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Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 5th Decade in Fairfax County ()
Date: May 17, 2015 10:21AM

As one who's been in this county now spanning a time period of five decades, I miss my old county.

I miss the laid back ways of Fairfax County, the two lane roads, and stop signs v. lights, and other things, thanks to sprawl.

Sure, Fairfax County is still the best place (I think) in the World to live, and convenient to everything in the area. You want it, need it, or think about it, it's here.

But over the past 20 years, especially, it seems Fairfax County has been overrun by folks coming to the area, and unfortunately they have stayed - the good and the bad, overcrowding and taking away from the charm of the "Old Fairfax County" region.

So what do you miss most about this county?

And if you feel like giving away a gem or two, what do you still treasure about the county?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 5th Decade in Fairfax County ()
Date: May 17, 2015 10:25AM

I miss off roading in Springfield/Hayfield areas, bon fires in the woods and fields of what is now Crosspointe, dirt bike riding where GreenSpring is now situated, and parties along the railroad tracks, back when nobody cared...

CCCC and the 1/2 pipe, and some of the other ramps in the woods, elsewhere, were awesome times.

It must be tough to grow up in the area now, nothing to do outdoors, where NIMBY neighbors call 911 over the smallest gripes.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Kingstowne blows ()
Date: May 17, 2015 10:45AM

I remember motocrossing in all what is now Kingstowne. Landmark was an open dead mall, now it's a enclosed dead mall. Springfield mall was a grass field. Route one had a drive in theatre, which was replaced by a mega theatre, and now it's a Costco. FFX county police would stop and join us in a game of kickball or football in the street. They were designated quarterback for both teams. People spoke English, and new arrivals to the country tried hard to learn English. Now they just overran Arlington, falls church, and everything behind Springfield plaza and don't want to learn English. Etc etc...

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: UcymJ ()
Date: May 17, 2015 10:56AM

5th Decade in Fairfax County Wrote:
> As one who's been in this county now spanning a
> time period of five decades, I miss my old
> county.
> I miss the laid back ways of Fairfax County, the
> two lane roads, and stop signs v. lights, and
> other things, thanks to sprawl.
> Sure, Fairfax County is still the best place (I
> think) in the World to live, and convenient to
> everything in the area. You want it, need it, or
> think about it, it's here.
> But over the past 20 years, especially, it seems
> Fairfax County has been overrun by folks coming to
> the area, and unfortunately they have stayed - the
> good and the bad, overcrowding and taking away
> from the charm of the "Old Fairfax County" region.
> So what do you miss most about this county?
> And if you feel like giving away a gem or two,
> what do you still treasure about the county?

If you move out to the middle of nowhere in the midwest, I'm sure you can experience the same joys for the next 5 decades.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Your high school girlfriend ()
Date: May 18, 2015 12:42PM

I miss:

- parties after football games at someone's house. Somehow, without cell phones, but by driving to the McDonald's parking lot we'd find out about a "rager" and then race off to find it. Half the fun was getting lost on the way or even stumbling onto another party or arriving just as the cops were!

- July 4th on the Mall with the Beach Boys. Drag a cooler full of beer or wine coolers (just gave away my age) and plop down on a beach towel. Share your booze with everyone around you who'd become your friends by dark.

- reservoir parties. Sneaking into Accotink or Burke Lake parks at night.

- toilet papering the houses of your most hated enemies and your secret crushes. Bonus points if you also drove around stealing For Sale signs and shopping carts to place in the front yard. Oh...and you couldn't buy any toilet paper, you'd steal it that night...from hotels, restaurants, gas stations...

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Ol Lady ()
Date: May 18, 2015 12:49PM

School sponsored swim parties. Last day of school in sixth grade, our teachers and principals walked with us to the swim club where we spent the entire day. Best field trip ever.

You knew and respected your teachers and they truly cared about you! In high school, I missed the bus to a downtown field trip and another teacher knew I was upset that she drove me, in her own car...all the way to DC to catch up with my class! No call home, no big deal.

Teachers regularly had kids over to their house for a semi related school activity - cooking French cuisine with the French teacher, or picnic and a Shakespeare movie with english teacher.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: ol LHSer ()
Date: May 18, 2015 12:55PM

Your high school girlfriend Wrote:
> I miss:
> - parties after football games at someone's house.
> Somehow, without cell phones, but by driving to
> the McDonald's parking lot we'd find out about a
> "rager" and then race off to find it. Half the
> fun was getting lost on the way or even stumbling
> onto another party or arriving just as the cops
> were!
> - July 4th on the Mall with the Beach Boys. Drag
> a cooler full of beer or wine coolers (just gave
> away my age) and plop down on a beach towel.
> Share your booze with everyone around you who'd
> become your friends by dark.
> - reservoir parties. Sneaking into Accotink or
> Burke Lake parks at night.
> - toilet papering the houses of your most hated
> enemies and your secret crushes. Bonus points if
> you also drove around stealing For Sale signs and
> shopping carts to place in the front yard.
> Oh...and you couldn't buy any toilet paper, you'd
> steal it that night...from hotels, restaurants,
> gas stations...

Coolers on the mall...I'd say that was circa 84 or 85.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: EXHSGF ()
Date: May 18, 2015 12:59PM

ol LHSer Wrote:
> Your high school girlfriend Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I miss:
> >
> > - parties after football games at someone's
> house.
> > Somehow, without cell phones, but by driving
> to
> > the McDonald's parking lot we'd find out about
> a
> > "rager" and then race off to find it. Half the
> > fun was getting lost on the way or even

> stumbling
> > onto another party or arriving just as the cops
> > were!
> >
> > - July 4th on the Mall with the Beach Boys.
> Drag
> > a cooler full of beer or wine coolers (just
> gave
> > away my age) and plop down on a beach towel.
> > Share your booze with everyone around you who'd
> > become your friends by dark.
> >
> > - reservoir parties. Sneaking into Accotink or
> > Burke Lake parks at night.
> >
> > - toilet papering the houses of your most
> hated
> > enemies and your secret crushes. Bonus points
> if
> > you also drove around stealing For Sale signs
> and
> > shopping carts to place in the front yard.
> > Oh...and you couldn't buy any toilet paper,
> you'd
> > steal it that night...from hotels, restaurants,
> > gas stations...
> Coolers on the mall...I'd say that was circa 84 or
> 85.

You got it! Summer of 84! I believe you were wearing Jams, Vaurnets and a Sunshine House tee shirt...or was it black OP shorts and a baseball shirt, that you later took off? Guys walked around shirtless all the time. God, I miss those days!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: May 18, 2015 01:36PM

Oldtards, don't get me wrong, sounds like a fantastic time period but the 90's had you beat.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Arnie H. ()
Date: May 18, 2015 01:45PM

I miss what they used to call "Open House Night" at the local elementary schools for our kids.
Now it's welcome to the white students on "International Open House Night".

