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79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi! ()
Date: June 29, 2015 12:15PM

Still waiting for the republican controlled congress to get anything accomplished besides Benghazi trials.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Nostradumbass ()
Date: June 29, 2015 12:20PM

Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi! Wrote:
> Still waiting for the republican controlled
> congress to get anything accomplished besides
> Benghazi trials.

Like what: gay marriage laws, taking down flags, legalizing tranny bathrooms, more gun control on "scary" looking guns, higher taxes?

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi! ()
Date: June 29, 2015 12:38PM

Sorry, meant to post this in off-topic

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Can't do anything right ()
Date: June 29, 2015 02:42PM

Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi! Wrote:
> Sorry, meant to post this in off-topic

^ Just like an incompetent libtard.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: dumdumlibz11 ()
Date: June 29, 2015 03:03PM

^ Just like an incompetent libtard.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Hm ()
Date: June 29, 2015 06:20PM

You do know that Democrats are also part of Congress, correct? Btw, what was their rating seven months ago when Dems held the Senate? We will wait for your mom to give you the wifif password so you can Google a response....

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Mississippi Corpse ()
Date: June 29, 2015 10:56PM

Still waiting for the Democratic Party finally apologize for supporting slavery, segregation, lynching, and the Ku Klux Klan.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Dixiecrats ()
Date: June 29, 2015 11:54PM


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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Please ()
Date: June 29, 2015 11:56PM

Mississippi Corpse Wrote:
> Still waiting for the Democratic Party finally
> apologize for supporting slavery, segregation,
> lynching, and the Ku Klux Klan.

The Southern Democrats became Republicans in the 60s. Get real dude.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Date: June 30, 2015 12:05AM

OP! You Sir, Have posted what I and millions of other Americans would call.
A Pant Load! and it does not smell good at all.

Please Sir, You are mistaking your numbers game for Obamas DISAPPROVAL!

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 30, 2015 03:30AM

Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi! Wrote:
> Still waiting for the republican controlled
> congress to get anything accomplished besides
> Benghazi trials.

Keep on waiting, Republicans don't do shit but screw over the working man. Stuff they can't be proud of as accomplishments in public.

For example, they just passed a bill no longer requiring that meat products be labeled with its country of origin. Time for some mystery meat everybody. You are not entitled to that information anymore.

Thats what they do, fuck everyone over for special interests. Can't hail such bills as accomplishments.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Hilldog's dried up pussy ()
Date: June 30, 2015 05:20AM

Go to bed Gerry, your Momma's waiting....

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: OP is Right ()
Date: June 30, 2015 07:47AM

Sadly, the Republicans we elected are wimps and haven't done shit to stand up to Obama, who is doing everything he can to destroy America.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: If you call this destroying ()
Date: June 30, 2015 08:00AM

OP is Right Wrote:
> Sadly, the Republicans we elected are wimps and
> haven't done shit to stand up to Obama, who is
> doing everything he can to destroy America.

Then I'm all in favor. Lower unemployment than with Bush, no massive wars overseas, smaller deficits, all americans have equal rights, illegal immigration has plummeted compared to during Bush, and religious nuts are being told to shut the fuck up for once.

I love all the destruction I guess.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Census Bureau ()
Date: June 30, 2015 08:14AM

Highest number of people on welfare ever. Soaring Black unemployment. Record deficits. Christians being slaughtered while jihadists are welcomed. Racial warfare. Yep, Obama is doing a bang up job!

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: is it 2010? ()
Date: June 30, 2015 08:36AM

Census Bureau Wrote:
> Highest number of people on welfare ever. Soaring
> Black unemployment. Record deficits. Christians
> being slaughtered while jihadists are welcomed.
> Racial warfare. Yep, Obama is doing a bang up
> job!

Welfare use peaked in 2010, you know during that financial crisis you morons created with the low regulation of banks.

No massive jihadi murders here in the US, and for once we aren't doing a kneejerk dumbass reaction to invade another country to solve all the worlds problems. I'm ok with that, let the Saudis who fund Osama or the Israelis who never saw a war they didn't want us to fight for them do something for once.

Racial warfare? Last week I watched families of 9 dead black people who were shot by a declared racist say they forgive him. No rioting. No retaliation killings. The race war as Fox created it surmounted to a couple blocks of shitty baltimore being burnt. Boo fuckin hoo. Meanwhile in the midwest a single tornado can cause 10 times more destruction in 5 minutes. If that's what you think a race war looks like, considering that there are 100 million non-whites in this country, then you are retarded.

Your faux news reality has killed off what was remaining of your brain cells, you are now just a hannity clown zombie.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Yup.... ()
Date: June 30, 2015 09:52AM

It's simply amazing how fucking dumb these brain-fart right-wing stooges are. Swallow some more shit, assholes. It's good for you. Republicans said so...

