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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: May 21, 2015 03:15PM

Ha, cool topic...

Bunch of us skinny dipping at Hunter Mill Swim and Racquet pool midnight, and not getting busted by the cop who watched for several minutes, because we "didn't trash the deck furniture."

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: k7PPY ()
Date: May 21, 2015 03:18PM

Whatever makes you happy. Wrote:
> YnhvL Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The issue is there's been too many foreigners
> > coming into America too rapidly over the years
> ..
> > which gives them less reason to assimulate b/c
> > they move in with each other or next door to
> each
> > other and build their own communities which are
> > literally function with the culture of their
> > country -- Yes annandale is the Korea Town on
> the
> > East Coast .. it is a perfect example of this.
> The immigrants who came through Ellis Island did
> the same thing. The Italians, Jews, Poles,
> Germans, etc. all lived in separate
> ethnic/cultural ghettos. How were they able to
> assimilate?
> > People here are not racist, they just miss
> > American culture, traditions and values, which
> are
> > hard to find now in any suburb of a major city.
> >
> > I remember driving to Springfield Mall .. I was
> > living in MD, then, but it seemed like I was
> going
> > way out in the countryside to get there.
> >
> > I miss lighting off M-80s as a 10 year old
> That's just plain dangerous. It was then and is
> now.
> > I miss...the days when kids
> > could be out all day by themselves until sunset
> > and not having a care in the world.
> Unfortunately, it is the information age that has
> killed off childhood freedom. There are not any
> more or greater dangers for children now than
> there were then. It's that parents are bombarded
> with stories about abductions and such that makes
> them absolutely paranoid to let their children out
> of their sight or some structured environment.
> It's very sad.
> > When I retire I'll be moving out West, probably
> > AZ. There are tons of white people and OLD
> > American culture outside of Phoenix.
> > I visited there last year and had culture shock.
> > I hadn't seen so many white people since the
> 70s.
> Lots and LOTS of Hispanic folks out that way, too,
> but whatever makes you happy.

Oh not you again! You make me want to vomit.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 5th Decade in Fairfax County ()
Date: May 21, 2015 03:25PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Ha, cool topic...

Glad you and others are enjoying the topic (or most of it...)

Another of my favorite things about this county, but could've been anywhere in the era, was building tree houses/forts/etc. from construction remnants during the 1980s boom of building.

Other things I miss, are old Pohick Rd, which used to run from 123 (Ox Rd) to US-1. That was before the Fairfax County Parkway divided-up that part of the county. Don't get me wrong, the Parkway is great, but I do miss old Pohick.

What else can be missed? I covered the bonfires, 4 wheeling, and dirt bike riding.

The old 7-11 in Burke was cool. It was an old house, converted to 7-11 at the corner of Burke Lake rd and Burke rd, where the post office now sits.

And who could forget waiting on the train to make it through Burke! Either over Burke Lake Rd or Guinea. The Guinea Rd. tire circle was fun. A pile of tires to divert traffic around the circle. This was near the intersection of Zion. Part of the old crossing is behind the Target.

Once the overpasses went in, I think around 1987 or 1988, the neglected areas were great to hang out on weekends. Nobody went back there anymore...

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: But I'm so very fond of yoU? ()
Date: May 21, 2015 03:27PM

k7PPY Wrote:
> Oh not you again! You make me want to vomit.

But I'm so very, very fond of you!


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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: say again ()
Date: May 21, 2015 09:30PM

When Oakton was remote enough to hear Whip-poor-wills at dusk.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Harry Baughs ()
Date: May 21, 2015 10:08PM

Bar J's Chili - Lorton on RT 1

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: YorktownHS 72 ()
Date: May 21, 2015 11:01PM

When you could see the new Tyson's Corner Shopping Center down Rt. 123 from McLean.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Cutlass Supreme ()
Date: May 21, 2015 11:11PM

LBSS 80 Wrote:
> Drag racing on what would eventually become Burke
> Centre Parkway. Got my dad's 70 Olds Cutlass up
> to 110! Getting high during school in the smoking
> lounge.

Yep. I also remember when the bulldozers came in and cleared a small area that would be the parking lot of what's now WalMart - the first hint of Burke Centre construction to come.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: May 21, 2015 11:24PM

cutlass emblem.jpg

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: perth court ()
Date: May 22, 2015 04:57AM

Grew up in Kings park and we hung out at Royal pool. The kids that went to Parliament pool were a bunch of punks. Royal pool ruled while on the other hand Parliament pool sucked.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: AnnandaleHSAtoms9394champs ()
Date: May 22, 2015 10:51AM

I was just happy to see the Annandale references! My jr & sr yr of high school 93/94 94/95 had the best pep rallies, we had the most money collected even as freshman...great sponsors! Our prom was like free b/c we had so much money saved up.
And of course the Atoms won the state championships those 2 years.

