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Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: NIMBY ()
Date: June 21, 2015 04:06PM

While researching the various white supremacist groups Dylann Roof studied before going on his killing rampage, I discovered that one of them is located right here in Fairfax County!

It's led my a man named Jared Taylor who operates the group out of his Oakton home on Green Holly Springs Court in Oakton.

How does one go about letting this despicable human being know that he is not welcome in our neighborhood?

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: FoF ()
Date: June 21, 2015 04:09PM

NIMBY Wrote:
> While researching the various white supremacist
> groups Dylann Roof studied before going on his
> killing rampage, I discovered that one of them is
> located right here in Fairfax County!
> It's led my a man named Jared Taylor who operates
> the group out of his Oakton home on Green Holly
> Springs Court in Oakton.
> How does one go about letting this despicable
> human being know that he is not welcome in our
> neighborhood?

You're stupid.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Ying Ko ()
Date: June 21, 2015 04:33PM

Inrteresting. i googled the guy. he must post here often.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: NIMBY ()
Date: June 21, 2015 05:01PM

I'm hesitant to post the link to the website he runs because I don't want to make it easy for all the racist extremists on this site. But, yes, it's out there, and I can't believe this guy lives in my neighborhood. He is a disgrace to our community.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: EEdvc ()
Date: June 21, 2015 05:04PM

in fairfax it's about the money

pay up or shut up

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Cpt obvious ()
Date: June 21, 2015 05:21PM

How about telling him yourself, instead of filing your hurt feelings report here. Dumbass.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Inclusive ()
Date: June 21, 2015 05:24PM

NIMBY Wrote:
> While researching the various white supremacist
> groups Dylann Roof studied before going on his
> killing rampage, I discovered that one of them is
> located right here in Fairfax County!
> It's led my a man named Jared Taylor who operates
> the group out of his Oakton home on Green Holly
> Springs Court in Oakton.
> How does one go about letting this despicable
> human being know that he is not welcome in our
> neighborhood?

We have La Raza, Muslim Jihadi's, Black supremacists, and a collection of others so why should a white guy bother you? Don't believe in his 1st Amendment rights?

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: NIMBY ()
Date: June 21, 2015 05:27PM

Cpt obvious Wrote:
> How about telling him yourself, instead of filing
> your hurt feelings report here. Dumbass.

Actually, I did try. I attempted to post a comment on one of his webpage reports, and surprise! The moderator refused to post it.

Thank you all very much for your opinions of me. I don't care. I'm simply here to ask if anyone knows what the recourse might be to shut down this group in Fairfax County. If you have any suggestions, I'm happy to hear them.

If not, please know I was fully prepared to be called names by the rest of you ignoramuses, so, carry on. Nothing you can say to me disturbs me more than the presence of a terrorist in my neighborhood.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Cpt obvious ()
Date: June 21, 2015 05:31PM


You are a special kind of stupid.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: GS-12 FBI concern troll ()
Date: June 21, 2015 06:01PM

From Wiki: "Jared Taylor believes that white people have their own racial interests, and that it is intellectually valid to protect these interests".

If Taylor is a terrorist then what what would you call Obama's current head of domestic policy and former La Raza Latino supremacist bigshot Cecilia Munoz?

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Mind Your Own Business ()
Date: June 21, 2015 06:01PM

Democrat Turd . Take your Holy Crusade somewhere else. Who the hell do you think you are? A vigilante? If he's doing anything illegal the cops will shut him down unless he's renting rooms to illegals.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Daron Dylon Wint ()
Date: June 21, 2015 06:22PM

What's his address? I would like to attend.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Terror H8ter ()
Date: June 21, 2015 06:43PM

I wonder is we can get MS-13 members removed from our communities?

How many people has this Jared guy killed? I know MS-13 has been involved in quite a few murders in the last few years.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Gerry ConMan ()
Date: June 21, 2015 06:58PM

I love illegal aliens, Muslims, and Black supremacists but despise those nasty white people. Vote for me!!!

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Use Your Head ()
Date: June 21, 2015 08:20PM

NIMBY Wrote:
> Actually, I did try. I attempted to post a comment
> on one of his webpage reports, and surprise! The
> moderator refused to post it.

