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no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Mexicantrash ()
Date: June 23, 2015 01:37PM

So walmart is now stopping the sale of the confederate flag and VA will soon ban the confederate license plate. What do yall think about this?

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Fairfax Rebel ()
Date: June 23, 2015 01:42PM

Soon the Confederate monuments and statues will come down. One that comes to mind is the statue in Alexandria on Washington Street.

Loss of our American heritage is just one part - The gun control freaks are out again.

Baltimore was a warning to what is to come.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: 1st Amendment going down ()
Date: June 23, 2015 01:46PM

I wouldn't ever put one on my car or house or whatever, but how is it different than any other potentially offensive symbol? Lots of people are offended by religion - we going to ban crosses next? Slippery slope...just because some or even most are offended by it doesn't mean it should be banned. Kind of gets into that whole freedom of speech thing than we've gotten written down somewhere.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: crazy is as crazy does ()
Date: June 23, 2015 01:50PM

Some deranged idiot kills a bunch of people, and we ban the confederate flag? Almost every single one of these psychos was/had been under the care of some kind of doctor. How about we start looking at what it takes to lock up the crazies? The problem is we have crazy people roaming the streets with all the rights of everyone else - we need to hold the mental health "professionals" and the laws that allow this responsible - not the fact that he got a gun. Could have been a car, or a bomb, or whatever. Crazy is going to find a way.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Ok to limit freedom of speech ()
Date: June 23, 2015 01:59PM

1st Amendment going down Wrote:
> I wouldn't ever put one on my car or house or
> whatever, but how is it different than any other
> potentially offensive symbol? Lots of people are
> offended by religion - we going to ban crosses
> next? Slippery slope...just because some or even
> most are offended by it doesn't mean it should be
> banned. Kind of gets into that whole freedom of
> speech thing than we've gotten written down
> somewhere.

Generally, our right to freedom of speech ends when it harms or endangers another (e.g.; shouting 'fire!' in a crowded theater, slander, defimation of character, etc). There is an argument to be made that the state-sponsored display on public property of a perceived symbol of racial hatred causes harm.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Just The Facts Jack ()
Date: June 23, 2015 02:00PM

Today we ban Confederate Flags - What is next? Where does it end?

Remember the Nazis created death camps to remove objectionable people.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: flagons ()
Date: June 23, 2015 02:44PM

crazy is as crazy does Wrote:
> Some deranged idiot kills a bunch of people, and we ban the confederate flag?

Uh, more like:

Some deranged idiot decided to fly the confederate flag at full mast during the aftermath of a mass shooting when all other flags were respectfully lowered, causing outrage and a renewed focus on finally getting rid of that racist old symbol of hate.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: George "Macaca" Allen ()
Date: June 23, 2015 02:47PM

Every home should have a noose.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Joe. Friday ()
Date: June 23, 2015 02:53PM

Just The Facts Jack Wrote:
> Today we ban Confederate Flags - What is next?
> Where does it end?
> Remember the Nazis created death camps to remove
> objectionable people.

We call it Obamacare.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: black Lundberg jammer ()
Date: June 23, 2015 03:14PM

Im offended when I hear rap music. Ban that too please.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: FreedomHaters ()
Date: June 23, 2015 03:26PM

1984 Orwell Was Right, he only had the year wrong ... it's a comin'
Our liberties are being stripped one by one.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: vFGYN ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:07PM

Mexicantrash Wrote:
> So walmart is now stopping the sale of the
> confederate flag and VA will soon ban the
> confederate license plate. What do yall think
> about this?

they are fishing for confrontation

they will SWAT anyone who "disagrees"

walmart is run out of NY,NY and promotes illegals and pushes chinese imports as hard as they can. they've even promoted products marked as "made in USA" that are not (so has home depot / lowe's - who can you trust with a democrat in town)

K-Mart is run out of Michiga,USA and still sells weapons in their sporting goods deptartments.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: nHDhU ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:08PM

Mexicantrash Wrote:
> So walmart is now stopping the sale of the
> confederate flag and VA will soon ban the
> confederate license plate. What do yall think
> about this?

they are fishing for a confrontation on their own terms

do not give them that - give them what they least want is what

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Fuck the South ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:09PM

Oh no! How will be people be able to celebrate their "heritage" of being descended from a bunch of traitors who got their assess kicked so bad, they had to unconditionally surrender???? How will they celebrate their "heritage" of racism and bigotry now????

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Fuck The North ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:17PM

650,000 Union soldiers dead in Southern dirt. Got their racist bluebelly asses handed to them.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: SalesmanOfTheYear ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:17PM

Fuck the South Wrote:
> Oh no! How will be people be able to celebrate
> their "heritage" of being descended from a bunch
> of traitors who got their assess kicked so bad,
> they had to unconditionally surrender???? How will
> they celebrate their "heritage" of racism and
> bigotry now????

There is no shortage of independent dealers who will sell all the flags they can supply.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: typicaltolerantpeacelovinglib ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:21PM

Fuck the South Wrote:
> Oh no! How will be people be able to celebrate
> their "heritage" of being descended from a bunch
> of traitors who got their assess kicked so bad,
> they had to unconditionally surrender???? How will
> they celebrate their "heritage" of racism and
> bigotry now????

