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FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: insiderinfo ()
Date: October 30, 2015 06:38PM

NO experiments, NO demonstrations, NO chemistry classes whatsoever until County officials certify that every classroom is safe.

you heard it here first!

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: #FCPSderps ()
Date: October 30, 2015 07:04PM

insiderinfo Wrote:
> NO experiments, NO demonstrations, NO chemistry
> classes whatsoever until County officials certify
> that every classroom is safe.
> you heard it here first!

Potentially dangerous stuff in a high school chemistry class...

Who knew?

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: October 30, 2015 08:37PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2015 04:35AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: bonnyleg ()
Date: October 30, 2015 10:25PM

They need to ban fire in FFX. It's dangerous. That teacher was probably teaching the kids to make meth and things got out of hand, but we'll never really know what happened.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: They Said It I Belive IT ! ()
Date: October 30, 2015 11:01PM

The teacher poured flammable liquid on a desk and lit it with a Bunsen burner.

I though the bit about fire and chemicals and showing the colors was a joke.

And they are supposed to do any of these "fire' experiments under the "Hood"

Ok "Hoodbridge" Jokes now.

You know the thing with the doors and exhaust pipe that contains fires and fumes. Lighting off 'gas" on the desk.. LOL. I bet that's B.S.

In bet the teacher in this gig "Is Toast" Fairwell! Off To Gatehouse and a 20 k raise..


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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: Wow, just wow ()
Date: October 30, 2015 11:40PM

insiderinfo Wrote:
> NO experiments, NO demonstrations, NO chemistry
> classes whatsoever until County officials certify
> that every classroom is safe.
> you heard it here first!

Wow, amazing insight.

I seriously doubt it will be "county officials" that gives the thumbs up. More like hazmat officials

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: MMMMV ()
Date: October 31, 2015 06:14AM

>"[The teacher] decided to add more alcohol straight from the bottle, and at that point, it blew up and everyone started evacuating."

Yeah, this is never a good idea with anything burning really.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: Angry ()
Date: October 31, 2015 06:56AM

Susan Sharaf

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Date: October 31, 2015 08:23AM

insiderinfo Wrote:
> NO experiments, NO demonstrations, NO chemistry
> classes whatsoever until County officials certify
> that every classroom is safe.
> you heard it here first!
So what will we being doing then?

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Date: October 31, 2015 12:57PM

Exactly so stfu

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: Airship Disaster ()
Date: October 31, 2015 01:25PM

Oh, the humanity!

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: Calling Fabio Zuluaga ()
Date: October 31, 2015 01:28PM

Dr. Fabio Zuluaga has a degree in chemistry. Why not put him in charge of the investigation? Or, is he too busy running off to Korea and Boston to worry about this?

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: OVER REACTION ()
Date: October 31, 2015 02:06PM

chuckhoffmann Wrote:
> Until the exact cause of this event is known and
> thoroughly understood, it would only make sense to
> suspend demonstrations.
> Showing the influence of various chemicals on the
> colors of fire is a fairly standard chemistry
> demonstration and if done properly should
> be almost totally without risk. It should
> not result in an uncontrolled fire and
> serious injury to students.

Before shutting down all the classes let's first examine the exact situation of what happened.

WAY over reaction. I had chemistry in FFX county schools and stuff like this happened. Mainly because we(students) were f'n around with stuff.

One of my favorite memory of high school was a teacher dropping potassium into a puddle outside of school and watching it go crazy.

Got me excited about science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPdevJTGAYY

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: HomelandSecurity ()
Date: October 31, 2015 02:47PM

Anyone dropping potassium, sodium, or any other substance into puddles of water within 500 yards of a school will be arrested and charged with domestic terrorism.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: The hood ()
Date: November 01, 2015 08:31AM


National Science Teachers Association-Use of a hood and personal protective equipment is recommended. No kidding.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: No One Responsible ()
Date: November 01, 2015 09:38AM

The hood Wrote:
> http://wtop.com/fairfax-county/2015/10/nsta-chemis
> try-accident-va-high-school-is-reminder-about-clas
> sroom-safety/
> National Science Teachers Association-Use of a
> hood and personal protective equipment is
> recommended. No kidding.

Department Chairs are responsible for ensuring teachers do this. Why are they not?

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: FOIA away ()
Date: November 01, 2015 10:24AM

No One Responsible Wrote:
> The hood Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> http://wtop.com/fairfax-county/2015/10/nsta-chemis
> >
> try-accident-va-high-school-is-reminder-about-clas
> > sroom-safety/
> >
> > National Science Teachers Association-Use of a
> > hood and personal protective equipment is
> > recommended. No kidding.
> Department Chairs are responsible for ensuring
> teachers do this. Why are they not?

