken shits used a bomb too.. Sneaky and Chicken.

But that's changing.. With the Armed gunman attack at Charlie in Paris and Now this latest attack. They are now are attacking.. With weapons.

And these attacks all were at "Soft Targets" and there's millions of them here.
And they don't need full auto guns or anything special. F gun controls, they are strict as hell in Europe but look what they did.. They can smuggle anything over here.

I LOL...look to Democrats to "Keep Us Safe" More "Gun Free Zones" AKA "False Hope Zones". too bad the French did not have a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the concert area. That would have stopped them in their tracks .. at least that's what Democrats will tell you..

I predict that NO Attacks will occur in some parts of TEXAS.. those terrorists are not that stupid..They would be turned into Mince Meat really quick..

In NOVA however. You spin the wheel and you takes your chances. There's only but so many TEXANS to go around..They cant be everywhere!

Now Can every one think of a "Soft Target" ?? A Place where you can be a "Sitting Duck" .. Round this area?? Even some of the French said the attack in Paris was like "Shooting Fish In A Barrel"

I can think of many .. And Im not going to tipster them out and let them know. And neither should Anyone Else! In WW2 "Loose Lips" Sank Ships.. Today Loose Lips could unleash an attack. Keep it Cool..And If SHTF I just hope there's some one round with a CCW that can keep em at least down or stopped. And if SHTF remember we are all Americans.. despite our political differences or in the case of some Democrats and most Liberals , their hate..

Be Safe out there.. And we will..but be wise and aware of what's going on around you. See something Odd let the cops know..

I pity those who may have to "Shelter in Place" .. Lord!!


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: "The white of their eyes" ()
Date: November 17, 2015 08:08AM

> Sez The $$ Talking Heads.. The RETREADS .. FORMER
> This ..FORMER That.. TERRORIST EXPERTS... But they
> are not telling us the Real NEW WORLD problem
> Right Here In The USA!
> And Here It IS!
> These Terrorists have for many years used bombs
> and other chicken methods to kill people, look at
> all the buses bombed , all the things blown up in
> the Middle East like in Israel , or Irag. And here
> at home the Boston Bombers, the chicken shits used
> a bomb too.. Sneaky and Chicken.
> But that's changing.. With the Armed gunman attack
> at Charlie in Paris and Now this latest attack.
> They are now are attacking.. With weapons.
> And these attacks all were at "Soft Targets" and
> there's millions of them here.
> And they don't need full auto guns or anything
> special. F gun controls, they are strict as hell
> in Europe but look what they did.. They can
> smuggle anything over here.
> I LOL...look to Democrats to "Keep Us Safe" More
> "Gun Free Zones" AKA "False Hope Zones". too bad
> the French did not have a "No Guns Allowed" sign
> on the concert area. That would have stopped them
> in their tracks .. at least that's what Democrats
> will tell you..
> I predict that NO Attacks will occur in some parts
> of TEXAS.. those terrorists are not that
> stupid..They would be turned into Mince Meat
> really quick..
> In NOVA however. You spin the wheel and you takes
> your chances. There's only but so many TEXANS to
> go around..They cant be everywhere!
> Now Can every one think of a "Soft Target" ?? A
> Place where you can be a "Sitting Duck" .. Round
> this area?? Even some of the French said the
> attack in Paris was like "Shooting Fish In A
> Barrel"
> I can think of many .. And Im not going to tipster
> them out and let them know. And neither should
> Anyone Else! In WW2 "Loose Lips" Sank Ships..
> Today Loose Lips could unleash an attack. Keep it
> Cool..And If SHTF I just hope there's some one
> round with a CCW that can keep em at least down or
> stopped. And if SHTF remember we are all
> Americans.. despite our political differences or
> in the case of some Democrats and most Liberals ,
> their hate..
> Be Safe out there.. And we will..but be wise and
> aware of what's going on around you. See something
> Odd let the cops know..
> I pity those who may have to "Shelter in Place"
> .. Lord!!

Cleaning your guns again, DAJAX? It's quite evident you never server your country. That's ok tho, most paranoid gunowners haven't.
Be safe and don't shoot anyone accidentally.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: No refugees in this town ! ()
Date: November 17, 2015 05:22PM

Call the capital and let them know that you oppose Syrian Refugees in VA 1-800 224-3121.
The operator will ask you what state,and transfer you to your Senator and your State Representative. It takes two minutes!! Enough is enough!!!!

If Obama wants them let them stay with his family!

Please Share this!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Stephen ()
Date: November 17, 2015 06:58PM

I can't think of anything of value in Dc.

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Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Zippee ()
Date: November 17, 2015 10:01PM

The.45 ACP might not be an ideal long-distance weapon, and it's certainly no sniper's rifle, but it has the advantages of low weight and quicker target acquisition. You can reliably engage aggressors at ranges of 30 meters and more. Use a two-handed grip and brace the barrel against a wall, or use your backpack/laptop bag as an improvised bench rest. Don't worry about "stopping power": One of those big slugs opens up to about 70 caliber when it hits, leaving an exit wound you could toss a cat through, and bringing so much energy to a target that a hit in the extremities is often enough to drop Mohammed in his tracks.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: zippity doo dah ()
Date: November 17, 2015 10:10PM

Zippee Wrote:
> The.45 ACP might not be an ideal long-distance
> weapon, and it's certainly no sniper's rifle, but
> it has the advantages of low weight and quicker
> target acquisition. You can reliably engage
> aggressors at ranges of 30 meters and more. Use a
> two-handed grip and brace the barrel against a
> wall, or use your backpack/laptop bag as an
> improvised bench rest. Don't worry about "stopping
> power": One of those big slugs opens up to about
> 70 caliber when it hits, leaving an exit wound you
> could toss a cat through, and bringing so much
> energy to a target that a hit in the extremities
> is often enough to drop Mohammed in his tracks.

