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Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: Stop Crazy People Getting Guns ()
Date: June 22, 2015 03:40PM

Every year, senseless gun violence takes a heavy toll on our communities.

Right now, almost anyone can walk into a gun show and buy a deadly weapon without a background check.

And with tens of thousands of gun-related deaths every year, it’s clear things need to change.

Gerry and his colleagues are fighting to close the gun show loophole. Will you sign on and join them?

Background checks are a crucial to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. But with the giant gun show loophole, we can’t be sure who has guns.

We need to take common sense measure to curb gun violence and protect our community. Will you join Gerry and fight to close the gun show loophole?


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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: I have a better idea ()
Date: June 22, 2015 03:54PM

Stop Crazy People Getting Guns Wrote:
> Every year, senseless gun violence takes a heavy
> toll on our communities.

It sure does. What is Gerry doing to stem the cause of gun violence?

> Right now, almost anyone can walk into a gun show
> and buy a deadly weapon without a background
> check.

False. Visit a gun show and walk up to a booth and tell them you don't want to do a background check. They won't sell you a gun.

> And with tens of thousands of gun-related deaths
> every year, it’s clear things need to change.

Yup. Enforce the laws on the books. Under Obama, gun related prosecutions dropped 40% during his first term.

> Gerry and his colleagues are fighting to close the
> gun show loophole. Will you sign on and join
> them?

Hell no. Gerry doesn't even know what a gun show loophole is!

> Background checks are a crucial to keep guns out
> of the hands of dangerous people. But with the
> giant gun show loophole, we can’t be sure who
> has guns.

Less than 2% of crime guns originate from a gun show and many of those were purchased with a background check.

> We need to take common sense measure to curb gun
> violence and protect our community. Will you join
> Gerry and fight to close the gun show loophole?

How about we prosecute the laws on the books. The ones Obama has failed to prosecute.

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: v3ejy ()
Date: June 22, 2015 03:59PM

^^ agree

The only sales which do not go through NCIS, are private sales, which are prohibited at shows.

There also is nothing stopping people from buying from a private citizen, though the buyer must be an resident of the state in which it is sold ... otherwise and FFL is required to handle the transfer. This has nothing to do with shows or a "loophole"

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: 3UwWd ()
Date: June 22, 2015 04:07PM

There is no "gun show loophole." Using the term just tells everyone that you don't know wtf you're talking about.

If you to sound like you at least know a little something then you might talk about private intra-state sales. But that really has little to nothing to do with "gun shows." That's a remnant of Bloomberg's campaign trying to get gun shows shut down. And as the other poster notes above it's already regulated in various ways and isn't a significant source of firearms used in crimes anyway.

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: "Gun Show Loophole" ()
Date: June 22, 2015 04:46PM

Stupid Democrat buzz words As said here there no such thing.

If Dems want to stop private sales say so .

Nothing but baloney from liberals the dang blasted hypocrites.

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: Sensible Liberal ()
Date: June 22, 2015 04:55PM

Stop Crazy People Getting Guns Wrote:
> Every year, senseless gun violence takes a heavy
> toll on our communities.
> Right now, almost anyone can walk into a gun show
> and buy a deadly weapon without a background
> check.

Gerry the Gerbil knows you can also walk into any sporting good store and purchase a baseball bat or knife. These are also deadly weapons. When will Gerry address the sale of baseball bats without a background check?

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Date: June 22, 2015 07:39PM

Go Get um Gerry.. LOL Good Luck pal and don't let the door hit you in the ass when you go out.

Since you don't want to really address the problem and grab at straws.

CRAZY People buying guns. But you have to be P.C. With them right.

Just like being P.C with Isis in the USA.

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: June 22, 2015 07:44PM

Stop Crazy People Getting Guns Wrote:
> Right now, almost anyone can walk into a gun show
> and buy a deadly weapon without a background
> check.

Worse still, anyone can walk into a gun show and eat 57 hot dogs in a single sitting! Happens all the time. Gun shows continue to break all known records for hot dog consumption. When will it end?

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: oldguy ()
Date: June 22, 2015 07:59PM

And if we stop the sale of all guns to anyone tomorrow, then we will only have to worry about the 300 million or so already in circulation in this country. There really is no solution to this problem at this point in time.

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Date: June 22, 2015 10:37PM

What would cops do, have them in 4,s on the streets so no thugs can take em down with a ball bat to get their gat?

One looking straight ahead, One looking left, One looking right and one covering their backs.

Dem gats would be magic wands of crime if guns dried up. Trey eights, Magic Nines, 40's and not the Old English Malt Liquor kind of a ".40" , 45's the same. Not the Malt Liquor either.

Don't worry bout it suckers. Theres 200-300 million of em in this country, Country will be done and finished off by welfare, Suckers Leeches and them folk too lazy to work by the time all DEM guns are all gone, And If The Red Chinese catch yous with one you will be executed on the spot. Gone!

Prepare to Step and Fetch fo the Red Chinese .

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: Fact Checker Lane 6 ()
Date: June 22, 2015 11:36PM

OP is a typical liberal lying piece of shit

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: Ed Anger ()
Date: June 22, 2015 11:53PM

>"Will you join Gerry and fight to close the gun show loophole?"

Hell No! Are You Crazy?? There's No "Loophole" you dumb ass!

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: yuppski ()
Date: June 23, 2015 10:21AM

Fact Checker Lane 6 Wrote:
> OP is a typical liberal lying piece of shit

Probably just parroting what he read on Huffpo. I don't think OP is a liar, just ignorant.

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: Gerry ConMan ()
Date: June 23, 2015 10:34AM

Vote for me!!!


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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: mdlfm ()
Date: June 23, 2015 10:40AM


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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: PECKER WOOD ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:42PM

Where can I get one of those?

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Re: Connolly Gets Some Balls and Go After Gun Show Loophole in VA
Posted by: mdlfm ()
Date: June 23, 2015 04:44PM

> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Where can I get one of those?


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