Re: Predictions: Incumbents Lose In Fairfax
Posted by:
Bolivian Boarding House
Date: May 22, 2015 11:32AM
The Hispanic community is less than happy with the Board of Supervisors. In the past few years they have given more and more power to the Code Enforcement Office.
Hispanics complain that they get targeted. In most of the cases, it is just a large Hispanic family living together. In some cases, the Code inspectors demanded that the residents draw family trees to prove that they are really related.
This is an issue facing Penny Gross for one.
So the democrats don't have a cakewalk this time. Hispanics also point to cuts in certain social welfare services along with increases in funds for studies for transportation systems that will never be built.
The lily white complexion of the Board of Supervisors is also something of a concern to the residents.