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Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Terry McAuliffe ()
Date: June 11, 2009 02:14PM

The ConMan makes his debut.


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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Date: June 11, 2009 02:20PM

Look how well that worked out for O'Reilly in the case of Tiller.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Lolli ()
Date: June 11, 2009 02:29PM

Bill O'Reilly ranks right up their with Kate from Jon and Kate +8, the two most annoying people on TV.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: LOLcat ()
Date: June 11, 2009 02:34PM

Iz in yer Zone Spinnin yer newz and gettin litteh in yo coffeeh.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: June 11, 2009 02:36PM

LOLcat Wrote:
> Iz in yer Zone Spinnin yer newz and gettin litteh
> in yo coffeeh.

I wish you were funny. Without pictures, though, lolspeak is retared.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Techy ()
Date: June 11, 2009 02:46PM

LOLcat Wrote:
> Iz in yer Zone Spinnin yer newz and gettin litteh
> in yo coffeeh.

Keyboards can be purchased at MicroCenter for $5, I suggest you get one that works

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Melissa ()
Date: June 11, 2009 03:02PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> LOLcat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Iz in yer Zone Spinnin yer newz and gettin
> litteh
> > in yo coffeeh.
> I wish you were funny. Without pictures, though,
> lolspeak is retared.

Shit, even with pictures, it's annoying.


Being vague is almost as fun as that other thing.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Judge Crater ()
Date: June 11, 2009 03:46PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> LOLcat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Iz in yer Zone Spinnin yer newz and gettin
> litteh
> > in yo coffeeh.
> I wish you were funny. Without pictures, though,
> lolspeak is retared.

i lol at lol cat all the time., but then im legally blind so pictures wouldnt help me.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2009 03:47PM by Judge Crater.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: § ()
Date: June 11, 2009 03:52PM


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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: June 11, 2009 03:53PM

LOL +1. great LINE!

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2009 03:53PM by fairfaxdude.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Jamie ()
Date: June 11, 2009 05:55PM

Bill O'Reilly is an annoying liberal, whose radio show tanked due to poor ratings.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: iluvbill ()
Date: June 11, 2009 09:25PM

I love Bill O. and S. Hannity is too sexy...

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: June 11, 2009 09:25PM

How about we stick the issue of Gerry Connolly opposing the photo ban, which by the way is a disgrace. I suspect this is a self serving political tactic, that does not serve in the interest of his constituents. He is simply attaching himself to the issue as a way to curry favor among higher ranking Democrats.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: June 11, 2009 10:06PM

Jamie Wrote:
> Bill O'Reilly is an annoying liberal, whose radio
> show tanked due to poor ratings.



A liberal? Yeah, right...

And FWIW, he has the #1 rated news show. In fact, Fox Cable has all the top spots.

Just reporting, you decide... ;)

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Terry McAuliffe ()
Date: June 11, 2009 10:11PM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> How about we stick the issue of Gerry Connolly
> opposing the photo ban, which by the way is a
> disgrace. I suspect this is a self serving
> political tactic, that does not serve in the
> interest of his constituents. He is simply
> attaching himself to the issue as a way to curry
> favor among higher ranking Democrats.

When, pray tell, has the ConMan EVER done anything that wasnt self serving?
I'm hard pressed to remember.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Kenny_Powers ()
Date: June 12, 2009 12:18AM

Lolli Wrote:
> Bill O'Reilly ranks right up their with Kate from
> Jon and Kate +8, the two most annoying people on
> TV.

I'd like to spin her zone, if you know what i mean.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: June 12, 2009 02:57PM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> How about we stick the issue of Gerry Connolly
> opposing the photo ban, which by the way is a
> disgrace. I suspect this is a self serving
> political tactic, that does not serve in the
> interest of his constituents. He is simply
> attaching himself to the issue as a way to curry
> favor among higher ranking Democrats.

You know what's really ridiculous is that this is even considered an "issue". On some random slow newsday, some numbnuts politician decided to announce that "showing the photos" would equate to "putting our troops in harm's way" in a "really really like bad kinda way. And I really mean it, Americans!" (sounds of thumping podiums and gnashing of teeth)

Yeah, right. Harm's way currently consists of roadside bombs, snipings, kidnappings/beheadings...you get the point. But, if the PICTURES get shown, all of a sudden, harm's way will now consist of NUCLEAR roadside bombings, sniping with poison-tipped bullets, and kidnapping/beheadings where "they" will play soccer with the aforementioned beheaded heads.

At which point does dead become extra dead? If you're dead, can you get "deader"? Do any of you really think that America-hating Iraqis, Taliban, and Al Queda need any MORE motivation than they already have? Just when they are about to politely offer tea and crumpets prior to beheading a new victim, we show PICTURES!! Well, damn, all bets are off now! Let's get the soccer teams picked, cause we'll show THEM! On HD video, even!