They will continue as always with private displays until such a time as it becomes illegal to display the confederate flag privately. I expect in my lifetime to see any "offensive" "speech" or thought to become illegal and punishable by loss of income and eventually jail time and/or death. You know, when the Gerrymander types are in total control. Of course, they will turn on each other as well - no one will be safe from thought crime. Kinda like the good old times in Mother Russia in the Lenin/Stalin era. Good Times we should all wish for here in the US.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Fuck the South ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:22PM

Fuck The North Wrote:
> 650,000 Union soldiers dead in Southern dirt. Got
> their racist bluebelly asses handed to them.

And yet, it was those traitorous rebels who ended up surrendering. Protip: Next time, don't pick fights with your moral, intellectual, and technological betters.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Fuck the South ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:27PM

typicaltolerantpeacelovinglib Wrote:

> I expect in my
> lifetime to see any "offensive" "speech" or
> thought to become illegal and punishable by loss
> of income and eventually jail time and/or death.

Do you think that because you're retarded, or because you're a hysterical nincompoop with no sense of reality, whose brain has turned to mush from being force fed a daily stream of shit from Fox "News"?F

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: butt hurt logic ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:34PM

Free speech applies to your personal right to something. If you want to fly the confederate flag, feel free. You can also fly a nazi flag. People will see you as the asshole you are, you might have business repercussions, and you will hate by all. Free speech does not apply to your ability to force the government to fly something it doesn't want to. It also does not apply to you being able to force a company to sell something it doesn't want to.

Public opinion will kill the confederate flag, not the government. Deal with it you teabagging pieces of shit.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: It's 2015 you assholes ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:43PM

Good riddance. They are for racist traitors. If only we could get rid of those too.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: I H8 racist morons ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:47PM

Fuck The North Wrote:
> 650,000 Union soldiers dead in Southern dirt. Got
> their racist bluebelly asses handed to them.

You know the south lost the war, right? Oh wait, you probably don't.

Newsflash: the south lost.

Get over it.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: hatespeechcriminalcode ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:53PM

You do realize that in many countries run by lefties like Gerrymander - hate speech is a crime? Once that is established here it only becomes a matter of defining hate speech. Which according to a typical liberal is ANYTHING that makes them feel UNCOMFORTABLE.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Fuck the South ()
Date: June 23, 2015 05:02PM

hatespeechcriminalcode Wrote:
> You do realize that in many countries run by
> lefties like Gerrymander - hate speech is a crime?
> Once that is established here it only becomes a
> matter of defining hate speech. Which according
> to a typical liberal is ANYTHING that makes them

OK, got it. You're just retarded. Why don't you grab a juice box and go color quietly in the corner while the adults talk, Corky?

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Date: June 23, 2015 05:10PM

So McAuliffe bans the Sons of Confederacy flag plates to avoid a "dividing issue"

The Battle Flag of the Confederacy , Its a memorial to the Southerners that fought and died in the southern states by the hundreds of thousands, that fought the war because it was their country, their state, their town against the north. That's all it is.

Then it was used by a coward that murdered people in a pose.

So McAuliffe pisses off untold millions not just in Va. to throw gas on the flames by being a P.C Democrat and taking the low road on a slippery slope as described above

What an Asshole

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: macroagression ()
Date: June 23, 2015 05:18PM

Fuck the South Wrote:
> hatespeechcriminalcode Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You do realize that in many countries run by

> > > lefties like Gerrymander - hate speech is a
> crime?
> > Once that is established here it only becomes
> a
> > matter of defining hate speech. Which
> according
> > to a typical liberal is ANYTHING that makes
> them
> OK, got it. You're just retarded. Why don't you
> grab a juice box and go color quietly in the
> corner while the adults talk, Corky?

OOOOOOHhhhh... that's a MACRO-Aggression - serious stuff! Whose retarded?

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Fuck the South ()
Date: June 23, 2015 05:19PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
>Its a
> memorial to the Southerners that fought and died
> in the southern states by the hundreds of
> thousands, that fought the war because it was
> their country, their state, their town against the
> north. That's all it is.

Actually, they were traitors to their country. They fought to preserve enslavement of their fellow man, and they got their assess whupped for their trouble. So it's a memorial to traitorous, racist, losers. And the north, rather magnanimously, declined to hang all those traitors who fought against them, like they would have in other countries. And it's too bad they didn't, because then there'd be a lot fewer of you inbred yokels running around, flying your silly little flag, pretending it's about heritage, but forgetting that it's the heritage of LOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSERRRRRRRRRSSSSSSS. Losers, losers, losers, losers. The Sons of the Confederacy are the descendents of losers, and that's nothing to celebrate.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: 4bN9D ()
Date: June 23, 2015 05:23PM

The reaction is so "knee jerk" it's crazy -- pulling the flag out of circulation in stores, etc. -- It is a good indication of where we are as a nation.

It's also in line with the soft new rules some police forces are now subject to and the idea of "softer", less militant looking police uniforms suggested by Prez. Obama.