Happy 20 yr anniversary class of 1995!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 5th Decade in Fairfax County ()
Date: May 22, 2015 11:20AM

Cutlass Supreme Wrote:
> LBSS 80 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Drag racing on what would eventually become
> Burke
> > Centre Parkway. Got my dad's 70 Olds Cutlass
> up
> > to 110! Getting high during school in the
> smoking
> > lounge.
> Yep. I also remember when the bulldozers came in
> and cleared a small area that would be the parking
> lot of what's now WalMart - the first hint of
> Burke Centre construction to come.

Burke Centre McDonalds was originally built w/ a farm like decor. Lots of farm pics.

Of course, the one on Rolling had dirt bike theme, especially at the two HUGE 8 person booths they had (or maybe they were for 6? Anyways, those booths sat over top of what is now the stairwell to go to the basement of McD's on Rolling.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Very Old Timer ()
Date: May 23, 2015 01:57AM

The feel of 1972. Even tho I was a young kid, I remember Warner Wolf reporting on the World Chess Championship and the excitement of Watergate. Goes back a long, long way.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: movin out ()
Date: May 23, 2015 06:17AM

Can't assimilate alone Wrote:
> from here Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Foreigners/transplants moved in Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > XjLtw A Gain Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > I just miss understanding people. You
> > > > know, like “having an understanding”.
> A
> > > way
> > > > of life that is just understood without
> > words.
> >
> > >
> > > I think that having that sense of community,
> > that
> > > feeling of home, is all about getting to know
> > > people, learing how they are similar to you
> and
> > > how they are different.
> >
> > I think that's easy to say, but when your
> > Neighbors suddenly become all foreign born -
> > Asian, Russians, Hispanic, etc - and they
> pretty
> > much don't assimilate at all culturally, it
> does
> > feel like we lost something.
> If the 'legacy' residents don't reach out to
> welcome their new foreign-born neighbors and teach
> them what’s what, how are they supposed to
> 'assimilate'? Through osmosis?
> When your only response to newcomers to you town,
> street, or block, is 'tsk, tsk, tsk' and close the
> blinds, you've created your own loss.

So how do I do that with my new Asian neighbors? Drop by and say the following?

- We live in a wooded community - you might want to think twice about clear cutting your lot
- While you are clear cutting your lot, it's important to know where your property ends, so you don't cut down neighbors trees
- We generally mow our lawn once a week around here
- Do you see anyone else growing vegetables on their front walk?

If I said any of those things, I'd be branded racist or xenophobic. Better to shake my head and not say a word.

And I just sold my house to another foriegn-born, so I don't have to look at it anymore.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Followin Soon ()
Date: May 23, 2015 01:30PM

The diversity crowd is winning with propaganda. Never saw anything like it, except Goebels in Nazi Germany.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Run away! Run away! ()
Date: May 23, 2015 09:59PM

movin out Wrote:
> > When your only response to newcomers to you
> town,
> > street, or block, is 'tsk, tsk, tsk' and close
> the
> > blinds, you've created your own loss.
> So how do I do that with my new Asian neighbors?
> Drop by and say the following?
> - We live in a wooded community - you might want
> to think twice about clear cutting your lot
> - While you are clear cutting your lot, it's
> important to know where your property ends, so you
> don't cut down neighbors trees
> - We generally mow our lawn once a week around
> here
> - Do you see anyone else growing vegetables on
> their front walk?
> If I said any of those things, I'd be branded
> racist or xenophobic. Better to shake my head and
> not say a word.
> And I just sold my house to another foriegn-born,
> so I don't have to look at it anymore.

Run away! Run away! lol.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: ffxescapee ()
Date: May 25, 2015 10:23PM

done left....ffx was great for many years. left in 13 feeling like a minority in my own town.

was a business owner/operator for many years in ffx. when the time was right couldn't wait to get out. no more 5 digit prop tax for my home/ 6 digit for my biz, not much in return. no more chaos wherever one goes. living in the valley and wishing I had made that move 20 years ago.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Long Time Ago ()
Date: May 26, 2015 05:18PM

The old Ed's Bait and Tackle

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: White Flight ()
Date: May 26, 2015 05:41PM

White flight is real. VERY VERY REAL.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Not Chico....The Man ()
Date: May 28, 2015 09:42AM

Open space. I miss open space: mostly empty parking lots at the A&P and Dart Drug. Four-lane Route 50 with no traffic on it. Real homes with a yard - not these shitty townhouses that are piled on one another. 7-11's that didn't have 15 men standing around waiting to do day labor. 7-11's used to be about riding your bicycle up there and buying a Slurpee and candy and playing pinball for hours. And I miss white people.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Sillary clit ()
Date: May 29, 2015 02:54PM

I miss driving drunk and not getting text messages all the time.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: local... ()
Date: April 15, 2016 08:13PM

Swiping from the Keebler and RC facilities on Port Royal rd back in the late seventies... Cookies, sodas and then return the bottles for some unearned dinero. Kid stuff.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: NippleChuck ()
Date: April 15, 2016 08:26PM

I miss the Pits at Tysons Corner. I miss fishing in Mosby Woods Pond. I miss Lesley French's humongous tits.