The Hispanics, Indians, and the Asians sadly have taken over Fairfax County. It was much nicer some 20 years ago.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 5th Decade in Fairfax County ()
Date: May 18, 2015 01:49PM

Yep, I remember all those!!

McDonald's parking lot on Rolling in West Springfield was one of the spots. The lower lot, of course.

I remember a TP'ing of a house in burke which was epic of the day. Two guys and probably 30+ rolls of paper. The statute of limitations is probably over by now, that was around 1985, I seem to recall ;)

Beach Boys last concert was fun, until someone started chucking the "empties". Duck!!!

The roller rink down by Rose hill was interesting, and of course, so were the folks from the Edison/Lee end of town. Catching a drag race on Franconia Rd. or Old Keene Mill was fun, but the better spots were less random, but a better race.

But of course, as much fun as all that was, nothing beats the ladies of the 80s. Especially their hair and 6" tall bangs. So hot!

Your high school girlfriend Wrote:
> I miss:
> - parties after football games at someone's house.
> Somehow, without cell phones, but by driving to
> the McDonald's parking lot we'd find out about a
> "rager" and then race off to find it. Half the
> fun was getting lost on the way or even stumbling
> onto another party or arriving just as the cops
> were!
> - July 4th on the Mall with the Beach Boys. Drag
> a cooler full of beer or wine coolers (just gave
> away my age) and plop down on a beach towel.
> Share your booze with everyone around you who'd
> become your friends by dark.
> - reservoir parties. Sneaking into Accotink or
> Burke Lake parks at night.
> - toilet papering the houses of your most hated
> enemies and your secret crushes. Bonus points if
> you also drove around stealing For Sale signs and
> shopping carts to place in the front yard.
> Oh...and you couldn't buy any toilet paper, you'd
> steal it that night...from hotels, restaurants,
> gas stations...

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: EXHSGF ()
Date: May 18, 2015 02:17PM

I also miss knowing kids who grew up on farms and hanging out at their houses!

I've posted about this before, but my entire second grade class had our year end party at a classmate's farm somewhere near where greenspring village is now. We got to pet horses, see pigs, open the door to the old outhouse, run through the fields. Such a great experience for this suburban girl.

I went to school with relatives of the original, colonial-era settlers of Fairfax County and I'll drop names; Buddington, Hall, Pettit, Dodson, Deavers. I think many of these families sold to developers or were pushed out.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 5th Decade in Fairfax County ()
Date: May 18, 2015 02:24PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Oldtards, don't get me wrong, sounds like a
> fantastic time period but the 90's had you beat.

Are you trolling, or just plain stupid? You are too young if being a kid in the 90s, to have been influenced by lead paint. Maybe your chinese toys were lead-based?

Anyways, the 1990s began the decline of Fairfax County and served as the dividing line between developers and progress. That was before the parkway, before the mass of infill development, and certainly before most working class neighborhoods became the cesspools they are today.

But I figure you are trolling. And probably jealous you didn't experience life in the county before the 1990s.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: WSHS class of 1985 ()
Date: May 18, 2015 02:42PM

Summertime in fairfax county 1970s

Fans and air conditioners running on high
Using the oven to bake apple pie
Countless puffy clouds in the sky
Kites flying up so high

Youth"s playing baseball in a sportsman like way
Orange sunsets at the end of the day
Under a shade tree the children would play

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: hmmmmmm ()
Date: May 18, 2015 03:22PM

WSHS class of 1985 Wrote:
> Summertime in fairfax county 1970s
> Fans and air conditioners running on high
> Using the oven to bake apple pie
> Countless puffy clouds in the sky
> Kites flying up so high
> Youth"s playing baseball in a sportsman like way
> Orange sunsets at the end of the day
> Under a shade tree the children would play
> .
> .

This poem is really quite gay.
> .

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: good ol republican ()
Date: May 18, 2015 03:39PM

5th Decade in Fairfax County Wrote:
> As one who's been in this county now spanning a
> time period of five decades, I miss my old
> county.
> I miss the laid back ways of Fairfax County, the
> two lane roads, and stop signs v. lights, and
> other things, thanks to sprawl.
> Sure, Fairfax County is still the best place (I
> think) in the World to live, and convenient to
> everything in the area. You want it, need it, or
> think about it, it's here.
> But over the past 20 years, especially, it seems
> Fairfax County has been overrun by folks coming to
> the area, and unfortunately they have stayed - the
> good and the bad, overcrowding and taking away
> from the charm of the "Old Fairfax County" region.
> So what do you miss most about this county?
> And if you feel like giving away a gem or two,
> what do you still treasure about the county?

I miss the good ol days when you could say the n-word out in public without libtards calling you a racist and I miss being able to bully queers and call the faggots without all the PC crap. things were a lot better back then.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Open Borders Democrat ()
Date: May 18, 2015 04:22PM

> I miss the good ol days when you could say the
> n-word out in public without libtards calling you
> a racist and I miss being able to bully queers and
> call the faggots without all the PC crap. things
> were a lot better back then.

I hated it back then. I had to pay workers a fair wage for their work and blue collar whiteboy shitheads had a great quality of life.

Paying a brown person slave wages while simultaneously destroying middle and working class communities is where it's at!

Me and my developer buddies are doing great. Enjoy the traffic and your Section 8 neighborinos. Viva Fairfax 2015!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Fairfax Since 1957 ()
Date: May 18, 2015 06:36PM

Here are a few things I miss: Full service gas at Crown Gas station, Putting dish soap in the fountain at Crown Gas Station, Super 29 Drive In, No Drive Thru at McDonalds, Ice Cream cones at Highs, Drug Fair, Trak Auto, Robertson's 5 & 10 cent store, Belle Aire auto parts, The Green Dolphin, Hunters Lodge and Virginia City, and Manassas was on another planet

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: What A Shame ()
Date: May 18, 2015 06:41PM

The magic of Annandale football. Quaint upper-middle class exclusively white neighborhood whose football teams packed the stands every Friday night. What a way to spend a Friday night!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Que? ()
Date: May 18, 2015 07:25PM

White people. I miss white people

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Mint Julep ()
Date: May 18, 2015 07:31PM

I miss sitting on the porch on a warm summer evening, moon in the sky, and a gentle breeze carrying the sounds of negroes singing down by the slave quarters. Now *those* were the days of Fairfax's Golden Age. Darkies weren't so uppity then.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Robinson Class of 86 ()
Date: May 18, 2015 07:46PM

I miss the miles and miles of woods, creeks and farms. My parents bought a house in new subdivision called "Brecon Ridge" off Braddock in the early 70s, life was great as a little kid, I remember how wide the streets were and how you could go deep into the woods for hours. The end of Prestwick drive backed up to woods and you could spend all day with your friends in them and miles back you reached an old farm where the owner would wave hi as he saw you run by. During my teenage years me and my friends would sneak onto the Fairfax Country Club golf course and get so drunk at night, back then the cops wouldnt care. Oak View ES and Robinson were awesome, starting varsity linebacker for the Rams!!!

