right tards don't get it Wrote:
> No one is forcing the redskins to do shit you
> little brained dweebs.
> What part is difficult to understand.
> The government has no say whether a private
> company wants to call themselves the filthy
> wetbacks or the treacherous gooks or anything.
> However, the government is not required to cover
> such a team name by federal patent and trademark
> protections.
> Further, if said team wants to move somewhere, the
> locality to which it wants to move which controls
> land use decisions and the often incurred public
> welfare to football teams, also does not have to
> play ball. It can tell the team to go pound sand
> or change the name.
> Both of these things are perfectly within the
> limits of the constitution and have nothing to do
> with free speech. If Dan Snyder wants to wear a
> big chieftain hat and say redskins were savages,
> that is his right. However he may want to pay
> attention to the bottom line, ie revenue, that
> will likely be affected by his impending pariah
> status.
> Dumb tards. Go fuck a Trump.
But you ignored the comment about localities (you know, governments) with racist names. Why?
As for what the government can and can't do, nobody is disputing that. But, some members of Congress have tried to put pressure to have the name changed.