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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Dave T. ()
Date: April 15, 2016 09:41PM

Super TV

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Pontiac 1 ()
Date: April 15, 2016 10:49PM

America the great is fading away.

I've been saying it for years

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: topcat ()
Date: April 16, 2016 12:25AM

The Pits at Tysons was the best. Rode my Suzuki 125 there all the time. Bought it at the dealer in Annandale. Crossed Rt.7 to get gas at the Crown station

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 4vbWU ()
Date: April 16, 2016 12:56PM


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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Song sung blue ()
Date: April 17, 2016 09:01AM

Face it. The "old days" actually sucked. Nobody with a brain would want to go back.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: longtimer ()
Date: April 17, 2016 09:27AM

I remember the evening sock hops at the high school where you just showed up with your friends wearing jeans and a sweater and danced as a big group out on the floor. Guys would tap you on the shoulder and you would dance with them for a song or two. It was fun.

Now they have those right after school daytime middle school dances that just are not the same.

Farrell's and just the teen hang out atmosphere of Springfield Mall in particular. Back in the days when teens hanging out unsupervised was normal and expected...

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: April 17, 2016 09:39AM

Not Chico....The Man Wrote:
> Open space. I miss open space: mostly empty
> parking lots at the A&P and Dart Drug. Four-lane
> Route 50 with no traffic on it. Real homes with a
> yard - not these shitty townhouses that are piled
> on one another. 7-11's that didn't have 15 men
> standing around waiting to do day labor. 7-11's
> used to be about riding your bicycle up there and
> buying a Slurpee and candy and playing pinball for
> hours. And I miss white people.


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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: realtalker ()
Date: April 17, 2016 10:10AM

Going out somewhere and actually hearing English being spoken!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Petey Jones ()
Date: April 17, 2016 11:07AM

I remember being called colored back in Alexandria and afraid of going down Rt 1 where all the whiteys lived.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: PBR ice cold ()
Date: April 17, 2016 11:19AM

Petey Jones Wrote:
> I remember being called colored back in Alexandria
> and afraid of going down Rt 1 where all the
> whiteys lived.

Do you remember The Fancy Dancer bar and grill on route 1 ?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Jack Herrity ()
Date: April 17, 2016 12:40PM

I remember when people were polite, courteous, and civil to each other. That seemed to end about 30 years ago as more assholes moved into the county from other areas and completely screwed everything up.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: McLean10 ()
Date: April 17, 2016 03:29PM

The old Tyson's Corner Mall. Jeans shopping at Up Against the Wall, window shopping at Georgetown Leather for what were seemingly good fashion choices at the time that we could not afford.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: vVyyp ()
Date: April 18, 2016 04:52PM

What does "good fashion choices" mean?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: b4Uhh ()
Date: April 21, 2016 06:37AM

Hayseeds with half their teeth missing?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: y6JDu ()
Date: April 21, 2016 09:15AM

I miss just walking to the mailbox or just down the street to get some fresh air and having a neighbor or 2 saying hello and calling me by name. They took the time to speak to me to get to know me, and I could trust them with a spare key if need be or give a cup of sugar, no problem. I could even walk with a beer in a cozie in my hand, no problem. There was always a neighbor outside working on his car or motorcycle and we'd shoot the shit about it.

Now, all I get is looks behind curtains and feeling like they are going to call the cops on me, just for having a beer while walking down the street on a sunny day. Sad thing is they are all asian and hispanic and dont even make an effort to come outside, I never see the adults outside (the kids do play together, I give them that!). I can't even change my oil without the HOA harassing me anymore, so I gave up on auto repairs.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: jPCvY ()
Date: April 21, 2016 09:22AM

I miss the good ole days where I could go anywhere in the County and not feel like I'm visiting some Third World shithole of a Country!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Centreville HOA President ()
Date: April 21, 2016 09:58AM

y6JDu Wrote:
> I miss just walking to the mailbox or just down
> the street to get some fresh air and having a
> neighbor or 2 saying hello and calling me by name.
> They took the time to speak to me to get to know
> me, and I could trust them with a spare key if
> need be or give a cup of sugar, no problem. I
> could even walk with a beer in a cozie in my hand,
> no problem. There was always a neighbor outside
> working on his car or motorcycle and we'd shoot
> the shit about it.
> Now, all I get is looks behind curtains and
> feeling like they are going to call the cops on
> me, just for having a beer while walking down the
> street on a sunny day. Sad thing is they are all
> asian and hispanic and dont even make an effort to
> come outside, I never see the adults outside (the
> kids do play together, I give them that!). I can't
> even change my oil without the HOA harassing me
> anymore, so I gave up on auto repairs.

The rules and regulations of my HOA prohibit homeowners from doing auto repairs on their property for several reasons. The checking of air in the tires is fine, but getting into changing of oil, tune ups, and other repairs are prohibited to protect the neighborhood from blight, and the environment from toxic chemicals.