He has a moderated page? That puts him light years ahead of FFXU and yet you're posting here? SMH...

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Face Puncher ()
Date: June 21, 2015 08:32PM

Just looked the twat up, and holy shit does he ever have a punchable face. When he walks his dog in the neighborhood does everyone just run up and punch him? How do you go outdoors without getting black eyes when you look like that?

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: a new follower ()
Date: June 21, 2015 08:34PM

The group he founded is the New Century Foundation.


His twitter,

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: house of a bigot ()
Date: June 21, 2015 08:45PM


Nice crib,

2705 Green Holly Springs Ct,
Oakton, VA 22124

Too bad Daron didn't stop by his house instead.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: DFphp ()
Date: June 21, 2015 08:46PM

Face Puncher Wrote:
> Just looked the twat up, and holy shit does he
> ever have a punchable face. When he walks his dog
> in the neighborhood does everyone just run up and
> punch him? How do you go outdoors without getting
> black eyes when you look like that?

Advocating violence against people is terribly irresponsible. Please stop the hate.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Funky McGillicuddy ()
Date: June 21, 2015 08:51PM

Huh, looks like being a racist piece of shit pays well.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Jodo ()
Date: June 21, 2015 08:55PM

Funky McGillicuddy Wrote:
> Huh, looks like being a racist piece of shit pays
> well.

Why drag Jesse Jackson and Louis Farakhan into this?

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Funky McGillicuddy ()
Date: June 21, 2015 08:58PM

Awwwww, poor little white boy. You sound oppressed. Did Lou and Jesse say mean things about you?

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Funky Macgillicuddy ()
Date: June 21, 2015 09:28PM

Awwwww, poor widdle nigger boy. You sound oppressed. Did mean ol Jared say mean things about you?

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Jxjxjxj ()
Date: June 21, 2015 11:20PM

I live in Oakton.

Jared Taylor basically has two things he advocates:

A. Blacks commit the most crime and Asians the least.
B. Blacks have the lowest IQ and Asians the highest IQ.

Whites are in the middle of both things.

I can't disagree with either of those FACTS. Everything I looked at confirms those beliefs. There are no black Nobel Prize winners in STEM (ever) because they just aren't smart enough. Asians need a 1500+ SAT to go to Princeton, blacks only need a 1100 SAT.

When you can't disprove his facts, resorting to attacking the man is your only lame option.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Date: June 21, 2015 11:41PM

OP. This guy is a researcher. You make him sound like the KKK. Not True. He has a right to his opinion.

>How does one go about letting this despicable human being know that he is not welcome in our neighborhood?

Very Simple.. You Move, preferably a long long way away, back to the left coast.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Jo Mama ()
Date: June 22, 2015 12:05AM

NIMBY Wrote:
> While researching the various white supremacist
> groups Dylann Roof studied before going on his
> killing rampage, I discovered that one of them is
> located right here in Fairfax County!
> It's led my a man named Jared Taylor who operates
> the group out of his Oakton home on Green Holly
> Springs Court in Oakton.
> How does one go about letting this despicable
> human being know that he is not welcome in our
> neighborhood?

How is Jared Taylor a "racist" and a "despicable human", as you say? Jared loves his race, he wants his race to survive and endure. Just like Jessie Jackson, Al sharpton, and other blacks champion for black rights. Every race and group has their "Spokesman". Are you saying Jessie Jackson and the rest are racist too? Please explain your comment so we know where you are coming from. Thanks

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: typical libs ()
Date: June 22, 2015 12:10AM

I hate the 1st Amendment!

Unless, of course, they agree with my bullshit.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Anti-Science Liberals ()
Date: June 22, 2015 05:24AM

Jxjxjxj Wrote:
> I live in Oakton.
> Jared Taylor basically has two things he
> advocates:
> A. Blacks commit the most crime and Asians the
> least.
> B. Blacks have the lowest IQ and Asians the
> highest IQ.
> Whites are in the middle of both things.
> I can't disagree with either of those FACTS.
> Everything I looked at confirms those beliefs.
> There are no black Nobel Prize winners in STEM
> (ever) because they just aren't smart enough.
> Asians need a 1500+ SAT to go to Princeton, blacks
> only need a 1100 SAT.
> When you can't disprove his facts, resorting to
> attacking the man is your only lame option.

