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Posted by: Fatal Attraction ()
Date: May 12, 2009 10:19AM

So I have a crazy ex girlfriend who is stalking me, pretty cool I guess. Through a mutual friend, I found out that she is making complaints against me to the cops. Is there anyway I can find out about these complaints?

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 12, 2009 11:19AM

aww man... there are just too many snarky comments to choose from.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Complaints
Date: May 12, 2009 11:36AM

Fatal Attraction Wrote:
> So I have a crazy ex girlfriend who is stalking
> me, pretty cool I guess. Through a mutual friend,
> I found out that she is making complaints against
> me to the cops. Is there anyway I can find out
> about these complaints?

If she were making complaints about you to the cops, the cops would be telling you. Obviously this is a troll or you are a complete moron and your "mutual friend" is fucking with you (and probably fucking your crazy ex-girlfriend at that).

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 12, 2009 11:40AM

Never, ever underestimate the power, cunning, capability, and resources of a crazy, fucked up bitch.

To say that I speak from personal experience would be an understatement. I am the living embodiment of knowledge pertaining to crazy, fucked up bitches.

OP, I suggest that you run. As fast as you can. Fake your death, if you have the means to do so.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 12, 2009 12:47PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> Never, ever underestimate the power, cunning,
> capability, and resources of a crazy, fucked up
> bitch.
> To say that I speak from personal experience would
> be an understatement. I am the living embodiment
> of knowledge pertaining to crazy, fucked up
> bitches.

There's an easier, far simpler way to deal with your problem here. Just don't get involved with "crazy, fucked up bitches".

Or, to put it another way, just ignore everything you've "learned" from INKY-Douche.

Now back to our regularly scheduled dumbass programming.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Date: May 12, 2009 12:51PM

fairfaxdude Wrote:

> There's an easier, far simpler way to deal with
> your problem here. Just don't get involved with
> "crazy, fucked up bitches".

Oh, but the "crazy, fucked up bitches" are the sneakiest of all. They are really good at pretending to be normal. Then, once they think they own you, they go all "Glenn Close" on your ass over the smallest slight or oversight. Crazy, fucked-up bitches, man. Crazy, fucked-up bitches!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 12:53PM by WashingTone Locian.

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:00PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 12:43PM by inkahootz.

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: oaktonmom ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:11PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> Never, ever underestimate the power, cunning,
> capability, and resources of a crazy, fucked up
> bitch.
> To say that I speak from personal experience would
> be an understatement. I am the living embodiment
> of knowledge pertaining to crazy, fucked up
> bitches.
> OP, I suggest that you run. As fast as you can.
> Fake your death, if you have the means to do so.

How long were you planning to keep your relationship with Spunky a secret?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:12PM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> Oh, but the "crazy, fucked up bitches" are the
> sneakiest of all. They are really good at
> pretending to be normal. Then, once they think
> they own you, they go all "Glenn Close" on your
> ass over the smallest slight or oversight. Crazy,
> fucked-up bitches, man. Crazy, fucked-up bitches!

EXACTLY. They're never crazy in the beginning.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:19PM

oaktonmom Wrote:

> How long were you planning to keep your
> relationship with Spunky a secret?

LOL, now that is funny.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:19PM

oaktonmom Wrote:

> How long were you planning to keep your
> relationship with Spunky a secret?

LMAO.. that one got coffee out the nose, ffs.


I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: oaktonmom ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:27PM

fairfaxdude Wrote:
> oaktonmom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How long were you planning to keep your
> > relationship with Spunky a secret?
> LMAO.. that one got coffee out the nose, ffs.
> +1

I gave you some time to come up with it, but you let me down.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Date: May 12, 2009 01:27PM

oaktonmom Wrote:
> MrMephisto Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Never, ever underestimate the power, cunning,
> > capability, and resources of a crazy, fucked up
> > bitch.
> >
> > To say that I speak from personal experience
> would
> > be an understatement. I am the living
> embodiment
> > of knowledge pertaining to crazy, fucked up
> > bitches.
> >
> > OP, I suggest that you run. As fast as you can.
> > Fake your death, if you have the means to do
> so.
> How long were you planning to keep your
> relationship with Spunky a secret?

