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Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: e6jbb ()
Date: June 24, 2015 08:17AM


Sitting in his surgical gown inside a large medical suite in Reston, Va., a Vienna man prepared for his colonoscopy by pressing record on his smartphone, to capture the instructions his doctor would give him after the procedure.

But as soon as he pressed play on his way home, he was shocked out of his anesthesia-induced stupor: He found that he had recorded the entire examination and that the surgical team had mocked and insulted him as soon as he drifted off to sleep.

In addition to their vicious commentary, the doctors discussed avoiding the man after the colonoscopy, instructing an assistant to lie to him, and then placed a false diagnosis on his chart.

“After five minutes of talking to you in pre-op,” the anesthesiologist told the sedated patient, “I wanted to punch you in the face and man you up a little bit,” she was recorded saying.

When a medical assistant noted the man had a rash, the anesthesiologist warned her not to touch it, saying she might get “some syphilis on your arm or something,” then added, “It’s probably tuberculosis in the penis, so you’ll be all right.”

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Madison Scholar ()
Date: June 24, 2015 08:27AM

Maybe he bought a used mattress that had bedbugs at one of those nasty mattress stores on Maple Avenue.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Lezzie Lizzy Loozes ()
Date: June 24, 2015 09:00AM

not surprised! they are just people, after all, and a large percent of people are shit.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Dr. Kildare ()
Date: June 24, 2015 09:13AM

First, surgical gowns don't have pockets, and there is no way a loose phone would be on the OR table.

Second, what did this idiot do to piss off his doctors so badly? He must have been a real asshole.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: backatcha ()
Date: June 24, 2015 09:17AM

I wonder if they could sue him for recording them without their knowledge?

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: readthearticle ()
Date: June 24, 2015 09:33AM

Read the article.. it answers everything for the most part:

>But the man’s phone, in his pants, was placed beneath him under the operating table and inadvertently recorded the audio of the entire procedure, court records show. The doctors’ attorneys argued that the recording was illegal, but the man’s attorneys noted that Virginia is a “one-party consent” state, meaning that only one person involved in a conversation need agree to the recording.

I still don't get how he's owed money for private conversation while he's asleep. Sounds like the guy was an assface.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: figured it out ()
Date: June 24, 2015 09:46AM

Sounds like our very own Vienna Asshole aka Actually... aka Asshole Spotter and whatever other name he feels like posting under. To be fair though, can you really blame these people for saying these things about him?

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: _-_-_-_ ()
Date: June 24, 2015 10:47AM

readthearticle Wrote:
> Read the article.. it answers everything for the
> most part:
> >But the man’s phone, in his pants, was placed
> beneath him under the operating table and
> inadvertently recorded the audio of the entire
> procedure, court records show. The doctors’
> attorneys argued that the recording was illegal,
> but the man’s attorneys noted that Virginia is a
> “one-party consent” state, meaning that only
> one person involved in a conversation need agree
> to the recording.
> I still don't get how he's owed money for private
> conversation while he's asleep. Sounds like the
> guy was an assface.

People undergoing the type of sedation this man received for a colonoscopy can many times still talk and carry on a conversation of sorts, they just may or may not remember any of it. They typically use Propofol and Versed and Fentanyl, and depending on how "deep" the patient is, they can respond to directions and many times talk to the providers. If they had to give him a lot, as they indicated, he was probably talking and/or moving a lot. Some people actually remember the procedure and seeing the screens, they just don't remember any pain or discomfort. This is a very interesting point to discuss, though. Does the consent to record law exclude somebody receiving anesthesia? Probably not.

Medical people are always trained to assume that the patient will have recall and to act appropriately while a patient is under anesthesia. That is the standard of the profession.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Date: June 24, 2015 11:40AM

I've been in teams. After awhile, you can lose your filters. This article proves you have to know your audience.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Tootie ()
Date: June 24, 2015 11:53AM

What a shitty thing to doo.

Who was on duty during this recording?

I'd crap my pants if I thought my doctor was making jokes about me while I was under anesthesia.

Let's probe the doc's background; I have a feeling she's a real windbag and likely suffers from diarrhea of the mouth, even in her personal life. You know the type - effusive bull shitter.

Will more details be released? It might be a relief to the patient after holding all this in for so long.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: mjs ()
Date: June 24, 2015 12:06PM

half a mill is a good payday....serves the doctors and anesthesiologist and nures right... Chances are their insurance will pay up...

but crisht, the manis going in to have a camera shoved up his ass. His dignity is already gone. to do crap like this is unwarranted.