But, if you want to pick a fight and get on the news--create a new "issue", define that you're on the right side of it, and point out the fact that your politcal enemies are on the "wrong" side. And then carry on like fucking maniacs.

You know, sorta like the abortion "issue".

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: June 12, 2009 06:23PM

So then what do we gain by releasing the photos? If they are released then they most certainty be picked up by state run media of our enemies. The photos will be used by them to support their propaganda and incite more hatred against the United States. To think otherwise is being naive. There is not upside to doing, and definitely a downside for it. There is nothing to gain by it.

Why does this matter to me? I don't even care about the politics of it. I do have friends in the military fighting the war that I care about. When some is a friend, i will give them the shirt off my back or anything else they ask of me if they need it and I know they will do the same for me. I'm guessing you are not type of person, I feel sorry you. If releasing not one those photo's if the difference of just one muslim not crossing the line of becoming affiliated with a terrorist organization, or donating money one to provide the mean to build bombs and train suicide bombers, then to me its worth it.

I don't know what your real problem is "Fairfaxdude" but i suspect it runs deeper then some torture photos.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: jbob ()
Date: June 12, 2009 07:04PM

does anyone remember how batshit these crazies went when a danish cartoon was printed? of course they'll go nuts if the pics come out.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: James ()
Date: June 12, 2009 07:41PM

jbob Wrote:
> does anyone remember how batshit these crazies
> went when a danish cartoon was printed? of course
> they'll go nuts if the pics come out.

Right on the money! Look what they did to Salman Rushdie. If any of those
photo's have our troops in them, they too will be in danger. (and their
families) The people in that part of the world are "batshit" and its too
bad so many in this country are in denial.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: June 12, 2009 08:24PM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> How about we stick the issue of Gerry Connolly
> opposing the photo ban, which by the way is a
> disgrace. I suspect this is a self serving
> political tactic, that does not serve in the
> interest of his constituents. He is simply
> attaching himself to the issue as a way to curry
> favor among higher ranking Democrats.

Governments that need to defend themselves by hiding the facts are neither free nor democratic.

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: jbob ()
Date: June 12, 2009 08:48PM


Are you in the CIA or something? Hiding the facts? How are you so sure? Did you take the pics yourself? Maybe your the IG for the DOD so you'd know the truth, right? Maybe the truth is, you've already made up your mind, and hate the government.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: June 12, 2009 10:15PM

Im not defending Connelly; I 've met the guy, and he probably is the most self-serving politician NoVA has produced in a long time, maybe ever.

If "they" are already batshit crazy, then how does the releasing of 6 pics make them demonstrably batshit CRAZIER? Besides just smugly saying it would, I mean. Or invoking the classic "you're an idiot if you don't believe the way I do" argument. Spare me that one.

I have a hard time imagining the Taliban recruiters, sitting around the campfire drinking mule-hoof tea, wringing their hands over a LACK of propaganda to fire up the shiftless hordes of the Middle East into active jihadism.

Please edit your post, Furfax, so its readable. You lost me big time in the 2 sentences before you wondered "what my real problem was".

Me feel sowwy you too.

And I'm not a government hater, or a military hater, before you feel tempted to toss that twig into the fire. Pretty much a war-hater, though, like about 80+% of the American population.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: jbob ()
Date: June 12, 2009 10:36PM

never said they're waiting around the campfire for more pics. the idea is that if they can grab on to even the smallest thing, they will. Why give it to them? It only hurts us, there can be no possible good that comes from it.

I'm not hte biggest fan of war either, but it is probably the only thing that has really ever solved anything conclusively.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: June 12, 2009 11:38PM

Fairfax Dude, What purpose will releasing those photo serve then? What good will come of it? Because apparently I am to stupid to follow your logic. All you have done is attempt to destroy everyone else's against releasing the photo's without providing a valid one for releasing them.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: June 13, 2009 08:32AM

I believe the current arguement FOR releasing torture pics has something to do with the rule of law, accountability, transparency of govt, and investigating possible war crimes.

The argument AGAINST shifts the argument to the arena of "they'd only use it for more propaganda" and "oh my, we should fear the reprisals" when they see the pics.

Both arguments overly-politicized, of course. THAT was my point, not that they should/should not be released. And I think the argument AGAINST violates logic more than the argument FOR release. Just seems to me that other events (say, a drone aircraft wiping out the jihad recruiter's entire village) would be of greater use propaganda-wise than 6 pictures of waterboarding.

Feel free to disagree if you want; it's (still) a free country.

Maybe it's just me, but I tend to get a little pissy when people try to use illogical fear-based arguments to sway my own analysis of an issue.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 13, 2009 08:48AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 10:21PM by WingNut.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: June 13, 2009 09:19AM

WingNut Wrote:

It seems like a
> politiacl stunt.