America is capitulating to non-sense which eventually will lead to a weaker nation and loss of freedoms guaranteed under our consitution .. and the government is leading the way.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Standard Libtard Approach ()
Date: June 23, 2015 05:30PM

4bN9D Wrote:
> The reaction is so "knee jerk" it's crazy --
> pulling the flag out of circulation in stores,
> etc. -- It is a good indication of where we are
> as a nation.

It's what libtards do when they have no solution or willingness to deal with an actual problem - look for something to ban.

That's easy and you can walk away saying that, dammit, we did something! Even though it actually does nothing.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: VKGty ()
Date: June 23, 2015 05:30PM

Fuck the South Wrote:
> Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >Its a
> > memorial to the Southerners that fought and
> died
> > in the southern states by the hundreds of
> > thousands, that fought the war because it was
> > their country, their state, their town against
> the
> > north. That's all it is.
> Actually, they were traitors to their country.
> They fought to preserve enslavement of their
> fellow man, and they got their assess whupped for
> their trouble. So it's a memorial to traitorous,
> racist, losers. And the north, rather
> magnanimously, declined to hang all those traitors
> who fought against them, like they would have in
> other countries. And it's too bad they didn't,
> because then there'd be a lot fewer of you inbred
> yokels running around, flying your silly little
> flag, pretending it's about heritage, but
> forgetting that it's the heritage of
> losers, losers. The Sons of the Confederacy are
> the descendents of losers, and that's nothing to
> celebrate.

The southerners legally succeeded from the Union, which was a reasonable thing to accept according to Thomas Jefferson. The agression from the North to beat the South back into submission was the initial act of War.

Lincoln, confessed he deliberately send in military supply ships to Fort Sumter, in an effort to start the War, after the South, already their own nation, requested that the Federal Troops leave The South's sovereign territory.
Lincoln also, professed that he would do whatever it took to "preserve the Union", even if it meant to keep slavery intact, or to abolish it, or to keep it partially intact .. whatever it took to preserve the union, proving his motives weren't focused on liberating slaves, but rather to win the War.

Robert E. Lee freed his slaves in 1851, 10 years before the War began and some still say he was fighting the war to preserve slavery ..
The South was paying nearly 90% of all Federal Taxes at the time, but comprised only 15% of the total US population.

Facts matter, Lives matter ... Stop pissing on the memories of Confederate soldiers.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: sam w ()
Date: June 23, 2015 05:36PM

vFGYN Wrote:
> walmart is run out of NY,NY and promotes illegals
> and pushes chinese imports as hard as they can.
> they've even promoted products marked as "made in
> USA" that are not (so has home depot / lowe's -
> who can you trust with a democrat in town)
> K-Mart is run out of Michiga,USA and still sells
> weapons in their sporting goods deptartments.

Walmart is "run out of" Bentonville, Arkansas.

About the Confederate license plate, wasn't there a recent SCOTUS ruling that all but requires States to stop issuing them?

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: yXncj ()
Date: June 23, 2015 05:41PM

^^ No. TX asked if they had to continue providing them in their state .. the court basically said it's up to the gov. of TX.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Thomas JacksonVMI ()
Date: June 23, 2015 06:14PM

VKGty Wrote:
> Fuck the South Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >Its a
> > > memorial to the Southerners that fought and
> > died
> > > in the southern states by the hundreds of
> > > thousands, that fought the war because it was
> > > their country, their state, their town
> against
> > the
> > > north. That's all it is.
> >
> > Actually, they were traitors to their country.
> > They fought to preserve enslavement of their
> > fellow man, and they got their assess whupped
> for
> > their trouble. So it's a memorial to
> traitorous,
> > racist, losers. And the north, rather
> > magnanimously, declined to hang all those
> traitors
> > who fought against them, like they would have
> in
> > other countries. And it's too bad they didn't,
> > because then there'd be a lot fewer of you
> inbred
> > yokels running around, flying your silly little
> > flag, pretending it's about heritage, but
> > forgetting that it's the heritage of
> losers,
> > losers, losers. The Sons of the Confederacy are
> > the descendents of losers, and that's nothing
> to
> > celebrate.
> The southerners legally succeeded from the Union,
> which was a reasonable thing to accept according
> to Thomas Jefferson. The agression from the North
> to beat the South back into submission was the
> initial act of War.
> Lincoln, confessed he deliberately send in
> military supply ships to Fort Sumter, in an effort
> to start the War, after the South, already their
> own nation, requested that the Federal Troops
> leave The South's sovereign territory.
> Lincoln also, professed that he would do whatever
> it took to "preserve the Union", even if it meant
> to keep slavery intact, or to abolish it, or to
> keep it partially intact .. whatever it took to
> preserve the union, proving his motives weren't
> focused on liberating slaves, but rather to win
> the War.
> Robert E. Lee freed his slaves in 1851, 10 years
> before the War began and some still say he was
> fighting the war to preserve slavery ..
> The South was paying nearly 90% of all Federal
> Taxes at the time, but comprised only 15% of the
> total US population.
> Facts matter, Lives matter ... Stop pissing on the
> memories of Confederate soldiers.


