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Herndon to go after "taggers" for damages
Posted by: Junes ()
Date: May 12, 2009 09:20AM

The Herndon Police Department has arrested three suspects charged with causing thousands of dollars of damage by spray painting, or "tagging" grafitti throughout the town.


It would be nice to recoup some of the costs to clean up after these "emerging artists," but I wonder if they can pull it off as the three suspects were minors at the time.

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Re: Herndon to go after "taggers" for damages
Posted by: DC ()
Date: May 12, 2009 11:24AM

By way of Reston. Lovely.

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Re: Herndon to go after "taggers" for damages
Posted by: WhyYouWant2RapeMe ()
Date: May 12, 2009 11:37AM

Unfortunately studies have shown that communities under heavy enforcement by HOAs are starting to show signs of repressed creativity by youth growing up in those communities. The studies indicate that the prevention of things like putting a nice drawing in a windows under threat of heavy fines and loss of pool privileges, these children begin to lash out and retaliate in neighboring communities by applying artwork to vehicles.

This sad, but for some reason we allow these HOAs to exist. The X Files had it right when they had an episode characterizing an HOA nazi as a big black blob of a monster with possible alien origins.

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Re: Herndon to go after "taggers" for damages
Posted by: Junes ()
Date: May 12, 2009 12:01PM

Except, according to the Fairfax County Website (RE Assessment) the parents (father has same name) live in Chantilly. I know some teens leave home at 18 to strike out on on their own, but how often does that happen - and especially during these times?

If the son is living in Reston (and hanging out with minors), why wouldn't they "lash out" in Reston? Why would they choose Herndon as the canvas for their artwork?

Or maybe HOAs (with active members) ARE much more effective than we give them credit.

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Re: Herndon to go after "taggers" for damages
Posted by: WhyUWant2RapeMe ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:39PM

Junes Wrote:
> If the son is living in Reston (and hanging out
> with minors), why wouldn't they "lash out" in
> Reston? Why would they choose Herndon as the
> canvas for their artwork?
> Or maybe HOAs (with active members) ARE much more
> effective than we give them credit.

weren't you ever a teenager? You shouldn't shit where you sleep, you ALWAYS do it somewhere else because people like you and the HOA nazis are unsophisticated and easy to fool, you'll assume it is the "hoodlum" a few doors down.

the studies do not lie, the HOAs have damaged our children very much and now we are paying the price with tagging.

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Re: Herndon to go after "taggers" for damages
Posted by: DC ()
Date: May 12, 2009 03:25PM

Which studies are you referring to?

HOA's for the most part are run by the residents themselves.

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Re: Herndon to go after "taggers" for damages
Posted by: Junes ()
Date: May 12, 2009 03:29PM

DC Wrote:
> Which studies are you referring to?

I think he's referring to the "teen poop" studies.

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Re: Herndon to go after "taggers" for damages
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 12, 2009 03:31PM

Junes Wrote:
> DC Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Which studies are you referring to?
> I think he's referring to the "teen poop" studies.

A study that sounds like it was put together by teens that tag stuff.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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