Hhfjjfkf Wrote:
> This is called Google Code Jam. It is one of the
> most prestigious & international computer coding
> competition open to anyone in the world that
> qualifies. These are the 2015 results, but they
> have been like this every single year since Code
> Jam started.
> No black man and no South Asian (Indian) man has
> ever even made it into the Top 100. Whites and
> East Asians dominate this competition every year.
> It requires speed and problem solving skills
> (Basically high IQ). You wonder how China can
> hack the shit out of that affirmative action OPM
> IT employee?? Now, you know and Jared Taylor is
> 100% right about race & IQ. Google Code Jam
> confirms it every single year, but liberals keep
> denying it.
when america drops the bomb it can't afford to fix all the hacking and will dissallow any code hacke by foreigners ... and wants "financial adjustment" from countries doing it
then their "craft plans" won't look so sweet