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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: bJWMV ()
Date: June 23, 2015 06:42PM

the Washington Post has long been heavily democrat slanted

today the Post is full of fucking foreigners trying to brainwash washington, and beat into submission, as they wake up

the article says Succession of the South was mostly about slavery and hardly about tariffs and exports

I have both high school and college History books which cite the slavery issue as minor or non-existent issue to either side at the beginning of the war.

I also know Lincoln had slaves, talk badly of blacks, and didn't plan to free slaves until he needed fresh meat for some vicious battles near the end of the war.

Thomas Jefferson on the other hand wrote emancipation for all races into the first revisions of the Constitution. Democrat polititians (back then called republican - there was a name swap) forced Jefferson to edit it out, refused to sign anything which included ideas off equality amongs men in the eyes of Equity Law.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: h3PWC ()
Date: June 23, 2015 06:43PM

It's well known that before and after the war the North had slaves - not all were treated well.

It's also well known that prejudism in the North existed well after the war.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: j7pLb ()
Date: June 23, 2015 06:51PM

5 myths about why the south succeeded

> 1. The South seceded over states’ rights.
> no they didnt' care about rights, only slavery

^ full of shit

> 2. Secession was about tariffs and taxes.
> no it wasnt, it was about slavery

^ again, full of shit

> 3. Most white Southerners didn’t own slaves, so they wouldn’t secede
> for slavery. white southrerners were wonderous optimist that wished to
> abuse blacks someday

^ totally full of shit: southerners called for the german rich to stop slaving
^ because they needed jobs or to sell farmed good - and called for the nigers to ^ be deported by law

> 4. Abraham Lincoln went to war to end slavery.
> is not true, he had had slaves

^ that's right - Lincoln was a sack of shit democrat in debt to his ears
^ depsite that he had senator's pay - which most didnt at the time

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: GodsandGenerals ()
Date: June 23, 2015 06:53PM

bJWMV Wrote:

> the Washington Post has long been heavily democrat
> slanted
> today the Post is full of fucking foreigners
> trying to brainwash washington, and beat into
> submission, as they wake up

> the article says Succession of the South was
> mostly about slavery and hardly about tariffs and
> exports
> I have both high school and college History books
> which cite the slavery issue as minor or
> non-existent issue to either side at the beginning
> of the war.
> I also know Lincoln had slaves, talk badly of
> blacks, and didn't plan to free slaves until he
> needed fresh meat for some vicious battles near
> the end of the war.
> Thomas Jefferson on the other hand wrote
> emancipation for all races into the first
> revisions of the Constitution. Democrat
> polititians (back then called republican - there
> was a name swap) forced Jefferson to edit it out,
> refused to sign anything which included ideas off
> equality amongs men in the eyes of Equity Law.

but, but, I thought the democrats were the ones to blame for the confederate flag?

Anyhow, the north did have slaves. AND the emancipation freed slaves ONLY in the South, which at that time was a different country, so technically, it freed no one. What it did do was serve as a rallying point for the Union which had become disgusted by war, mainly due to inept Generals who preferred to march around DC than engage in battle...that all being said, any history book that says slavery was a minor issue should be tossed in the fire place. Slavery was THE driving issue that led to secession. All other issues, and there were several, all came down to slavery and its expansion west. California coming into the Union as a free state provided a physical barrier to how far west Slavery could go. This pissed off the south and was one of the reasons as well. If it were about states' rights, they would have been ok with it.

I love history, especially the US Civil War. If the South really wanted to honor their ancestors, they should fly the stars and bars and not the battle flag. Especially since this flag has been bastardize by hate groups. Also, unlike Mississippi, most states waited until the 1960s to start flying the flag or adding it to their official state flag...not much heritage in that.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: 6tG9G ()
Date: June 23, 2015 06:57PM

So the succession began due to many causes, but SC clearly stated that it was being threatened by the election of Lincoln to the office of President, citing his abolishionist views.

The actual cause of the War was Lincoln's refusal to allow the South to have autonomy as their own nation.

Under orders not to leave their posts, Federal Troops, remained @ Ft. Sumter after being told to leave by the newly established Confederacy.
Lincoln even purposely sent supply ships to Ft. Sumter, increase the tension.

The details of why the southern states succeeded, certainly had to do with Slavery and years of tarriff imbalances.
Though it was at a low, the tarriff rate that is, it was again increased and largely due to the fact that Southern Congressmen did not show up for the voting on the said bill.