Each violation in my neighborhood that is managed by my HOA is a $250.00 fine plus a $75.00 process fee.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: iLester. ()
Date: April 21, 2016 10:35AM

I miss getting 20% off on internet bills for paying full in advance.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: I remember when ()
Date: April 21, 2016 02:58PM

I miss:

-- Hot summer days ending with a Mighty Mo at the Bailey's Crossroad's Hot Shoppes, and a banana split at Gifford's.

-- Seeing the Goodyear Blimp tethered at the Washington-Virginia Airport.

-- Dirt roads.

-- Neighbors who knew each other, and cared for one another.

-- Political discussions without the Thought Police.

-- Shoe stores where they measure your foot and bring out shoes for you to try on.

-- Seeing the Chrysler Turbine Car at Seven Corners Shopping Center.

-- Knowing the one person in the county who owned a Porsche.

-- Sighting a Cadillac was a rare event.

-- FCPD were just regular people. Might be your neighbor. Or belong to your church.

-- Hearing my native tongue spoken all over.

-- Roy Roger's Roast Beef.

-- O. Roy Chalk's estate on Annandale Road.

-- AB&W Transit.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: bikerino ()
Date: April 21, 2016 03:39PM

I miss when Loudoun County was out in the country and you wouldn't see cars until you got to Leesburg.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Harry Balz ()
Date: April 22, 2016 08:09AM

I miss whiteness. More and more nigs and spics here now, damn it's like PG County was twenty years ago. Like the nig at 7-11 this morning getting lottery tickets, then has to go back and get water and pay for it separately because lottery tickets are cash only. Then at the end this ghetto monkey asks if they sell Gulf Coast cigarettes. I wanted to ask him if it looked like south Chicago around here. Gettin there though.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Ole Gal ()
Date: April 22, 2016 12:53PM

Dirt roads

Abandoned houses or shacks that we could explore and pretend were haunted

Horses and chickens and small farms still around

Going into DC with friends just to have fun and explore and shop

Stores with salespeople who would really help you. I miss 579 and Susie's Casuals and Kinney and Hahns and Garfinckles and local dress stores where I could get something no one else wore.

I miss Zippers and Pants Corral and Gunne Sax.

I miss the cool old Chevrolet police cars and station wagons FCP had in the 80s.

I miss the cheesy and ugly Capital Centre with the weird roof and 70s design. Always felt like the headliners were slumming it and doing our area a huge favor byperforming there but we got some cool acts.

I miss the beach boys on the Mall on 7/4

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 5th Decade in Fairfax County ()
Date: April 22, 2016 01:25PM

Ole Gal Wrote:

Thanks. Good times shown in your post. Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Deport the dregs ()
Date: April 22, 2016 01:36PM

Harry Balz Wrote:
> I miss whiteness.

Nobody misses white folk like you. Used to be a lot of useless dumb-ass honkies around these parts, but we drove them off the land. Praise the Lord! You can leave now too.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Spotted ()
Date: April 22, 2016 01:49PM

Deport the dregs Wrote:
> Harry Balz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I miss whiteness.
> Nobody misses white folk like you. Used to be a
> lot of useless dumb-ass honkies around these
> parts, but we drove them off the land. Praise the
> Lord! You can leave now too.

Nobody ever misses Assholes... like you.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Deport the dregs ()
Date: April 22, 2016 01:52PM

Fanboi is so easy to spot. And to abuse like the worthless lying no-account douchebag that he is.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: heymack ()
Date: April 22, 2016 02:09PM

The rural nature of the area in the 60's and 70's. The only traffic jams were rush hour on 95....everywhere else flowed nicely. You could go to any favorite restaurant on a Friday night and not have to wait 90 minutes for a table. As kids you could roam lots of farmland, and creeks and woods...driving dirt bikes through all of these areas.

Good drivers. I miss good drivers...seems that all the outsiders that have come to this area over the years have brought driving habits from their third world countries.

English as the only language. You could go to any gas station or 7-11 and understand what the fuck people were saying.

Being able to leave for the beach on a Friday afternoon and actually be hitting the bay bridge about 60 minutes after you left.

Nice cops. I don't know how many times cops pulled me over near my home on my way home and I was probably over the limit...I was close enough to home that they would let me go with a warning.

This place used to be American as apple pie, now it is a cross roads for refugees and socialist bureaucrats. Will not be here much longer.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Deport the dregs ()
Date: April 22, 2016 03:49PM

heymack Wrote:
> Will not be here much longer.

Great to hear that! We look forward to the day!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Date: April 22, 2016 06:55PM

I miss the days when people did not complain about the county's current state and reminisce about what they were doing in the 70s.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: fArT4BrAinZ ()
Date: April 22, 2016 06:57PM

- dA rEaL fArTiAn - Wrote:
> I miss the days when people did not complain about
> the county's current state and reminisce about
> what they were doing in the 70s.