Small changes began to occur in the late 80s with the North Hill community across from the golf course, then the old farm at the end of the woods was sold to NV Homes and became a pool of homes.

Man oh man do I miss those days. Living in Burke is great and all but I hate how my kids are at Lake Braddock, I remember trucking into those tiny LB linebackers on friday night football games...ahh those were the days

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Homer ()
Date: May 18, 2015 07:47PM

Mint Julep wrote:

"I miss sitting on the porch on a warm summer evening, moon in the sky, and a gentle breeze carrying the sounds of negroes singing down by the slave quarters. Now *those* were the days of Fairfax's Golden Age."

Actually, you are very, very, close. Here's how one former slave remembers it:

"but in them days niggers kept their houses clean and their door yards too. These houses where they lived was called ‘the quarters’. I used to love to walk down by that row of houses. It looked like a town and late of an evening as you’d go by the doors you could smell meat a frying, coffee making and good things cooking."

Oh the horrors!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: RoboLinebacker ()
Date: May 18, 2015 07:51PM

Robinson Class of 86 Wrote:
> I miss the miles and miles of woods, creeks and
> farms. My parents bought a house in new
> subdivision called "Brecon Ridge" off Braddock in
> the early 70s, life was great as a little kid, I
> remember how wide the streets were and how you
> could go deep into the woods for hours. The end of
> Prestwick drive backed up to woods and you could
> spend all day with your friends in them and miles
> back you reached an old farm where the owner would
> wave hi as he saw you run by. During my teenage
> years me and my friends would sneak onto the
> Fairfax Country Club golf course and get so drunk
> at night, back then the cops wouldnt care. Oak
> View ES and Robinson were awesome, starting
> varsity linebacker for the Rams!!!
> Small changes began to occur in the late 80s with
> the North Hill community across from the golf
> course, then the old farm at the end of the woods
> was sold to NV Homes and became a pool of homes.
> Man oh man do I miss those days. Living in Burke
> is great and all but I hate how my kids are at
> Lake Braddock, I remember trucking into those tiny
> LB linebackers on friday night football
> games...ahh those were the days


I was a Ram linebacker too although I was class of 1983, Lake Braddock kids were so small. Oh boy "golf course parties" were such a blast.

I know what area your talking about. Still pretty nice but yea most of the farms are gone.

I loved Robinson days. Too bad im getting ready to move to Loudoun.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: george of the jungle ()
Date: May 18, 2015 08:15PM

hmmmmmm Wrote:
> WSHS class of 1985 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Summertime in fairfax county 1970s
> >
> >
> > Fans and air conditioners running on high
> > Using the oven to bake apple pie
> > Countless puffy clouds in the sky
> > Kites flying up so high
> >
> > Youth"s playing baseball in a sportsman like
> way
> > Orange sunsets at the end of the day
> > Under a shade tree the children would play
> > .
> > .
> This poem is really quite gay.
> > .

That is a blast from the past from a old time Fairfax kid. It was published in the washington post and they didn't realise that the poem said FUCK YOU!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Mosby's Rangers ()
Date: May 18, 2015 09:09PM

Confederate Flag Day.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: SPEAR CHUKR PHIL ()
Date: May 18, 2015 09:13PM

English speaking people in Annandale, Christ what happened!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 73287663777 ()
Date: May 18, 2015 09:59PM

I went to Greenbriar East ES back in the mid to late 1970's. Everybody's mom was at home and all the kids lived near the school, so if it was going to rain in the afternoon while the kids were walking home Mr. Driver would send all the kids home a couple hours early. Just close school early because of rain. Can you imagine?

When I got to Chantilly there was still the senior smoking court, and the kids on the government field trip to Washington DC were given a couple hours in Georgetown (where the drinking age was 18) to go out and get loaded. They were explicitly told, though, not to get so drunk that they'd throw up on the bus on the ride home. I missed all that fun, but I heard about it.

As a 11 or 12 year old I would walk from Greenbriar to Fair Oaks Mall, walking through nothing but woods all along Route 50. I remember going fishing out on the Shenandoah, and after you went through the traffic light at Centreville Road there was nothing until you got to Aldie. Floor it and just cruise along.

In fact, at that intersection at 50 and C'ville Road there was an old truck repair shop and at the end of the day the mechanics would drag out a TV, flip over some buckets, and have a few beers while they watched TV outside the shop. It was right where Anita's is today.

I think half of Chantilly HS lost its virginity over in the Westfields development after they put the roads in and before they built the buildings.

What do I really miss? Space, fewer people, old overgrown roads. Cruising around with friends after school. Everything wasn't jam-packed together and going a mile a minute.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: glory days at LBSS ()
Date: May 18, 2015 10:18PM

Robinson Class of 86 Wrote:
> I miss the miles and miles of woods, creeks and
> farms. My parents bought a house in new
> subdivision called "Brecon Ridge" off Braddock in
> the early 70s, life was great as a little kid, I
> remember how wide the streets were and how you
> could go deep into the woods for hours. The end of
> Prestwick drive backed up to woods and you could
> spend all day with your friends in them and miles
> back you reached an old farm where the owner would
> wave hi as he saw you run by. During my teenage
> years me and my friends would sneak onto the
> Fairfax Country Club golf course and get so drunk
> at night, back then the cops wouldnt care. Oak
> View ES and Robinson were awesome, starting
> varsity linebacker for the Rams!!!
> Small changes began to occur in the late 80s with
> the North Hill community across from the golf
> course, then the old farm at the end of the woods
> was sold to NV Homes and became a pool of homes.
> Man oh man do I miss those days. Living in Burke
> is great and all but I hate how my kids are at
> Lake Braddock, I remember trucking into those tiny
> LB linebackers on friday night football
> games...ahh those were the days

You played Linebacker, yet you remember trucking into "tiny LB linebackers"?

What kind of defense were the rams running?

I remember the LB linebackers from that time as kind of big...

Chris Sterns, 6'5" or something like that played O and D line at Uva, Jeff Nowick (or something like that) walked on at Va Tech and played, and Craig Murdock (or something like that) full ride to Uva.

They also had a quick RB who went to Duke...maybe instead of trucking into LB linebackers from your linebacker spot, he would have been a good guy to tackle.