"To preserve the Union" and the toll it took on the nation, are the words that are still being discussed and debated today as Lincoln is the most written about President in US history.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: reality is a bitch ()
Date: June 23, 2015 06:58PM

VKGty Wrote:
> Fuck the South Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >Its a
> > > memorial to the Southerners that fought and
> > died
> > > in the southern states by the hundreds of
> > > thousands, that fought the war because it was
> > > their country, their state, their town
> against
> > the
> > > north. That's all it is.
> >
> > Actually, they were traitors to their country.
> > They fought to preserve enslavement of their
> > fellow man, and they got their assess whupped
> for
> > their trouble. So it's a memorial to
> traitorous,
> > racist, losers. And the north, rather
> > magnanimously, declined to hang all those
> traitors
> > who fought against them, like they would have
> in
> > other countries. And it's too bad they didn't,
> > because then there'd be a lot fewer of you
> inbred
> > yokels running around, flying your silly little
> > flag, pretending it's about heritage, but
> > forgetting that it's the heritage of
> losers,
> > losers, losers. The Sons of the Confederacy are
> > the descendents of losers, and that's nothing
> to
> > celebrate.
> The southerners legally succeeded from the Union,
> which was a reasonable thing to accept according
> to Thomas Jefferson. The agression from the North
> to beat the South back into submission was the
> initial act of War.
> Lincoln, confessed he deliberately send in
> military supply ships to Fort Sumter, in an effort
> to start the War, after the South, already their
> own nation, requested that the Federal Troops
> leave The South's sovereign territory.
> Lincoln also, professed that he would do whatever
> it took to "preserve the Union", even if it meant
> to keep slavery intact, or to abolish it, or to
> keep it partially intact .. whatever it took to
> preserve the union, proving his motives weren't
> focused on liberating slaves, but rather to win
> the War.
> Robert E. Lee freed his slaves in 1851, 10 years
> before the War began and some still say he was
> fighting the war to preserve slavery ..
> The South was paying nearly 90% of all Federal
> Taxes at the time, but comprised only 15% of the
> total US population.
> Facts matter, Lives matter ... Stop pissing on the
> memories of Confederate soldiers.

Losses matter, losers don't matter. You and your grand daddy are pieces of shit from the armpit of this country. You have always held us back. I wish we had let the shit stain states secede. Without Mississippi and arkanasas we'd be the Germany of north america with regard to the budget and economy. It's only because of methed out redneck dicks like you that we are in the red.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: GodsandGenerals ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:00PM

6tG9G Wrote:
> So the succession began due to many causes, but SC
> clearly stated that it was being threatened by the
> election of Lincoln to the office of President,
> citing his abolishionist views.
> The actual cause of the War was Lincoln's refusal
> to allow the South to have autonomy as their own
> nation.
> Under orders not to leave their posts, Federal
> Troops, remained @ Ft. Sumter after being told to
> leave by the newly established Confederacy.
> Lincoln even purposely sent supply ships to Ft.
> Sumter, increase the tension.
> The details of why the southern states succeeded,
> certainly had to do with Slavery and years of
> tarriff imbalances.
> Though it was at a low, the tarriff rate that is,
> it was again increased and largely due to the fact
> that Southern Congressmen did not show up for the
> voting on the said bill.
> "To preserve the Union" and the toll it took on
> the nation, are the words that are still being
> discussed and debated today as Lincoln is the most
> written about President in US history.

nice to see someone with an understanding of history and actual facts

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: bancensorboycott ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:12PM

While I don't now and never have possessed any item with the Stars and Bars on it, I just find it once again how totalitarian the left is. Their first instinct is to ban and censor. Ban guns, ban flags, ban offensive speech, ban "microagressions", ban dissent on LGBT issue... on and on. They flat out cannot tolerant any opposing views. Scary times we live in.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Tx9WG ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:17PM

Thank you. I believe during war, most leaders, whatever it takes to win, no matter if the means to win, cannot be truly justified ... but it happens all the time and Lincoln certainly did some controvertial things. Shutting down newpapers, having the entire General Assembly of MD arrested by his Fed. Marshalls, suspending the writ of habeus corpus (due process of law) indefinitely, having Northerners thrown in jail without giving them a reason, etc.

Of course, Slavery is evil, but the South has a right to succeed from the union (Even thomas Jefferson believe in a state's right to succeed) , but Abe was having none of it, so here we are. Nothing changes history ... It is important to study and remember history, so that we cannot repeat any of its' mistakes as a nation.

Especially the darker parts of our history should be remembered.

Little known fact:
-- Just after Lincoln died, in the house across the street from Ford's theatre, a man on the sidewalk in front of that house shouted
"Hurray for Jefferson Davis".
The crowd gathered there, beat that man to death on the spot.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: GodsandGenerals ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:22PM

Tx9WG Wrote:
> Thank you. I believe during war, most leaders,
> whatever it takes to win, no matter if the means
> to win, cannot be truly justified ... but it
> happens all the time and Lincoln certainly did
> some controvertial things. Shutting down
> newpapers, having the entire General Assembly of
> MD arrested by his Fed. Marshalls, suspending the
> writ of habeus corpus (due process of law)
> indefinitely, having Northerners thrown in jail
> without giving them a reason, etc.
> Of course, Slavery is evil, but the South has a
> right to succeed from the union (Even thomas
> Jefferson believe in a state's right to succeed) ,
> but Abe was having none of it, so here we are.
> Nothing changes history ... It is important to
> study and remember history, so that we cannot
> repeat any of its' mistakes as a nation.
> Especially the darker parts of our history should
> be remembered.
> Little known fact:
> -- Just after Lincoln died, in the house across
> the street from Ford's theatre, a man on the
> sidewalk in front of that house shouted
> "Hurray for Jefferson Davis".
> The crowd gathered there, beat that man to death
> on the spot.