^ I miss when we didn't have tards like this around.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: April 22, 2016 07:14PM

Only scumbags pimp another poster's handle.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Joke Insurance ()
Date: May 21, 2016 03:57AM

Bon fires at Burke Lake Park.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Unit 8 ()
Date: May 21, 2016 09:32AM

Anyone remember that overpass on 495 not conceded to any streets?

I used it to get to the Golden Dome on Van Doran from Rosehill Drive. I would Piss on the cars that drove by.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Arthur Treacher ()
Date: May 21, 2016 05:53PM

Fish and Chips Wrote:
> I miss Arthur Treachers Fish and Chips. Here are
> the locations I remember:
> RT 1 Alexandria near Beacon Hill
> Rose Hill Shopping Center off of Franconia Road
> Annandale near Backlick Road and RT 236
> Fairfax Circle near Blake Lane
> Any more in Fairfax County?

Backlick Rd in Springfield until the 80's. Was where the Five Guys is now.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Fishy Fingers ()
Date: May 21, 2016 08:32PM

Arthur Treacher Wrote:
> Fish and Chips Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I miss Arthur Treachers Fish and Chips. Here
> are
> > the locations I remember:
> >
> > RT 1 Alexandria near Beacon Hill
> > Rose Hill Shopping Center off of Franconia Road
> > Annandale near Backlick Road and RT 236
> > Fairfax Circle near Blake Lane
> >
> > Any more in Fairfax County?
> Backlick Rd in Springfield until the 80's. Was
> where the Five Guys is now.

I miss the Arthur Treacher's that was in the Rose Hill Shopping Center.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: May 21, 2016 08:39PM

Unit 8 Wrote:
> Anyone remember that overpass on 495 not conceded
> to any streets?
> I used it to get to the Golden Dome on Van Doran
> from Rosehill Drive. I would Piss on the cars that
> drove by.

"conceded"? "connected"??
"Van Doran"? Is that near Van Dorn?

Just sayin'...coherence isn't tricky.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: And the award goes to... ()
Date: May 21, 2016 08:48PM

NippleChuck Wrote:
> I miss Lesley French's
> humongous tits.

Best answer.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Gran Torino ()
Date: May 22, 2016 05:32PM

I too miss the sound of my niggers singing their spirituals at night. That, and the fact that blacks were forced to work for a living. Now, it's the white taxpayers who are slaves to the lazy blacks.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Gran Prix ()
Date: May 22, 2016 05:38PM

Funny shit.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Colonel Howdy ()
Date: May 22, 2016 05:44PM

I miss:
Women who aren't obese cows.
Hitchhiking everywhere.
Free love and sex without worries.
Getting on a plane without first going through a strip search.
Neighborhoods where everyone knew each other.
Cars that the owner could maintain.
People who love America.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Spuds ()
Date: May 22, 2016 08:01PM

Bike hikes to Burke Lake on the two lane Braddock Road.

Doing wheelies on my Schwinn Varsity ten-speed

Roadside Market at Prosperity Road

Getting all four wheels off the ground on Pope's Head Road

Friday night parties after football in Mantua

Working at the Wagon Wheel where Grevey's is now washing shitloads of dishes

Watching fireflies I'd caught blink in the jar while I fell asleep

Monk-n-I in the cul-de-sac

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Slush Puppie ()
Date: May 23, 2016 04:25PM

Returning soda bottles to Highs Dairy store in downtown Herndon for the 5-cent deposit as a kid in the 70's.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: I miss this ()
Date: May 23, 2016 06:00PM

Anyone mention Chesapeake Bay Seafood House?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: May 23, 2016 06:05PM

Colonel Howdy Wrote:
> I miss:
> Women who aren't obese cows.
> Hitchhiking everywhere.
> Free love and sex without worries.
> Getting on a plane without first going through a
> strip search.
> Neighborhoods where everyone knew each other.
> Cars that the owner could maintain.
> People who love America.


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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: kG6vh ()
Date: May 23, 2016 06:17PM

very little crime

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Whites Only ()
Date: May 23, 2016 10:13PM

Lack of diversity

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: dungeon smash ()
Date: May 24, 2016 02:27PM

Robinson Class of 86 Wrote:
> I miss the miles and miles of woods, creeks and
> farms. My parents bought a house in new
> subdivision called "Brecon Ridge" off Braddock in
> the early 70s, life was great as a little kid, I
> remember how wide the streets were and how you
> could go deep into the woods for hours. The end of
> Prestwick drive backed up to woods and you could
> spend all day with your friends in them and miles
> back you reached an old farm where the owner would
> wave hi as he saw you run by.

yes, this. i'm afraid i'm not old enough to remember the 70's or even much of the 80's, but i've been around long enough to see the few remaining wild spaces get blocked off, encircled and ultimately demolished in favor of more cookie-cutter tacky garbage. damn shame, this used to be a beautiful area

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: consul ()
Date: May 24, 2016 04:15PM

anyone remember Pizza Kaezanos at Pickett Shopping Center?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Ole Gal Again ()
Date: May 24, 2016 04:34PM

I miss:

- guys waking around shirtless with OP shorts and mirrored aviator sunglasses! Mercy! Looking back at old photos, all of these guys were in great shape and skinny-slender with muscular bodies. Not too buff.

