Did some digging and found this. It appears the guys in the green trucks really are short handed. No wonder the schools look worse every year.
The summary says:
Overall, the FCPS OFM is well organized and has developed processes that are strategically
aligned to help FCPS achieve the overall business initiatives of the school system by providing a
safe and comfortable environment that supports teaching and learning. There is a high degree of technical and managerial competence and high levels of trust both within the organization and of the organization by OFM customers. OFM operates well above the average public school system in terms of strategic planning, operations and maintenance effectiveness and efficiency, use of supporting information technologies and performance measurement.
While OFM is well organized and generally using resources effectively, our K-12 benchmarking analyses indicated a clear and substantial shortage of staff and funding levels. At the time of this assessment there were 462 full-time staff in OFM, including 288 front-line maintenance trades/crafts. Using a number of independent benchmarking sources and our experience with other similar K-12 facilities organizations, we identified a shortfall of about 264 full-time equivalents (FTEs) of front-line maintenance staff. This is a critical issue considering the aging facilities, increased total maintainable school areas and shrinking operations and capital budgets over the past two decades. This shortfall does not include grounds, custodial, supervisory or support positions.