Other little known fact; we get the term, "your name is mud" from the doctor that rendered aid to Booth, Samuel Mudd!

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:24PM

Fuck the South Wrote:
> Oh no! How will be people be able to celebrate
> their "heritage" of being descended from a bunch
> of traitors who got their assess kicked so bad,
> they had to unconditionally surrender???? How will
> they celebrate their "heritage" of racism and
> bigotry now????

This is what it's all about. All these people saying it's racist are just saying it out of ignorance, fear, and emotion. Take a history class or read a book about the Civil War people. You may learn something about the War, the Flag, and how General Lee laid out his CONDITIONS for surrendering in Appomattox.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:25PM

Mexicantrash Wrote:
> So walmart is now stopping the sale of the
> confederate flag and VA will soon ban the
> confederate license plate. What do yall think
> about this?

There will be a surge in buy of Confederate stuff over the next couple of months. Underground market or makers and collectors. It will be huge. Just like moonshine.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Jeez Louise ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:26PM

bancensorboycott Wrote:
> Their
> first instinct is to ban and censor. Ban guns,
> ban flags, ban offensive speech, ban
> "microagressions", ban dissent on LGBT issue.

Contrary to your little GOPpish wet dreams, nobody's banning anything, Corky. That invisible hand of the free market--the thing you right wingers dream about jerking you off each night--is taking care of the Traitors' Flag, with Amazon, et al. voluntarily choosing not to sell it. Nobody's coming to grab your guns or throw you in jail for saying offensive things. The only totalitarians around here are the right wingers who want to ban abortions, ban gay weddings, etc. Now settle your little self down.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: NejGW ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:27PM

Jeez Louise Wrote:
> bancensorboycott Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Their
> > first instinct is to ban and censor. Ban guns,
> > ban flags, ban offensive speech, ban
> > "microagressions", ban dissent on LGBT issue.
> Contrary to your little GOPpish wet dreams,
> nobody's banning anything, Corky. That invisible
> hand of the free market--the thing you right
> wingers dream about jerking you off each night--is
> taking care of the Traitors' Flag, with Amazon, et
> al. voluntarily choosing not to sell it. Nobody's
> coming to grab your guns or throw you in jail for
> saying offensive things. The only totalitarians
> around here are the right wingers who want to ban
> abortions, ban gay weddings, etc. Now settle your
> little self down.

Wow, look at you Sir Fag-alot!

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Jeez Louise ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:31PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
>General Lee laid out his CONDITIONS for
> surrendering in Appomattox.

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! His conditions were basically "Please stop beating me. Not in the face! Not in the face!" Seriously, his conditions were to let his men go home and keep their guns and horses. Yeah, I guess that's sort of a condition, when by all rights every last one of their traitorous asses should have been shot.

You rednecks and your inability to face your history is just astounding. It was about slavery, you lost, now get over it. You've nothing to be proud of. The South's legacy as welfare recipients (remember, red states almost universally take more than they give), and the lowest IQs around is not something to cherish. Quit inbreeding, watching Fox "News", swilling lite beer, and sucking corporate dick. Don't make us come down there again and smack you around.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: ycKnb ()
Date: June 23, 2015 07:55PM

Jeez Louise Wrote:
> bancensorboycott Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> Contrary to your little GOPpish wet dreams,
> nobody's banning anything, Corky. That invisible
> hand of the free market--the thing you right
> wingers dream about jerking you off each night--is
> taking care of the Traitors' Flag, with Amazon, et
> al. voluntarily choosing not to sell it. Nobody's
> coming to grab your guns or throw you in jail for
> saying offensive things. The only totalitarians
> around here are the right wingers who want to ban
> abortions, ban gay weddings, etc. Now settle your
> little self down.

Invisible hand - good one. We all know the the corporate overlords of those corporations are all run by leftist do-gooders that are just looking for every excuse to stamp out any remnant of non-compliant thought. It's group-think gone mad.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: totalitarian freedom ()
Date: June 23, 2015 08:01PM

ycKnb Wrote:
> Jeez Louise Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > bancensorboycott Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Contrary to your little GOPpish wet dreams,
> > nobody's banning anything, Corky. That
> invisible
> > hand of the free market--the thing you right
> > wingers dream about jerking you off each
> night--is
> > taking care of the Traitors' Flag, with Amazon,
> et
> > al. voluntarily choosing not to sell it.
> Nobody's
> > coming to grab your guns or throw you in jail
> for
> > saying offensive things. The only totalitarians
> > around here are the right wingers who want to
> ban
> > abortions, ban gay weddings, etc. Now settle
> your
> > little self down.
> Invisible hand - good one. We all know the the
> corporate overlords of those corporations are all
> run by leftist do-gooders that are just looking
> for every excuse to stamp out any remnant of
> non-compliant thought. It's group-think gone mad.

Yea fuck the free market. The republicans are all about totalitarianism that would force companies to keep selling a product they don't want to.