Somebody FOIA the FCPS chemistry department safety protocols. I would bet there are some lawyers doing this right now.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: rules and regs ()
Date: November 01, 2015 10:28AM


page 3-VI-anything that is a possible explosion risk is prohibited. Of course, they will just say this was not an explosion. They will call it something else.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: FOIA away ()
Date: November 01, 2015 10:31AM

rules and regs Wrote:
> http://www.boarddocs.com/vsba/fairfax/Board.nsf/fi
> les/9HKKQW522D98/$file/R8628.pdf
> page 3-VI-anything that is a possible explosion
> risk is prohibited. Of course, they will just say
> this was not an explosion. They will call it
> something else.

page 2 III. C. Somebody FOIA the Chemical Hygiene Plan. The stipulates the PPE that is required. (PPE=Personal protective/protection equipment)

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: FOIA away ()
Date: November 01, 2015 10:32AM

FOIA away Wrote:
> rules and regs Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> http://www.boarddocs.com/vsba/fairfax/Board.nsf/fi
> > les/9HKKQW522D98/$file/R8628.pdf
> >
> > page 3-VI-anything that is a possible explosion
> > risk is prohibited. Of course, they will just
> say
> > this was not an explosion. They will call it
> > something else.
> page 2 III. C. Somebody FOIA the Chemical Hygiene
> Plan. The stipulates the PPE that is required.
> (PPE=Personal protective/protection equipment)

It also stipulates the safety protocols.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: Not Responsible - Dept. Chairs ()
Date: November 01, 2015 10:34AM

Dept. Chairs in FCPS do not directly supervise their peers, nor have any real power over what is done by their colleagues in the classroom. They are mostly in charge of small budgets for the department and they represent their colleagues at various meetings. They are a contact person for the assistant principal of that department; that's all. If there is an issue with something, they merely pass that information on to administration or to FCPS staff at Gatehouse.

Occasionally, they are invited to join the interview process when new faculty comes on board, but theirs is only one opinion and it often carries little weight. The true, trained specialists are at the county level because the assistant principals who supervise a department often do not have a degree in that discipline.

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: November 01, 2015 11:02AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2015 04:40AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: HkIhFg ()
Date: November 01, 2015 11:10AM

chuckhoffmann Wrote:
> rules and regs Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> http://www.boarddocs.com/vsba/fairfax/Board.nsf/fi
> > les/9HKKQW522D98/$file/R8628.pdf
> >
> > page 3-VI-anything that is a possible explosion
> > risk is prohibited. Of course, they will just
> say
> > this was not an explosion. They will call it
> > something else.
> It wasn't an explosion. It was a rapid
> deflagration, but didn't transition to detonation
> and the bottle the teacher was using did not
> rupture due to overpressure, which is the
> definition of an explosion.
> What most likely happened is that when the teacher
> went to add more alcohol to the fire, the alcohol
> vapors trapped in the bottle caught fire, because
> methyl alcohol has a very low flash point (well
> below room temperature, in fact). This flash fire
> caused an overpressure (without rupture) and the
> liquid alcohol sprayed out of the bottle, where it
> also ignited, spraying everyone nearby with
> burning alcohol.
> The effect was kind of like a flamethrower, but
> even more rapid.
> Here's a video showing some people deliberately
> igniting methanol vapors in a bottle
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxC8p439isU

I know they have lots of things that are flammable in the classrooms and schools. They still have standards for dealing with these chemicals. Somebody FOIA the Chemical Hygiene Plan. I would bet anything that this should have been done under a hood, etc.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: 5th grader ()
Date: November 01, 2015 01:54PM

Maybe this 5th grader can show them how it's done - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw5bmM-sw3A

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: November 01, 2015 02:56PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2015 04:41AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: Shifting Blame ()
Date: November 02, 2015 03:07PM

Not Responsible - Dept. Chairs Wrote:
> Dept. Chairs in FCPS do not directly supervise
> their peers, nor have any real power over what is
> done by their colleagues in the classroom. They
> are mostly in charge of small budgets for the
> department and they represent their colleagues at
> various meetings. They are a contact person for
> the assistant principal of that department; that's
> all. If there is an issue with something, they
> merely pass that information on to administration
> or to FCPS staff at Gatehouse.
> Occasionally, they are invited to join the
> interview process when new faculty comes on board,
> but theirs is only one opinion and it often
> carries little weight. The true, trained
> specialists are at the county level because the
> assistant principals who supervise a department
> often do not have a degree in that discipline.

Sounds like a Department Chair does not want to be held responsible. What was it you did again for that extra pay? Oh yeah, go to meetings and forward emails. You are a joke.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: great budget cut ()
Date: November 02, 2015 03:24PM

Chemistry and other sciences are a throwback to a bygone era. Kids are different now. These morons can't put their iphones down long enough to get into anything serious like the sciences.

Soooo, get rid of all the STEM teachers. Maybe reassign some of the young ones that grew up with this social media horseshit and let them teach texting classes or Bookface classes or something. Think of the savings that getting rid of hundreds of science teachers would incur!

For the .000001% of students that are actually interested in chemistry, etc let them begin their education in those disciplines at university.

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Re: FCPS to suspend all chemistry classes pending investigation
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: November 02, 2015 05:57PM

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