People in general really have gone down hill over the years.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: smoof a matlock ()
Date: June 24, 2015 12:31PM

readthearticle Wrote:
> Read the article.. it answers everything for the
> most part:
> >But the man’s phone, in his pants, was placed
> beneath him under the operating table and
> inadvertently recorded the audio of the entire
> procedure, court records show. The doctors’
> attorneys argued that the recording was illegal,
> but the man’s attorneys noted that Virginia is a
> “one-party consent” state, meaning that only
> one person involved in a conversation need agree
> to the recording.
> I still don't get how he's owed money for private
> conversation while he's asleep. Sounds like the
> guy was an assface.

Interesting point, if in fact Virginia is a one-party consent state, and that means that only one person involved in the conversation needs to agree to the recording.

Who, then, agreed to it?

If the guy "inadvertently" recorded it, did he "agree" to it?

Doesn't sound like it to me!

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: No Case ()
Date: June 24, 2015 12:48PM

I fail to see what this man is sueing for? Emotional distress? Slander?

You can't just pick a number out of the air and sue somebody for that amount. You have to prove damages.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: In the end (pun intended) ()
Date: June 24, 2015 12:58PM

Interesting dilemma as to awarding money. Its hard to prove the plaintiff was damaged in the monetary sense yet clearly there was defamation, liable and slander. I dont think you could find an unbiased jury as everyone has feelings of wanting to defend themselves against this sort of thing.

In the end (pun intended), if the punishment stops here, I would say the Dr.s were lucky. They were insured so they wont pay now but will pay in increased premiums. Likely they will and should be sanctioned by the board(s).

We like to think Dr.s earn their money because of their knowledge and training but so much of their business comes from referral, reputation and word of mouth. You would think they would guard those more carefully. If only they didnt buy into the same misconception of their elevated status so many of the rest of us do...

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: 3CneH ()
Date: June 24, 2015 02:08PM

Madison Scholar Wrote:
> Maybe he bought a used mattress that had bedbugs
> at one of those nasty mattress stores on Maple
> Avenue.

sale or transfer of used mattresses is ILLEGAL in the State of Virginia

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: NPjut ()
Date: June 24, 2015 02:14PM

Ingham worked out of the Aisthesis anesthesia practice in Bethesda, Md., which the jury ruled should pay $50,000 of the $200,000 in punitive damages it awarded.

juries do not "award damages"

the reason that is ILLEGAL is because democrats, in the 1990's, were continually awarding friends multi-million dollar lawsuits in fake lawsuits - paid by the state

there was a cap set on award ammount

but before that there was a cap on defamation of character: $20,000

HOWEVER - the man recorded private words he wasn't meant to hear. the penalty is for making defamation public which results in financial loss and or easily identified loss of opportunity

insults made in private over-heard are not "public defamation of character". the man himself is the only one making it public

while the woman does have a mouth, the suit is, legally, totally full of crap

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: LJkbn ()
Date: June 24, 2015 02:15PM

Soloman Shah, 48, was dismissed from the case. Court documents state Shah also made some insulting remarks — “As long as it’s not Ebola, you’re okay

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Y3NPw ()
Date: June 24, 2015 02:22PM

i accuse Soloman Shah of enviting the white gurl to make comments - which he as a doctor egged on and contributed to

LET ME GUESS the person pressing charges is also a fucking foreigner.

Tiffany M. Ingham was set up by a bunch of worthless trickery foreigners.

the list of white doctors and nurses is shrinking quikcly in fx co va as fx co gov shovels democrat money at anyone illegal to buy / operate / practice in this area

one reason why: fx co gov is making illegal deals for cheap/free access to care for fx co gov employees using these foreigners

one source of such money (other than illegal loans from wells fargo)

DHS + welafre money. VA gets $20 billion of it a year (only ?1/2 goes to welfare, the other to democrat facism !!!)

They are using it to BUY PRAcTICES for doctors.

In "my day" there were many fine young educated doctors who always complained they weren't paid enough and were saving to buy a practice so they wouldn't need to work for the rich doctor.

Theses total peices of crap come in our country or town and are getting free money to do what whites / denizens / people paying forward were not allowed to do.