Liberals don't believe in science. Never have, never will. And when they find some science they don't agree with they become crazy deniers.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: ...... ()
Date: June 22, 2015 05:37AM

Wait wait waitwaitwait...
why were you "researching" white supremacist groups in the first place?

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Hhfjjfkf ()
Date: June 22, 2015 06:00AM

This is called Google Code Jam. It is one of the most prestigious & international computer coding competition open to anyone in the world that qualifies. These are the 2015 results, but they have been like this every single year since Code Jam started.


No black man and no South Asian (Indian) man has ever even made it into the Top 100. Whites and East Asians dominate this competition every year. It requires speed and problem solving skills (Basically high IQ). You wonder how China can hack the shit out of that affirmative action OPM IT employee?? Now, you know and Jared Taylor is 100% right about race & IQ. Google Code Jam confirms it every single year, but liberals keep denying it.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: njeCT ()
Date: June 22, 2015 12:18PM

It's OK to accept statistics and not pour gasoline on the fire .. live and let live ..
only fight when you're rights are violated or real threats are made .. at which point LEOs should be involved.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if that opinion is unpopular ...
talking like D. Roof did on social media is asking for trouble and is bound to have some kind of consequences.

Live and let live.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: con-tardz lol ()
Date: June 22, 2015 12:25PM

Anti-Science Liberals Wrote:
> Jxjxjxj Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I live in Oakton.
> >
> > Jared Taylor basically has two things he
> > advocates:
> >
> > A. Blacks commit the most crime and Asians the
> > least.
> > B. Blacks have the lowest IQ and Asians the
> > highest IQ.
> >
> > Whites are in the middle of both things.
> >
> > I can't disagree with either of those FACTS.
> > Everything I looked at confirms those beliefs.
> > There are no black Nobel Prize winners in STEM
> > (ever) because they just aren't smart enough.
> > Asians need a 1500+ SAT to go to Princeton,
> blacks
> > only need a 1100 SAT.
> >
> > When you can't disprove his facts, resorting to
> > attacking the man is your only lame option.
> Liberals don't believe in science. Never have,
> never will. And when they find some science they
> don't agree with they become crazy deniers.

Praize Jeezus!!!! God is real, none of that science stuff.

Choose life

con-tardz lol

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Chief Sosa ()
Date: June 23, 2015 01:07AM

Dats racist

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Pepe the Alligator ()
Date: December 12, 2016 08:18PM

Jared Taylor is the walking definition of a cuck.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Mr. Frumpyloadinpants ()
Date: December 12, 2016 09:39PM

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: FUBAR ()
Date: December 12, 2016 10:20PM

Mr. Frumpyloadinpants Wrote:

Holy shit!

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: White is right ()
Date: December 12, 2016 10:33PM


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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: 77yvN ()
Date: December 13, 2016 12:02AM

Hhfjjfkf Wrote:
> This is called Google Code Jam. It is one of the
> most prestigious & international computer coding
> competition open to anyone in the world that
> qualifies. These are the 2015 results, but they
> have been like this every single year since Code
> Jam started.
> http://www.go-hero.net/jam/15/regions
> No black man and no South Asian (Indian) man has
> ever even made it into the Top 100. Whites and
> East Asians dominate this competition every year.
> It requires speed and problem solving skills
> (Basically high IQ). You wonder how China can
> hack the shit out of that affirmative action OPM
> IT employee?? Now, you know and Jared Taylor is
> 100% right about race & IQ. Google Code Jam
> confirms it every single year, but liberals keep
> denying it.

when america drops the bomb it can't afford to fix all the hacking and will dissallow any code hacke by foreigners ... and wants "financial adjustment" from countries doing it

then their "craft plans" won't look so sweet

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Joke Insurance ()
Date: December 26, 2016 08:34PM

Jared Taylor and Ralph Nadar are doppelgangers.

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Re: Hate Group Located in Oakton
Posted by: Moderate ()
Date: December 26, 2016 10:58PM

Hate group in Oakton? When did the NAACP move to Oakton?

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