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FFX Seniors Helping Teens Get Out DWI Charges
Posted by: Grannies For DWI's ()
Date: June 01, 2009 11:23AM

Keep up the good Seniors!

Police Warn Seniors of “Phony” Callers
Several seniors across Fairfax County have been victimized by a phone scam in recent weeks. Thousands of dollars have been lost by these few individuals and many others have nearly lost money.

The scam begins with a phone call from a “grandchild.” The caller tells the senior they have been involved in an accident or arrested for DWI. They plead with the senior to wire money and not tell “mom and dad.” They also say the money cannot be sent directly to them because their wallet is in the car which was impounded. Instead, they ask for the money to be sent to a “friend” or “attorney.” In some cases, another person posing as the “attorney” calls the senior a few minutes later and supports the claims made by the initial caller.

This technique, known as social engineering, is preying on the fact that most seniors will do anything to help a family member. Steps need to be taken to not fall victim of this attack.

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Re: FFX Seniors Helping Teens Get Out DWI Charges
Posted by: BagODonuts ()
Date: June 01, 2009 12:21PM

Reminds me when my Grandpa lived in Florida, soon after my grandma died and was in the obituaries, he was inundated with all these new doctor bills. The flood of bills into his mailbox was pretty comical, although it was pretty stressful for him thinking he had all these outstanding medicals bills to pay on top of the whole grieving process.

Amazing what people will do for a buck. Gotta believe that

Whenever I see stories of people preying on old folks, can't help but think of the Dumb & Dumber quote "I guess they're right, old people, though slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose..."

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Re: FFX Seniors Helping Teens Get Out DWI Charges
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: June 01, 2009 01:33PM

Luckily my grandparents live in Boca del Vista. They don't allow that sort of riff raff there.

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Re: FFX Seniors Helping Teens Get Out DWI Charges
Posted by: Judge Crater ()
Date: June 01, 2009 01:43PM

Grannies For DWI's Wrote:
> Keep up the good Seniors!
> Police Warn Seniors of “Phony” Callers
> Several seniors across Fairfax County
> have been victimized by a phone scam in recent
> weeks. Thousands of dollars have been lost by
> these few individuals and many others have nearly
> lost money.
> The scam begins with a phone call from
> a “grandchild.” The caller tells the senior they
> have been involved in an accident or arrested for
> DWI. They plead with the senior to wire money and
> not tell “mom and dad.” They also say the money
> cannot be sent directly to them because their
> wallet is in the car which was impounded. Instead,
> they ask for the money to be sent to a “friend” or
> “attorney.” In some cases, another person posing
> as the “attorney” calls the senior a few minutes
> later and supports the claims made by the initial
> caller.
> This technique, known as social
> engineering, is preying on the fact that most
> seniors will do anything to help a family member.
> Steps need to be taken to not fall victim of this
> attack.

My granparents would have told me to go to hell

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Re: FFX Seniors Helping Teens Get Out DWI Charges
Posted by: Sonny ()
Date: June 01, 2009 02:24PM

My mother received one of these calls once. I'm an only child and was 23
at the time, never married at the time and no children. My mother thought it was funny and hung up. She then called me and asked if I had any kids that she didnt know about. I said, "Well, I guess not because nobody's asked for child support". Sad.

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Re: FFX Seniors Helping Teens Get Out DWI Charges
Posted by: Querty ()
Date: June 02, 2009 08:24AM

The Seniors probably just want the kids to bring them some wine from the store.

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