THese peices of crap has taken Fx/VA from politics which advertised no raise of taxes and SURPLUS not deficit: to billsions in debt in just the last several years since they got it , and are now claiming they are owed billions of debt a year because "they are gov workers and are above it all"

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: yxHXk ()
Date: June 24, 2015 02:25PM

“I’ve never heard of a case like this,” said Lee Berlik, a Reston lawyer who specializes in defamation law. He said comments between doctors typically would be privileged

that's very true. and in a case where there is a legal exception:

fx co gov courts do not allow the except. UNLESS IT BENEFITS them or one of their criminals

for a private citizen? you can't sue for shit because they always say the records you need are illegal to use in court. which is a scam created in the "microsoft" age of court records and microsoft court medical records

ALL FUCKING SCAMS to cover gov ass for stealing healthcare - which doesn't come out of their already to high pay

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: 7NF3b ()
Date: June 24, 2015 02:26PM

One of the jurors, Farid Khairzada, said that “there was not much defense, because everything was on tape.” He said that the man’s attorneys asked for $1.75 million and that the $500,000 award was a compromise

what is a fucking foreigner doing making $$ decisions in a USA courtroom anyway?

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: buyw9 ()
Date: June 24, 2015 02:29PM

The Post Article goes on to say ...

The woman had a right to be worried for her life and complain

and a right to suspect the reason why her life was in danger was the voluntary behvior of the patient

her complaints were INFACT CONFIRMED - what she said was TRUE and was also a danger to her

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Patient must be a complete pussy ()
Date: June 24, 2015 02:35PM

e6jbb Wrote:
> “After five minutes of talking to you in
> pre-op,” the anesthesiologist told the sedated
> patient, “I wanted to punch you in the face and
> man you up a little bit,” she was recorded
> saying.

If a female doctor wanted to punch the guy & "man [him] up a little bit", the patient must be a complete pussy.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: OR nurse ()
Date: June 24, 2015 03:22PM

This sort of thing goes on everyday. You wouldn't believe the shit I've heard in operating rooms. This incident was very mild.

I especially feel sorry for the tiny dick guys. They are always the source of much hilarity.

I guess we better start checking for phones! LOL

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Ying Ko ()
Date: June 24, 2015 04:46PM

If I had a career looking at assholes, my humor would be black too

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Well, maybe morebrown... ()
Date: June 24, 2015 04:50PM

Ying Ko Wrote:
> If I had a career looking at assholes, my humor
> would be black too

Well, maybe more brown...


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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Misogynistic Guy ()
Date: June 24, 2015 05:26PM

It's the greatest story I've read in a while.

An uber-cocky women, talking about a man having to "Man up."

Then she ex nihilo puts on his chart that he has hemorrhoids, just to mess with him.

I not only hope she loses her license to practice medicine, I hope she goes to jail.

There goes that whole BS theorem that women are somehow more empathic than men.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Date: June 24, 2015 06:55PM

I call total BS on this. I worked in Reston pre-op for years. All personal items are bagged up and put in a cabinet for when the person arrives in post op. There is no way his pants were "under" him. There is no way there was a phone under him. A doctor doesn't say "you might get some syphilis on your arm or something." Bet my nursing license that this turns out to be fabricated.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: 647920476657889 ()
Date: June 24, 2015 07:00PM

FormerlyRangerRikki Wrote:
> I call total BS on this. I worked in Reston
> pre-op for years. All personal items are bagged
> up and put in a cabinet for when the person
> arrives in post op. There is no way his pants
> were "under" him. There is no way there was a
> phone under him. A doctor doesn't say "you might
> get some syphilis on your arm or something." Bet
> my nursing license that this turns out to be
> fabricated.

I also worked in "Reston pre-op". Reston Hospital. We used to send the clothing bag into the endo rooms with the patient. Now we put them in lockers like we do with the OR patients. This wasn't at Reston Hospital. This was at a private endoscopy suite.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: 2q430587686 ()
Date: June 24, 2015 07:04PM

647920476657889 Wrote:
> FormerlyRangerRikki Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I call total BS on this. I worked in Reston
> > pre-op for years. All personal items are
> bagged
> > up and put in a cabinet for when the person
> > arrives in post op. There is no way his pants
> > were "under" him. There is no way there was a
> > phone under him. A doctor doesn't say "you
> might
> > get some syphilis on your arm or something."
> Bet
> > my nursing license that this turns out to be
> > fabricated.
> I also worked in "Reston pre-op". Reston Hospital.
> We used to send the clothing bag into the endo
> rooms with the patient. Now we put them in lockers
> like we do with the OR patients. This wasn't at
> Reston Hospital. This was at a private endoscopy
> suite.