Are we talking the same "glory days"?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: backpack camper ()
Date: May 18, 2015 10:19PM

Camping at Fountain Head Lake during the winter, enjoying the rope swing and jumping off Jacobs Rock in the summertime. The park Rangers were cool when they busted us drinking beer, they said just pack our trash out, or burn it.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Springfield Girl ()
Date: May 18, 2015 10:21PM

I miss my lazy Saturday mornings...up kind of early, downstairs to the family room to watch THE only tv and try to catch Bob McAllister's Wonderama and then back to back cartoons like Looney Tunes, then Kroft Superstars, Wonder Twins Power Hour, culminating with Land of the Lost and finally (I think) Wonder Woman or Isis and Shazam!

Then, fueled with bowls of Cap'n Crunch, it would be time to run outside and play in the woods and climb trees. Maybe ride my Schwin banana seat bike around the neighborhood and see who was around or put on my roller skates (red/white/blue with metal wheels and blue laces) and skate around.

Around dinner, we'd play kickball in the court or kick the can. Take a break for dinner, then when it got dark, we'd play flashlight tag or light fireworks (everyone had a stash) or throw poppers.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Gail Force ()
Date: May 18, 2015 10:28PM

Brandon Avenue, downtown Springfield. I remember being to be allowed to sit and watch Little League baseball games behind the medical building while my mom was at inside a doctor appointment. Free babysitting and entertainment. Now someone would call the cops!

My orthodontist (Wallert and Rosenberg) were there as well as my dentist, Dr. Trapp. I was always very interested in the very 60s-modern optometrist office right in the lobby of the building. It was there for decades.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 5th Decade in Fairfax County ()
Date: May 18, 2015 10:32PM

73287663777 Wrote:
> In fact, at that intersection at 50 and C'ville
> Road there was an old truck repair shop and at the
> end of the day the mechanics would drag out a TV,
> flip over some buckets, and have a few beers while
> they watched TV outside the shop. It was right
> where Anita's is today.
> I think half of Chantilly HS lost its virginity
> over in the Westfields development after they put
> the roads in and before they built the buildings.
> What do I really miss? Space, fewer people, old
> overgrown roads. Cruising around with friends
> after school. Everything wasn't jam-packed
> together and going a mile a minute.

Street racing ended once the buildings went up in Westfields. The roads were put in place, but before the buildings went up, it was wide open.
Of course, the road adjacent to the Pepsi Plant, Stonecroft Blvd., was great for racing, and same w/ US 50 at Concraft, which is now abandoned.

Those were good times, but by the early 90s, it was all over.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 5th Decade in Fairfax County ()
Date: May 18, 2015 10:35PM

Springfield Girl Wrote:
> Then, fueled with bowls of Cap'n Crunch, it would
> be time to run outside and play in the woods and
> climb trees. Maybe ride my Schwin banana seat
> bike around the neighborhood and see who was
> around or put on my roller skates (red/white/blue
> with metal wheels and blue laces) and skate
> around.
> Around dinner, we'd play kickball in the court or
> kick the can. Take a break for dinner, then when
> it got dark, we'd play flashlight tag or light
> fireworks (everyone had a stash) or throw poppers.

Now you're talking! Flashlight tag was awesome! And the best houses to hide around often had cable TV back then! Back in the early - mid 80s, when Media General was new, and the homes with CATV were rare. Hide for an hour and watch CATV.

Kickball in the cul de sac was great. Now, hit a house w/ a kickball and one would probably go to jail.

Thanks for the memories!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: old footballer ()
Date: May 18, 2015 10:52PM

Not so old Fairfax County, late 70's early 80's.

There were many fewer high schools back then...remember the epic football battles between Ft Hunt and Mt V, (both went to sates, Mt V won) Annandale high was nat'l champs in the late 70's.

Waking up Saturday morning and getting several pages of Friday's games in the paper.

Drinking age 18.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: May 18, 2015 11:13PM

hmmmmmm Wrote:
> WSHS class of 1985 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Summertime in fairfax county 1970s
> >
> >
> > Fans and air conditioners running on high
> > Using the oven to bake apple pie
> > Countless puffy clouds in the sky
> > Kites flying up so high
> >
> > Youth"s playing baseball in a sportsman like
> way
> > Orange sunsets at the end of the day
> > Under a shade tree the children would play
> > .
> > .
> This poem is really quite gay.
> > .

yea it’s stupid

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Date: May 18, 2015 11:40PM

I miss the days at e when the most beautiful girl in the class of 73 I ever saw was there, back in the early 70's

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2017 04:57PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: lkejhergy ()
Date: May 18, 2015 11:51PM

I miss that Ffx Co used to be primarily locals. Now it's filled with every self-important piece of shit who moved here for work as well as with people from other countries who can't drive worth shit and who speak every language except for English

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: America the great has faded away ()
Date: May 18, 2015 11:58PM

I graduated in 1987 in fairfax county. Things started to slide around 1990. Fairfax, Prince William and other surrounding counties are now a violent, crime and gang infested third world shit hole. How sad

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: fIFTY yEARS IN fAIRFAX ()
Date: May 19, 2015 03:50AM

I MISS Those days. Does anyone remember the Cowboy village off Beulah road? My dad used to drive thru it with us in the car when we were little kids. It seemed to be an old leftover movie stage - just the fronts of buildings - set up to look like an old wild west town. It was across from the Pits where people used to party and drive dirt bikes...past Nalls and where Island Creek is now.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Edison Girl ()
Date: May 19, 2015 03:56AM

Moved to Fairfax county way back when it was just an old dirt road (now Franconia road). My dad would let us buy candy at The Franconia Hardware store, which is now Paradisio Restaurant. Franconia Pizza was owned by Vic & Ramsey who went to Edison HS with us all. Great times hanging out in the parking lot there. We would also track thru the woods for hours, and play flashlight tag well into the night. Every kid in the neighborhood would be out there playing. Parties were crazy fun.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: VICKI ()
Date: May 19, 2015 04:19AM

I remember the love of my life "RANDY" back in the day at Thomas Jefferson High School before it became the whiz kid school it is now. We had the best of times, never got over him

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Gruntled ()
Date: May 19, 2015 07:22AM

I miss:

The doctor's office at the top of the hill where Huntington Metro now is

The vacant lot where they had a carnival every year, now a Metro parking lot

Enough trees to count as "the woods"


The county master plan before Jack Herrity destroyed it

A supermarket (Acme) within walking distance

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: sledhead ()
Date: May 19, 2015 07:29AM

Sledding on Pinecrest Golf course.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: danbury forest ()
Date: May 19, 2015 08:00AM

george of the jungle Wrote:
> hmmmmmm Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > WSHS class of 1985 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Summertime in fairfax county 1970s
> > >
> > >
> > > Fans and air conditioners running on high
> > > Using the oven to bake apple pie
> > > Countless puffy clouds in the sky
> > > Kites flying up so high
> > >
> > > Youth"s playing baseball in a sportsman like
> > way
> > > Orange sunsets at the end of the day
> > > Under a shade tree the children would play
> > > .
> > > .
> >
> > This poem is really quite gay.
> > > .
> That is a blast from the past from a old time
> Fairfax kid. It was published in the washington
> post and they didn't realise that the poem said

It was in the mini page lol.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: K9ctG ()
Date: May 19, 2015 08:18AM

Was in my old stomping grounds of Mount Vernon yesterday.

