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2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: Huh??? ()
Date: July 01, 2015 09:10PM

I'm relieved that there's basically been no impact on my commute or my access to goods and services however...

What the hell happened with this event? Did people not come? Are they staying way far away from NOVA? I feel bad for anyone who runs a hotel, bar a restaurant that this thing has had limited impact...

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: impact = money ()
Date: July 01, 2015 09:12PM

This thing is MILLIONS in the hole. Bulova said it would be a moneymaker for the County. Fail. This is just a preview, Bulova will DOUBLE taxes to pay off the 100 million deficit the schools have. Yes, double!

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Date: July 01, 2015 09:44PM

I heard of it long ago, it is supposed to be a big deal, but have seen nothing except some bike riders on Telegraph Road with police escort about three weeks ago.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Date: July 01, 2015 10:04PM

And I saw a add that says there's a Dodge Ball game. Dodge Ball ?? Im having a hard time with that.. Is that the game we used to play called "Smear The Queer?? Years ago??

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: wally ()
Date: July 01, 2015 10:33PM

It looks like the sand volleyball events are being held in some parking lot in Tysons. I can see them playing when I pass by on my way to work. You can also see all the extra police security being provided. There were guys in their "swat" uniforms, or whatever they call military fatigues, all over the place. I didn't see any spectators, though. I bet those guys are really raking in the overtime.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: kiy ()
Date: July 02, 2015 02:14AM

I know a school bus driver that is driving for this thing. She says that from what she personally has seen, the police games is a bust. She has transported just a handful of people.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: Curmudgeon ()
Date: July 02, 2015 07:26AM

Can't begin to imagine why anyone would care about this event. They've taken over one of the parking lots at reston town center and there are a bunch of idiot cops wearing fatigues everywhere, but other than that nobody seems to know or care.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2015 07:26AM by Curmudgeon.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: cXEeT ()
Date: July 02, 2015 07:35AM

When will the "shoot an unarmed nigga" event be held??? I want to watch that.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: pouring rain ()
Date: July 02, 2015 08:51AM

The fact that we have had biblical rain hasn't helped

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: Red Foam Fingers ()
Date: July 02, 2015 09:47AM

The county will lose millions of dollars on this event, in spite of Sharon Bulova's gasbag statements...this is nothing more than a vanity project by Fairfax

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: evidence or STFU ()
Date: July 02, 2015 11:15AM

Red Foam Fingers Wrote:
> The county will lose millions of dollars on this
> event, in spite of Sharon Bulova's gasbag
> statements...this is nothing more than a vanity
> project by Fairfax

Hey troll, how about post evidence that Fairfax is even spending money dumbass. To date you keep complaining about buses and shit, and then when someone points out that the buses are being paid for by private donations you run off and troll again. Post your fuckin evidence from the budget that public funds are going to it, or shut the fuck up already.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: Rodeo Clown ()
Date: July 02, 2015 11:18AM

Hey troll, how about post evidence that Fairfax is even spending money dumbass. To date you keep complaining about buses and shit, and then when someone points out that the buses are being paid for by private donations you run off and troll again. Post your fuckin evidence from the budget that public funds are going to it, or shut the fuck up already.

Are you mad because you came in 4th in the wrist-wrestling competition?

It's OK, you're still a hero!

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: Huh Lives Under A Rock ()
Date: July 02, 2015 06:17PM

I watched tennis and soccer and both were well attended. First responders have my respect... far more than trolls who wouldn't lift a finger to help another.

In addition RTC has been jammed every night with people from many countries spending their $$$ in our county.

Not sure where you live or if you've checked the events map but the games have been spread across the county (so duh, you aren't going to see mobs) and well attended.

What did you expect? Standing room only in your neighborhood? Great post Huh. You're quite the brainiac.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: what's the bottom line? ()
Date: July 23, 2015 02:12PM

So, how much did this exercise in massaging Bulova's ego cost the county?

$20 million? That'd help fill the $100 million gap the schools claim to have.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: BOS ()
Date: July 23, 2015 02:25PM

The WP&FG were a boon to Fairfax County! Athletes, their families, sponsors, and volunteers from all over the world visited Fairfax County. The true amount of revenue is still be in tallied and is difficult to estimate because some of the revenue will be recognized on return visits by the athletes, their families and friends. While Fairfax County is currently at a $14.2 million deficit from the WP&FG, the increase in tax revenues while not be fully realized or calculated for a few months. Any remaining deficit will be offset against other funding sources.

Thanks again for your support!


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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: Complicated Question ()
Date: July 23, 2015 02:26PM

I was involved as a volunteer. The events we worked were very well attended. It will be a year before all the bills are paid and taxes collected to see whether the Fairfax investment in these games produced net additional revenue for the county.

But aside from the bicycle accident, the events were competitive and fun, and the athletes were very grateful that their countries gave them the time to participate. I know that we ended up with far more volunteers than we needed, and had to turn some away.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: Wait...what? ()
Date: July 23, 2015 05:02PM

Complicated Question Wrote:
> But aside from the bicycle accident...

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln...how'd you like the play?

Seriously? The dude died. Fuck you.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: Heroes All! ()
Date: July 23, 2015 05:41PM

"The true amount of revenue is still be in tallied and is difficult to estimate because some of the revenue will be recognized on return visits by the athletes, their families and friends."

What sort of Orwellian doublespeak is that?

So, some of the "athletes" might...possibly...drop by for a repeat visit to Fairfax County...sometime in the hazy future? And this will make up for any financial shortfall to the county?

If Sharon Bulova didn't really say this, it's only because it didn't occur to her...

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: GcnLE ()
Date: July 23, 2015 07:03PM

a security leak happened during the events and all local officers banking information was leaking on Wikileaks

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: LOLOL ()
Date: July 23, 2015 09:04PM

I heard that very, very, very few people used the FCPS school buses for transportation. Word of the decrepitness of our bus fleet must have traveled to the far corners of the earth!

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: Fairfax sucks ()
Date: July 23, 2015 10:20PM

Pretty sure nobody is going to come back to Fairfax.

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Re: 2015 World Police and Fire Games...impact?
Posted by: impact? Ask Brazil ()
Date: July 23, 2015 10:26PM

1 dead and millions lost.

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