My entire point, in one sentence. And I'm not even gonna rag on ya for the typo.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 13, 2009 09:24AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 10:21PM by WingNut.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: June 13, 2009 06:10PM

jbob Wrote:
> Vince1:
> Are you in the CIA or something? Hiding the
> facts? How are you so sure? Did you take the
> pics yourself? Maybe your the IG for the DOD so
> you'd know the truth, right? Maybe the truth is,
> you've already made up your mind, and hate the
> government.

I dont hate anyone...but only the truth will set you free.

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: June 13, 2009 06:12PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> jbob Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Vince1:
> >
> > Are you in the CIA or something? Hiding the
> > facts? How are you so sure? Did you take the
> > pics yourself? Maybe your the IG for the DOD
> so
> > you'd know the truth, right? Maybe the truth
> is,
> > you've already made up your mind, and hate the
> > government.
> I dont hate anyone...but only the truth will set
> you free. Im sure every government that has ever been an accomplice to murder..torture has wished to keep those facts away from the public. It is more the tactic of fascists and communists then a free society.

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: jbpb ()
Date: June 13, 2009 08:10PM

Wow. since you already have your mind made up, i'll let this one be. no sense arguing with you. what are your conspiracy theories on 9-11?

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: June 14, 2009 10:41PM

jbpb Wrote:
> Wince1,
> Wow. since you already have your mind made up,
> i'll let this one be. no sense arguing with you.
> what are your conspiracy theories on 9-11?

I believe GWB was alseep at the wheel..and is 100% responsible for 9-11.

I believe the most obvious and easiest way for 9-11 to have been avoided is to have had pilot's cabins reinforced and locked from the inside. A study should be done on why after years and years of hijackings...guns being held to pilots heads this very simple security measure wasnt taken. Those organizations/persons that put their efforts to stopping this safety feature from being installed prior to 9-11 also along with GWB have blood on their hands.

About the closest point I get to a conspiracy theory about 9-11 is...I wonder what GWB and the Saudi Ambassador talked about after dinner at the White House within 48 hours of 9-11?

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Tip and Ring ()
Date: June 15, 2009 12:50AM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> jbpb Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wince1,
> > Wow. since you already have your mind made up,
> > i'll let this one be. no sense arguing with
> you.
> > what are your conspiracy theories on 9-11?
> I believe GWB was alseep at the wheel..and is 100%
> responsible for 9-11.
> I believe the most obvious and easiest way for
> 9-11 to have been avoided is to have had pilot's
> cabins reinforced and locked from the inside. A
> study should be done on why after years and years
> of hijackings...guns being held to pilots heads
> this very simple security measure wasnt taken.
> Those organizations/persons that put their efforts
> to stopping this safety feature from being
> installed prior to 9-11 also along with GWB have
> blood on their hands.
> About the closest point I get to a conspiracy
> theory about 9-11 is...I wonder what GWB and the
> Saudi Ambassador talked about after dinner at the
> White House within 48 hours of 9-11?

Call this number and ask them. (202) 342-3800

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: jbob ()
Date: June 15, 2009 07:51PM

PLease tell me the last US flight that was hijacked in that manner. By the way, I can name all kinds of attacks that took place under Clinton, if you'd like to discuss those. Even in Africa, embassy security staff pleaded for more security, and were told no. So now, is that the Democratic President's fault as well? He was told that that could happen, yet did nothing. Hell, bin Laden even said he'd attack within two months, and did just that. Is that Clinton's fault that he did nothing. Please get out of your Bush hating Snuggie and join us in the real world.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: June 15, 2009 08:56PM

jbob Wrote:
> PLease tell me the last US flight that was
> hijacked in that manner. By the way, I can name
> all kinds of attacks that took place under
> Clinton, if you'd like to discuss those. Even in
> Africa, embassy security staff pleaded for more
> security, and were told no. So now, is that the
> Democratic President's fault as well? He was told
> that that could happen, yet did nothing. Hell,
> bin Laden even said he'd attack within two months,
> and did just that. Is that Clinton's fault that
> he did nothing. Please get out of your Bush
> hating Snuggie and join us in the real world.

GWB chose to ignore warnings..it isnt that he tried and failed...he failed to try!


Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2009 09:23PM by Vince(1).

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: June 15, 2009 09:11PM


edit by Cary: Account password compromised, disabled by administrator.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: Your mom sucks cocks in hell ()
Date: June 15, 2009 09:34PM

inkahootz Wrote:


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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: FairfaxFelix ()
Date: June 15, 2009 09:56PM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> How about we stick the issue of Gerry Connolly
> opposing the photo ban, which by the way is a
> disgrace. I suspect this is a self serving
> political tactic, that does not serve in the
> interest of his constituents. He is simply
> attaching himself to the issue as a way to curry
> favor among higher ranking Democrats.

Bingo!!! Apparently he has little else to do in his new job. What a zero.

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Re: Bill O'Reilly calls out Connolly
Posted by: § ()
Date: June 16, 2009 10:50AM

I look at it as a way to further discredit Republicans and their failed policies just ahead of the VA elections.

Keep at it.

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