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: phbLv ()
Date: June 30, 2015 10:02AM

is it 2010? Wrote:
> Census Bureau Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Highest number of people on welfare ever.
> Soaring
> > Black unemployment. Record deficits.
> Christians
> > being slaughtered while jihadists are welcomed.
> > Racial warfare. Yep, Obama is doing a bang up
> > job!
> Welfare use peaked in 2010, you know during that
> financial crisis you morons created with the low
> regulation of banks.
> No massive jihadi murders here in the US, and for
> once we aren't doing a kneejerk dumbass reaction
> to invade another country to solve all the worlds
> problems. I'm ok with that, let the Saudis who
> fund Osama or the Israelis who never saw a war
> they didn't want us to fight for them do something
> for once.
> Racial warfare? Last week I watched families of 9
> dead black people who were shot by a declared
> racist say they forgive him. No rioting. No
> retaliation killings. The race war as Fox created
> it surmounted to a couple blocks of shitty
> baltimore being burnt. Boo fuckin hoo. Meanwhile
> in the midwest a single tornado can cause 10 times
> more destruction in 5 minutes. If that's what you
> think a race war looks like, considering that
> there are 100 million non-whites in this country,
> then you are retarded.
> Your faux news reality has killed off what was
> remaining of your brain cells, you are now just a
> hannity clown zombie.

pretty good post. I never considered the 100 million number. We are lucky the non-whites dont declare ware we would be screwed.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Mississippi Corpse ()
Date: June 30, 2015 11:26AM

Please Wrote:
> Mississippi Corpse Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Still waiting for the Democratic Party finally
> > apologize for supporting slavery, segregation,
> > lynching, and the Ku Klux Klan.
> The Southern Democrats became Republicans in the
> 60s. Get real dude.

I was around down South in the '60's, dude. Didn't happen. Ask Lestor Maddox, George Wallace, Fritz Hollings, etc...

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: nightrider ()
Date: June 30, 2015 11:35AM

Do you realize how dumb both sides sound slinging mud at each other? Why must one choose one side or another? Are we lemmings that have to follow suit? Does anyone think for themselves anymore?

This is entertaining to watch one side get so heated when facts are presented about their party.

You all are wearing blinders feeding on the regurgitation of liars and thieves, yet you still feel the need to defend them when insulted by the other. pretty entertaining.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Arnie H. ()
Date: June 30, 2015 11:55AM

Elections now are really in a sad state. They are a farce.

All the foreigners that have invaded this country voted Democratic because they think it just represents Democracy. They have no effing clue. They are sheep that go to the polls and vote as their neighbors, church, and other foreigners tell them. 95% of them will vote DEM and if not, it will be the exception more than the rule.

It's over and fat legged Hillary will win and it's a damn shame. She'll win just for the reasons I've laid out above.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: nightrider ()
Date: June 30, 2015 04:41PM

Arnie H. Wrote:
> Elections now are really in a sad state. They are
> a farce.
> All the foreigners that have invaded this country
> voted Democratic because they think it just
> represents Democracy. They have no effing clue.
> They are sheep that go to the polls and vote as
> their neighbors, church, and other foreigners tell
> them. 95% of them will vote DEM and if not, it
> will be the exception more than the rule.
> It's over and fat legged Hillary will win and it's
> a damn shame. She'll win just for the reasons I've
> laid out above.

That goes for redumblicans too. Party affiliation is for folks that can't think on their own. I will take care of that for you right away once you give me all the power.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Middle Man ()
Date: June 30, 2015 05:11PM

I'm neither a Republican or a Democrat, but at 60 yrs old I've seen a bunch of Presidents come and go....

Kennedy - OK but not great. He is the one that made a mess of Viet Nam.

LBJ - Better than the rep he got. he passed more civil rights legislation than any President in history.

Nixon - too smart for his own good, but did a lot of good things for USA

Ford - Next

Carter - One of the very worst Presidents ever, but maybe the best ex- President ever

Reagan - Did as much good for the world as any Pres since FDR

Elder Bush - Actually pretty good, but made a big mistake that wiped out alot of gold stars

Clinton - Actually did a great job - good Pres. Too bad his wife is such a lizard.

GWBush - Of all the bush kids, its a shame this guy was the one to follow his Dad. Jeb is just a waaay smarter and better candidate but can't win.

Obama - Will easily go down as one of the very worst Presidents in our country's history. Too bad, because I think he's a good man - just a very bad President. If he had one more term we would all be in enormous trouble.

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Beg to Differ ()
Date: July 02, 2015 03:06PM

Kennedy got us to the moon. LBJ made a mess of Vietnam. Nixon f'd up the economy for the rest of the 70's with wage and price controls and how he handled the "energy crisis".

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Re: 79% of Americans Disapprove Of What Congress is Doing. Nice work Republicans
Posted by: Cotton ()
Date: July 03, 2015 10:52AM

Please Wrote:
> Mississippi Corpse Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Still waiting for the Democratic Party finally
> > apologize for supporting slavery, segregation,
> > lynching, and the Ku Klux Klan.
> The Southern Democrats became Republicans in the
> 60s. Get real dude.

Keep thinking that. Ahahahahaha!!!!!!

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