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Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: Paradise by the dashboard ()
Date: June 26, 2015 10:32AM

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: LOL.... ()
Date: June 26, 2015 11:35AM

Yes. LOL at the agony of narow-mionded bigots everywhere today. But particulalry all those at FFXU. Go fuck yourselves assholes. Gays win. PPACA wins. TPP wins. Everybody hates you sorry-ass right-wing douchebags...

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: FCPS Ecstatic ()
Date: June 26, 2015 11:36AM

Now the transgender students can get married. They will need a wedding chapel, but don't worry, Ryan McElveen will cancel English classes to make that happen, and then hire consultants to address the proper wording of the ceremony.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: Yea they can ()
Date: June 26, 2015 12:23PM

FCPS Ecstatic Wrote:
> Now the transgender students can get married. They
> will need a wedding chapel, but don't worry, Ryan
> McElveen will cancel English classes to make that
> happen, and then hire consultants to address the
> proper wording of the ceremony.

They can. That must really piss you off bitch. 1861 - 2015. Bitch.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Date: June 26, 2015 12:34PM

I have stopped worrying about this, it was coming.

The silver lining in the clouds to some , is that not all gays are left wing, some own GUNS, and most are clean living people, so now that they have got marriage and all those bennies, there's no need for them to vote for Democrats anymore. HA HA !

Especially after they move to the Subdivisions and "Settle Down" and start a family with adopted kids and start driving soccer dad mobiles and "Swim Vans" with kids going to practice in the pools and shooting ranges. Democrats will have to start looking else where for votes, And once Gays start telling their friends about the joys the GOP offers them, they too will Vote GOP!


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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: dumbass (r)ednecks ()
Date: June 26, 2015 12:58PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> I have stopped worrying about this, it was
> coming.
> The silver lining in the clouds to some , is that
> not all gays are left wing, some own GUNS, and
> most are clean living people, so now that they
> have got marriage and all those bennies, there's
> no need for them to vote for Democrats anymore. HA
> HA !
> Especially after they move to the Subdivisions and
> "Settle Down" and start a family with adopted kids
> and start driving soccer dad mobiles and "Swim
> Vans" with kids going to practice in the pools and
> shooting ranges. Democrats will have to start
> looking else where for votes, And once Gays start
> telling their friends about the joys the GOP
> offers them, they too will Vote GOP!

They can't remember who fought against it tooth and nail. How's that idea working with the black vote?

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Date: June 26, 2015 01:28PM

There voting for Democrats arn't they, The ones who started the Civil War, the founders of the KKK, all the objectors in the South in the 60's to the Civil Rights Act.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: Says Yoda ()
Date: June 26, 2015 01:44PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> There voting for Democrats arn't they, The ones
> who started the Civil War, the founders of the
> KKK, all the objectors in the South in the 60's to
> the Civil Rights Act.

Yoda - Butthurt.jpg

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: History lesson ()
Date: June 26, 2015 01:58PM

The only "R" that matters stands for Racist, and the only "D" that matters stands for Dumbshit. All racist dumbshits vote TEA Party Republican. God-awful bunch of hicktard asswipe losers.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: you forgot something ()
Date: June 26, 2015 02:10PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> There voting for Democrats arn't they, The ones
> who started the Civil War, the founders of the
> KKK, all the objectors in the South in the 60's to
> the Civil Rights Act.

who then switched their allegiance to the Republican Party.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: Dawn of new day ()
Date: June 26, 2015 02:12PM

LOL.... Wrote:
> Everybody hates you sorry-ass right-wing douchebags...

Ain't that the truth!

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: It's started... ()
Date: June 26, 2015 02:27PM

Having your base and eating it too...

While I strongly disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision, their ruling is now the law of the land.
-- Ben Carson,

...and soon to be mouthed by every sorry-ass right-wing shill on the planet.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Date: June 26, 2015 05:00PM

>who then switched their allegiance to the Republican Party

Like Sen. Robert Byrd ??

Once Democrat racists always Democrat racists . Good reason Democrats don't want blacks to own guns.

