Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Date: June 14, 2015 08:57PM
>There is only one real college in Virginia and that's UVA. The rest of the colleges are kids learning how to drinking beer.
Are You Kidding? LOL In My time all they did at UVA was party. In fact that's all the did everywhere except MIT and Stanford and somewhat at Va Tech. Them brains had degrees to get.
Nothing wrong with NOVA, so what they don't transfer credits until you get a associates. Lots of those who partied in H.S Made up for it at NOVA AKA "University of 236" and made good at a 4 yr.
The creation of community colleges, the expansion of the state universities and the ability of many to go to college with little money made the early 1960's a special exciting place for the young people in the USA. It was a great time to be young. Space hero's,"Tang" LOL. Computers, High Tech,Watching the blast offs . The USA was on a ride that went beyond the skies! I was 9 but felt the energy of the young. Until the day the darkness began to come and it lasted a good while despite the good music of the "Mop Tops" and more.
Friday November 22, 1963