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Is trolling the point of this website? Very few threads can actually be taking serious. Mostly all of them seem like hate threads...N word this, Spic that, Fag this, etc. Its bizarre.
UjkF7 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------How do you know it's the same people posting. I wish those people would get exposed to see how much they'd try to deny all the hateful things they post.
Darcy is back Wrote:
> Is trolling the point of this website? Very few
> threads can actually be taking serious. Mostly
> all of them seem like hate threads...N word this,
> Spic that, Fag this, etc. Its bizarre.
I agree. Yes, I agree that those races do a lot of bad things, but at least I'm fine with them. The other posts (political, media, etc.) stink though.
Many of these folk are youngsters and like messing with people . No N words S words or bad Asian words from me. But I do cuss from time to time. And I have found that contrary to what high school tried to tell me stereotypes do exist
and can be accurate, but you have to be careful as no they don't represent everyone. You have to judge each person when you get to know them.
Politics Yes I will get into it. I'm a conservative . And I don't support illegal immigration, abortion or gun control. All topics that polite people don't discuss in polite circles.
I was against "gay" marriage until I realized that it will be more of a legal contract between 2 people so that benefits can be obtained between the two as in a religious marriage , it has nothing to do with being married in the eyes of God or any church.
I do think this issue is overblown and gets way too much coverage as it really does not affect the mainstream of America. The Great majority whom are not "Gay".
That said I have no issues with anyone from other countries, but simply want to see the illegal immigration stopped, the border closed and all immigration slowed down. In my personal life I live and let live and never hassle any of these immigrant people showing everyone as much respect as I can. The great majority are decent people even if they may be illegal. With all that said illegal immigration is probably my #1 issue at the moment.
There has been a drop on FXU of people that like to debate reasonably, and a increase of those that like to bait people and make comments designed to make someone mad.
Now Blast Away "Double Action" . FXU does create some thick skin on some of us.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2015 10:08PM by Double Action Jackson.