- no tattoos! Just miles of exposed hot-guy skin (see above) with nothing but a sun tan and maybe a goodie trail

- tanning during PE class! Ask Coach for a water break, walk around the corner with friends and once concealed, pull your Fairfax County reversible gym shirt into a halter top (any girl born circa 1965-1985 knows what I mean) and roll those elastic waisted shorts down. Shoes off and a golden tan awaits.

- chicken coops, horses, scrubby abandoned farms and shacks, some still occupied

- friends who lived on farms

- buying booze from Newmans in DC

- and, Beach Week in OC, Maryland. Your whole senior class would be there in OC!
By maybe the third day, guys would invariably get kicked out of the cheesy strip motels and end up shacking up with merciful girl classmates. It was the least we could do! No problem!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: May 24, 2016 05:59PM

Sucking dick in a gas station Men's Room on RT 1

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Congressional Aide ()
Date: May 24, 2016 11:33PM

Hmmm... Wrote:
> Sucking dick in a gas station Men's Room on RT 1

Dammit, Mr. Connolly, how many times have I told you not to post here at FFXU?!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: May 24, 2016 11:48PM

Centreville HOA President Wrote:
> y6JDu Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I miss just walking to the mailbox or just down
> > the street to get some fresh air and having a
> > neighbor or 2 saying hello and calling me by
> name.
> > They took the time to speak to me to get to
> know
> > me, and I could trust them with a spare key if
> > need be or give a cup of sugar, no problem. I
> > could even walk with a beer in a cozie in my
> hand,
> > no problem. There was always a neighbor outside
> > working on his car or motorcycle and we'd shoot
> > the shit about it.
> >
> > Now, all I get is looks behind curtains and
> > feeling like they are going to call the cops on
> > me, just for having a beer while walking down
> the
> > street on a sunny day. Sad thing is they are
> all
> > asian and hispanic and dont even make an effort
> to
> > come outside, I never see the adults outside
> (the
> > kids do play together, I give them that!). I
> can't
> > even change my oil without the HOA harassing me
> > anymore, so I gave up on auto repairs.
> The rules and regulations of my HOA prohibit
> homeowners from doing auto repairs on their
> property for several reasons. The checking of air
> in the tires is fine, but getting into changing of
> oil, tune ups, and other repairs are prohibited to
> protect the neighborhood from blight, and the
> environment from toxic chemicals.
> Each violation in my neighborhood that is managed
> by my HOA is a $250.00 fine plus a $75.00 process
> fee.

If you think that’s a good think, you suck

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: mJU7h ()
Date: May 25, 2016 01:03AM

Whites Only Wrote:
> Lack of diversity

weird how that lacking equaled no crime, great schools, great communities, freedom for children to play and roam wherever, economically top of the country, neighborhoods where people were social and knew each other

NEVER has anyone cried that mostly black areas should be forced to have whites move in to diversify the area

same goes for countries, only successful white nations are being forced to take in the retarded 3rd world fucks

where is the outcry for the middle east to be diversified? why is Africa allowed to remain black? all of South America must start letting white people in their societies

"diversity" is bullshit

white run nations are the best and other want what they have built, period

whoever wants diversity should immediately move to the arab or African nations now, or they are just fucking hypocrites

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Gotta love the butt hurt whites ()
Date: May 25, 2016 03:23AM

funny how Eutope is having a debt crisis but Asia isn't. Ohh that's right, white nations run the best. Is that why you all have to bailout Greece or deal with shit in the Balkans?

Asians are superior to you. We actually do shit,

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Joke Insurance ()
Date: June 11, 2016 02:25AM

Anyone remember Coffee Cavern at Springfield Mall?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Buy here - Pay here ()
Date: June 11, 2016 10:55AM

Dick Keller Auto Sales

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: CJjvH ()
Date: June 11, 2016 11:40AM

Old Annandale, especially:

---Happy mornings spent at a peaceful, non-crowded George Mason Regional Library picking out books.

---Getting a violin from Clark's Music near John Marr Drive/Columbia Pike

---Juvenile Sales (also near John Marr Drive)

---GC Murphy - used to have a lunch counter there, as I recall

Old Fair City Mall, especially:

---Special events held in the mall area (you can still see some of the original flooring in the theater part of the mall)

---Crown Books

---Saving my lunch money to buy tapes at Kemp Mill Records

---Awaiting Fridays so the family could go to Erol's video and pick out one (maybe two!) G-rated (maybe PG!) movies. There was a Beta and a VHS section.

