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So The Old Lorton Prison is Now Muesum and Arts Center?
Posted by: Popcorn time ()
Date: June 13, 2015 05:16PM

So the old Lorton prison is now a museum and arts center?


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Re: So The Old Lorton Prison is Now Muesum and Arts Center?
Posted by: Bubba in the Machine Shop ()
Date: June 13, 2015 05:45PM

Part of it. A few of the old buildings.

There's a bigger development planned around Laurel Hill.


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Re: So The Old Lorton Prison is Now Muesum and Arts Center?
Posted by: ...in the 22039 ()
Date: June 13, 2015 06:25PM

Yes, which as a concept, isn't entirely a bad idea. However, the scam which went about the place is bad, bad news and when one digs deep, it's even uglier.

Here's an article - one of many, about the Lorton Site and the 60 Million dollar which the "committee" defaulted, leaving for the Fairfax County BOS to assume/bailout.

"By Antonio Olivo January 14, 2014


The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has agreed to assume $30 million of debt owed by the Lorton Arts Foundation, the nonprofit group that has struggled to run the former Lorton prison as an artist colony since it was launched in 2008.

As part of an agreement reached with Wells Fargo bank, the county avoided what officials said would have been an embarrassing foreclosure on the Workhouse Arts Center, which opened amid high hopes and fanfare. A $60 million loan was shaved in half, with the county agreeing to assume responsibility of the rest of the debt and take control of the center.

The current Lorton Arts Foundation board will be abolished and replaced with a new board, county officials said."

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Re: So The Old Lorton Prison is Now Muesum and Arts Center?
Date: June 13, 2015 08:46PM

What a Waste of Money The "Lorton Big Wigs Digs" has been.

Put parking for RV's Dump trucks, landscapers equipment trailers there and make some rental money FXCO since you want these "Ugly Things" off the streets" which I can agree with but get off the pot and make some storage areas for the people . 100 parking areas 50 feet long 100 dollars a month 10 grand a month 120 grand a year no sweat except for Fairfax.

Hey Stupidvisors that's two starting teachers salary a year with benifits. Or fuel for buses for about 1 week. Ok reduced or free price lunches for a lot of kids. Or seniors at the senior centers.

Now tell us you don't need the cash cause your too lazy to deal with it. And Don't Lie Dammit!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2017 05:18PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: So The Old Lorton Prison is Now Muesum and Arts Center?
Posted by: ...in the 22039 ()
Date: June 13, 2015 09:01PM

Hey, that's actually a great idea! They have vast areas of flat land already, and probably many parking lots. It's all fenced, and secure, with patrols. So why not profit?

The RV and Boat parking would be an interesting challenge. Maybe, pay $125-$150/mo to keep your boat, and forgo property tax? As I understand the Prince Wm county does not collect personal property taxes on boats and RVs, so places like Occoquan make bank on storage lots, etc.

Again, good idea. And it would make some of the money back we (taxpayers) gave up to the loser named Lorton.

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Re: So The Old Lorton Prison is Now Muesum and Arts Center?
Posted by: Confused ()
Date: June 13, 2015 09:09PM

Ok now I am confused after watching this- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEm4ED1mEpE

So county is going to develop single family homes, townhouses, apartments and retail stores?

The county is now in the retail store business?

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Re: So The Old Lorton Prison is Now Muesum and Arts Center?
Posted by: Something is Fishy ()
Date: June 13, 2015 09:15PM

Maybe somebody should of told the Lorton Art Society that artist rarely have any money. So how was the Lorton Art Society going to make money and pay off the $60 million debt?

FFX county assumed $30 million in debt from the Lorton Art Society for what reason? To be nice?

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: June 13, 2015 09:27PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2015 12:57PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: So The Old Lorton Prison is Now Muesum and Arts Center?
Date: June 13, 2015 09:32PM

The few storage lots in the county are filled right up and yes people don't like those boats and trailers and what not on some of the streets, You will see them here and there and where one gets parked many follows, but they don't have many alternatives and that's what sucks.

I forgot the RV's they are large and take some room but would fit on a 50 ft store area. And there could be 25 ft and 100 ft and others sizes as well, Actually the county could probably make 250 k a month with no problem. And there are many other folk with budding business ideas, food trucks you name it. All could use such a place. And it could be in a area there where it would not be visible as that place is huge.

It made me sick years back when the high brows took over the Lorton facility with very little real public input.

Dead beats throw em out. Enough !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/17/2017 10:39PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: So The Old Lorton Prison is Now Muesum and Arts Center?
Posted by: Ron LeFlore ()
Date: June 13, 2015 11:54PM

That area will be haunted by nigger ghosts from the former prison.

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