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FCPS Bus Stops on 55 mph Roads
Posted by: Mom13077 ()
Date: May 12, 2009 06:57AM

In the interest of bus consolidation it seems that FCPS is moving the stops for some elementary (K-6) neighborhood children, out of the neighborhoods and onto 55 mph roads. This is the case on Rt. 123 in the southern part of the county.

Can anyone tell me any other 55 mph road in the county that has bus stops (other than those for single houses)?

In the interest of safety this seems unwise. It might be better to let high density walking distance students actually walk.

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Re: FCPS Bus Stops on 55 mph Roads
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:08PM


you have a legitimate complaint.

Send an e-mail to Linda Farbry, Director, FCPS Transportation Services and tell her what you think.

Her e-mail address is Linda.Farbry@fcps.edu .

Ditto for Tim Parker, Assistant Director of the same unit.

His e-mail is Tim.Parker@fcps.edu .

Both Tim and Linda never met a piece of chocolate they did not like.

After you get the run around from them, send a copy of your ORIGINAL e-mail to Dean Tistadt, Chief Operating Officer of FCPS.

His e-mail is Dean.Tistadt@fcps.edu .

He will listen after you have been ignored by Tim and Linda, but not before.

Crazy? Yes, but that is the way those folks operate.


GMU Hokie

Mom13077 Wrote:
> In the interest of bus consolidation it seems that
> FCPS is moving the stops for some elementary (K-6)
> neighborhood children, out of the neighborhoods
> and onto 55 mph roads. This is the case on Rt. 123
> in the southern part of the county.
> Can anyone tell me any other 55 mph road in the
> county that has bus stops (other than those for
> single houses)?
> In the interest of safety this seems unwise. It
> might be better to let high density walking
> distance students actually walk.

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Re: FCPS Bus Stops on 55 mph Roads
Posted by: Really Short Bus ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:56PM


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Re: FCPS Bus Stops on 55 mph Roads
Posted by: CD ()
Date: May 12, 2009 02:57PM

I've noticed a bus that makes a stop on the Fairfax County Parkway near Burke/Fairfax Station. I see kids get off the bus and walk a decent distance and can't figure out where they live and why the bus stops where it does. Since the kids walk a distance you'd think the bus would stop further down so the kids aren't walking so far.

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Re: FCPS Bus Stops on 55 mph Roads
Posted by: mom in fox mill ()
Date: May 12, 2009 04:15PM

I've yet to hear of an instance of when Dean Tisdadt listened to anyone. Still hoping that he'll find a job elsewhere.

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Re: FCPS Bus Stops on 55 mph Roads
Posted by: go figure ()
Date: May 12, 2009 06:32PM

mom in fox mill Wrote:
> I've yet to hear of an instance of when Dean
> Tisdadt listened to anyone. Still hoping that
> he'll find a job elsewhere.

Give him his due - as head of facilities, he was the one who said that there was no facilities-based reason for the facilities-led SLHS-RD

I would assumed that marked it as without due process but there you go

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Re: FCPS Bus Stops on 55 mph Roads
Posted by: Oakton Mom ()
Date: May 12, 2009 07:09PM

This is exactly why the school board should be passing bills to pickup our kids at the front door\driveway of our houses. Instead the school board makes our kids wait in the cold and rain to catch buses. Some students even have to walk to school! How crazy is that!

This is unacceptable! Wait until we get our lawsuit together about this! We'll be publishing some facts and figures about this on fairfaxcaps.org.

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Re: FCPS Bus Stops on 55 mph Roads
Posted by: scottydfl422 ()
Date: May 12, 2009 09:04PM

there is one on Lee Highway just east of Bull Run Elementary -- speed limit 50. I am a school bus driver for FFXCO and agree that some of these stops need to be looked at. We have an advisory council that meets once a month with Linda Farbry and Dean Tistadt and this subject can be brought up. I would be willing to pass it on to my rep but I will need it in writing. Send me on E-mial to: fireball22151@yahoo.com and I will pass it on.

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