Sure do miss the good times there.

Pretty much everywhere I looked yesterday it was nothing but hispanics or some other fucked up 3 World shithole person now sucking off the teet of America!

Definitely not staying here for retirement. Only in this area because of the awesome fucking paying job I have. Once I retirement........I'M OUTTA HERE!!!!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: dhLUN ()
Date: May 19, 2015 12:00PM

Does anyone remember the pits across 123 from tysons corner. We used to ride our dirt bikes there.

How about the parties we used to have on the grounds where Medowlark Gardens is now. We used to pull into the field throw open the van doors and party, skinny dip in the ponds and tear up some pussy.

Remember the Howard Johnsons at Fairfax Circle and the woods that became Circle Towers?

Or how about the RCA dog on Lee Highway?

Fairfax drugs that became the DMV. I got my drivers permit there.

Fairfax Chrysler Plymoth? Bought my first car there.


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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: WTpwC ()
Date: May 19, 2015 12:06PM

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Northeast Liberal Transplant ()
Date: May 19, 2015 12:15PM

Your base, uncooth childhood/young adult memories are as hackneyed and jejune as a re-run of 'The Waltons'.

Thanks to the influence of my brother and sister northeast liberal transplants, Fairfax County is now a somewhat modern, sophisticated, and desirable place to live.

You’re welcome.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: OHS Old Timer ()
Date: May 19, 2015 01:52PM

I think of this practically every day, as I'm sitting in traffic. I miss all the open space and actually having semi-wild places to explore, as a kid in the '60s and '70s. Hard to believe today, but my friends and I used to ride our horses from Oakton up to Great Falls, following what is now the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail, known to us as a creek. And never once in all our trail riding did we see a deer, there weren't any. And nobody minded if you cut across their pasture or through the back edge of their yards, there were trails all over the place, and a horse was a great way to get around for kids too young to drive. From high school, I miss driving around with my friends on weekends, looking for parties, pooling our spare change to buy gas, thinking nothing of heading to Middleburg or further if one of our favorite local bands was playing somewhere, because there was no traffic so traveling 25 miles took half an hour. I miss field parties and bonfires and sledding parties on land that is now covered in generic 6,500 sq. ft. McMansions. Northern Virginia was still very much on the edge of being in the country, which made it such a perfect place to grow up.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Racist Ray. ()
Date: May 19, 2015 02:10PM

I miss all the white people

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: local... ()
Date: May 19, 2015 04:31PM

Right there with all of y'all, hell, on that note, remember when folks from here still y'all led like folks still do in the rest of the Commonwealth? If I hear one more "yuns" from some carpetbagger PA bastard I'm gonna... But I digress, yeah it's changed so much here and not for the betterment of the locals but for the transplants, be they native born or otherwise. Folks that ain't from here and having grown up here I hate to say it but "back on the day" just don't fucking get it. We did a lot of cool shit all over the county and beyond. Partied our assess off and grew up. Yeah, just like my kids say when they bitch about nothing to do, so did we and we had a lot less options. Then we called some friends, got some party materials, and headed out to any one of many cool hangout spots, built a fire, blasted some tunes and had fun. Different world.

I miss the different way of life.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Date: May 19, 2015 04:38PM

OHS Old Timer Wrote:
> I miss field parties and bonfires and sledding parties on land that is now
> covered in generic 6,500 sq. ft. McMansions.

IMHO, I like McMansions, most prominently in design. Sure, some of them are cookie-cutter, but they are really big and full of everything.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Northeast Transplant Idiot ()
Date: May 19, 2015 05:18PM

Northeast Liberal Transplant wrote:

"Your base, uncooth childhood/young adult memories are as hackneyed and jejune as a re-run of 'The Waltons'.

Thanks to the influence of my brother and sister northeast liberal transplants, Fairfax County is now a somewhat modern, sophisticated, and desirable place to live.

You’re welcome."

What a moron. He postures as an erudite bon vivant, then misspells "uncouth". Just another vulgar, rootless, miscreant carpetbagger.

welcome to Dixie. Don't stay long.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: 88802390809 ()
Date: May 19, 2015 05:23PM

I remember Appalachian Outfitters in Oakton, filled with honest to God hikers and folks who really knew their stuff. Those wood floors creaking and sagging and how they'd rent out tents and sleeping bags.

Hunter Hardware in Centreville. Those guys knew EVERYTHING and could tell you how to fix anything at all. If for some reason they were a least bit unsure they'd get on the phone and call a cousin or relative who was an honest to God plumber or electrician and ask him. All for a $4 part. Amazing service.

I dimly remember Partners II and the Hunters Lodge between Fairfax and Centreville. I remember my mother wrinkling her nose and getting all disgusted by them, which probably means they were pretty wild and a good time.

Payne's in Centreville was a massive disappointment. Reeked of smoke and had all the trappings of a good greasy spoon, but had really awful food. Man, was it ever bad. I ate there two or three times as a starving high school student and always came away shaking my head like "Really, that's what they're serving?!?" Not surprised at all when that place folded.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Burke Lake ()
Date: May 19, 2015 05:39PM

Remember when those retards set fire to Fort Hunt High School? December of 1978 if I am recalling correctly.

One of the guys that torched the place had a dad that was a U.S. Army General.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Fish and Chips ()
Date: May 19, 2015 06:10PM

I miss Arthur Treachers Fish and Chips. Here are the locations I remember:

RT 1 Alexandria near Beacon Hill
Rose Hill Shopping Center off of Franconia Road
Annandale near Backlick Road and RT 236
Fairfax Circle near Blake Lane

Any more in Fairfax County?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Starvin fuckin Marvins ()
Date: May 19, 2015 06:48PM

White people making a killer sub or pizza after doing ten bonghits from your Tokemaster Executive after drag racing the family car at the Grass Tracks off Edsal Rd, The was a tunnel under 395.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: NippleChuck ()
Date: May 19, 2015 07:20PM

+1000 Starvin Marvin's ruled!!!!


Edited to add

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2015 07:24PM by NippleChuck.
starvin Marvin's.jpg

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: I have lots of these ()
Date: May 19, 2015 07:35PM


Mister Donuts occupied the space where T-Mobile is in Fairfax City (Kamp Washington), behind the Penguin Feather.

