jbob Wrote:
> PLease tell me the last US flight that was
> hijacked in that manner. By the way, I can name
> all kinds of attacks that took place under
> Clinton, if you'd like to discuss those. Even in
> Africa, embassy security staff pleaded for more
> security, and were told no. So now, is that the
> Democratic President's fault as well? He was told
> that that could happen, yet did nothing. Hell,
> bin Laden even said he'd attack within two months,
> and did just that. Is that Clinton's fault that
> he did nothing. Please get out of your Bush
> hating Snuggie and join us in the real world.
GWB chose to ignore warnings..it isnt that he tried and failed...he failed to try!
Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2009 09:23PM by Vince(1).