You a gun expert? Kill anyone?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: iLester ()
Date: November 17, 2015 10:11PM

UMass poll has Trump leading Carson by 9.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: I Feel Warm Fuzzy Centered ()
Date: November 17, 2015 10:15PM

Just knowing that Democrats like Obama and Fast Terry have a REAL PLAN To Keep US SAFE!


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Sez The Democrat Dinier ()
Date: November 17, 2015 10:42PM

>Cleaning your guns again, DAJAX? It's quite evident you never server your country. That's ok tho, most paranoid gunowners haven't.
Be safe and don't shoot anyone accidentally.

Hey Hey Taking a ride on the River of De Nile??

Forget all the other bullshit.. Just read the facts son.

> These Terrorists have for many years used bombs
> and other chicken methods to kill people, look at
> all the buses bombed , all the things blown up in
> the Middle East like in Israel , or Irag. And here
> at home the Boston Bombers, the chicken shits used
> a bomb too.. Sneaky and Chicken.
> But that's changing.. With the Armed gunman attack
> at Charlie in Paris and Now this latest attack.
> They are now are attacking.. With weapons.

You best remember this.. Its the Truth.."With Weapons"

>It's quite evident you never server your country..

Hey I "Self Serve" all the time.. EBT card, Obama Phone, Section 8 , Affirmative action Job , College quotas.. Food stamps.. Just like Obama wants us too..

But But.. I learned to keep my finger straight out on the trigger guard seeing those pictures of "you" in uniform on TV .. Old "Hippy" me.. Thanks For The lesson. I guess it was You!

If you were in the Service.. Thanks Pal. I can't bitch you out.. All vets and GI's deserve respect. Your just young and a bit wet behind the ears yet.. You will learn how the Democrats are Selling you out for a vote in due time.

Take Care Out there, youngster..Now sign up to help Obama and fast Terry to get those signs up.. The Sooner... the better so We can all be SAFE!


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: One Sick Puppy ()
Date: November 17, 2015 11:06PM

> Sez The $$ Talking Heads.. The RETREADS .. FORMER
> This ..FORMER That.. TERRORIST EXPERTS... But they
> are not telling us the Real NEW WORLD problem
> Right Here In The USA!
> And Here It IS!
> These Terrorists have for many years used bombs
> and other chicken methods to kill people, look at
> all the buses bombed , all the things blown up in
> the Middle East like in Israel , or Irag. And here
> at home the Boston Bombers, the chicken shits used
> a bomb too.. Sneaky and Chicken.
> But that's changing.. With the Armed gunman attack
> at Charlie in Paris and Now this latest attack.
> They are now are attacking.. With weapons.
> And these attacks all were at "Soft Targets" and
> there's millions of them here.
> And they don't need full auto guns or anything
> special. F gun controls, they are strict as hell
> in Europe but look what they did.. They can
> smuggle anything over here.
> I LOL...look to Democrats to "Keep Us Safe" More
> "Gun Free Zones" AKA "False Hope Zones". too bad
> the French did not have a "No Guns Allowed" sign
> on the concert area. That would have stopped them
> in their tracks .. at least that's what Democrats
> will tell you..
> I predict that NO Attacks will occur in some parts
> of TEXAS.. those terrorists are not that
> stupid..They would be turned into Mince Meat
> really quick..
> In NOVA however. You spin the wheel and you takes
> your chances. There's only but so many TEXANS to
> go around..They cant be everywhere!
> Now Can every one think of a "Soft Target" ?? A
> Place where you can be a "Sitting Duck" .. Round
> this area?? Even some of the French said the
> attack in Paris was like "Shooting Fish In A
> Barrel"
> I can think of many .. And Im not going to tipster
> them out and let them know. And neither should
> Anyone Else! In WW2 "Loose Lips" Sank Ships..
> Today Loose Lips could unleash an attack. Keep it
> Cool..And If SHTF I just hope there's some one
> round with a CCW that can keep em at least down or
> stopped. And if SHTF remember we are all
> Americans.. despite our political differences or
> in the case of some Democrats and most Liberals ,
> their hate..
> Be Safe out there.. And we will..but be wise and
> aware of what's going on around you. See something
> Odd let the cops know..
> I pity those who may have to "Shelter in Place"
> .. Lord!!

You really need mental health help ASAP.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: Piss On You ^^ Creep! ()
Date: November 17, 2015 11:21PM


May you "Shelter In Place" on a Bus broke down and stuck in traffic with a toilet that's stopped up and overflowing down the aisle with Turds..

Illegal Turds at that.. corn.. tacos.. hot sauce ..beer.. beer ..beer..
Syrian Turds... Goat .. rice..Corn... more Corn.. LOL!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS Threatens Attack on DC.
Posted by: I love you! ()
Date: November 17, 2015 11:21PM

Stephen Wrote:
> I can't think of anything of value in Dc.

You got that right. The Metro sucks, driving in to DC is for fools and the rest of us are are sitting pretty far away from that hell hole.

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