Penguin Feather had signs in its parking lot saying, "Do not park in Mister Donuts parking lot, they will tow you."

Meanwhile, the neon sign for Mister Donuts was usually half out, so that, in bright lights, it would advertise "ster nuts".

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Hayfield Alum ()
Date: May 19, 2015 07:43PM

County cops who told you to just drive home slowly after getting pulled over for drunk driving--and being 17 yo! Happened on Telegraph Rd in 1979.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Renee from Lee ()
Date: May 19, 2015 09:38PM

I miss dirt roads that led to more dirt roads. Great fun to cruise down a long, dark dirt road and park with my high school boyfriend. I guess I was a cheap date cuz I loved the thrill of it all. We'd only get caught if you told friends of your secret parking spot. Started to change when more housing developments were going in and it seemed like they'd be a security guard living in a camper at site.

I miss birthday parties at Shakeys, buying toys at Juvenile Sales, going to Geno's and Burger Chef. All gone now

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Old Parker of dirt roads ()
Date: May 19, 2015 09:47PM

OK I'll go first, Used to four wheel in the woods behind Springfield Mall, and also about where the Kingstowne Giant is, and if that spot was taken my next spot was where the ToyS R Us is.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: kMFtc ()
Date: May 19, 2015 10:11PM

Ollie's Trolley, Jack In The Box, Burger King Cruising Nights, Loehmann's Plaza Cruising and hanging out, Street Racing, Tysons Pits, Hectors Pizza, Village House Ice Rink, Tysons Ice Rink, Geno's, RCA Dog and Johnson Auto Body in Merrifield, Junk Yard in Falls Church next to VA Concrete run by a really cool black guy, properties condemned and torn down before I-66 was built, Tysons was one level with the birds cages, small engine parts store near I-66 & Lee Highway, W Bell, hanging out in parking lots drinking beers and cops would not hassle you, no 267/Dulles Toll Road, riding the Carousel at Great Falls pre 1972.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Old Goat ()
Date: May 19, 2015 10:50PM

Plane rides with my mom and dad and my dad's best friend who was one of the owners of Washington VA Airport at Bailey's. Remember flying over the Sunset Drive-in while we were landing and they were playing Last Tango in Paris.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Cornholio ()
Date: May 19, 2015 10:52PM

Springfield Girl Wrote:
> I miss my lazy Saturday mornings...up kind of
> early, downstairs to the family room to watch THE
> only tv and try to catch Bob McAllister's
> Wonderama and then back to back cartoons like
> Looney Tunes, then Kroft Superstars, Wonder Twins
> Power Hour, culminating with Land of the Lost and
> finally (I think) Wonder Woman or Isis and Shazam!
> Then, fueled with bowls of Cap'n Crunch, it would
> be time to run outside and play in the woods and
> climb trees. Maybe ride my Schwin banana seat
> bike around the neighborhood and see who was
> around or put on my roller skates (red/white/blue
> with metal wheels and blue laces) and skate
> around.
> Around dinner, we'd play kickball in the court or
> kick the can. Take a break for dinner, then when
> it got dark, we'd play flashlight tag or light
> fireworks (everyone had a stash) or throw poppers.

Holy shit, that sounds like my childhood......

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: May 19, 2015 10:54PM

Renee from Lee Wrote:
> I miss dirt roads that led to more dirt roads.
> Great fun to cruise down a long, dark dirt road
> and park with my high school boyfriend. I guess I
> was a cheap date cuz I loved the thrill of it all.
> We'd only get caught if you told friends of your
> secret parking spot. Started to change when more
> housing developments were going in and it seemed
> like they'd be a security guard living in a camper
> at site.
> I miss birthday parties at Shakeys, buying toys at
> Juvenile Sales, going to Geno's and Burger Chef.
> All gone now

How many boyfriends and streets was that, did you say?

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Hungry for it ()
Date: May 20, 2015 03:26AM

OMG Burger Chef on Franconia road...loved it!!!

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: It's True ()
Date: May 20, 2015 07:20AM

Hayfield Alum Wrote:
> County cops who told you to just drive home slowly
> after getting pulled over for drunk driving--and
> being 17 yo! Happened on Telegraph Rd in 1979.

Ha! The only 2 times I've ever been pulled over and just given a warning were both after I'd been drinking. I admitted I'd had a couple and both times the officers said I seemed fine and sent me on my way without a ticket. of course this happened roughly 25 and 30 years ago.

The thing I miss most though is the trees. Every time I go somewhere I haven't been in a while there's less trees and more fucking ugly buildings, and with those new buildings more BMW driving douche bags.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: NipNotSignedIn ()
Date: May 20, 2015 07:27AM

kMFtc Wrote:
> Ollie's Trolley, Jack In The Box, Burger King
> Cruising Nights, Loehmann's Plaza Cruising and
> hanging out, Street Racing, Tysons Pits, Hectors
> Pizza, Village House Ice Rink, Tysons Ice Rink,
> Geno's, RCA Dog and Johnson Auto Body in
> Merrifield, Junk Yard in Falls Church next to VA
> Concrete run by a really cool black guy,
> properties condemned and torn down before I-66 was
> built, Tysons was one level with the birds cages,
> small engine parts store near I-66 & Lee Highway,
> W Bell, hanging out in parking lots drinking beers
> and cops would not hassle you, no 267/Dulles Toll
> Road, riding the Carousel at Great Falls pre 1972.

Yes to this.

Lawyers Road was a gravel road, no Reston, frams on Rt.7, # Chefs, Hot Shops, Alexandria Roller Rink, saw Led Zepplin there, Danny Gatton playing the D.C. circuit and roaming our neighborhood early on summer mornings and fishing in Mosby Woods pond.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: May 20, 2015 07:38AM

Timber Lake. I remember first going there with family in 66, last time was about 1982.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Gruntled ()
Date: May 20, 2015 11:41AM

Reading the responses reminded me of some other stuff I miss.

I miss Penn Daw Pizza -- cheap, generous with the cheese, and fast.

I miss the Variety Center (we always called it the "dime store") that used to be within walking distance (I think it may still exist, but moved out of my neighborhood over to Sherwood Hall).

I miss the High's store -- 7-11 just doesn't have the same variety of ice cream.

I miss the IGA grocery store at the bottom of the hill.

I am lucky that there is still an actual barber shop in my neighborhood, so that I don't have to go to a "hair stylist". Sending me to a hair stylist is like patching Microsoft Vista, or dousing a flaming pile of feces.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: XjLtw ()
Date: May 20, 2015 12:22PM

I miss the country roads and the people; who may still live here but are few and far between all the other faces in this exploding population of foreigners. And NO that doesn't make me a racist. Dumbasses.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: You're old, too. ()
Date: May 20, 2015 12:31PM

XjLtw Wrote:
> I miss the country roads and the people; who may
> still live here but are few and far between all
> the other faces in this exploding population of
> foreigners. And NO that doesn't make me a racist.
> Dumbasses.