---Even "Evans" had its own peculiar charms

---Going to Ben Franklin with my grandmother


---Going to 7 Corners mall. One dept store there had a big staircase.

---Pockets of rural life amidst suburbia.

---Far, far less traffic.

---It was all just generally nicer back then, and I don't think this is just nostalgia speaking.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Summer of '75 ()
Date: June 11, 2016 01:03PM

Anyone remember Goldies Ice Cream at the intersection of 29 211 & 50?

Not long after it was knocked down a Best & Co. was built on the site.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: FHS 84 ()
Date: June 11, 2016 06:19PM

I miss going to the Ground Round at Fairfax circle and driving home drunk as shit then getting a DWI but haveing Kinchloe get the charges dismissed for a thousand dollars. He did it for me 3 times, thank God I never killed anyone.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 18 to buy beer ()
Date: June 11, 2016 06:31PM

Some guy over at Fairfax HS killed a woman back in 1981 or 1982.

There are bigger driving drunk accidents(more deaths), but he got hung out to twist in the wind.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Moore Moor More ()
Date: June 11, 2016 07:39PM

Not FXCO-specific, but I miss omitting the area code! Hate having to dial 703 first.

I miss knowing where you lived based upon the first three digits of your phone number;

451 or 569 = West Springfield
644 = Hunt Valley
250 = Burke
971 - North Springfield?
281 = Vienna

and now I'm drawing a blank! Help me out here.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 571 ()
Date: June 11, 2016 07:44PM


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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Nmtcb ()
Date: June 11, 2016 09:24PM

I miss white people..where are they??

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: xFvu7 ()
Date: June 11, 2016 09:54PM

Gotta love the butt hurt whites Wrote:
> funny how Eutope is having a debt crisis but Asia
> isn't. Ohh that's right, white nations run the
> best. Is that why you all have to bailout Greece
> or deal with shit in the Balkans?
> Asians are superior to you. We actually do shit,

Asians are doing things better because they do not get persecuted in the media for protecting their countries from immigration

east Asian countries simply tell muslims to go somewhere else

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Mr Ray ()
Date: June 12, 2016 12:22AM

Parking behind in the Hechingers on Gallows Rd. and watching the movies for free at the Lee Hwy Drive In. Tuned the sound in on my am radio

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Old Annandale Guy ()
Date: June 12, 2016 01:48PM

I grew up in the Wakefield Chapel neighborhood, just off Wakefield Chapel Rd behind NVCC.

Back in the late 60-early 70's in the summer or on weekends we would get up and somehow all the guys would meet up in the woods around Accotink Stream. We would be down there all day, and I can remember walking home as it was starting to get dark. We'd eat lunch at somebody's house, but otherwise, none of our parents knew exactly where we were and nobody worried about it.

In those days, kids could have lots of friends. You learned how to get along, or you learned to find friends you got along with. The last thing anyone wanted (kids or parents) were pre-arranged play dates where highly-structured experiences were organized and supervised. Nobody was worried about making the travel soccer team, studying for SOLs, getting into TJ so you could get into an Ivy League school. You were just able to have fun and be a kid.

It was a pretty great place to grow up, but I'm pretty sure that's over now...

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Deposit Bottles ()
Date: June 12, 2016 01:57PM

That brought back memories playing in the creek that was near my house in Fairfax back in the same time period. Flipping over rocks to catch whatever was under it, mudball fights, and collecting Coke bottles for the 5 cent deposit, and returning them to 7-11.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: ford falcon ()
Date: June 12, 2016 02:42PM

Mr Ray Wrote:
> Parking behind in the Hechingers on Gallows Rd.
> and watching the movies for free at the Lee Hwy
> Drive In. Tuned the sound in on my am radio

I remember doing that too but it was a furniture store not hechinger. Was it Levitz furniture?
one time we were back there with about 5 other cars and a county cop rolled up and told us to get the fuck out over his loudspeaker. Today the cop would call for back-up and roll everyone out of the cars and bust everyone for trespassing along with anything else they can come up with.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Nice Guy Eddie ()
Date: June 12, 2016 07:50PM

RoboLinebacker Wrote:
> Robinson Class of 86 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I miss the miles and miles of woods, creeks and
> > farms. My parents bought a house in new
> > subdivision called "Brecon Ridge" off Braddock
> in
> > the early 70s, life was great as a little kid,
> I
> > remember how wide the streets were and how you
> > could go deep into the woods for hours. The end
> of
> > Prestwick drive backed up to woods and you
> could
> > spend all day with your friends in them and
> miles
> > back you reached an old farm where the owner
> would
> > wave hi as he saw you run by. During my teenage
> > years me and my friends would sneak onto the
> > Fairfax Country Club golf course and get so
> drunk
> > at night, back then the cops wouldnt care. Oak
> > View ES and Robinson were awesome, starting
> > varsity linebacker for the Rams!!!
> >
> > Small changes began to occur in the late 80s
> with
> > the North Hill community across from the golf
> > course, then the old farm at the end of the
> woods
> > was sold to NV Homes and became a pool of homes.
> >
> > Man oh man do I miss those days. Living in
> Burke
> > is great and all but I hate how my kids are at
> > Lake Braddock, I remember trucking into those
> tiny
> > LB linebackers on friday night football
> > games...ahh those were the days
> I was a Ram linebacker too although I was class of
> 1983, Lake Braddock kids were so small. Oh boy
> "golf course parties" were such a blast.
> I know what area your talking about. Still pretty
> nice but yea most of the farms are gone.
> I loved Robinson days. Too bad im getting ready to
> move to Loudoun.

