VKGty Wrote:
> Fuck the South Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >Its a
> > > memorial to the Southerners that fought and
> > died
> > > in the southern states by the hundreds of
> > > thousands, that fought the war because it was
> > > their country, their state, their town
> against
> > the
> > > north. That's all it is.
> >
> > Actually, they were traitors to their country.
> > They fought to preserve enslavement of their
> > fellow man, and they got their assess whupped
> for
> > their trouble. So it's a memorial to
> traitorous,
> > racist, losers. And the north, rather
> > magnanimously, declined to hang all those
> traitors
> > who fought against them, like they would have
> in
> > other countries. And it's too bad they didn't,
> > because then there'd be a lot fewer of you
> inbred
> > yokels running around, flying your silly little
> > flag, pretending it's about heritage, but
> > forgetting that it's the heritage of
> losers,
> > losers, losers. The Sons of the Confederacy are
> > the descendents of losers, and that's nothing
> to
> > celebrate.
> The southerners legally succeeded from the Union,
> which was a reasonable thing to accept according
> to Thomas Jefferson. The agression from the North
> to beat the South back into submission was the
> initial act of War.
> Lincoln, confessed he deliberately send in
> military supply ships to Fort Sumter, in an effort
> to start the War, after the South, already their
> own nation, requested that the Federal Troops
> leave The South's sovereign territory.
> Lincoln also, professed that he would do whatever
> it took to "preserve the Union", even if it meant
> to keep slavery intact, or to abolish it, or to
> keep it partially intact .. whatever it took to
> preserve the union, proving his motives weren't
> focused on liberating slaves, but rather to win
> the War.
> Robert E. Lee freed his slaves in 1851, 10 years
> before the War began and some still say he was
> fighting the war to preserve slavery ..
> The South was paying nearly 90% of all Federal
> Taxes at the time, but comprised only 15% of the
> total US population.
> Facts matter, Lives matter ... Stop pissing on the
> memories of Confederate soldiers.