It makes you a xenophobe: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin.

Oh, and old. You're old, too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: How old are you people? ()
Date: May 20, 2015 12:34PM

NipNotSignedIn Wrote:
> Lawyers Road was a gravel road

How old are you people?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: $$ Richy Rich $$ ()
Date: May 20, 2015 12:38PM

How old are you people? Wrote:
> NipNotSignedIn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lawyers Road was a gravel road
> How old are you people?

Real old - But we have money.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: When was Layers Rd. paved? 1950? ()
Date: May 20, 2015 12:40PM

$$ Richy Rich $$ Wrote:
> Real old - But we have money.

When was Layers Rd. paved? 1950?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: NipNotSignedIn ()
Date: May 20, 2015 02:20PM

In the early 70s Lawyers Rd. was gravel all the way to the Virginia Gentleman Distillery. Reston was in the process of being built and If memory serves the WO&D still ran and commuter trains used the track as well. Yes old enough to remember.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: NipNotSignedIn ()
Date: May 20, 2015 02:23PM

How old are you people? Wrote:
> NipNotSignedIn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lawyers Road was a gravel road
> How old are you people?

Kid I moved to the area in 1962. Mosby Woods was still being built only about half the houses were finished. 66 was just getting started and the beltway was 2 lanes in each direction and not yet complete. No Dulles airport either. Oh and no Metro DC still has street cars at the time.

When I went to 7th gread I was bussed from Mosby Woods to Luther Jackson as it was the first year of it's desegragation. Hows that for old?


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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: SayAgain ()
Date: May 20, 2015 02:59PM

Used to ride dirt bikes next to a paved Lawyers Road in 74 - 75. Recall gravel when they converted the one lane bridge to two lanes. I thought Sunset Hills Road terminated at the Virginia Gentleman Distillery. Then again, I went to Penguin Feathers, so I could be confused.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: LBSS 80 ()
Date: May 20, 2015 04:02PM

Drag racing on what would eventually become Burke Centre Parkway. Got my dad's 70 Olds Cutlass up to 110! Getting high during school in the smoking lounge.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Geezerville, Pop. = YOU ()
Date: May 20, 2015 04:20PM

NipNotSignedIn Wrote:
> When I went to 7th gread I was bussed from Mosby
> Woods to Luther Jackson as it was the first year
> of it's desegragation. Hows that for old?

That'd make you 61-63.

As long as you still have your health...

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: kaps ()
Date: May 20, 2015 04:25PM

Sunset Hills ended at the distillery...which was Reston Avenue. Reston Parkway wasn't built yet. When they started construction, they built a 'temporary road' from Reston Ave for construction crew to work on the new Parkway. The name stuck when they finished.

I remember driving in and out of Reston...West Ox Road, with the houses right on the road and one particular porch that seemed to stick out like you would hit it.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Bruins98 ()
Date: May 20, 2015 07:11PM

Bullfeathers (on King St. now O'Connell's), Hechingers (my first job), T.T. Reynolds (downtown Fairfax City), Roy Rogers, Lee-Jackson Day.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: NippleChuck ()
Date: May 20, 2015 07:30PM

I'm 59. Moved to the area in 62 when I was 7 yeas old. I've raised 2 families of kids here. Moved to Vienna in 73/74. The area has changes a lot. Yes Geezerville for sure :0)


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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: SPEAR CHUKR PHIL ()
Date: May 20, 2015 07:48PM

Bow hunting deer on the Lorton prison property.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: beltway pizza ()
Date: May 20, 2015 07:58PM

NippleChuck Wrote:
> ^^^
> +1000 Starvin Marvin's ruled!!!!
> Nip
> Edited to add

The same guys that owned Starvin Marvin also owned Hungry Herman over in College park. Both places had great food.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Rat Killer ()
Date: May 20, 2015 08:21PM

Old Goat Wrote:
> Plane rides with my mom and dad and my dad's best
> friend who was one of the owners of Washington VA
> Airport at Bailey's. Remember flying over the
> Sunset Drive-in while we were landing and they
> were playing Last Tango in Paris.

I worked at Sunset Drive in for a while in High School. Remember shooting rats there with a pellet gun.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Harry Palmer ()
Date: May 20, 2015 09:24PM

Bruins98 Wrote:
> Bullfeathers (on King St. now O'Connell's),
> Hechingers (my first job), T.T. Reynolds (downtown
> Fairfax City), Roy Rogers, Lee-Jackson Day.

I remember when T.T. Reynolds was the Wayne Feed Store(Purina)

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: vJvVh ()
Date: May 20, 2015 10:38PM

I remember when Tyson's Corner Center was THE mall - there was no need to distinguish between I and II. It was 1 floor until the late 80's (or around there) and the anchors were Hecht's and Woody's. It had a Post Office in the bottom and a shitty movie theater right next to it, and you could get your latest duds at Britches Great Outdoors. And there was a Hot Shoppes, but I cannot remember where it was. I think Britches was in the space the Telsa now has, or very close.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Mallory Keaton ()
Date: May 20, 2015 10:43PM

My favorite stores are all gone now!

Garfinkel's (modeled prom gowns there for in store fashion show)

Units (didn't last long - mix and match cotton tee shirt material clothes)

Susie's Casuals

Cedar Post (it's an attitude...Cedar Post)

5-7-9 Store (that was the name and the only sizes that store carried. Back in the 80s, those were small, teenager sizes. I couldn't wait to finally be a size 5 and be able to buy clothes there)

Gunne Sax - for Homecoming dresses

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: XjLtw A Gain ()
Date: May 20, 2015 11:15PM

You're old, too. Wrote:
> XjLtw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I miss the country roads and the people; who
> may
> > still live here but are few and far between all
> > the other faces in this exploding population of
> > foreigners. And NO that doesn't make me a
> racist.
> > Dumbasses.
> It makes you a xenophobe: one unduly fearful of
> what is foreign and especially of people of
> foreign origin.
> Oh, and old. You're old, too.

Good word but NO. I didn’t say I was afraid of anyone, I just miss understanding people. You know, like “having an understanding”. A way of life that is just understood without words. A culture. It’s not racist. I don’t fault anyone for wanting to be with “their people”. It’s a feeling of home. That’s what I miss. A feeling of being home in a community with an understanding.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Foreigners/transplants moved in ()
Date: May 21, 2015 11:29AM

XjLtw A Gain Wrote:
> I just miss understanding people. You
> know, like “having an understanding”. A way
> of life that is just understood without words. A
> culture..It’s a feeling of home. That’s what I miss.
> A feeling of being home in a community with an
> understanding.