Fuck, you racist old bitches are living in a special kind of tormented hell reality. Sit back, and let the world pass you by, or just shoot yourself in the face. I don't care either way.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: stupid is as stupid does bama ()
Date: June 23, 2015 08:03PM

bancensorboycott Wrote:
> While I don't now and never have possessed any
> item with the Stars and Bars on it, I just find it
> once again how totalitarian the left is. Their
> first instinct is to ban and censor. Ban guns,
> ban flags, ban offensive speech, ban
> "microagressions", ban dissent on LGBT issue... on
> and on. They flat out cannot tolerant any
> opposing views. Scary times we live in.

There is a ban on confederate flags? You are a special kind of stupid. You can go buy a confederate flag right now, just not from any reputable retailer. Head to the ranger surplus where you buy your penis pills and your glocks and I'm sure they will be there douche bag.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: meaning ()
Date: June 23, 2015 08:20PM

what was special about the southern confederacy? what did it stand for if slavery was not an issue?

take away slavery, why did the south want to secede?

why do modern day wackos pick the confederate flag for their symbol of white supremacy? why aren't the original confederate families offended that their beloved flag is chosen for hate crimes?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: What??? ()
Date: June 23, 2015 09:07PM

It's probably too late in this thread to ask this...but, here's hoping...

I'm a white male, 48 years of age. I've lived in NOVA for my entire life save 4 years I went to school in Florida. In my 48 years, I'd like to think I've traveled extensively both foreign and domestic. I've visited every state except Alaska. I've met lots of people from many walks of life.

In my 48 years, I've heard the phrase, "It's heritage not hate..." used by Southerners and Southern-sympathizers to explain their enthusiasm and display of the Confederate flag. And in 48 years, I've asked as many Southerners and Southern-sympathizers I can find, "What heritage are you celebrating/preserving with your enthusiasm and display of the Confederate flag?" and I have yet to receive what I would classify as a satisfactory answer.

So, I ask it again here...What aspects of Southern culture are celebrated by the display of the Confederate flag?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: typicaltolerantliberal ()
Date: June 23, 2015 09:15PM

totalitarian freedom Wrote:

> Fuck, you racist old bitches are living in a
> special kind of tormented hell reality. Sit back,
> and let the world pass you by, or just shoot
> yourself in the face. I don't care either way.

Spoken like true compassionate tolerant liberal. Same old same old. Just as evil as they racists they condemn.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: wYFD7 ()
Date: June 23, 2015 09:38PM

only someone from NJ used to corrupt politically rich would think

he can get the torch handed to him in VA and steal tobacco money and have VA ham sold to the CHINESE - and take a nuclear reactor offline (probalby in NY by now)

and tell the South (ps the war was over 100 yrs ago) it can no longer display "the flag"



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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: June 23, 2015 09:47PM

j7pLb Wrote:
> ^ that's right - Lincoln was a sack of shit
> democrat in debt to his ears
> ^ depsite that he had senator's pay - which most
> didnt at the time

FTR, Lincoln was a Republican.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: sar-dude ()
Date: June 23, 2015 10:03PM

My ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War. Why is it in Virginia that you can get a plate for Sons of Confederate Veterans and yet you cannot even get a plate for Sons of the American Revolution? The Civil War was lost 150 years ago, and they are still fighting it. Give it up folks...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: other things, maybe? ()
Date: June 23, 2015 10:34PM

What??? Wrote:
> It's probably too late in this thread to ask
> this...but, here's hoping...
> I'm a white male, 48 years of age. I've lived in
> NOVA for my entire life save 4 years I went to
> school in Florida. In my 48 years, I'd like to
> think I've traveled extensively both foreign and
> domestic. I've visited every state except Alaska.
> I've met lots of people from many walks of life.
> In my 48 years, I've heard the phrase, "It's
> heritage not hate..." used by Southerners and
> Southern-sympathizers to explain their enthusiasm
> and display of the Confederate flag. And in 48
> years, I've asked as many Southerners and
> Southern-sympathizers I can find, "What heritage
> are you celebrating/preserving with your
> enthusiasm and display of the Confederate flag?"
> and I have yet to receive what I would classify as
> a satisfactory answer.
> So, I ask it again here...What aspects of Southern
> culture are celebrated by the display of the
> Confederate flag?

Perhaps they are celebrating the concept of "State's rights" or even more loosely, a region that was identified with this flag.

Possibly even just being a "rebel" against...whatever.

Or, the historical figures and places associated with the civil war...the military people and battles...not slavery.

It is very possible that they associate it with positive things, not slavery.

Frankly, I think many people associate it with a region, and the spirit of a region, and not the evils of slavery.

Doesn't sound too illogical to me.

I don't have one, or fly one, but frankly, it is starting to sound like I am being told how I MUST view the symbol.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: Libby Tardz ()
Date: June 23, 2015 10:41PM

other things, maybe? Wrote:
> ...
> I don't have one, or fly one, but frankly, it is
> starting to sound like I am being told how I MUST
> view the symbol.

If you don't, then you're a racist.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: queeeee ()
Date: June 23, 2015 10:44PM

If I don't what?