Going to football games at Lake Braddock where we would get our asses kick by Robinson and pretty much everyone else.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Hosel Rocket ()
Date: June 12, 2016 08:01PM

kaps Wrote:
> Sunset Hills ended at the distillery...which was
> Reston Avenue. Reston Parkway wasn't built yet.
> When they started construction, they built a
> 'temporary road' from Reston Ave for construction
> crew to work on the new Parkway. The name stuck
> when they finished.
> I remember driving in and out of Reston...West Ox
> Road, with the houses right on the road and one
> particular porch that seemed to stick out like you
> would hit it.

Jesus, I forgot about that house with the porch! I dated a hot little number out that way and drove by that house to get to her neighborhood.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Cankle Biter ()
Date: June 12, 2016 08:26PM

I remember masturbating to the Mrs. Bovino, the neighborhood MILF. Good times. AFK for about five minutes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: June 12, 2016 09:52PM

Old Annandale Guy Wrote:
> I grew up in the Wakefield Chapel neighborhood,
> just off Wakefield Chapel Rd behind NVCC.
> Back in the late 60-early 70's in the summer or on
> weekends we would get up and somehow all the guys
> would meet up in the woods around Accotink Stream.
> We would be down there all day, and I can remember
> walking home as it was starting to get dark. We'd
> eat lunch at somebody's house, but otherwise, none
> of our parents knew exactly where we were and
> nobody worried about it.
> In those days, kids could have lots of friends.
> You learned how to get along, or you learned to
> find friends you got along with. The last thing
> anyone wanted (kids or parents) were pre-arranged
> play dates where highly-structured experiences
> were organized and supervised. Nobody was worried
> about making the travel soccer team, studying for
> SOLs, getting into TJ so you could get into an Ivy
> League school. You were just able to have fun and
> be a kid.
> It was a pretty great place to grow up, but I'm
> pretty sure that's over now...

I remember that. Not there, but we had woods and a creek and lots of kids and me and my brother would go out of the house or be thrown out. Had to "be back by dinner" or "be back before dark” That was it.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: asdfsafsf ()
Date: June 13, 2016 12:23PM

- Miss Christmas time and the holiday season. Not the same in any now.

- hanging out with the neighborhood kids...left home in am and did not return until dark....roaming neighborhood parks, creeks, woods, riding bikes, etc.

- Loved the banana seat bikes...and skateboards in the late 70s.

- Early 80s redskins

- working on cars in HS...mag wheels, etc. Had a 68' camaro that fixed up wit hbuddies. Wished I held on to it. Concidentally the new "retro" camaros from GM don't compare....ugly!

- HS football and wrestling

- COPS were much more lenient...

- Really miss the rural patches of Fairfax from back then...nothing left now.

- OC beach week

- HS shop classes...loved the smell of cut wood. Does FCPS even offer show nowaydays?

- 7-11 slurpees

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Lost time ()
Date: June 17, 2016 08:05PM

Dialing 844-2525 for - "At the tone the time will be"

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Catching the Bus ()
Date: June 17, 2016 10:21PM

At 7 Corners Shopping Center with my Dad and riding to RFK for the skins game

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Loni Anderson ()
Date: June 18, 2016 12:28AM

Lost time Wrote:
> Dialing 844-2525 for - "At the tone the time will
> be"

Or WE6-2525 (actually any four digits...can you imagine?) for weather.

Spent a lot of time calling this recording over and over to appear busy at my front desk receptionist job in downtown Springfield. Also would call and "hold" the line so I would have an excuse not to have a prolonged conversation with coworkers or visitors. "Gotta grab this line!" Then I'd fake talk to the weatherman's recorded voice. Repeat.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: and this one ()
Date: June 18, 2016 12:40AM

Loni Anderson Wrote:
> Lost time Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dialing 844-2525 for - "At the tone the time
> will
> > be"
> Or WE6-2525 (actually any four digits...can you
> imagine?) for weather.
> Spent a lot of time calling this recording over
> and over to appear busy at my front desk
> receptionist job in downtown Springfield. Also
> would call and "hold" the line so I would have an
> excuse not to have a prolonged conversation with
> coworkers or visitors. "Gotta grab this line!"
> Then I'd fake talk to the weatherman's recorded
> voice. Repeat.

There was also a sports score line on the phone. I should remember the number because I called it often. I think it was operated by the Wash Post.

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