Aisthesis is not the anesthesia provider for Reston Hospital, anyway. They use Reston Anesthesia Associates exclusively. Have for years.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Date: June 24, 2015 07:06PM

647920476657889 Wrote:
> FormerlyRangerRikki Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I call total BS on this. I worked in Reston
> > pre-op for years. All personal items are
> bagged
> > up and put in a cabinet for when the person
> > arrives in post op. There is no way his pants
> > were "under" him. There is no way there was a
> > phone under him. A doctor doesn't say "you
> might
> > get some syphilis on your arm or something."
> Bet
> > my nursing license that this turns out to be
> > fabricated.
> I also worked in "Reston pre-op". Reston Hospital.
> We used to send the clothing bag into the endo
> rooms with the patient. Now we put them in lockers
> like we do with the OR patients. This wasn't at
> Reston Hospital. This was at a private endoscopy
> suite.

Oh. My bad. I should read bedder.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: you'd lose ()
Date: June 24, 2015 07:09PM

FormerlyRangerRikki Wrote:
> I call total BS on this. I worked in Reston
> pre-op for years. All personal items are bagged
> up and put in a cabinet for when the person
> arrives in post op. There is no way his pants
> were "under" him. There is no way there was a
> phone under him. A doctor doesn't say "you might
> get some syphilis on your arm or something." Bet
> my nursing license that this turns out to be
> fabricated.

This isn't just some allegation. It happened over two years ago. The guy won his lawsuit after a three day trial last week. I would imagine the recording went a long way in convincing the jury.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Colonoscopy place ()
Date: June 24, 2015 07:14PM

Due to safety concerns, effective immediately, all patients will be searched for recording devices prior to their procedures.

Thank you for your cooperation,

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: VdhpJ ()
Date: June 24, 2015 08:04PM

you'd lose Wrote:
> FormerlyRangerRikki Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I call total BS on this. I worked in Reston
> > pre-op for years. All personal items are
> bagged
> > up and put in a cabinet for when the person
> > arrives in post op. There is no way his pants
> > were "under" him. There is no way there was a
> > phone under him. A doctor doesn't say "you
> might
> > get some syphilis on your arm or something."
> Bet
> > my nursing license that this turns out to be
> > fabricated.
> This isn't just some allegation. It happened over
> two years ago. The guy won his lawsuit after a
> three day trial last week. I would imagine the
> recording went a long way in convincing the jury.

Fuck! I wish they would of made fun of me. I could use an extra $500,000!

So the man sued the two doctors and their practices for defamation and medical malpractice and, last week, after a three-day trial, a Fairfax County jury ordered the anesthesiologist and her practice to pay him $500,000.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: dieter ()
Date: June 24, 2015 08:20PM

The plaintiff's lawyers probably got most of that money.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Date: June 24, 2015 08:32PM

The anesthesiologist doctor should have her medical license revoked. The jokes she was making about falsifying his charts are a reason for this, As a member of the Va public I object and ask the State Medical Board to revoke her license to practice, She's unstable, maybe she will fool around with the dose of drugs she's giving someone she does not like. I don't trust her.

Gov. McAullife get over the Confederate Flag, There's a State Here to Run. Executive order to revoke her license needed ASAP to the State Medical Board. Now Do It Dammit!

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Ying Ko ()
Date: June 24, 2015 08:36PM

You think those parties really read this forum or you just grandstanding? It's the empty barrel that makes the most noise.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Date: June 24, 2015 08:48PM

Making shitty comments about him are one thing. Suggesting she's changing his chart is another, Revoke her MD license.

"Empty Barrel" "Ship With No Rudder" Ya. Obama! Got It.

No! Its the tree that falls in the woods with no one around that makes the most noise.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: the rule ()
Date: June 24, 2015 08:52PM

It's good that incidents like this are publicized. Most people think their doctors "care" about them. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are a dollar sign to them, and if your continued survival concerns them it is only in terms of billing. Do you think your mechanic "cares" about your car? Same thing.

Hopefully this incident will enlighten the stupid masses. These doctors' behavior is NOT the exception, it is the rule. I love to see these pompous twits exposed for what they are.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Hurray. ()
Date: June 24, 2015 09:11PM

the rule Wrote:
> It's good that incidents like this are publicized.
> Most people think their doctors "care" about
> them. Nothing could be further from the truth.
> You are a dollar sign to them, and if your
> continued survival concerns them it is only in
> terms of billing. Do you think your mechanic
> "cares" about your car? Same thing.
> Hopefully this incident will enlighten the stupid
> masses. These doctors' behavior is NOT the
> exception, it is the rule. I love to see these
> pompous twits exposed for what they are.