I am not sure that I understand how/why you lost that feeling of community (or how/why it lost you) over the years. When the community of people around you started to change, foreigners & transplants moved in & the old guard left or died off, did you embrace the newcomers, learn about them, teach them about you? As the change continued & accelerated, did you further withdraw?

I think that having that sense of community, that feeling of home, is all about getting to know people, learing how they are similar to you and how they are different.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: from here ()
Date: May 21, 2015 11:49AM

Foreigners/transplants moved in Wrote:
> XjLtw A Gain Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I just miss understanding people. You
> > know, like “having an understanding”. A
> way
> > of life that is just understood without words.

> I think that having that sense of community, that
> feeling of home, is all about getting to know
> people, learing how they are similar to you and
> how they are different.

I think that's easy to say, but when your Neighbors suddenly become all foreign born - Asian, Russians, Hispanic, etc - and they pretty much don't assimilate at all culturally, it does feel like we lost something. Maybe their kids will assimilate well, but an big percentage of people are foreign born right now. Maybe in 20 or 30 years it will be different.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Can't assimilate alone ()
Date: May 21, 2015 12:30PM

from here Wrote:
> Foreigners/transplants moved in Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > XjLtw A Gain Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I just miss understanding people. You
> > > know, like “having an understanding”. A
> > way
> > > of life that is just understood without
> words.
> >
> > I think that having that sense of community,
> that
> > feeling of home, is all about getting to know
> > people, learing how they are similar to you and
> > how they are different.
> I think that's easy to say, but when your
> Neighbors suddenly become all foreign born -
> Asian, Russians, Hispanic, etc - and they pretty
> much don't assimilate at all culturally, it does
> feel like we lost something.

If the 'legacy' residents don't reach out to welcome their new foreign-born neighbors and teach them what’s what, how are they supposed to 'assimilate'? Through osmosis?

When your only response to newcomers to you town, street, or block, is 'tsk, tsk, tsk' and close the blinds, you've created your own loss.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Huey ()
Date: May 21, 2015 01:23PM

As long as those foreign-born neighbors refuse to learn to speak English, there is no way to reach out to them, not that they want that to begin with. They just want to create their own little foreign world right here. Example - Annandale.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: XjLtw A Gain and again ()
Date: May 21, 2015 01:41PM

Can't assimilate alone Wrote:
> from here Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Foreigners/transplants moved in Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > XjLtw A Gain Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > I just miss understanding people. You
> > > > know, like “having an understanding”.
> A
> > > way
> > > > of life that is just understood without
> > words.
> >
> > >
> > > I think that having that sense of community,
> > that
> > > feeling of home, is all about getting to know
> > > people, learing how they are similar to you
> and
> > > how they are different.
> >
> > I think that's easy to say, but when your
> > Neighbors suddenly become all foreign born -
> > Asian, Russians, Hispanic, etc - and they
> pretty
> > much don't assimilate at all culturally, it
> does
> > feel like we lost something.
> If the 'legacy' residents don't reach out to
> welcome their new foreign-born neighbors and teach
> them what’s what, how are they supposed to
> 'assimilate'? Through osmosis?
> When your only response to newcomers to you town,
> street, or block, is 'tsk, tsk, tsk' and close the
> blinds, you've created your own loss.

For the record, Americans have always been a welcoming people. You're here, aren't you? It's not a matter of being neighborly or helping foreigners assimilate to our culture. We have been inundated by foreigners of every kind. The area has been overtaken. It is not the same place and never will be again. So, you can stop pointing the finger at us. We've lost it. It isn't ours anymore. Find some other group to point your finger at for the way it is. Maybe yourself.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Reap what you sow. ()
Date: May 21, 2015 01:42PM

Huey Wrote:
> As long as those foreign-born neighbors refuse to
> learn to speak English, there is no way to reach
> out to them, not that they want that to begin
> with. They just want to create their own little
> foreign world right here. Example - Annandale.

How do you know that they "refuse to learn to speak English"? What makes you think that they don't already know how to speak English? Is it because you only hear them speak their native tongues?

It sounds as though there's an awful lot of judgment of the new neighbors going on and very little of it comes from interaction with them.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: YnhvL ()
Date: May 21, 2015 02:12PM

The issue is there's been too many foreigners coming into America too rapidly over the years .. which gives them less reason to assimulate b/c they move in with each other or next door to each other and build their own communities which are literally function with the culture of their country -- Yes annandale is the Korea Town on the East Coast .. it is a perfect example of this.

People here are not racist, they just miss American culture, traditions and values, which are hard to find now in any suburb of a major city.

I remember driving to Springfield Mall .. I was living in MD, then, but it seemed like I was going way out in the countryside to get there.

I miss lighting off M-80s as a 10 year old, the smell of gasoline from reving muscle cars fixed with those double barrel carburetors, leaving the house doors unlocked all day, hearing Don McLean's American Pie on the radio, the days when kids could be out all day by themselves until sunset and not having a care in the world.

When I retire I'll be moving out West, probably AZ. There are tons of white people and OLD American culture outside of Phoenix.
I visited there last year and had culture shock. I hadn't seen so many white people since the 70s.

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Re: Old timers, what do you miss most about "Old Fairfax County"?
Posted by: Whatever makes you happy. ()
Date: May 21, 2015 02:42PM

YnhvL Wrote:
> The issue is there's been too many foreigners
> coming into America too rapidly over the years ..
> which gives them less reason to assimulate b/c
> they move in with each other or next door to each
> other and build their own communities which are
> literally function with the culture of their
> country -- Yes annandale is the Korea Town on the
> East Coast .. it is a perfect example of this.

The immigrants who came through Ellis Island did the same thing. The Italians, Jews, Poles, Germans, etc. all lived in separate ethnic/cultural ghettos. How were they able to assimilate?

> People here are not racist, they just miss
> American culture, traditions and values, which are
> hard to find now in any suburb of a major city.
> I remember driving to Springfield Mall .. I was
> living in MD, then, but it seemed like I was going
> way out in the countryside to get there.
> I miss lighting off M-80s as a 10 year old

That's just plain dangerous. It was then and is now.

> I miss...the days when kids
> could be out all day by themselves until sunset
> and not having a care in the world.

Unfortunately, it is the information age that has killed off childhood freedom. There are not any more or greater dangers for children now than there were then. It's that parents are bombarded with stories about abductions and such that makes them absolutely paranoid to let their children out of their sight or some structured environment. It's very sad.

> When I retire I'll be moving out West, probably
> AZ. There are tons of white people and OLD
> American culture outside of Phoenix.
> I visited there last year and had culture shock.
> I hadn't seen so many white people since the 70s.

Lots and LOTS of Hispanic folks out that way, too, but whatever makes you happy.

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