Re: Route 7 Harry Flood Byrd Highway
Posted by:
Date: June 24, 2015 06:04PM
There is a REASON to understand and be reminded of the "War between the States".
It is so history WILL NOT repeat itself!!
Next on the chopping block, no Civil War Re-enactments, definitely not in State or US Parks!! How dare anyone re-enact such a violent and troubled part of the past!!!!!
First off the President is more of a racist than most everyday Americans. He inserts himself in any "race" based situation and pre judges the situation. He should shut up and keep his eye on the ball.
The wimpy governors, ours included is only looking out after his and his parties best interest for future votes. Even my teenage son say the Lee Highway sign today and said this will be next on the chopping block.
Now expect monuments, parks, signs and properties to be vandalized buy many of the ignorant Americans that do not even fully understand why there ever was a Civil War and why it is so important to remember and understand our past.
I mean, Black History Month, the Black History Museum and all things Slavery will not be going away, so why erase any part of the Confederacy?
Lets not maintain our roads and schools, lets spend valuable time, money and resources to change all of the Parks, Schools, Monuments, Mascots, Roads, Buildings names and remove ALL evidence that there was ever an American Civil War where over 600,000 people lost their lives, families were shattered, properties and homes destroyed and the economy took a century to rebound.
Do not worry, about 25-50 years after doing this, you might see the South rise again!
Be careful about your knee jerk reactions and what you wish for.