You hit the nail right on the head. I work in a hospital. I could write a book about doctors who avoid talking to their patients and families. "I already talked to them" is something I hear all the time. Well, they talked to them as they were coming out of anesthesia. They didn't remember anything. "The family wasn't in the waiting room." Well they were there the whole time, and the volunteer attests to that. Never even went to the bathroom because they were anxiously awaiting talking to the doctor, who stood them up. "I am not calling anybody." Well the wife is home with three preschool children for a few hours while hubby is moving through the process for five l-o-n-g hours. The anger these people express to me is heartbreaking. To hear them plotting and planning fake excuses so they don't have to talk to their patient is vile. How would they like it if they had something done and they and their family were treated like this? RUDE. RUDE. RUDE. I for one am glad to hear this crap being put out like this.

People deserve to be treated with respect and dignity even when they are asleep. They are not just a piece of meat. They are a human being. I applaud this guy and I am glad he sued their asses off. I hope every single patient turns their phone on and puts it under their gurney when they can.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Butthurt ()
Date: June 24, 2015 10:10PM

Did I overlook it or has no one actually not gone for the low hanging butthurt joke here?

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: June 24, 2015 10:36PM

OR nurse Wrote:
> This sort of thing goes on everyday. You wouldn't
> believe the shit I've heard in operating rooms.
> This incident was very mild.
> I especially feel sorry for the tiny dick guys.
> They are always the source of much hilarity.
> I guess we better start checking for phones! LOL

hahahahahaha good one!!

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: June 24, 2015 10:45PM

Misogynistic Guy Wrote:
> It's the greatest story I've read in a while.
> An uber-cocky women, talking about a man having to
> "Man up."
> Then she ex nihilo puts on his chart that he has
> hemorrhoids, just to mess with him.
> I not only hope she loses her license to practice
> medicine, I hope she goes to jail.
> There goes that whole BS theorem that women are
> somehow more empathic than men.

she’s probably not a real woman

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: Merry Pason ()
Date: June 24, 2015 11:11PM

Apparently, the fat body patient from Vienna was an attorney. Somehow it's looking less and less likely he "inadvertently" recorded this convo. The press should dig a little deeper into this. Sounds like a set-up. And he's getting a nice pay-day.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: XpJ6k ()
Date: June 25, 2015 11:30AM


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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: MtUUe ()
Date: June 25, 2015 11:31AM

there is a serious legal posture that the doctors were not performing their feduciary duty because they were "fucking around"

however that's not available here since: the surgeory was successful

it's not a criminal or feduciary matter

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: wondering? ()
Date: June 25, 2015 11:48AM

If the doctors make those exact same remarks in the privacy of their office and you record them - is that also subject to litigation?

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: 7P9tW ()
Date: June 25, 2015 12:00PM

wondering? Wrote:
> If the doctors make those exact same remarks in
> the privacy of their office and you record them -
> is that also subject to litigation?

You can litigate anything but in this case yes and you can win the litigation if there is a 3rd party there that believes the veracity of the statements its defamation just as happened in the operating room.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: A summary- ()
Date: June 25, 2015 12:10PM

I think a basic summary is that this is a fine example of how some physicians are total abusive assholes, interested in you solely for your money, were never serious about the Hippocratic oath they all took, will make fun of you behind your back and really in front of your face (since there is never any guarantee that the drugs are completely knocking you out and that you won't hear what is going on and remember it all), and have no manners whatsoever.

Yet, they will still send you a bill and expect to be paid.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: HKY123 ()
Date: June 25, 2015 08:44PM

You sound like part of the problem yourself. I don't believe that all people in the OR are like you. Just that there are some who are crappy people like yourself. It wasn't just the comments made about him, that dr put a fake diagnoses on his chart as well. Do you and your cronies do that too I suppose you do as I doubt you have selective morals as you sound 100% immoral. Shameful to be so arrogant as yourself. What goes around comes around. Dear.

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Re: Vienna Man Sueing Reston Medical For Comments During Sleep
Posted by: PCVTy ()
Date: June 27, 2015 12:56PM

i hate to think what you all are saying about me while i'm sleeping

shit what you say while i'm not sleeping is bad enough!

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