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Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: Rot ()
Date: May 14, 2015 06:47PM

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: Wow... ()
Date: May 14, 2015 07:06PM

wow...reading this article it's absurd this dude was even on the streets...unreal

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: Wayne ()
Date: May 14, 2015 07:17PM

Right? And OUR streets...Why does southern trash (South America included!) seem to always migrate up here?

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: vbgxy ()
Date: May 14, 2015 07:18PM

So... This guy murders one man, attempts to murder two others, and as soon as he gets out of jail, he assaults his own Mom and Dad and violates probation... yet this woman lets him into her home? Around her three year old? Brilliant parenting move.

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: No Surprise ()
Date: May 15, 2015 07:59AM

It's called liberalism. Another dumbass naive libtard gets a visit from Reality. It's entertaining in a sick way.

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: L36mm ()
Date: May 15, 2015 08:24AM

I guess this is still under investigation ... any 3 year old "Falling and having a head injury" .. is suspect ..
Just where did the toddler climb that he fell so hard?

This is so sad. If it turns out this ex-con intentially hurt this toddler, well the lesson to his counselor who took him in would have been learned a little bit too late.

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: not again ()
Date: May 15, 2015 08:58AM

No Surprise Wrote:
> It's called liberalism. Another dumbass naive
> libtard gets a visit from Reality. It's
> entertaining in a sick way.

What is not a surprise is your medical condition. You are afflicted with severe confirmation bias along with a profound case of cranial-rectal inversion. Facts are of no use to you. You just make things up as you go along. You blame every one of your shortcomings on others. Get a job, if you can.

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: filthy wig wog savages ()
Date: May 15, 2015 09:06AM

Disgusting white trash, send them back on ships where they came from.

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: Gil ()
Date: May 15, 2015 09:06AM

He supposedly fell down a flight of stairs

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: Viscidi ()
Date: May 15, 2015 10:48AM

Gil Wrote:
> He supposedly fell down a flight of stairs

Mmmmm hmmmmm and the Viscidi brother "fell" and was buried in his Vienna backyard

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: Roger ()
Date: May 15, 2015 11:31AM

I forgot about the Viscidi kid getting killed and buried by his brother in the backyard in Vienna. I went to Oakton HS when this happened. Kids said some pretty mean stuff to the older brother who had nothing to do with his younger brother killing another of his brothers. Real sad stuff.

Viscidi Wrote:
> Gil Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He supposedly fell down a flight of stairs
> Mmmmm hmmmmm and the Viscidi brother "fell" and
> was buried in his Vienna backyard

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: UTFsHK ()
Date: May 15, 2015 02:27PM

vbgxy Wrote:
> So... This guy murders one man, attempts to murder
> two others, and as soon as he gets out of jail, he
> assaults his own Mom and Dad and violates
> probation... yet this woman lets him into her
> home? Around her three year old? Brilliant
> parenting move.

Even if this guy was not involved in this child's demise, who would want somebody like this living with them, let alone with them and their child/family? Is she crazy? Just the kind of person you want at your dinner table.

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: Nicole S ()
Date: May 15, 2015 08:58PM

Women with a death wish are often attracted to psychos, nigs, and other trash likely to kill or abuse them.

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: mememeyouyou ()
Date: May 15, 2015 10:57PM

Where in Vienna did this occur? I read northeast- what street?

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: Mr. T ()
Date: May 16, 2015 06:23AM

Why did she decide to mover here with that murderer?

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Re: Vienna boy left with convicted school shooter now dead
Posted by: Sharon and Gerry ()
Date: May 16, 2015 07:07AM

Mr. T Wrote:
> Why did she decide to mover here with that
> murderer?

They came for the freebies. Generous taxpayer-funded handouts always attract loser liberals to an area.

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