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Hillary's 15 Dollar a Hour Min Wage Rabble Rouseing For Votes Today
Date: June 13, 2015 12:21PM

So the newest dish washer makes 15 dollars a hour, then the person there 6 months has to make 17 dollars a hour the one there 1 year 19 dollars a hour, the asst. manager 22 dollars a hour and the manager 30 dollars a hour. Add it up with about 12 people and you've got a 10 thousand dollar increase a month. Goodbye business and jobs.

Yes a 15 dollar min wage can be phased in and will, over the next 20 -25 years if this country is still around and not in the grip of another horrid depression.

The way its going with all the govt. give away's. The soup kitchens are going to make a comeback. Watery soup made with wormy potato peels that's all there will be.

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Re: Hillary's 15 Dollar a Hour Min Wage Rabble Rouseing For Votes Today
Posted by: bottom line is........ ()
Date: June 13, 2015 12:57PM

You are for Hillary or against America.

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Re: Hillary's 15 Dollar a Hour Min Wage Rabble Rouseing For Votes Today
Posted by: The Pendulum Swings Back ()
Date: June 13, 2015 01:27PM

bottom line is........ Wrote:
> You are for Hillary or against America.

Classic "dissent, and you're a traitor" neo-fascist lib. I bet setting up camps to put conservatives in would actually sound like a good thing to him. That's how you know you're truly a liberal fascist fuckhead.

We're the counter culture now. Liberals with their mainstream PC bullshit are the uptight fascists of this new age.

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Re: Hillary's 15 Dollar a Hour Min Wage Rabble Rouseing For Votes Today
Posted by: 4bdKb ()
Date: June 13, 2015 03:18PM

bottom line is........ Wrote:
> You are for Hillary or not an idiot

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Re: Hillary's 15 Dollar a Hour Min Wage Rabble Rouseing For Votes Today
Posted by: GjmXF ()
Date: June 15, 2015 10:59PM

did you say Hillary pays $15 an hour to campaign helpers ?

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Re: Hillary's 15 Dollar a Hour Min Wage Rabble Rouseing For Votes Today
Posted by: Warz on Wimmens ()
Date: June 15, 2015 11:25PM

GjmXF Wrote:
> did you say Hillary pays $15 an hour to campaign
> helpers ?

$18 if they're male.

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