Oaktonmom FTW!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: oaktonmom ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:28PM

Had to google FTW, but thanks! Does this mean that I am going to start getting PMs from Spunky? I'm scared.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Date: May 12, 2009 01:31PM

oaktonmom Wrote:
> Had to google FTW, but thanks! Does this mean that
> I am going to start getting PMs from Spunky? I'm
> scared.

No. She'll just show up at your house. You don't own any rabbits, do you?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:38PM

shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, be vewwwwwwwy VEWWWWWWWWWWY quiet!

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:44PM

Where I work, Helen Bach is in charge of complaints.

If you have a complaint, go to Helen Bach.

I hope that is sufficient clarification.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:48PM

oaktonmom Wrote:

> I gave you some time to come up with it, but you
> let me down.

I know, I know...damn phone keeps ringing while I'm in the "FFXU zone". Fuckers.

BTW, you need a signature quote. Vince said so.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: oaktonmom ()
Date: May 12, 2009 01:55PM

Dang, I can't even come up with a new user name much less a clever quote. I'll have to stick to occasional one liners.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:03PM

oaktonmom Wrote:
> Dang, I can't even come up with a new user name
> much less a clever quote. I'll have to stick to
> occasional one liners.

Here's a few to choose from, thanks to our pal Google:

"Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. "

"The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music. "

"Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege. "

"Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them. "

#3 would work well, don't ya think? LOL

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: oaktonmom ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:06PM

Maybe, but don't I need a name to attach to the quote? I'm afraid "fairfaxdude" won't buy me much street cred. :)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:07PM

Just use "George W Bush"...you'll have street cred with about 20% of the population.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:07PM

fairfaxdude Wrote:
> oaktonmom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dang, I can't even come up with a new user name
> > much less a clever quote. I'll have to stick
> to
> > occasional one liners.
> Here's a few to choose from, thanks to our pal
> Google:
> "Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a
> minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for
> the rest of his life. "
> "The real trouble with reality is that there's no
> background music. "
> "Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse
> the privilege. "
> "Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what
> you really think of them. "
> #3 would work well, don't ya think? LOL

YOU need to put a line or something above your signature to establish it as such. Otherwise, it's just another line of text.

Signatures take style.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: oaktonmom ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:09PM

fairfaxdude Wrote:
> Just use "George W Bush"...you'll have street cred
> with about 20% of the population.

Totally uncalled for! But maybe Glenn Beck ...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:09PM

MrMephisto Wrote:

> YOU need to put a line or something above your
> signature to establish it as such. Otherwise,
> it's just another line of text.
> Signatures take style.

hey, Vince never said I was style-less.

just for you, Meph:


I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:11PM

That's good, but try something less gay. May I suggest:





13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:12PM

fairfaxdude Wrote:
> Just use "George W Bush"...you'll have street cred
> with about 20% of the population.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Ah Poo ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:16PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> That's good, but try something less gay. May I
> suggest:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> 8======================D

That last one is HAWT!

Perhaps he could use this instead?


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:19PM

I feel like a new man now.

TY Meph-ster.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Frosty ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:20PM

Fatal Attraction Wrote:
> So I have a crazy ex girlfriend who is stalking
> me, pretty cool I guess. Through a mutual friend,
> I found out that she is making complaints against
> me to the cops. Is there anyway I can find out
> about these complaints?

Have you tried calling the cops and asking them? I had an experience once
but not with an ex-. My kid got into a snowball fight with all the others
as they got off the school bus and the neighborhood "wuss" was hit smack
on the nose and he ran off crying to Mommy. Mommy came over and jumped all
over me and said my son was a bully. I told her if she didnt want her
Little Boo Boo to get hit with a snowball she should teach him not to
engage in snowball fights in the first place. She started shouting at me
and I ordered her off my property. Weeks later, I heard she had called the juvenile (and school) authorities and told them my son was bullying and
harassing her son, which was not true at all. I called the cops and the school and asked if any complaints had been lodged and they said they had no record
of it. It was all a bunch of BS that "Mommy" made up and told the neighbors.
I figured she was crazy anyway so just left it at that. I had the last laugh. "Mommy" was indicted in a real estate scam and was eventually deported. She
took her Little Boo Boo with her and they are now happily residing in Bolivia
again. Good riddance!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:25PM

Ah Poo Wrote:

> > 8======================D
> That last one is HAWT!
> Perhaps he could use this instead?

