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Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Date: June 15, 2015 04:50PM

I did not like Jeb so much as his brother did little about illegal immigration, and Jeb is soft on that issue as well as far as I see it. But JEB will close the border, that I am sure of.

What happens to the millions that are already here?
He will probably work toward a deal that will allow a path to citizenship. And that's the way its going to go down sooner or later so I will live with that, there here already, working, their kids in schools, they may as well at least become legal workers with green cards.

Other then that I think Jeb will do a great job of President, he will stimulate the economy. He did a good job as Gov of Florida and has the most experience of all the candidates. He is a man of principal a family man , and he shows that with his immigration policy which some conservatives will not like, Of course they can throw away their votes again for a Turd Party candidate or they can vote for the old hag or just sit on their butts.

Jeb will stimulate the young people much more so then the old hag who is deceitful, sneaky and can not be trusted as she lies her ass off promising voters the world.

And As JEB said today, The Presidency Job is open to all! It does not belong to anybody. Go Get Um JEB! Your the Man!

And Sen Rubio would be a perfect VP . He's already learned a lot from JEB and needs a bit more seasoning .


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2015 04:51PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Bush Martinez in 2016 ()
Date: June 15, 2015 04:52PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> BUSH RUBIO In 2016

Too Florida.

Perhaps Bush Martinez (Hispanic woman) in 2016.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Call For Ronald Reagan ()
Date: June 15, 2015 05:27PM

This country cannot take another failed Bush President. It has taken this us almost 8 years to recover lost ground from Bush X 2.

I am not sure if I am going to vote a Rep or Dem, but it sure won't be another Bush.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Date: June 15, 2015 05:40PM

Just get over with it man and vote for the hag and quit your bitchen.

We can spot a Democrat Shill in a New York second.


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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: w74p9 ()
Date: June 15, 2015 05:41PM

1. He is married to a Mexican peasant who speaks no English after living here for 40 years

2. Two of his children are criminals and drug addicts

3. He's a Bush

4. He's a Neo-Con

5. Hopefully fatso dies of a heart attack prior to 2016

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Palin 2016 ()
Date: June 15, 2015 05:42PM

I'd rather see McCain and Palin than another Bush destroy this country.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Date: June 15, 2015 06:12PM

Great to see Democrats and Drones who wont vote for the GOP anyway, looking down at their shoes and seeing the puddle of sweat there now standing in with JEB in the game. LOL.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: slimshady ()
Date: June 15, 2015 06:46PM

lets hope nobody threatens his daddy so we don't have to worry about him starting another unnecessary war like his brother did.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: yC3hG ()
Date: June 15, 2015 06:49PM

will iraq hate this busch as much as they did the last?

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: C9GDP ()
Date: June 15, 2015 06:50PM


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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: bccne ()
Date: June 15, 2015 06:53PM

i do have questions:

1) did Florida loose to Cuba for tourism dollars ?

2) are their more cubans on the beach than cigarette buts ?

3) if so - how did he con the americubans into liking him ?

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Date: June 15, 2015 07:02PM

>lets hope nobody threatens his daddy so we don't have to worry about him starting another unnecessary war like his brother did.

LOL. What would Hillary have done after seeing 911, the seeds of which were planted when Big Bill was in office? Light candles? Burn Incense ? Invite Osama Bin Laden to eat chicken dinner with her on Sunday at the White House?

SO What "Should " Have been done. Tell us ! We all need a good laugh.

Democrats are always harping on this issue! But what's their response?

And Good Old Saddam. I have not heard anything about what he's done since Dec 30 2006.

Course I have not heard anything about John Wayne Gacy either come to think about it since 1994 as they were both executed. And that's the end of em.


Case you never heard of him youngster.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Y'all are idiots ()
Date: June 16, 2015 09:38PM

If the rest of the GOP write English as poorly as the folks who've posted to this thread, electing a Republican will prove that this country is on the decline.

What a bunch of drooling, illiterate morons.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: no spell ()
Date: June 16, 2015 09:49PM

no child left behind, brought to you by brother bush

20-35 generation are all illiterates because public school thought phonics stifled creative writing

country cannot handle another horrible bush president

remember the first bush was not impressive, he picked quayle as vp to be the decoy

the second bush was a puppet and his handlers were the first bush's friends like cheney who is scary

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Michelle Bachmann knows ()
Date: June 16, 2015 10:20PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> >lets hope nobody threatens his daddy so we don't
> have to worry about him starting another
> unnecessary war like his brother did.
> --------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------
> LOL. What would Hillary have done after seeing
> 911, the seeds of which were planted when Big Bill
> was in office? Light candles? Burn Incense ?
> Invite Osama Bin Laden to eat chicken dinner with
> her on Sunday at the White House?
> SO What "Should " Have been done. Tell us ! We
> all need a good laugh.
> Democrats are always harping on this issue! But
> what's their response?
> And Good Old Saddam. I have not heard anything
> about what he's done since Dec 30 2006.
> Course I have not heard anything about John Wayne
> Gacy either come to think about it since 1994 as
> they were both executed. And that's the end of
> em.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne_Gacy
> Case you never heard of him youngster.

While campaigning, (Republican) Michelle Bahcmann expressed great regard for John wayne Gacy. True story.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Cons are Stupid ()
Date: June 17, 2015 07:47AM

Why do Republicans always contradict themselves? They whine about small government but have no problems with enforcing a police state on people that don't look like them. They also don't mind having anothing fucking Bush in office. The past two Bush presidencies left America in a fucking disaster. I just don't get it.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Jackson Double Action(xtra cost) ()
Date: June 17, 2015 09:48AM

Cons are Stupid Wrote:
> Why do Republicans always contradict themselves?
> They whine about small government but have no
> problems with enforcing a police state on people
> that don't look like them. They also don't mind
> having anothing fucking Bush in office. The past
> two Bush presidencies left America in a fucking
> disaster. I just don't get it.

Republicans are all for big government as long as they can use it to promote their agenda and solidify their hold on power (e.g.; limit access to abortion, funnel largess to their cronies, surpress minority voting, etc.).

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Trumplover ()
Date: September 05, 2015 10:10PM

Trump is trumping Jeb. Hehe he

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Date: September 05, 2015 10:57PM

Damm I'm The Op and wrote That? Jeb is way too weak on Illegal's thanks!

And America Knows It! But Jeb did sound good one day, before The Donald came in .

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Vote for Jeb ()
Date: September 05, 2015 11:13PM

Si! SeƱor Jeb! Porque...

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: NkXNm ()
Date: September 06, 2015 06:14AM

>Republicans are all for big government as long as they can use it to promote their agenda and solidify their hold on power (e.g.; limit access to abortion, funnel largess to their cronies, surpress minority voting, etc.).

You will find that some of us aren't happy about this.

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Hjkbs ()
Date: September 07, 2015 09:25AM

I like Jeb, unfortunately it is going to be trump

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Re: Jeb Is The Man! He Will Win The White House
Posted by: Yeahright ()
Date: September 07, 2015 03:53PM

Jeb needs to grow a pair first. he has absolutely no backbone.

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