Have, or fly, a confederate flag?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Date: June 23, 2015 11:05PM

>I don't have one, or fly one, but frankly, it is starting to sound like I am being told how I MUST view the symbol.

Thats about it.Im with you on that. I have no family in the Civil War . But I do have two ancestors that were in the Revolution War.

I don't fly a Confederate flag, never have or had the flag on anything I have ever owned. When I was young it was known as the Rebel Flag meaning not wanting to be with the norm as many young people are. I never saw it as racist.

I have lived in Va for 47 years, I see the flag today as I have explained in this thread all ready a symbol of respect for those who fought bravely over 150 years ago. Americans still, not traitors, they were never tied for any crimes. And their offspring have served this country very well indeed as loyal American fighting troops in all the wars since, and have been some of the best that there have ever been in this USA. I have respect for these things.

Its a shame so many "Americans" are purely putty, drones, no self respect or thoughts nada, The results of their upbringing and education and a politically correct Democrat society in their lives. Sad pitiful people who post nonsense and vulgar statements and trash brave men of honor who lived long ago.

And now a Question . Fairfax High Schools Team was the Rebels, I bet that was changed long ago too. And they flew the "Rebel Flag" Too. They were considered Rednecks Like me.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2017 05:17PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: FuckAllThat ()
Date: June 23, 2015 11:44PM

other things, maybe? Wrote:
> What??? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's probably too late in this thread to ask
> > this...but, here's hoping...
> >
> > I'm a white male, 48 years of age. I've lived
> in
> > NOVA for my entire life save 4 years I went to
> > school in Florida. In my 48 years, I'd like to
> > think I've traveled extensively both foreign
> and
> > domestic. I've visited every state except
> Alaska.
> > I've met lots of people from many walks of
> life.
> >
> > In my 48 years, I've heard the phrase, "It's
> > heritage not hate..." used by Southerners and
> > Southern-sympathizers to explain their
> enthusiasm
> > and display of the Confederate flag. And in 48
> > years, I've asked as many Southerners and
> > Southern-sympathizers I can find, "What
> heritage
> > are you celebrating/preserving with your
> > enthusiasm and display of the Confederate
> flag?"
> > and I have yet to receive what I would classify
> as
> > a satisfactory answer.
> >
> > So, I ask it again here...What aspects of
> Southern
> > culture are celebrated by the display of the
> > Confederate flag?
> Perhaps they are celebrating the concept of
> "State's rights" or even more loosely, a region
> that was identified with this flag.
> Possibly even just being a "rebel"
> against...whatever.
> Or, the historical figures and places associated
> with the civil war...the military people and
> battles...not slavery.
> It is very possible that they associate it with
> positive things, not slavery.
> Frankly, I think many people associate it with a
> region, and the spirit of a region, and not the
> evils of slavery.
> Doesn't sound too illogical to me.
> I don't have one, or fly one, but frankly, it is
> starting to sound like I am being told how I MUST
> view the symbol.

There's two ways this can go...

1) "The South" gets a new flag which reads "I Love The South!" and has images of sweet tea, gators and palm trees.

2) "The South" maintains the privilege of flying the Confederate Flag over government buildings and other state owned lands...meanwhile, the U.S. mint puts out a new $5 bill...featuring Bill Sherman.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: little more splainin ()
Date: June 24, 2015 01:16AM

There "is" two ways it can go, huh?

I don't get the point of your suggested two ways.

Care to clarify?

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: It's True ()
Date: June 24, 2015 05:59AM

Confederate flags don't kill people. Mentally challenged right-wing nutjobs with guns kill people.

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Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: FuckAllThat ()
Date: June 24, 2015 05:17PM

little more splainin Wrote:
> There "is" two ways it can go, huh?
> I don't get the point of your suggested two ways.
> Care to clarify?

Southerners wanna' appropriately celebrate the virtues of the South...that's fine, I've listed some in #1.

Southerners DON'T wanna' appropriately celebrate the virtues of the South...that's fine, the Federal Government will join your unwillingness to appropriately celebrate and raise up Bill Sherman on the half-sawbuck, a General who scorched The South to restore the Union.

Y'alls lost...you unconditionally surrendered. Either take up arms again and take back your privilege or bend over and take the terms. Either way, zero fucks given for what The South thinks it's entitled to...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: no more confederate vanity plates
Posted by: historyryryry ()
Date: June 24, 2015 06:25PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> Fuck the South Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oh no! How will be people be able to celebrate
> > their "heritage" of being descended from a
> bunch
> > of traitors who got their assess kicked so bad,
> > they had to unconditionally surrender???? How
> will
> > they celebrate their "heritage" of racism and
> > bigotry now????
> This is what it's all about. All these people
> saying it's racist are just saying it out of
> ignorance, fear, and emotion. Take a history
> class or read a book about the Civil War people.
> You may learn something about the War, the Flag,
> and how General Lee laid out his CONDITIONS for
> surrendering in Appomattox.

Uh, you might want to read YOUR history. Grant presented his conditions (generous) and Lee accepted them. All Lee got out of his negotiation was allowing his army to keep their horses. Lee's army was starving and surrounded at Appomattox - he was not in a position to negotiate.

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