Leave it to INKY-POO to fuck up a good thread. Gayly.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:57PM

oaktonmom Wrote:

> How long were you planning to keep your
> relationship with Spunky a secret?

Spunky is too busy scanning for secret messages in newspapers to have a relationship.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: May 12, 2009 03:00PM

WashingTone Locian said:

No. She'll just show up at your house. You don't own any rabbits, do you?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Tinfoil Hat ()
Date: May 12, 2009 03:06PM

happened to me once, all you need to do is act even crazier

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Date: May 12, 2009 03:15PM

Furfur Wrote:
> oaktonmom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > How long were you planning to keep your
> > relationship with Spunky a secret?
> Spunky is too busy scanning for secret messages in
> newspapers to have a relationship.

Actually, Spunky asks that her men dress in Navy Uniforms and wear a condom that looks like an airliner. She then puts on leggings that look like the World Trade Center and braces for impact.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 03:15PM by WashingTone Locian.

Options: ReplyQuote
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: May 13, 2009 01:41AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 12:30PM by inkahootz.

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: May 13, 2009 01:58AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2009 02:14AM by inkahootz.

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: May 13, 2009 02:13AM


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 12:29PM by inkahootz.

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: May 13, 2009 02:20AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 12:23PM by inkahootz.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Billy Bowlegs ()
Date: May 13, 2009 09:49AM

and was eventually deported. She took her Little Boo Boo with her and they are now happily residing in Bolivia again. Good riddance!

If everyone would get a beaner deported this would be a much better country.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: wtf? ()
Date: May 13, 2009 10:32AM

Billy Bowlegs Wrote:
> and was eventually deported. She took her Little
> Boo Boo with her and they are now happily residing
> in Bolivia again. Good riddance!
> If everyone would get a beaner deported this would
> be a much better country.

WTF does this post have to do with this thread or the price of tea in China?

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: Billy Bowlegs ()
Date: May 13, 2009 10:46AM

It has to do with a post by Frosty. So fuck you asshole.

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: You=Bitch ()
Date: May 13, 2009 10:49AM

Billy Bowlegs Wrote:
> It has to do with a post by Frosty. So fuck you
> asshole.

Fuck off, you racist piece of shit!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Billy Bowlegs ()
Date: May 13, 2009 10:50AM

Fuck you too you spic cocksucker!

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: question ()
Date: May 13, 2009 10:53AM

Billy Bowlegs Wrote:
> Fuck you too you spic cocksucker!

Who said I was Spanish? We all know that you are a cocksucker, though! lol

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: BlackJack ()
Date: May 13, 2009 10:57AM

I regularly fuck white house wives in south riding and thencall the police and describe stolen property located in their house to get their husbands in trouble. Fuck da white man!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Billy Bowlegs ()
Date: May 13, 2009 10:59AM

Spic, nigger, what the fuck's the difference. One's as subhuman as the other.

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: May 13, 2009 11:02AM

You all are crazy, derailing a thread off subject and ranting about spunky. You overestimate my interest in you and what you have to say. Look at your stupidity, it's impossible to mask now that you've spoken here. You behave as someone who thinks what they say is important...NOT! You must not get enough attention in your lives that you strive for it here...pitiful fools.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: The Truth ()
Date: May 13, 2009 11:02AM

Billy Bowlegs Wrote:
> Spic, nigger, what the fuck's the difference.
> One's as subhuman as the other.

Alright, Adolf, don't you have a cross burning to go to? lol

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Complaints
Posted by: Frosty ()
Date: May 13, 2009 11:03AM

Billy Bowlegs Wrote:
> and was eventually deported. She took her Little
> Boo Boo with her and they are now happily residing
> in Bolivia again. Good riddance!
> If everyone would get a beaner deported this would
> be a much better country.

She deported herself. If she hadn't been involved in a real estate
scam, she would have stayed under the radar. Cheaters never prosper.
I have no idea who she cheated, but I suspect it was other illegals
like herself.

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: blackjack ()
Date: May 13, 2009 11:05AM

Thanks for clearing it up. We are all happy the wetback is gone.

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Re: Complaints
Posted by: Billy Bowlegs ()
Date: May 13, 2009 11:08AM


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