Scoreboard. To the winners go the spoils.
Southern faggots are such hilarious bitch ass revisionists. You lost. You lost. You lost.
Scratch that. You didn't even lose. People who were lied to by big plantation owners to go out and fight for a false ideology lost. You were born 100 years after that, and still choose to go with the traitorous losers side. You lose. You lose. Ha ha ha ha ha
You lose.

As if the federalist abolitionist and extremely constitutional liberal Republicans of 1861 have anything to do with the dimwitted, anti-federalist, voter id law passing, extreme constitutional conservative Republicans of today. You must be a special kind of stupid to not realize that between the 19th century and 21st century, there was something called the 20th century.
If the GOP wants to start being the party that supports platforms of liberalism like the Republicans of 1861, I'd welcome that.
Till then, enjoy sucking our northern cocks you loser southern pieces of shit traitors.