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Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Student ()
Date: June 12, 2015 04:48PM

this female student at school
Failed Chemistry F and Spanish 3 sophomore year but she going to ODU how is that possible

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: June 12, 2015 06:02PM

Student Wrote:
> this female student at school
> Failed Chemistry F and Spanish 3 sophomore year
> but she going to ODU how is that possible

Sucking dicks

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Dick Ed ()
Date: June 12, 2015 09:19PM

Student Wrote:
> this female student at school
> Failed Chemistry F and Spanish 3 sophomore year
> but she going to ODU how is that possible

She has money, and better writing skills than you. Enjoy your 2 years at NOVA.

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Admissions Director ()
Date: June 12, 2015 09:58PM

She aced the oral exam that I administered.

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: student ()
Date: June 12, 2015 10:09PM

Admissions Director Wrote:
> She aced the oral exam that I administered.


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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Student ()
Date: June 12, 2015 10:42PM

Spanish is not a graduation requirement. They probably retook chemistry and replaced the failed grade. You can fail classes and still go to college.

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ()
Date: June 12, 2015 11:24PM

Dick Ed Wrote:
> Student Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > this female student at school
> > Failed Chemistry F and Spanish 3 sophomore year
> > but she going to ODU how is that possible
> She has money, and better writing skills than you.
> Enjoy your 2 years at NOVA.

You mean 7 years. Nova has a shameless graduation rate on time at just 12 percent! It's not the students fault but it is Nova's with promises to transfer credits to any 4 yrs as long as you graduate with your associate's which they will require you to complete preresequite after preresequite until they milk you like a cash cow. They will do that for 7 or so years and then give you your diploma!

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Sports? ()
Date: June 13, 2015 12:00AM

She plays a sport well?

How do you think great athletes get into UVA, VATech or Maryland or Georgetown? Trust me, it's not great grades. Hell the even give scholarships to people who play football or basketball great.

Hell I took some classes in college at VA Tech with some athletes who could barely do math.

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: 7NWmC ()
Date: June 13, 2015 12:07AM

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wrote:
> preresequite after
> preresequite until they milk you like a cash cow.
> They will do that for 7 or so years and then give
> you your diploma!

Bingo! I think ODU does that. They'll let a student in on extra-extracurricular, good college entrance scores and great letters of recommendation. The school will then require a couple of "college classes" be completed prior to full acceptance in a "school" at the university. The saying is easy acceptance, tough to graduate.

Like say Va Tech. I person may be accepted into the school of basket weaving but have to take a couple of course before being accepted in the VA Tech engineering school.

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: OP answered the question ()
Date: June 13, 2015 12:07AM

Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Student ()
Date: June 12, 2015 04:48PM

this female student at school
Failed Chemistry F and Spanish 3 sophomore year but she going to ODU how is that possible

It is ODU. If you can't get accepted there coming out of high school your options are really limited.All the illiterates from the hood in Norfolk get accepted there so it can't take much to get admitted.

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Beer Drinking ()
Date: June 13, 2015 12:13AM

There is only one real college in Virginia and that's UVA. The rest of the colleges are kids learning how to drinking beer.

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Terd ()
Date: June 13, 2015 12:15AM


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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: not so ()
Date: June 14, 2015 06:59PM

OP answered the question Wrote:
> Student who failed classes are going to 4 year
> school
> Posted by: Student ()
> Date: June 12, 2015 04:48PM
> this female student at school
> Failed Chemistry F and Spanish 3 sophomore year
> but she going to ODU how is that possible
> It is ODU. If you can't get accepted there coming
> out of high school your options are really
> limited.All the illiterates from the hood in
> Norfolk get accepted there so it can't take much
> to get admitted.

a lot of fx co kids did not get into ODU

dumb athletes go to uva, va tech because those schools make another student go to class, take notes, do their homework and practically take their tests for them

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Date: June 14, 2015 08:57PM

>There is only one real college in Virginia and that's UVA. The rest of the colleges are kids learning how to drinking beer.
Are You Kidding? LOL In My time all they did at UVA was party. In fact that's all the did everywhere except MIT and Stanford and somewhat at Va Tech. Them brains had degrees to get.

Nothing wrong with NOVA, so what they don't transfer credits until you get a associates. Lots of those who partied in H.S Made up for it at NOVA AKA "University of 236" and made good at a 4 yr.

The creation of community colleges, the expansion of the state universities and the ability of many to go to college with little money made the early 1960's a special exciting place for the young people in the USA. It was a great time to be young. Space hero's,"Tang" LOL. Computers, High Tech,Watching the blast offs . The USA was on a ride that went beyond the skies! I was 9 but felt the energy of the young. Until the day the darkness began to come and it lasted a good while despite the good music of the "Mop Tops" and more.

Friday November 22, 1963

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: Travelrocks ()
Date: June 17, 2015 07:21AM

Some people have to take remedial classes at a 4 year school as well, so NOVA is no different. Secondly, the only way one could finish NOVA in 2 years is going full time and getting into English and Math (meaning English 111 and Math 160's) right off the bat, and those require placement tests.

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: anonprof ()
Date: June 19, 2015 08:35AM

I have a PhD in English lit and could not pass the NOVA English placement test - took it as an experiment - because the test is written by a contractor with no English credentials and the whole thing makes absolutely no sense and has nothing to do with English as it is taught in VA or anywhere. And NOVA has known for a long time that the test misplaces people in remediation who don't need remedication, but continues to use it.

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Re: Student who failed classes are going to 4 year school
Posted by: common ()
Date: June 19, 2015 10:54PM

anonprof Wrote:
> I have a PhD in English lit and could not pass the
> NOVA English placement test - took it as an
> experiment - because the test is written by a
> contractor with no English credentials and the
> whole thing makes absolutely no sense and has
> nothing to do with English as it is taught in VA
> or anywhere. And NOVA has known for a long time
> that the test misplaces people in remediation who
> don't need remedication, but continues to use it.

sounds like common core math, you have to be stupid to get it, smart people can't dumb down enough

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