Little bit of Butthurt, now that Gays Don't Need The Democrat Party anymore and will be voting for the GOP as they settle down as married and adopt children.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2015 05:01PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: Lovin' It... ()
Date: June 26, 2015 05:07PM

Can't wait to see all those LGBT folks at the Republican Convention. Plenty of room in the Big Tent! Hahahahahaha!!!

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: lynx bob ()
Date: June 26, 2015 05:55PM

Oh, who cares? There aint that many fags out there anyway. The homo population is like 1or 2% of the country.
If homos want to marry each other, so be it.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: homos celebrate ()
Date: June 26, 2015 06:14PM

Lots of homo cocks will be entering homo assholes tonight!

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: Huey ()
Date: June 26, 2015 06:24PM

homos celebrate Wrote:
> Lots of homo cocks will be entering homo assholes
> tonight!

And what business is that of anybody's? The thumpers and the GOP say the people should decide, and if that's truly what they believe then let gay people decide, too.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: Poor little things ()
Date: June 26, 2015 07:01PM

Bad day for the dumbfucks. Of course, dumbfucks never have a good day to start out with.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: Dems love the KKK ()
Date: June 26, 2015 07:09PM


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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: Gaylord Perry ()
Date: June 26, 2015 09:01PM

Well gays will now get to enjoy the blessings of gay divorce. That is where you lose all your money to some gold digging little bitch who will first make your life a living hell.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: obozocare ()
Date: June 27, 2015 07:00AM

I have no problem with the decision. Just wondering what Obozo has on Roberts ... Must have something to force him to side with Obozocare.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: What do youwantthis shit for? ()
Date: June 27, 2015 08:21AM

Gays, Why in the world would you want to get married? You guys can butt fuck up a storm and when you partner finds out about it, they storm off. BUT now when you go out and butt fuck up a storm, if you partner is the jealous type who doesn't share, now you get to go to gay divorce court. Ask heterosexuals how much fun that is. google the story about that old gay gal who plays the gym teacher on Glee... she ran out and got married after California legalized it and lost millions in the divorce.

While we are at this marriage reengineering shit, can we now stop the tilt towards women in divorce court? That shit is 20th century. Women have no more right to alimony or majority child custody at this point in history. It is time for progress and women can get fucked too in divorce court.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Date: June 27, 2015 11:20AM

No divorce for male Gays. When a love in turns sour ,or the boyfriend gets caught with a new lover the jilted often respond with great violence. Ask any cop.


They speak of "Butch and Femme" Now I know there names and it makes sense

http://gmdvp.org/domestic-violence/survivor-stories/ Male on Male


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2015 12:40PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: sad but funny stuff ()
Date: June 27, 2015 11:24AM

Tremendous butthurt by the conservatives. Go to the top conservative websites for a good laugh. They dont even put the ruling in the to headlines - its all prisoner escapee shot and other nonstories. The comments are hilarious about gay men now allowed to be in gym locker rooms 'looking at all the buttholes' to tales of judgement by God now to be reined down upon us. Its sad but funny stuff.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: gal who plays > the gym teacher ()
Date: June 27, 2015 11:30AM

What do youwantthis shit for? Wrote:
> Gays, Why in the world would you want to get
> married? You guys can butt fuck up a storm and
> when you partner finds out about it, they storm
> off. BUT now when you go out and butt fuck up a
> storm, if you partner is the jealous type who
> doesn't share, now you get to go to gay divorce
> court. Ask heterosexuals how much fun that is.
> google the story about that old gay gal who plays
> the gym teacher on Glee... she ran out and got
> married after California legalized it and lost
> millions in the divorce.
> While we are at this marriage reengineering shit,
> can we now stop the tilt towards women in divorce
> court? That shit is 20th century. Women have no
> more right to alimony or majority child custody at
> this point in history. It is time for progress
> and women can get fucked too in divorce court.

You do realize gay people are not being forced to marry. You understand that dont you? Which begs the question why would anyone get married since they can 'butt fuck (heteros do this too) all they want without getting married).

PS sorry you are divorced - some of us managed to stay happily married.

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Re: Gays win 5-4 in Supremes; sacrifice bunt in bottom of 9th; runner called safe at home
Posted by: above bored ()
Date: June 27, 2015 11:31AM

Best thing is for straights to marry straights and gays to marry gays. The old way of gays marrying straights and straights marrying gays was a bad model.

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